Geocarto International

(The TQCC of Geocarto International is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Using the Google Earth Engine cloud-computing platform to assess the long-term spatial temporal dynamics of land use and land cover within the Letaba watershed, South Africa148
Multilayer perceptron and Markov Chain analysis based hybrid-approach for predicting land use land cover change dynamics with Sentinel-2 imagery86
Evaluation of four gridded climate products for streamflow and drought simulations in the Kelantan River Basin, Malaysia69
Utility of texture combinations computed from fused WorldView-2 imagery in discriminating commercial forest species67
Evaluation of different machine learning algorithms for pearl millet discrimination using multi-sensor SAR data64
A hybrid random forests and artificial neural networks bagging ensemble for landslide susceptibility modelling58
Detection of alteration zones using the Dirichlet process Stick-Breaking model-based clustering algorithm to hyperion data: the case study of Kuh-Panj porphyry copper deposits, Southern Iran58
Spatial prediction of soil properties through hybridized random forest model and combination of reflectance spectroscopy and environmental covariates57
Threats of soil erosion under CMIP6 SSPs scenarios: an integrated data mining techniques and geospatial approaches54
A review of ganoderma Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease detection and mapping using geospatial and advanced techniques48
Empirical study on comparative analysis of dynamic degree differences of land use based on the optimization model47
Flash-flood propagation susceptibility estimation using weights of evidence and their novel ensembles with multicriteria decision making and machine learning46
Determining the Moho interface using a modified algorithm based on the combination of the spatial and frequency domain techniques: a case study from the Arabian Shield45
Testing Sentinel-2 spectral configurations for estimating relevant crop biophysical and biochemical parameters for precision agriculture using tree-based and kernel-based algorithms43
Structural and mineral exploration study at the transition zone between the North and the Central Eastern Desert, Egypt, using airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric data40
Mapping high marsh and salt pannes/flats along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast40
Aeromagnetic data interpretation of the northern Kontum massif (Vietnam) for mapping subsurface structures38
Accuracy and validity assessment of application algorithms in land use allocation into comparison LP, SA, MOLA and MDCHOICE37
Comparative framework for spatially explicit urban growth modeling for monitoring urban land-use efficiency and sustainable urban development (SDG 11.3.1): a study on Kolkata metropolitan area, India35
Channel instability and hydrogeomorphic adjustment in alluvial reach of Kangsabati River, India using Digital Shoreline Analysis System and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler35
Delineation and classification of rural-urban fringe using analytical hierarchy process: a case study on a class-I city of West Bengal, India35
Extraction of crop information through the spatiotemporal fusion of OLI and MODIS images34
Appraisal of seagrass aboveground biomass changes using satellite data within the tropical coastline of Peninsular Malaysia34
Study of air contamination in Iraq using remotely sensed Data and GIS31
Geostatistical, deterministic and interpolation with barriers methods—a comparative analysis for interpolating soil NPK31
Mangrove cover change (2005–2019) in the Northern of Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia30
A GIS framework for the application of the land degradation neutrality concept in Mediterranean landscapes30
Developing a new method for future groundwater potentiality mapping under climate change in Bisha watershed, Saudi Arabia30
Assessing spatio-temporal dynamics of large airport’s surface stability30
Application of remotely sensed sea surface temperature for assessment of recurrent coral bleaching (2014–2019) impact on a marginal coral ecosystem30
Surface subsidence monitoring with an improved distributed scatterer interferometric SAR time series method in a filling mining area29
Manifestation of topography and climate variations on long-term glacier changes in the Alaknanda Basin of Central Himalaya, India29
Improved folded-PCA for efficient remote sensing hyperspectral image classification29
Evapotranspiration mapping of cotton fields in Brazil: comparison between SEBAL and FAO-56 method28
Remote sensing change detection: a comparative study of spectral distances28
Spatio-temporal air quality assessment in Tehran, Iran, during the COVID-19 lockdown periods28
Spatial scale effect of Sentinel-2, Landsat OLI, and MODIS imagery in the assessment of landscape condition of Zagros mountains27
Advances in satellite remote sensing of the wetland ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa26
1D and 2D model coupling approach for the development of operational spatial flood early warning system26
Landscape pattern and climate dynamics effects on ecohydrology and implications for runoff management: case of a dry Afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia26
Multidecadal evaluation of changes in coffee-growing areas using Landsat data in Central Highlands, Vietnam26
Flash flood vulnerability assessment of roads in China based on support vector machine25
Consecutive DInSAR and well based on the law of material conservation between land surface pressure and ground water to observe land subsidence25
Detecting seasonal and trend components in PS-InSAR displacement time series25
Three-dimensional visualization of thermal environments in urban canyons24
Accurate deformation analysis based on point position uncertainty estimation and adaptive projection point cloud comparison24
Assessment of Gini-, entropy- and ratio-based classification trees for groundwater potential modelling and prediction24
Predictions of land use/land cover change, drivers, and their implications on water availability for irrigation in the Vea catchment, Ghana24
Modeling rainfall-runoff estimation and assessing water harvesting zone for irrigation practices in Keleta watershed, Awash river basin, Ethiopia24
Intensity and spatiotemporal variations of drought in Tumakuru district, India using drought indices23
Flood mapping from proxy surface water and ocean topography (SWOT) satellite mission data over India23
A dual-branch multi-feature deep fusion network framework for hyperspectral image classification23
Street mapping, object detection and traffic load assessment from SVIs and field data using YOLOv3, machine learning and GIS23
Mapping the invasive palm species Arenga obtusifolia using multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) and PRISMA hyperspectral data in Ujung Kulon National Par23
Machine learning with a susceptibility index-based sampling strategy for landslide susceptibility assessment22
A novel SLC to GEO image generation approach and automatic control points conversion from GEO to SLC domain for SAR data quality evaluation and analysis22
A research on the effect of geostatistical texture analysis on image classification accuracy22
A fast serial computation approach for computing viewshed of a region by detecting key spots on the terrain22
Development of chlorophyll-a concentration estimation algorithm for turbid productive inland waters in India21
Point and pixel inclusive machine learning models for exploring gully erosion susceptibility21
A method for stitching remote sensing images with Delaunay triangle feature constraints21
Urban land use land cover classification based on GF-6 satellite imagery and multi-feature optimization21
Multi-criteria land suitability spatial model (MLSM) for expanding sustainable aquaculture based on resource characteristics and policies21
An automated and optimized geo-computation approach for spatial fire risk modelling using geo-web service orchestration20
Research on land use pattern change and its influencing factors based on the coupling model: evidence from Zhongshan, China20
Improved minimum volume simplex analysis algorithm for unmixing of hyperspectral data20
Extraction of multiple cropping information at the Sub-pixel scale based on phenology and MODIS NDVI time-series: a case study in Henan Province, China20
Spatially varying WIndow based maximum likelihood feature tracking (SWIFT) method for glacier surface velocity estimations20
Detection and analysis of drought over Turkey with remote sensing and model-based drought indices19
Evaluation of alteration zones around Parmagasu copper indication, Kuh Zar, Damghan, Iran, using ASTER satellite data19
An unmixing-based spatial downscaling fusion approach for the MODIS evapotranspiration product19
Measuring and analysing urban growth pattern using spatial metrics in Bengaluru, India19
Spatial and temporal trends of urban green spaces: an assessment using hyper-temporal NDVI datasets19
Synergy of optical and synthetic aperture radar data for early-stage crop yield estimation: a case study over a state of Germany19
Osdes_net: oil spill detection based on efficient_shuffle network using synthetic aperture radar imagery19
Glacier elevation change during two periods in the Lenglongling mountains derived from bistatic SAR interferometry18
Spatial-temporal behaviour of hikers in the southeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: insights from volunteered geographic information18
A multi-scale classification method for rocky desertification mapping in the red-bed area of northwestern, Jiangxi, China18
A landscape metrics-based sample weighting approach for forecasting land cover change with deep learning models18
Haze correction of hyperspectral imagery over inland waters18
Recognizing our editorial colleagues M Duane Nellis and Prashant Srivastava18
Eco-geological environment quality assessment in a mining city: a case study of Jiangxia District, Wuhan City17
Intensifying the spatial resolution of 3D thermal models from aerial imagery using deep learning-based image super-resolution17
Spatial-temporal dynamics of transboundary forest disturbance-recovery and its influencing factors in the central Himalayas17
The impact of earth fissures on flood hazard extent for the Northern part of the Qaa’Jahran Basin, Dhamar, Yemen17
Impact of illumination gradients on the raw, atmospherically and topographically corrected snow and vegetation areas of Jhelum basin, Western Himalayas17
Bayesian logistic regression analysis for spatial patterns of inter-seasonal drought persistence17
Evaluating the performance of bias-corrected IMERG satellite rainfall estimates for hydrological simulation over the Upper Bhima River basin, India17
Point-of-interest recommendation in location-based social networks based on collaborative filtering and spatial kernel weighting17
Proposing novel ensemble approach of particle swarm optimized and machine learning algorithms for drought vulnerability mapping in Jharkhand, India16
Mapping of fracture zones and structural lineaments of the Gulf of Guinea passive margins using marine gravity data from CryoSat-2 and Jason-1 satellites16
High resolution morphometric studies with special reference to hydrological setup of Khapri watershed, Dangs district, Gujarat, Western India16
Multispectral indices and individual-tree level attributes explain forest productivity in a pine clonal orchard of Northern Mexico16
Compiling a high-resolution country-level ecosystem map to support environmental policy: methodological challenges and solutions from Hungary16
ArcWaT: a model-based cell-by-cell GIS toolbox for estimating wave transformation during storm surge events16
Enhanced classification and regression tree (CART) by genetic algorithm (GA) and grid search (GS) for flood susceptibility mapping and assessment16
Flood hazard mapping using GIS-based statistical model in vulnerable riparian regions of sub-tropical environment16
Land surface thermal alteration and pattern simulation based on influencing factors of rural landscape16
Prediction of land use land cover changes of a river basin using the CA-Markov model15
Mission to earth: LANDSAT 9 will continue to view the world15
Multiple regression analysis for predicting few water quality parameters at unmonitored sub-watershed outlets in the St. Joseph River basin, USA15
Short-term temporal and spatial analysis for post-fire vegetation regrowth characterization and mapping in a Mediterranean ecosystem using optical and SAR image time-series15
A review of fusion framework using optical sensors and Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery to detect and map land degradation and sustainable land management in the semi-arid regions15
Graph neural network method for the intelligent selection of river system15
Appraisal of dual polarimetric radar vegetation index in first order microwave scattering algorithm using sentinel – 1A (C - band) and ALOS - 2 (L - band) SAR data15
A new four-stage approach based on normalized vegetation indices for detecting and mapping sugarcane hail damage using multispectral remotely sensed data15
Predicting landslide susceptibility based on decision tree machine learning models under climate and land use changes15
Flash flood susceptibility mapping in urban area using genetic algorithm and ensemble method15
Prospective analysis of spatial heterogeneity influence on the concordance of remote sensing drought indices: a case of semi-arid agrosystems in Morocco (Moulouya and Tensift watersheds)15
GIS-based seismic vulnerability mapping: a comparison of artificial neural networks hybrid models15
SM2RAIN-ASCAT satellite-based spatiotemporal drought monitoring using multiscale WT-VMD-ENERGY method15
Land subsidence susceptibility assessment using advanced artificial intelligence models15
Analyzing sensitivity of flood susceptible model in a flood plain river basin14
Hydrothermal alteration mapping using ASTER data, Takab-Baneh area, NW Iran: a key for further exploration of polymetal deposits14
Assessment of the hydrological and erosive status of South Andaman’s watersheds using drainage morphometric studies and climatic water balance model14
Sub-watershed prioritization for soil erosion potentiality estimation in tenughat catchment, India14
The importance of investigating causative factors and training data selection for accurate landslide susceptibility assessment: the case of Ain Lahcen commune (Tetouan, Northern Morocco)14
Assessment of radarsat-1, ALOS PALSAR and sentinel-1 SAR satellite images for geological lineament mapping14
Flood inundation modeling using HEC-RAS: the case of downstream Gumara river, Lake Tana sub basin, Ethiopia14
Developing a building information modelling approach for 3D urban land administration in Iran: a case study in the city of Tehran14
Ecosystem services value assessment and forecasting using integrated machine learning algorithm and CA-Markov model: an empirical investigation of an Asian megacity14
A comparative assessment of the statistical methods based on urban population density estimation14
Dynamics of human presence and flood-exposure risk in close proximity to Bangladesh’s river network: an evaluation with multitemporal satellite imagery14
Modeling net primary productivity of wetland with a satellite-based light use efficiency model14
An improved wavelet denoising algorithm for SAR interferogram using fast non-local means filtering13
Field based index of land suitability (ILS): a new approach for rainfed paddy crop production in groundwater scarce region13
Assessing spatiotemporal variation in drought characteristics and their dependence on timescales over Vidarbha Region, India13
Improving long-term impervious surface percentage mapping in mountainous areas based on multi-source remote sensing data13
Vegetation activity enhanced in India during the COVID-19 lockdowns: evidence from satellite data13
Remote Sensing and GIS based Soil Loss Estimation for Bhutan, using RUSLE model13
Toward the automatic detection of effective gerbil holes in desert grasslands through unmanned aerial vehicle imagery13
Assessment of soil erosion and its driving factors in the Huaihe region using the InVEST-SDR model13
Simulation of land use/land cover change at a basin scale using satellite data and markov chain model13
Modelling the future vulnerability of urban green space for priority-based management and green prosperity strategy planning in Kolkata, India: a PSR-based analysis using AHP-FCE and ANN-Markov model13
Flash-flood susceptibility mapping based on XGBoost, random forest and boosted regression trees12
Furthering the precision of RUSLE soil erosion with PSInSAR data: an innovative model12
Spatio-temporal analysis and simulation of land cover changes and their impacts on land surface temperature in urban agglomeration of Bisha Watershed, Saudi Arabia12
Mapping and assessment wetland ecological risk: a case on a peri-urban wetland of lower Gangatic plain, Eastern India12
Integrated SAR simulation to categorize the stressed and salt-tolerant crops using Sentinel-1 data12
Assessment of urban growth in relation to urban sprawl using landscape metrics and Shannon’s entropy model in Jalpaiguri urban agglomeration, West Bengal, India12
Spatial-Land use planning system data model proposal for edition II of LADM12
Object-based machine learning approach for soybean mapping using temporal sentinel-1/sentinel-2 data12
PS-InSAR based validated landslide susceptibility modelling: a case study of Ghizer valley, Northern Pakistan12
A novel hybrid approach using SVM and spectral indices for enhanced land use land cover mapping of coastal urban plains12
A comparative study on the applicability and effectiveness of NSVI and NDVI for estimating fractional vegetation cover based on multi-source remote sensing image12
The impact of landscape heterogeneity on the dynamic urban growth simulation based on cellular automata model: the case of Wuhan metropolitan area, Central China12
Fusion of time-series optical and SAR images using 3D convolutional neural networks for crop classification12
Accuracy assessment of reanalysis datasets for GPS-PWV estimation using Indian IGS stations observations12
Introducing Theil-Sen estimator for sun glint correction of UAV data for coral mapping12
Assigning resistivity values to rock quality designation indices using integrated unmanned aerial vehicle and 2D electrical resistivity tomography in granitic rock11
Hyperspectral estimation of mercury content of soil in Oasis city in arid zones of China11
Source identification and ambient trace element concentrations of PM10 using receptor modeling in an urban area of Chhattisgarh, India11
Improving Water Quality Index prediction for water resources management plans in Malaysia: application of machine learning techniques11
Spatiotemporal VGI contributor reputation system based on implicit evaluation relations11
Estimation of shrubland aboveground biomass of the desert steppe from optical and C-band SAR data11
Challenges and limitations of earthquake-induced building damage mapping techniques using remote sensing images-A systematic review11
Monitoring and assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface water of selected rivers11
Land cover classification using Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) data and open source Eo-Learn library11
An interpretable model for the susceptibility of rainfall-induced shallow landslides based on SHAP and XGBoost11
An axis-matching approach to combined collinear pattern recognition for urban building groups11
Combining both spectral and textural indices for alleviating saturation problem in forest LAI estimation using Sentinel-2 data11
Consistency assessment of multi-date PlanetScope imagery for seagrass percent cover mapping in different seagrass meadows11
Predicting the current and future distributions of major food crop designated geographical indications (GIs) in China under climate change11
Improving object-oriented land use/cover classification from high resolution imagery by spectral similarity-based post-classification11
Multi-information PointNet++ fusion method for DEM construction from airborne LiDAR data11
Spatial distribution of heavy metal and risk indices of water and sediments in the Kunhar River and its tributaries11
Digital surface model generation from high-resolution satellite stereo imagery based on structural similarity11
Geomorphometric analysis of nearshore sedimentary bedforms from high-resolution multi-temporal satellite-derived bathymetry11
COVID-19 slowdown induced improvement in air quality in India: rapid assessment using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI data11
Potential risks assessment of heavy metal(loid)s contaminated vegetables in Pakistan: a review11
Integration of statistical models and ensemble machine learning algorithms (MLAs) for developing the novel hybrid groundwater potentiality models: a case study of semi-arid watershed in Saudi Arabia11
Solid waste mapping based on very high resolution remote sensing imagery and a novel deep learning approach11
Quantifying influence of rainfall events on outdoor thermal comfort in subtropical dense urban areas10
Dynamic monitoring and analysis of factors influencing ecological quality in rapidly urbanizing areas based on the Google Earth Engine10
Dynamic flood risk prediction in Houston: a multi-model machine learning approach10
Agroecology-based analysis of meteorological and agricultural drought using time series remote sensing data in the upper Gelana watershed, Ethiopia10
A regional-level spatiotemporal perspective of land use and land cover change impact on forest aboveground biomass in three gorges reservoir region, China10
Quantification of surface water extent and volume in the Inner Niger Delta (IND) over 2000–2022 using multispectral imagery and radar altimetry10
City-scale high-resolution flood models and the role of topographic data: a case study of Kathmandu, Nepal10
Study on the response of ecological sensitivity to land use and land cover changes in Jinzhai, China10
Interferometric phase diagram generation method based on dot trace texture information and semantic segmentation of correlation coefficients10
Estimation of aboveground biomass from spectral and textural characteristics of paddy crop using UAV-multispectral images and machine learning techniques10
Enhancement of the balanced total horizontal derivative of gravity data using the power law approach10
A comparative analysis of multi-index overlay and fuzzy ordered weighted averaging methods for porphyry Cu prospectivity mapping using remote sensing data: the case study of Chahargonbad area, SE of I10
Inferring coastal slope of sandy beaches from remote sensing imagery and tidal level data10
Comparison of informative modelling and machine learning methods in landslide vulnerability evaluation – a case study of Wenchuan County, China10
Ground vehicle gravimetry system based on SINS and two-dimensional LDV integration: error analysis and verification10
Mapping plant functional types through phenological insights: a novel approach10
Utilising RGB drone imagery and vegetation indices for accurate above-ground biomass estimation: a case study of the cradle nature reserve, Gauteng Province, South Africa10
TDSCCNet: twin-depthwise separable convolution connect network for change detection with heterogeneous images10
Enhancing landslide susceptibility modelling through a novel non-landslide sampling method and ensemble learning technique10
Optimizing Sentinel-2 feature space for improved crop biophysical and biochemical variables retrieval using the novel spectral triad feature selection algorithm10
Extraction of Hani terraces based on Sentinel-2 and GF-2 images in Honghe prefecture, Yunnan province10
Simulating inter-city population flows based on graph neural networks10
Results of high-resolution technologies applied in the acquisition of seafloor information in the Colombian Caribbean Sea10
Urban land surface temperature forecasting: a data-driven approach using regression and neural network models9
Incorporating landscape ecological approach in machine learning classification for agricultural land-use mapping based on a single date imagery9
Consideration of spatial heterogeneity in landslide susceptibility mapping using geographical random forest model9
Integrating dual evaluation and FLUS model for land use simulation and urban growth boundary delineation in production-living-ecology spaces: a case study of Central Harbin, China9
Mapping seagrass meadows in coastal China using GEE9
Progress of nighttime light applications within the google earth engine cloud platform9
Effect of satellite altimetry sampling error in estimating reservoir storage and outflow9
Annual assessment on the relationship between land surface temperature and six remote sensing indices using landsat data from 1988 to 20199
An urban-rural Fringe extraction method based on Combined Urban-rural Fringe Index (CUFI)9
Raster-based method for building selection in the multi-scale representation of two-dimensional maps9
Probabilistic analysis of landslide hazard: considering the dependence between hazard components9
An optimization method of multiscale storage tank target detection introducing an attention mechanism9
Mineral prospectivity mapping: a potential technique for sustainable mineral exploration and mining activities – a case study using the copper deposits of the Tagmout basin, Morocco9
A comparative assessment of multi-criteria decision analysis for flood susceptibility modelling9
Evaluation of soil erosion in Northern Algeria watershed using SWAT and RUSLE models9
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration using TDTM model and MODIS derived variables9
Extending INSPIRE to accommodate urban drone logistics9
Dynamic monitoring of surface water areas of nine plateau lakes in Yunnan Province using long time-series Landsat imagery based on the Google Earth Engine platform9
Improved mapping of highland bamboo forests using Sentinel-2 time series and machine learning in Google Earth Engine9
Deep learning based short-range forecasting of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using earth observation and ground station datasets9
Model based prioritization of urban space for the development of municipal services in Chandernagore Municipal Corporation (CMC), India9
PCA-based classification using airborne hyperspectral radiance data, a case study: Mount Horshan Mediterranean forest9
Characterization of landuse and landcover dynamics and their impact on runoff generation patterns in dam catchments of Northern Ghana9
A novel deep learning model for extracting arable land from high-resolution remote sensing images in hilly areas: a case study in the Sichuan Basin of Southwest China9
Current and future projections of flood risk dynamics under seasonal precipitation regimes in the Hyrcanian Forest region9
AGIM-net based subject-sensitive hashing algorithm for integrity authentication of HRRS images9
SfM-MVS and GIS analysis of shoreline changes in a coastal wetland, Parque Costero del Sur biosphere reserve, Argentina9
Estimation of surface temperature lapse rate over the Uttarakhand region using 107 station data and MODIS-LST data9
Expansion of glacial lakes on Nelson and King George Islands, Maritime Antarctica, from 1986 to 20209
Semi-automated mapping of glacial lakes – a study in Sikkim Himalayas, India9
Spectral analysis of the phenological stages of Lupinus mutabilis through spectroradiometry and unmanned aerial vehicle imaging with different physical disinfection pretreatments of seeds9
Predicting spatial distribution of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in a typical human impacted area9
Dynamic monitoring of desertification in response to climatic factors: a case study from the Gelintan Oasis on the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert, China9
A geospatial assessment of bio-thermal influence around Çatalagzı power plant region9
Modelling malaria vulnerability hotspot by using geospatial techniques: the case of Kindo Koysha Woreda, Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia9
Geospatial modelling of overlapping habitats for identification of tiger corridor networks in the Terai Arc landscape of India8
Multiple crop yield estimation and forecasting using MERRA-2 model, satellite-gauge and MODIS satellite data by time series and regression modelling approach8
Scenarios of future land use/land cover changes: impacts on cropland use in Šiauliai region (Lithuania)8
Impact of land transformation processes in Eastern China on the long-term development of land surface temperatures8
Sentinel-1 observation for shoreline delineation applied to Mexico’s Coast8
A comparative study on the peak detection methods used to interpret potential field data: a case study from Vietnam8
Classification of urban tree species using LiDAR data and WorldView-2 satellite imagery in a heterogeneous environment8
Geomorphological transformations and future deformation estimations of a large potential landslide in the high-order position area of Diexi, China8
Climate change impact on Lake Tana water storage, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia8
Landslide susceptibility mapping with feature fusion transformer and machine learning classifiers incorporating displacement velocity along Karakoram highway8
Proximal sensing approach for soil characterization and discrimination: a case of study in Brazil8
An intrinsic vulnerability approach to assess an overburden alluvial aquifer exposure to sinkhole-prone area; results from a Central Iran case study8
Integrating object-based image analysis and geographic information systems for waterbodies delineation on synthetic aperture radar data8
A hyperspectral R based leaf area index estimator: model development and implementation using AVIRIS-NG8
A method for measuring geometric information content of area cartographic objects based on discrepancy degree of shape points8
Assessment of wetland health dynamics: Comparing fuzzy- AHP and composite indexing methods in an urban agglomeration in east India8
New independent component-based spectral index for precise extraction of impervious surfaces through Landsat-8 images8
Novel ensemble machine learning models in flood susceptibility mapping8
Inversion of the hybrid machine learning model to estimate leaf area index of winter wheat from GaoFen-6 WFV imagery8