Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

(The TQCC of Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Remote sensing of vegetation prolonged drought at the salt playas of Hail – Saudi Arabia119
Analysis of spatial and temporal variation of precipitable water vapor using COSMIC radio occultation observations over Egypt63
Applying an integrated Remote Sensing-GIS approach in the documentation of handicraft centers at New Valley Governorate, Egypt40
Flood vulnerable zones mapping using geospatial techniques: Case study of Osogbo Metropolis, Nigeria37
Enhancing Hybrid Learning using Open Source GIS-Based Maps Archiving System29
Exploring mineralization zones using remote sensing and aeromagnetic data, West Allaqi Area, Eastern-Desert, Egypt28
Unveiling the green guardians: Mapping and identification of Azadirachta indica trees with semantic segmentation deep learning neural network technique25
Temporal LiDAR scanning in quantifying cumulative rockfall volume and hazard assessment: A case study at southwestern Saudi Arabia25
Expected spatio-temporal variation of groundwater deficit by integrating groundwater modeling, remote sensing, and GIS techniques22
Performance comparison of two deep learning models for flood susceptibility map in Beira area, Mozambique22
Natural resonance frequency identification for remote sensing and biomedical engineering using Prony method and fuzzy logic21
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on wheat yield in El Sharkia Governorate, Egypt20
Groundwater deterioration in Akhmim District, Upper Egypt: A Remote Sensing and GIS investigation approach19
Structural characteristics of the Qena Bend of the Egyptian Nile River, using remote-sensing and geophysics17
Shoreline change behavior study of Jambudwip island of Indian Sundarban using DSAS model17
Evaluation of delay tolerant network routing protocols for data streaming through LEO constellation17
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board16
Developing models to detect maize diseases using spectral vegetation indices derived from spectral signatures16
Assessment of malaria resurgence vulnerability in Fayoum, Egypt Using Remote Sensing and GIS16
Analysing principal components of physiographic factors affecting groundwater occurrences within Keffi, North­-Central Nigeria14
Space-based monitoring of NO2 levels during COVID-19 lockdown in Cairo, Egypt and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia14
Recent landscape changes at Damietta Promontory, Nile Delta – Egypt14
Route alignment planning for a new highway between two cities using Geoinformatics techniques14
Evaluation of agricultural expansion areas in the Egyptian deserts: A review using remote sensing and GIS13
Lineaments analysis of Bafoussam (West-Cameroon) using remote sensing and vertical electrical sounding: Hydrogeological implication12
Tigris River water surface quality monitoring using remote sensing data and GIS techniques12
Multisource spatiotemporal analysis of cropping patterns on dry upland: A case study in Rubaru Sub-district, Sumenep Regency11
Geospatial model for allocating favorable plots for groundwater-dependent cultivation activities in Egypt11
A lightweight multi-feature fusion network for unmanned aerial vehicle infrared ray image object detection11
Global tropopause height determination using GNSS radio occultation11
Examining traffic crash scene using density estimation and its relevance to determine intersection zone road network blackspot location11
Quantifying the cooling effect of river and its surrounding land use on local land surface temperature: A case study of Bahe River in Xi’an, China11
Multiscale cross-fusion network for hyperspectral image classification10
Mapping mosquito larval densities and assessing area vulnerable to diseases transmission in Nile valley of Giza, Egypt10
Feasibility study on Multiphysics H2-O2 combustion model for space debris removal system – NIRCSAT-X10
Evaluating change detection techniques using remote sensing data: Case study New Administrative Capital Egypt10
“AIST-2D”: Results of flight tests and application of earth remote sensing data for solving thematic problems10
Remote sensing-based geological mapping and petrogenesis of Wadi Khuda Precambrian rocks, South Eastern Desert of Egypt with emphasis on leucogranite10
Multiscale mineralogical investigations for mineral potentiality mapping of Ras El-Kharit-Wadi Khashir district, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt10
A novel GeoAI-based multidisciplinary model for SpatioTemporal Decision-Making of utility-scale wind–solar installations: To promote green infrastructure in Iraq10
Knowledge distillation: A novel approach for deep feature selection10
Bangalore: Urban heating or urban cooling?10
MICAnet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for mineral identification on Martian surface10
Strategies for dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral remote sensing: A comprehensive overview9
Landslide susceptibility evaluation integrating weight of evidence model and InSAR results, west of Hubei Province, China9
Structural Analysis of AlAinSat-1 CubeSat9
Geomatics techniques and building information model for historical buildings conservation and restoration9
Delineation of the subsurface boundary between the Central and Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt9
Enhancement of classification accuracy of multi-spectral satellites’ images using Laplacian pyramids9
Satellite-based assessment of the anthropogenic impacts on environmental sustainability in Jazan region, Red Sea9
Application of remote sensing and GIS for assessing and proposing mitigation measures in flood-affected urban areas, Egypt9
Integrating remote sensing data, GIS analysis and field studies for mapping alteration zones at Wadi Saqia area, central Eastern Desert, Egypt9
Marine gravity modelling from SARAL/AltiKA data using the Least Square Collocation for the Red Sea9
Groundwater exploration using extraction of lineaments from SRTM DEM and water flows in Béré region9
Clustering based background learning for hyperspectral anomaly detection9
Modelling land use/land cover projection using different scenarios in the Cisadane Watershed, Indonesia: Implication on deforestation and food security8
Unraveling land use land cover change, their driving factors, and implication on carbon storage through an integrated modelling approach8
Mangrove species detection using YOLOv5 with RGB imagery from consumer unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)8
Spatial prediction and mapping of water quality of Owabi reservoir from satellite imageries and machine learning models8
Precambrian basement rocks of Wadi-Khuda-Shut area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt: Geology and remote sensing analysis8
Monitoring urban growth dynamics using remote sensing and GIS techniques of Raiganj Urban Agglomeration, India8
Efficient bundle optimization for accurate camera pose estimation in mobile augmented reality systems8
Semi-automated mangrove mapping at National-Scale using Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1, and SRTM data with Google Earth Engine: A case study in Thailand8
Assessment of geomatics engineering techniques for landslides investigations for traffic safety8
Automatic error correction: Improving annotation quality for model optimization in oil-exploration related land disturbances mapping8
Mapping of potential rare earth deposits in the Schiel alkaline complex using sentinel-2B multispectral sensor8
Comparison of recently released satellite altimetric gravity models with shipborne gravity over the Red Sea8
Low-cost framework for 3D reconstruction and track detection of the railway network using video data8
Investigating temporal changes in coastal edge lines and ownership by remote sensing: The case of the Dörtyol district (Turkey)8
Geospatial application to assess the accessibility to the health facilities in Egypt8
Spectral characteristics, petrography and opaque mineralogy of the Oligo-Miocene basalts at Wadi Abu Qada- Wadi Wata area, west-central Sinai, Egypt7
Median-mean line based collaborative representation for PolSAR terrain classification7
Integration of urban expansion with hybrid road transport network development within Haldia Municipality, West Bengal7
Fractures models comparison using GIS data around crater lakes in Cameroon volcanic line environment7
Study of selected influential criteria on groundwater potential storage using geospatial technology and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach: A case study7
Land use land cover change detection and urban sprawl prediction for Kuwait metropolitan region, using multi-layer perceptron neural networks (MLPNN)7
Comparison and analysis of ground seed detectors and interpolation methods in airborne LiDAR filtering7
Assessing the Impact of Kirkuk Cement Plant Emissions on Land cover by Modelling Gaussian Plume with Python and QGIS6
Estimation of land displacement in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, using InSAR: Comparisons with GNSS and machine learning models6
Estimation of expected peak discharge and flood volume of the Heliopolis basin, East Cairo, Egypt, using RS and WMS program6
Agricultural Sustainability Evaluation of the New Reclaimed Soils at Dairut Area, Assiut, Egypt using GIS Modeling6
Improving the performance of tropospheric mapping function in low elevation angle using artificial neural network6
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board6
Nonreference object-based pansharpening quality assessment6
Enhanced multiobjective optimizer for GIS-based siting of solar PV plants in Red Sea Governorate, Egypt6
Spectral analyses, geology and petrology of the Gulf of Suez rift-related Oligo-Miocene basalts at Abu Zenima area, west central Sinai, Egypt6
Prediction of highly vulnerable areas to COVID-19 outbreaks using spatial model: Case study of Cairo Governorate, Egypt6
Climate and soil suitability zonation for Litchi (Litchi chinensis) in India using geo-science tool-based analytical hierarchy process6
Desertification hazards in the middle zone of Wadi Fatimah, West Saudi Arabia6
Abstract of Special Issue6
Composite extraction index to enhance impervious surface information in remotely sensed imagery5
SAR image formation scheme implementation and endorsement sprouting from Level-0 data decoding5
Detecting and mapping karst landforms using object-based image analysis: Case study: Takht-Soleiman and Parava Mountains, Iran5
Development of a map for land use and land cover classification of the Northern Border Region using remote sensing and GIS5
GIS-based landform and LULC classifications in the Sub-Himalayan Kaljani Basin: Special reference to 2016 Flood5
Land use/land cover (LULC) classification using deep-LSTM for hyperspectral images5
Generation of digital terrain model from multispectral LiDar using different ground filtering techniques5
Analysis of noise immunity of satellite communications under small-scale ionospheric disturbances and time-selective fading of received signals5
A newly-developed multi-algorithm integration technique for mapping the potentially mineralized alteration zones5
Use of an E2SFCA method to assess healthcare resources in Jordan during COVID-19 pandemic5
Road network extraction using multi-layered filtering and tensor voting from aerial images5
Integrating GIS and remote sensing for delineation of groundwater potential zones in Bundelkhand Region, India5
An object-based image analysis in QGIS for image classification and assessment of coastal spatial planning5
Remote sensing and geophysical methods for delineating groundwater resources in schists hard rocks of the Adamawa Yadé Domain, Cameroon5
LST variability and population growth in district of Rawalpindi, Pakistan during 1993–2018: A regional climate model based bias correction approach for LST5
Relationship analysis between the spread of COVID-19 and the multidimensional poverty index in the city of Manizales, Colombia5
Predicting groundwater potential assessment in water-deficient islands based on convolutional neural networks5
Estimating urban greenness index using remote sensing data: A case study of an affluent vs poor suburbs in the city of Johannesburg5