International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment

(The TQCC of International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Experimental investigations on sustainable mortar containing mining tailing as partial replacement of fine aggregate28
Development of alternative predictor equations for blast-induced ground vibrations considering stiffness ratio, blast dimension and free face conditions28
APiS (AI powered intelligence spectrum analyser): hyperspectral imaging machine learning analyser app for mineral processing24
Quantitative risk assessment for deep tunnel failure based on clustering and logistic regression at the Ashele copper mine, China21
A simulated annealing based stochastic long-term production scheduling of open-pit mines with stockpiling under grade uncertainty21
Joint simulation of coal quality attributes using a new simulated annealing-based method of diagonalisation20
Optimized adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for predicting blast-induced ground vibration in quarries based on hunger games search optimization19
Leaching characteristics of an iron-rich siltation pond waste and its viability in indirect carbon sequestration19
Simulating the productivity improvements of incorporating a surge loader into the open pit loading and haulage system17
The investigation of geochemical and geomechanical properties in surface paste disposal by pilot‑scale tests17
Potential efficacy and application of a new statistical meta based-model to predict TBM performance16
Numerical analysis of cover systems for mining waste in tropical regions12
Modeling the influence of forest vegetation and climate change on the long-term performance of a cover with capillary barrier effects used to control acid mine drainage: the Lorraine case study11
Water footprint assessment of mining and processing of gold in Turkey10
Automatic excavator action recognition and localisation for untrimmed video using hybrid LSTM-Transformer networks10
Joint stochastic optimisation of open-pit mine production scheduling with ramp design9
Mined land suitability assessment: a semi-quantitative approach based on a new classification of post-mining land uses9
Predicting advance rate and cutter life in TBM tunnelling using evolutionary algorithm9
Innovative mine backfill materials and structures9
Exploring the capabilities of portable device photogrammetry for 3D surface roughness evaluation9
Comparing the accuracy of two approaches to account for internal dilution: A case study from a porphyry copper deposit9
Sustainable mining of critical minerals and metals around the world: bottlenecks and opportunities9
A visual knowledge map analysis of coal mine intensity based on CiteSpace software and web of science core database8
Study on the crack propagation behaviour of eccentric uncoupled blasting in a deep-level rock mass8
Effect of curing humidity on the deformation and mechanical properties of cemented paste backfill8
Integrated optimisation of short- and medium-term planning in underground mines8
On the impact of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - mining sector perspectives7
World mineral loss and possibility to increase ore recovery ratio in mining production7
Towards understanding the hydration and hardening properties of the cemented paste backfill with a green steel-slag binder7
Advanced mineralogical classification and concentration estimation in mining with MATLAB-powered hyper-spectral imaging and machine learning7
Required strength design of cemented backfill for underground metalliferous mine7
Synthesis of layered cemented tailings backfill by utilising plant fibres and gold tailings: bending strength, microstructure, and crack extension form7
Experimental study on mechanical aging properties of self‑swelling anchorage bolt under chemical corrosion7
Mineral grade estimation using gradient boosting regression trees6
Simultaneous stochastic optimization of mining complexes - mineral value chains: an overview of concepts, examples and comparisons6
Mechanical behaviour and instability mechanism of sandstones with impact tendency under different loading paths6
An evaluation of cutting head design of current tunnel Boring machines and suggestions to improve machine Performance6
A New index and control method of filling effect for cemented paste backfill in coal mines6
On the dependence of predictive models on experimental dataset: a spontaneous combustion studies scenario6
The potential of lithium in Quebec for the electric vehicle market: state of the art, opportunities and challenges5
Soil community catabolic profiles for a semiarid reclaimed surface coalmine5
Optimal mine pitwall profiles in jointed anisotropic rock masses5
How does mine tailings slurry solids concentration affect stability of dam embankment slope?5
An insight into failure of iron ore mine tailings dams4
Remaining useful Life Improvement for the Mining Railcars under the Operational Conditions4
Optimisation of life-of-mine production scheduling for block-caving mines under mineral resource and material mixing uncertainty4
A heuristic method for production scheduling of an open pit mining operation4
Analysis of tensile mechanical characteristics of fibre reinforced backfill through splitting tensile and three-point bending tests4
Improving the top coal recovery ratio in longwall top coal caving mining using drawing balance analysis4
Topsoil alternatives selection for surface coal-mined land reclamation in Inner Mongolia, China: an experimental study4
Thermal signatures of relict coal spoil, waste and tailing dumps4
Machine learning for open-pit mining: a systematic review4
Dr Raj Singhal4
Engineering properties of fine-grained red mud4
Investigation of optimal surface paste disposal design based on crack intensity4