Environmental Conservation

(The TQCC of Environmental Conservation is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Recycled water reuse: what factors affect public acceptance?29
Re-conceptualizing the role(s) of science in biodiversity conservation24
Buy them out before they are built: evaluating the proactive acquisition of vacant land in flood-prone areas17
Not teaching what we practice: undergraduate conservation training at UK universities lacks interdisciplinarity17
Brazil’s Highway BR-319 demonstrates a crucial lack of environmental governance in Amazonia16
Corporate responsibility and biodiversity conservation: challenges and opportunities for companies participating in China’s Belt and Road Initiative16
Biodiversity revisited through systems thinking15
Is the Anthropause a useful symbol and metaphor for raising environmental awareness and promoting reform?13
Risk perception, trust and support for wildlife reintroduction and conservation13
Google Trends data reveal a sharp trend: teeth and claws attract more interest than feathers, hooves or fins12
The Brazilian Caatinga protected areas: an extremely unbalanced conservation system12
Engaging women brings conservation benefits to snow leopard landscapes11
Understanding community perceptions of a natural open space system for urban conservation and stewardship in a metropolitan city in Africa11
From social networks to bird enthusiasts: reporting interactions between plastic waste and birds in Peru10
The first acts of Brazil’s new president: Lula’s new Amazon institutionality10
Connecting protected areas in the Iberian peninsula to facilitate climate change tracking10
Governments commit to forest restoration, but what does it take to restore forests?10
Urbanization impacts water quality and the use of microhabitats by fish in subtropical agricultural streams10
Hunting sustainability within two eastern Amazon Extractive Reserves9
Human-carnivore coexistence: factors influencing stakeholder attitudes towards large carnivores and conservation in Zimbabwe9
Invasive species policy in Brazil: a review and critical analysis7
On the effectiveness of public awareness campaigns for the management of invasive species7
A scoping review of environmental governance challenges in southern Africa from 2010 to 20207
Mountain freshwater ecosystems and protected areas in the tropical Andes: insights and gaps for climate change adaptation6
From wildlife-ism to ecosystem-service-ism to a broader environmentalism6
Impact of individual protected areas on deforestation and carbon emissions in Acre, Brazil6
Integrating burrowing crayfish and waterfowl conservation management on moist-soil wetlands6
Jaguars and wild pigs indicate protected area connectivity in the south-east Atlantic Forest (Brazil)6
Elephant ivory, rhino horn, pangolin and helmeted hornbill products for sale at the Myanmar–Thailand–China border6
Engaging with the science and politics of biodiversity futures: a literature review6
Differential responses of Kashmir Himalayan threatened medicinal plants to anticipated climate change6
Landscape heterogeneity: concepts, quantification, challenges and future perspectives5
Climate-driven animal mass mortality events: is there a role for scavengers?5
Serra do Divisor National Park: a protected area under threat in the south-western Brazilian Amazon5
Deforestation risk in the Peruvian Amazon basin5
Complex spatiotemporal changes in land-use and ecosystem services in the Jeju Island UNESCO heritage and biosphere site (Republic of Korea)5
Potential range shifts and climatic refugia of rupicolous reptiles in a biodiversity hotspot of South Africa5
Shifting values and the fate of sacred forests in Guinea-Bissau: are community-managed forests the answer?5
Impact of soil and water conservation measures on farm productivity and income in the semi-arid tropics of Bundelkhand, central India5
Brazil: environment under attack5