International Journal of Sediment Research

(The TQCC of International Journal of Sediment Research is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Application of Hausdorff fractal derivative to the determination of the vertical sediment concentration distribution63
Multi-scale analysis for transport of fine settling particles through an ice-covered channel in a laminar flow condition57
Soil and water conservation measures improve soil carbon sequestration and soil quality under cashews57
Flow fields around tandem and staggered piers on a mobile bed49
Characterization of the micro-interfacial interactions of heterogeneous particulate matter (fine-grained sediment and microplastics) with copper ions44
Preliminary assessment of the suspended sediment dynamics in the Sikkim–Darjeeling Himalayan river43
Non-equilibrium concentration profile formulas of suspended sediment and their preliminary applications30
Response of Reynolds stresses and scaling behavior of high-order structure functions to a water-worked gravel-bed surface and its implication on sediment transport29
General velocity formula of boundary layer above mobile sediment bed induced by asymmetric waves28
Geobag stepped spillway for check dams: A pilot study24
Inhibitability of soil loss and sediment concentration during consecutive rainfalls from experimental plots treated by endemic microorganisms24
Shoreline spatial and temporal response to natural and human effects in Boujagh National Park, Iran22
Experimental investigation of density current patterns using dynamic fractal analysis21
Long-term experimental study on gravitational sedimentation of water aluminum oxide nanofluid at different volumetric concentrations21
Tracing sediment transport history using mineralogical fingerprinting in a river basin with dams utilizing sediment sluicing21
Experimental study on flocculation and sedimentation characteristics of cohesive fine sediment measured using ultrasound in the Pearl River Estuary19
Temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of the current tail channel of the Yellow River: Processes and mechanisms19
Predictability performance enhancement for suspended sediment in rivers: Inspection of newly developed hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy system model18
Improved estimation of critical bed shear stress downstream of low-head weirs in streams with coarse bed material17
Experimental study of reservoir flushing through a bottom tunnel initially covered by cohesive sediment17
Changes in runoff and sediment discharge along with their driving factors in the Pearl River basin from 1961 to 201816
A comparison between artificial neural network algorithms and empirical equations applied to submerged weir scour evolution prediction16
A high-resolution water quality model coupled sediment and suspended sediment module16
Interpreting machine learning models based on SHAP values in predicting suspended sediment concentration15
Influences of sedimentation on overflow properties of sharp-crested weir15
Coupled modeling of rainfall-induced floods and sediment transport at the catchment scale14
Swimming behavior of juvenile silver carp near the separation zone of a channel confluence14
Soil erosion risk assessment of the Lakhmess watershed (northwestern Tunisia) via the SEAGIS model: Inferred prioritization of risky sub-watersheds14
Modelling the long-term geomorphic response to check dam failures in an alpine channel with CAESAR-Lisflood14
Experimental study on the settling of irregularly shaped sediment particles from the source region of the Yangtze River14
Book Review13
Experimental study on the effect of hydrodynamic conditions on flocculation and settling properties of fine-grain sediment13
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the surficial sediments from the lower Meghna River estuary, Noakhali coast, Bangladesh13
Composition, environment, and economic value of the Permian to Cretaceous coated grains from Zagros and the Persian Gulf12
Towards an understanding of southern peri-Pannonian lacustrine depositional cycles: Interplay of sediment delivery and shifting intrabasinal height, a case study of drilled Neogene sediments from nort12
Grain size characteristics of surface sediment and its response to the dynamic sedimentary environment in Qiantang Estuary, China12
Ensemble and optimized hybrid algorithms through Runge Kutta optimizer for sewer sediment transport modeling using a data pre-processing approach12
The effects of adsorptive materials on microbial community composition and PAH degradation at the sediment cap–water interface12
Sorption and desorption behavior of residual antidepressants and caffeine in freshwater sediment and sewage sludge12
Key drivers of changes in the sediment loads of Chinese rivers discharging to the oceans11
Porosity of bimodal and trimodal sediment mixtures11
Unravelling the mesoscale saltmarsh accretion on the tropical barrier estuarine regime: A case study from the Chandipur Saltmarsh, India11
Developing a Lagrangian sediment transport model for open channel flows11
From dredged sediment to supplementary cementitious material: characterization, treatment, and reuse11
Ability of soil bacterial composition as an indicator of levels of soil erosion in a badland11
A 2D well-balanced, coupled model of water flow, sediment transport, and bed evolution based on unstructured grids with efficient variable storage strategy11
Sediment nitrogen form occurrence associated with its ecological risk in the Yangtze River Delta plain-river network11
Spatial distribution and comparative evaluation of phosphorus release rate in benthic sediments of an estuary dam11
River system sediment flow modeling using artificial neural networks10
Assessment of equilibrium pressure-flow scour depth using jet flow theory10
Dry-season sources of riverine sediment from the tropical mixed urban-agricultural watershed of the Mun River Basin in northeastern Thailand10
Phosphate mineral accumulation in lake sediment to form a secondary phosphate source: A case study in lake sediment around Eppawala Phosphate Deposit (EPD) in Sri Lanka10
Experimental investigation and prediction of free fall jet scouring using machine learning models10
Hybrid meta-heuristic machine learning methods applied to landslide susceptibility mapping in the Sahel-Algiers10
Efficient detection of ephemeral gully trajectories using topographic index-based approach: Calibration-free for large-scale applications9
A new approach to simulate watershed sediment graphs9
Real-time probabilistic sediment concentration forecasting using integrated dynamic network and error distribution heterogeneity8
Analytical approach for predicting local scour downstream of submerged sluice gate with an apron8
Sustainable systems engineering by CFD modeling of lateral intake flow with flexible gate operations to improve efficient water supply8
A grain-size correction for metal pollution indexes in river sediments8
Effect of combining biogeotextile and vegetation cover on the protection of steep slope of highway in northern China: A runoff plot experiment8
Sediment transport simulation and design optimization of a novel marsh shoreline protection technology using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling8
Historical variations in autochthonous and allochthonous sediment supplies to the largest freshwater lake in Central India8
Evaluating nutrient distribution and eutrophication pattern in a shallow impounded lake: Exploring the influence of floods8
Invisible face of COVID-19 pandemic on the freshwater environment: An impact assessment on the sediment quality of a cross boundary river basin in Turkey8
Geochemical indices and sedimentation rates in the Pardo River basin, São Paulo state, Brazil8
Key morphological changes and their linkages with stream power and land-use changes in the Upper Tapi River basin, India8
Near-wall flow characteristics in pipe bend dense slurries: Optimizing the maximum sliding frictional power8
Characteristic analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) in typical nutrient polluted lake sediment in Wuhan8
A new portable in situ flume for measuring critical shear stress on river beds8
Diagenetic signatures in the deltaic and fluvial-estuarine Messinian sandstone reservoirs in the Nile Delta as a tool for high-resolution stratigraphic correlations7
Nutrients and organic matter in the surface sediment of a submerged macrophyte zone in a eutrophic lake: Implications for lake management7
Particle size and settling velocity of bed and suspended sediments for mud-sand beds7
Characteristics of river discharge and its indirect effect on the tidal bore in the Qiantang River, China7
Suspended sediment yield modeling in Mahanadi River, India by multi-objective optimization hybridizing artificial intelligence algorithms7
Mineral composition and particle size distribution of river sediment and loess in the middle and lower Yellow River7
Sediment dynamics in the mudbank of the Yangtze River Estuary under regime shift of source and sink7
Hybrid neuro fuzzy inference systems for simulating catchment sediment yield7
Interfacial instability of sand patterns induced by turbulent shear flow7
Effect of extracellular polymeric substances on the phosphorus adsorption characteristics of sediment particles7