International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

(The TQCC of International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Environmental sustainability of Finnish pork production: life cycle assessment of climate change and water scarcity impacts131
Life cycle assessment of pharmaceutical and clinical packaging required for medication administration practices100
Sustainability assessment of peri-urban organic horticulture — A case study in the United Kingdom81
Can LCA be FAIR? Assessing the status quo and opportunities for FAIR data sharing80
Social impacts of large-scale hydropower project in Myanmar: a social life cycle assessment of Shweli hydropower dam 179
A case study comparison of a sulphuric acid plant with and without on-site low-grade heat recovery and repurposing75
A parametric study on the impact of open-source inventory variability and uncertainty for the life cycle assessment of road bituminous pavements66
SETAC Europe young scientist LCA award 2021 for T. Schaubroeck65
Environmental impact assessment of aluminum electrolytic capacitors in a product family from the manufacturer’s perspective62
Assessing the contribution of products to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: a methodological proposal59
Towards net-zero carbon buildings: Investigating the impact of early-stage structure design on building embodied carbon55
What does it mean when something is the “main contributor” to eco-efficiency?47
Comparative life cycle assessment of traditional timber jack arch slab refurbishment solutions: Eco-efficient proposal versus conventional ones46
Reducing cooling load and lifecycle cost for residential buildings: a case of Lahore, Pakistan45
Application of holistic and integrated LCSA: Case study on laminated veneer lumber production in Central Germany42
Physicochemical reaction-based allocation for the resource consumption of hydrometallurgical processing of rare-earth oxides—a case study on ion adsorption-type rare-earth oxides in China40
UM3-LCE3-ISN: a methodology for multi-level life cycle environmental and economic evaluation of industrial symbiosis networks40
How methods to assess land-use changes influence the resulting global warming potential and cost of optimized diets: a case study on Danish pigs applying life cycle assessment methodology37
Comprehensive analysis of social subcategories throughout life cycle assessment approach for the textile industry36
Spatial and territorial developments for life cycle assessment applied to urban mobility—case study on Lyon area in France34
Synergies and challenges of bottom-up and top-down approaches for assessing social impacts in mining operation31
Theory without practice: a reply to the note from Heijungs on the average versus marginal debate in Life Cycle Impact Assessment31
“Allocation at the point of substitution” applied to recycled rare earth elements: what can we learn?29
Life cycle assessment of manufacturing cellulose nanofibril-reinforced chitosan composite films for packaging applications28
Environmental assessment of hard coal char as a carbon reductant for silicon alloys production28
Life cycle assessment of sitka spruce forest products grown in Ireland28
In pursuit of more fruitful food systems28
Exploring sustainability potentials in vineyards through LCA? Evidence from farming practices in South Africa27
Environmental assessment of copper production in Europe: an LCA case study from Sweden conducted using two conventional software-database setups26
Applying social life cycle assessment to evaluate the use phase of mobility services: a case study in Berlin26
Alignment of the life cycle initiative’s “principles for the application of life cycle sustainability assessment” with the LCSA practice: A case study review26
Electric and biomethane-fuelled urban buses: comparison of environmental performance of different powertrains26
Temporally explicit abiotic depletion potential (TADP) for mineral resource use based on future demand projections25
Life cycle impacts assessment of two gold extraction systems in Colombia: open-pit and alluvial mining25
Comparison of reusable and single-use specula in Belgian hospitals: an environmental life cycle assessment and economic analysis25
Life cycle assessment of ammonia synthesis in China25
Sustainability improvement in complex systems composed of products and services25
Cup plant, an alternative to conventional silage from a LCA perspective24
A proposed framework to develop nutrient profiling algorithms for assessments of sustainable food: the metrics and their assumptions matter23
Coffee biowaste valorization within circular economy: an evaluation method of spent coffee grounds potentials for mortar production23
Integration of a circular economy metric with life cycle assessment: methodological proposal of compared agri-food products23
Effect factors for marine invasion impacts on biodiversity23
Assessing social risks in Greek and Dutch economies: A product social impact life cycle assessment approach23
Life cycle assessment of importing canned tuna into Aruba through different supply chains, in varying can sizes and in oils, brine or tomato sauce23
Complacency in the quantification and reporting of climate impacts as carbon dioxide equivalent emissions22
Mitigating carbon emissions in the taxi service industry: a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment of batteries for electric taxis and identification of a greener vehicle fleet22
S-LCA of lithium mining in Chile and its potential impacts on water and the local community22
New life cycle impact methods require another type of life cycle inventory results22
Life cycle assessment in the context of decarbonization and carbon neutrality21
Analysis and remediation of the confusing specification of the lognormal distribution21
Exploring the effectiveness of grey literature indicators and life cycle assessment in assessing circular economy at the micro level: a comparative analysis21
Characterizing the impacts of highway pavement in a newly planned greater bay area economic belt in China21
Life cycle assessment of pharmaceutical packaging21
Estimating quantity and equity of carbon emission from roads based on an improved LCA approach: the case of China21
A novel life cycle assessment and life cycle costing framework for carbon fibre-reinforced composite materials in the aviation industry20
Social organisational LCA for the academic activity of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU20
The living wage gap—a quantitative measure of poverty in global supply chains20
Comparative sustainability assessment of lithium-ion, lithium-sulfur, and all-solid-state traction batteries19
Mineral resources depletion, dissipation and accessibility in LCA: a critical analysis19
Making the use of scenarios in LCA easier: the superstructure approach19
Sustainability Health Initiative for NetPositive Enterprise handprint methodological framework19
Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of iodine production from caliche ore in Chile18
Evaluating alternative environmental decision support matrices for future Higg MSI scenarios18
Step-by-step social life cycle assessment framework: a participatory approach for the identification and prioritization of impact subcategories applied to mobility scenarios18
The effects of energy consumption of alumina production in the environmental impacts using life cycle assessment18
Toxicity impacts in the environmental footprint method: calculation principles18
Strategies to improve building environmental and economic performance: an exploratory study on 37 residential building scenarios18
Linking inventories and impact assessment models for addressing biodiversity impacts: mapping rules and challenges17
Correction to: Including GHG emissions from mangrove forests LULUC in LCA: a case study on shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam17
Carbon footprint and embodied energy of a wind turbine blade—a case study17
Methodology to address potential impacts of plastic emissions in life cycle assessment17
Correction to: Waste is not a service17
Regionalized life cycle inventory data collection and calculation for perennial forage production in Canada: methodological best practices and limitations16
Development of a collision impact indicator to integrate in the life cycle assessment of offshore wind farms16
Context-specific assessments of carbon footprints of the rice value chain: from product labeling to potential mitigation impacts16
Correction to: Normalization and weighting: the open challenge in LCA16
Assessing decarbonization pathways of China’s heavy-duty trucks in a well-to-wheels perspective16
Agrifood systems transformation for climate action and environmental improvements, with co-benefits for food security and nutrition16
The evolution of life cycle assessment in European policies over three decades16
Sustainability performance evaluation in the organic durum wheat production: evidence from Italy15
Quantifying the life-cycle health impacts of a cobalt-containing lithium-ion battery15
Life cycle assessment on construction and demolition waste recycling: a systematic review analyzing three important quality aspects15
Applying material flow assessment-based system expansion with multiple functions to solve for multifunctionality of recycling in life cycle assessment15
Toward a framework for selecting indicators of measuring sustainability and circular economy in the agri-food sector: a systematic literature review15
Correction: Characterizing human health damage from ionizing radiation in life cycle assessment15
Waste is not a service15
Characterizing country-specific human and ecosystem health impact and damage cost of agricultural pesticides: the case for Thailand15
A comparative life cycle assessment of kitchen garbage utilization approaches in China15
Correction to: Comparative life cycle assessment of rex rabbit breeding industry chains: benefits of a circular industry chain15
Life-LCA: the first case study of the life cycle impacts of a human being15
Ex-ante life cycle assessment of commercial-scale cultivated meat production in 203015
Distribution of environmental performance in life cycle assessments—implications for environmental benchmarking14
Human health impacts of particulate matter emitted from different milk production systems in Brazil: a regionalized LCA sensitivity analysis14
Comparison of life cycle assessment between lyocell fiber and viscose fiber in China14
Social consequences of wood-based innovations: a generic analysis of sectoral differences in Austria14
Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of cobalt sulfate production derived from a nickel–copper–cobalt mine in China14
Life cycle environmental impact assessment of lab-scale preparation of porous alumina pellets as substrate for hydrogen separation metal layer-based membranes14
Exploring the total cost of whole fresh, fresh-cut and pre-cooked vegetables13
Life cycle inventory and impact assessment for an asphalt pavement road construction—a case study in Brazil13
The limitations of bioeconomy LCA studies for understanding the transition to sustainable bioeconomy13
Water footprint assessment of lemon and its derivatives in Argentina: a case study in the province of Tucumán13
Mapping the local impacts of water consumption with regionalized three-dimensional arrays13
Life cycle assessment of MHP (Mobile Hydrogen Powersupply), an off-grid system to charge battery electric vehicles13
Environmental impact of biodegradable and non-biodegradable agricultural mulch film: A case study for Nordic conditions13
Towards use of life cycle–based indicators to support continuous improvement in the environmental performance of avocado orchards in New Zealand13
Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries for sustainable design and manufacturing13
Life cycle assessment of a marine biorefinery producing protein, bioactives and polymeric packaging material12
Participatory approach for pertinent impact subcategory identification: Local community12
Development and demonstration of an uncertainty management methodology for life cycle assessment in a tiered-hybrid case study of an Irish apartment development12
LCA standards for environmental product assessments in the bioeconomy with a focus on biogenic carbon: A systematic review12
Implementation of resource supply risk characterisation factors in the life cycle assessment of food products: Application to contrasting bread supply chains12
Ex-ante life cycle assessment of FineFuture flotation technology: case study of Grecian Magnesite12
How coordinated sectoral responses to environmental policy increase the availability of product life cycle data12
A new life cycle impact assessment methodology for assessing the impact of abiotic resource use on future resource accessibility12
Conditions for the broad application of prospective life cycle inventory databases12
Extending the product-group-specific approach in nutritional life cycle assessment12
Same product, different score: how methodological differences affect EPD results12
At the intersection of life cycle assessment and indirect greenhouse gas emissions accounting12
A systematic approach to assist in life-cycle assessment of ammunition demilitarization process: a case study with the 105-mm HE M1 ammunition12
2022 SETAC Europe award for lifetime achievement in life cycle assessment12
Improving life cycle assessment for carbon capture and circular product systems12
Applied properties and life cycle assessment of flexible packaging lamination processes: a comparative study12
Transition of the procurement process to Paris-compatible buildings: consideration of environmental life cycle costing in tendering and awarding11
Loss of mineral resource value in LCA: application of the JRC-LCI method to multiple case studies combined with inaccessibility and value-based impact assessment11
Revising regionalized water scarcity characterization factors for selected watersheds along the hyper-arid Peruvian coast using the AWARE method11
Top-down characterization of resource use in LCA: from problem definition of resource use to operational characterization factors for resource inaccessibility of elements in a short-term time perspect11
Integrating consumer behaviour into the environmental assessment of circular packaging: a scoping review11
Reduction potential of German environmental food impacts due to a planetary health diet11
Life cycle assessment of leather treatment at various scales: comparison between chrome and vegetable processes11
Social impact and social performance of paddy rice production in Iran and Malaysia11
Sandbag housing construction in South Africa: life cycle assessment and operational energy modelling11
Unveiling the social performance of selected agri-food chains in Costa Rica: the case of green coffee, raw milk and leafy vegetables11
Social life cycle assessment in current and future Norwegian livestock production11
Life cycle assessment as a driver for process optimisation of cellobiose lipids fermentation and purification11
Environmental Product Declarations worldwide: a case study in Argentina11
Life cycle assessment and process simulation of prospective battery-grade cobalt sulfate production from Co-Au ores in Finland11
Stochastic error propagation with independent probability distributions in LCA does not preserve mass balances and leads to unusable product compositions—a first quantification11
Impact of rolling processes in the production of aluminum packaging assessed through LCA10
Transforming the feeding regime towards low-input increases the environmental impact of organic milk production on a case study farm in central germany10
Accounting for product recovery potential in building life cycle assessments: a disassembly network-based approach10
Employee mobility and service-related management in the carbon footprint of services—German case studies10
Life-cycle assessment of redwood lumber products in the US10
Analysis of human well-being as the area of protection in social life cycle assessment10
Life cycle assessment: from industry to policy to politics10
Linking land use inventories to biodiversity impact assessment methods10
Life cycle management in bakeries: a proposed roadmap towards sustainability10