Journal of Industrial Ecology

(The TQCC of Journal of Industrial Ecology is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Sustainability transitions require an understanding of smaller cities409
Life cycle assessment of in‐person, virtual, and hybrid academic conferences: New evidence and perspectives99
Mapping the global mass flow of seaweed: Cultivation to industry application94
Biodiversity impact assessment for finance90
From silicon shield to carbon lock‐in? The environmental footprint of electronic components manufacturing in Taiwan (2015–2020)68
Machine‐learning‐based demand forecasting against food waste: Life cycle environmental impacts and benefits of a bakery case study65
Shifting wood between material and energy use: Modeling the effects of substitution57
Life cycle assessment on the reuse and recycling of the nickel‐metal hydride battery: Fleet‐based study on hybrid vehicle batteries from Japan47
Material flows and embodied energy of direct air capture: A cradle‐to‐gate inventory of selected technologies47
From carbon neutral to climate neutral: Dynamic life cycle assessment for wood‐based panels produced in China44
Is life cycle assessment enough to address unintended side effects from Circular Economy initiatives?43
A terminology for downcycling43
Estimating carbon footprints from large scale financial transaction data41
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents41
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents38
Streamlined approach for assessing embedded consumption of lithium and cobalt in the United States37
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents34
Linking socio‐economic metabolism models and simulation games: Reflections on benefits and challenges34
JIE 2023 reviewers32
Life cycle assessment of an industrial‐scale vanadium flow battery31
Can a small island nation build resilience? The significance of resource‐use patterns and socio‐metabolic risks in The Bahamas31
Life cycle assessment of prospective trajectories: A parametric approach for tailor‐made inventories and its computational implementation31
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents31
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents30
Impacts of electric vehicles on the European high and extra high voltage power grid29
A practice‐based framework for defining functional units in comparative life cycle assessments of materials29
Substitution modeling can coherently be used in attributional life cycle assessments28
Green batteries for clean skies: Sustainability assessment of lithium‐sulfur all‐solid‐state batteries for electric aircraft28
The evolution of biomass flows in Bangladesh (1961–2019): Providing insights for Bangladesh's transition to a sustainable circular bioeconomy28
Economic and environmental assessment of automotive plastic waste end‐of‐life options: Energy recovery versus chemical recycling28
Estimating stocks and flows of electric passenger vehicle batteries in the Norwegian fleet from 2011 to 203027
Identifying methodological challenges in the social risk assessment of cellulosic ethanol value chains27
Industrial ecology for the oceans27
JIE 2022 reviewers27
Data implementation matters: Effect of software choice and LCI database evolution on a comparative LCA study of permanent magnets26
Contributions of extended batch tests for assessing technical recyclability: A case study of low‐value battery flows25
The role of raw materials to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: Tracing the risks and positive contributions of cobalt along the lithium‐ion battery supply chain25
A product–component framework for modeling stock dynamics and its application for electric vehicles and lithium‐ion batteries24
Assessing the social dimension in strategic network optimization for a sustainable development: The case of bioethanol production in the EU23
Cycling and reciprocity in weighted food webs and economic networks23
Embed systemic equity throughout industrial ecology applications: How to address machine learning unfairness and bias22
Opening the black box of the use phase in circular economy life cycle assessments: Environmental performance of shell jacket reuse22
Implementing industrial and territorial ecology: The role of proximity and intermediaries in three French case studies22
Comparative life cycle assessment of graphitic carbon nitride synthesis routes22
From extraction to end‐uses and waste management: Modeling economy‐wide material cycles and stock dynamics around the world21
The landscape of city‐level GHG emission accounts in Africa20
Examining global biodiversity accounts: Implications of aggregating characterization factors from elementary flows in multi‐regional input–output analysis20
Assessment of carbon emissions and reduction potential in China's copper smelting industry20
Towards a multiscale framework for modeling and improving the life cycle environmental performance of built stocks20
Review: Leather sustainability, an industrial ecology in process20
Prospective life cycle assessment of climate and biodiversity impacts of meat‐based and plant‐forward meals: A case study of Indonesian and German meal options20
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents19
Exploring the effect of Guarantees of Origin on the decarbonization of corporate electricity procurement: A case study of Germany and Norway19
Unpacking the path toward a sustainable circular economy through industrial ecology19
Tradeoffs and synergy between material cycles and greenhouse gas emissions: Opportunities in a rapidly growing housing stock19
A gender perspective on the circular economy: A literature review and research agenda19
Scenario analysis of supply‐ and demand‐side solutions for circular economy and climate change mitigation in the global building sector19
Carbon footprinting for hospital care pathways based on routine diagnosis‐related group (DRG) accounting data in Germany: An application to acute decompensated heart failure18
Mass, enthalpy, and chemical‐derived emission flows in mineral processing18
Quantifying the life cycle environmental impacts of water pollution control in a typical chemical industrial park in China18
Local terrestrial biodiversity impacts in life cycle assessment: A case study of sedum roofs in London, UK18
Returnable packaging systems and store operations: Processes, costs, and benefits18
Using dynamic life cycle assessment to evaluate the effects of industry digitalization: A steel case study17
Book review of Materials and dematerialization: Making the modern world by VaclavSmil, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, $37.50. ISBN: 139418120517
Machine learning‐assisted industrial symbiosis: Testing the ability of word vectors to estimate similarity for material substitutions17
Evaluating strategies to increase PET bottle recycling in the United States17
Client‐side energy and GHGs assessment of advertising and tracking in the news websites17
Network energy use not directly proportional to data volume: The power model approach for more reliable network energy consumption calculations17
Quantifying a virtual water metabolic network of the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador using ecological network methods17
Environmental impacts of key metals' supply and low‐carbon technologies are likely to decrease in the future16
Spatial patterns of built structures co‐determine nations’ level of resource demand16
Material intensity database for the Dutch building stock: Towards Big Data in material stock analysis15
The evolution of research at the intersection of industrial ecology and artificial intelligence15
Substitution impacts of wood‐based textile fibers: Influence of market assumptions15
Critiques of the circular economy15
Stocks and flows of buildings: Analysis of existing, demolished, and constructed buildings in Tampere, Finland, 2000–201814
Total environmental impacts of Japanese material production14
Whole‐life embodied carbon in multistory buildings: Steel, concrete and timber structures14
A review of system dynamics modeling for the sustainability assessment of biorefineries14
Co‐benefits analysis of industrial symbiosis in China's key industries: Case of steel, cement, and power industries14
Full‐scale, near real‐time multi‐regional input–output table for the global emerging economies (EMERGING)14
Quantifying urban mass gain and loss by a GIS‐based material stocks and flows analysis14
Boosting circular economy solutions in the construction sector using a life cycle assessment14
Product repair in a circular economy: Exploring public repair behavior from a systems perspective14
Thermodynamic rarity of electrical and electronic waste: Assessment and policy implications for critical materials13
Sustainability implications of artificial intelligence in the chemical industry: A conceptual framework13
Contribution of circular economy strategies to climate change mitigation: Generic assessment methodology with focus on developing countries13
Embodied GHG of missing middle: Residential building form and strategies for more efficient housing13
Exploring the emergence of waste recovery and exchange in industrial clusters13
The influence of consumer behavior on the environmental footprint of passenger car tires13
Life cycle assessment of an ecological living module equipped with conventional rooftop or integrated concentrating photovoltaics13
Using cumulative carbon budgets and corporate carbon disclosure to inform ambitious corporate emissions targets and long‐term mitigation pathways13
Critical transmission sectors in embodied atmospheric mercury emission network in China13
Turning trash into treasure: An approach to the environmental assessment of waste prevention and its application to clothing and furniture in Switzerland12
A comprehensive set of global scenarios of housing, mobility, and material efficiency for material cycles and energy systems modeling12
Life cycle assessment of lithium‐ion battery recycling using pyrometallurgical technologies12
Image‐based prediction of residential building attributes with deep learning12
Streamlined benefit analysis of products based on the Sustainable Development Goals: Integrating the voice of society into life cycle sustainability assessment12
Lessons, narratives, and research directions for a sustainable circular economy12
Toward a life cycle inventory for graphite production12
Material system analysis: Characterization of flows, stocks, and performance indicators of manganese, nickel, and natural graphite in the EU, 2012–201612
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents11
A consequential approach to life cycle sustainability assessment with an agent‐based model to determine the potential contribution of chemical recycling to UN Sustainable Development Goals11
Material system analysis: Functional and nonfunctional cobalt in the EU, 2012–201611
Regionalizing the supply chain in process life cycle inventory with multiregional input–output data: An implementation for ecoinvent with EXIOBASE11
Integration of future water scarcity and electricity supply into prospective LCA: Application to the assessment of water desalination for the steel industry11
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents11
Addressing the contributions of electricity from biomass in Brazil in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals using life cycle assessment methods11
Characterizing manufacturing wastewater in the United States for the purpose of analyzing energy requirements for reuse11
Changes in the environmental impacts of the waste management system after implementing the waste‐sorting policy: A Beijing case study11
Bottom‐up estimation of material stocks and flows in Toronto's road network11
Issue Information, Cover, and Table of Contents11
Regional transformation pathways for the bioeconomy: A novel monitoring approach for complex transitions11
A bottom‐up modeling of metabolism of the residential building system in China toward 205011
Quantifying environmental impacts of cleaner fish used as sea lice treatments in salmon aquaculture with life cycle assessment10
Global environmental and socio‐economic impacts of a transition to a circular economy in metal and electrical products: A Dutch case study10
Domestic water versus imported virtual blue water for agricultural production: A comparison based on energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions10
Effects of European emissions trading on the transformation of primary steelmaking: Assessment of economic and climate impacts in a case study from Germany10
When one cannot bypass the byproducts: Plastic packaging waste embedded in production and export10
Does it pay to be science‐based green? The impact of science‐based emission‐reduction targets on corporate financial performance10
Circular life cycle sustainability assessment: An integrated framework10
High‐resolution mapping of 33 years of material stock and population growth in Germany using Earth Observation data10
A transitions framework for circular business models10
Avoiding investment in fossil fuel assets10
A framework to open the black box of the use phase in circular economy life cycle assessments: The case of shell jacket reuse10
How do carbon footprints from LCA and EEIOA databases compare? A comparison of ecoinvent and EXIOBASE10
Winners of the 2021 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology Best Paper Prizes10
Enhancing institutional capacity in a centralized state: The case of industrial water use efficiency in Vietnam10
“When we got divorced, I left all my things behind.”: How the lifespan of household goods is linked to the biographical trajectory of their owners10
Environmental performance of eco‐design strategies applied to the building sector10
The greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of ICT: A critical review of telecommunication companies’ GHG enablement assessments10
Designing circular economy strategies in distributed generation for small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises using Monte Carlo simulation10
A scalable data collection, characterization, and accounting framework for urban material stocks10
Consumer practices regarding the purchase, use, willingness to repair, and disposal of small electric and electronic equipment: A Spanish survey on kettles10
Quantifying longevity and circularity of copper for different resource efficiency policies at the material and product levels10
A social life cycle assessment of vanadium redox flow and lithium‐ion batteries for energy storage10