Bioremediation Journal

(The TQCC of Bioremediation Journal is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A 2,2-dichloropropionic acid-degrading novel Pseudomonas fluorescence strain fatsa001: isolation, identification, and characterization24
Degradative impact of Alternaria multiformis on novel polymeric biocomposites with the fillers of industrial waste materials under different pH and temperature condition18
Retrieving sulfur in thiosulfate bio-oxidation: indigenous consortium vs. its dominant isolate Ochrobactrum sp.15
Effect of biosurfactant on thiocyanate degradation by automobile service station soil isolates Brachybacterium sp. and Bacillus albus15
Metal extraction capacities of the two halophytes Sesuvium portulacastrum and Suaeda australis from New Caledonian estuaries contaminated 13
Optimizing rapid pentachlorophenol biodegradation using response surface methodology13
Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from an aged contaminated agricultural soil using degrading bacteria and soil amendments12
Assessment of ibuprofen toxicity and removal potential of Chlorella vulgaris12
Bioremediation of complex contaminated Yamuna River India by using selected cyanobacteria12
Phyto-management potential of naturally thriving plants on the metal contaminated overburden dump of coal mines: a study from Jharkhand, India11
Wastewater treatment using a microalgae consortium mainly composed of chlorella, in Mexico11
Empty fruit bunch hydrochars to adsorb malachite green from water - equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic10
A comprehensive review on sustainable removal of micropollutants in wastewater by micro-biotechnological approaches with special reference to microbial associated nanoparticles10
In-silico investigation of the efficiency of microbial dioxygenases in degradation of sulfonylurea group herbicides9
Bioremediation of real-field slaughterhouse wastewater associated with power generation in algae-photosynthetic microbial fuel cell9
Performance assessment and characterization of the biosorption of the azo dye reactive Red 2 on thermally inactivated biomass of Trichoderma reesei8
Biodegradation of chlorpyrifos by bacterial strains isolated from Lebanese soil and its association with plant growth improvement8
Phytochemical effects of Apium graveolens on the abundances of functional genes associated with PAH degradation in soil8
Degradation of polypropylene-poly-L-lactide blends by Bacillus isolates: a microcosm and field evaluation8
Simultaneous bioremediation of heavy metals and biodegradation of hydrocarbons by metal resistantBrevibacillus parabrevisOZF5 improves plant growth promotion7
Modeling and biosorption potential of Aspergillus heteromorphus for treatment of lead contaminated wastewater7
Insights into the catalytic mechanism of ligninolytic peroxidase and laccase in lignin degradation7
Biosorption of Pb (II) by extracellular polymeric substance of Lysinibacillus sp. SS1: optimization, kinetics, and isotherms7
Mechanistic approach on comparative biosorption of dyes by extracellular polymer of Ochrobactrum pseudintermedium C1 utilizing waste mineral lubricating oil6
A novel basydiomycete isolated from mangrove swamps in the Colombian Caribbean shows promise in dye bioremediation6
Dark septate endophyte inoculation improved Pb phytoremediation of Jatropha curcas and Reutealis trisperma on gold mine tailings6
Biosorption of heavy metal ions using a wood-rot fungus Schizophyllum commune6
Naturally-occurring microbial consortia for the potential bioremediation of hydrocarbon-polluted sites in Trinidad6
Beneficial rhizospheric associated traits of chromate resistant bacteria for remediation of Cr (VI) contaminated soil5
Enhanced anaerobic digestion of food waste by the addition of cobalt iron oxide5
Synthesis of nZVI/PVP nanoparticles for bioremediation applications5
Hexavalent chromium bioremediation with insight into molecular aspect: an overview4
The potential of White Rot fungi from Indonesia for biodegradation of expanded polystyrene4
Feasibility study of a co-culture system for PET-degrading bacteria to increase biodegradation performance4
Biochar amendment aids in the reduction of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and heavy metals during composting of poultry litter4
Endophytic Serratia sp. PW7 shifts bacterial endophytes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to reduce pyrene contamination4
Bioremediation strategies and mechanisms of bacteria for resistance against heavy metals: a review4
Optimizing malathion biodegradation by Bacillus cereus via a design of experiment framework3
Metallophores as promising chelates for heavy metals removal from polluted water3
Removal of alkalinity and metal toxicity from incinerated biomedical waste ash by using Bacillus halodurans3
Isolation and characterization of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria from urban soil3
Microbial bioremediation: unraveling the potential for cleaner environments through comparative analysis3
Effect of fertilization on the stability of zinc immobilized through the microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation3
Fixed bed mycofilter column optimization and performance evaluation through the removal of a food coloring agent from an aqueous solution3
Dictyota bartayresiana a sustainable biosorbent for the decolorization of reactive blue 19 – optimization, equilibrium, desorption and toxicological studies3
Assessment of the efficacy of Azolla pinnata in improving textile dye wastewater quality at varying concentrations3
Investigating the optimum conditions for azo dye (methyl orange and methyl red) decolorization from aqueous solution using oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus ostreatus ): a myc3