Environmental Modelling & Software

(The TQCC of Environmental Modelling & Software is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Nitrogen prediction in the Great Barrier Reef using finite element analysis with deep neural networks297
Development of an integrated modeling platform for watershed simulation147
Synthetic random environmental time series generation with similarity control, preserving original signal’s statistical characteristics104
Facilitating open data and open model integration with generic parameter input file generators in the CyberWater framework99
AI-driven forecasting of harmful algal blooms in Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman using remote sensing88
An open framework for analysing future flood risk in urban areas84
An explicit robust optimization framework for multipurpose cascade reservoir operation considering inflow uncertainty80
Solving the Master Equation on river networks: A computer algebra approach66
A coupled multiscale description of seasonal Physical–BioGeoChemical dynamics in Southern Ocean Marginal Ice Zone63
A process-based framework for validating forest landscape modeling outcomes61
Ensemble data assimilation for operational streamflow predictions in the next generation (NextGen) framework56
Conditional interval reduction method: A possible new direction for the optimization of process based models56
PolarBytes: Advancing polar research with a centralized open-source data sharing platform56
PyCHAMP: A crop-hydrological-agent modeling platform for groundwater management55
Transfer learning with convolutional neural networks for hydrological streamline delineation54
Web application of an integrated simulation for aquatic environment assessment in coastal and estuarine areas54
Editorial Board53
Enhancing algal bloom forecasting: A novel framework for machine learning performance evaluation during periods of special temporal patterns53
Automated hydrologic forecasting using open-source sensors: Predicting stream depths across 200,000 km51
Autoethnographic assessment of a manifesto for more trustworthy, relevant, and just models47
A systematic literature review on lake water level prediction models45
Topical 3D modelling and simulation of air dispersion hazards as a new paradigm to support emergency preparedness and response44
Intelligent control of combined sewer systems using PySWMM—A Python wrapper for EPA’s Stormwater Management Model43
Assessing physical and biological lake oxygen indicators using simulated environmental variables and machine learning algorithms43
Heavy: Software for forward modeling gravity change from MODFLOW output42
An automatic partition-based parallel algorithm for grid-based distributed hydrological models40
Introductory overview: Systems and control methods for operational management support in agricultural production systems39
An open source cyberinfrastructure for collecting, processing, storing and accessing high temporal resolution residential water use data38
HyPix: 1D physically based hydrological model with novel adaptive time-stepping management and smoothing dynamic criterion for controlling Newton–Raphson step37
The Danish Lagrangian Model (DALM): Development of a new local-scale high-resolution air pollution model37
Spatiotemporal prediction of carbon emissions using a hybrid deep learning model considering temporal and spatial correlations37
Quantifying regional variability of machine-learning-based snow water equivalent estimates across the Western United States36
Transfer learning in environmental data-driven models: A study of ozone forecast in the Alpine region36
Automatic classification of land cover from LUCAS in-situ landscape photos using semantic segmentation and a Random Forest model35
Quantifying phenological asynchrony of phyto- and zooplankton in response to changing temperature and nutrient conditions in Lake Müggelsee (Germany) by means of evolutionary computation35
How do the properties of training scenarios influence the robustness of reservoir operating policies to climate uncertainty?34
Crop2ML: An open-source multi-language modeling framework for the exchange and reuse of crop model components34
A multi-model ensemble approach to coastal storm erosion prediction34
Implications of terrain resolution on modeling rainfall-triggered landslides using a TIN- based model34
Fast multi-output relevance vector regression for joint groundwater and lake water depth modeling34
Behind the scenes of landscape connectivity: Optimization, thresholding32
Thematic domain analysis for ocean modeling31
Large-scale sediment modeling with inertial flow routing: Assessment of Madeira river basin31
Editorial Board31
Incorporating physically-based water temperature predictions into the National water model framework30
Particle filter for high frequency oxygen data assimilation in river systems30
Open data and model integration through generic model agent toolkit in CyberWater framework30
Performance optimization of the MGB hydrological model for multi-core and GPU architectures30
Is the climate getting WARMer? A framework and tool for climate data comparison29
An extensible schema for capturing environmental model metadata: Implementation in the HydroShare online data repository29
Numerical analysis of the abiotic formation and distribution of the “iron curtain” in subterranean estuaries29
Uncovering heterogeneous effects in computational models for sustainable decision-making28
Editorial Board28
Population viability analysis using Bayesian networks28
Description and assessment of a new high resolution erosion model for constructed landforms27
A database application framework toward data-driven vertical connectivity analysis of rivers27
Editorial Board27
Assessing dependence between soil ecosystem services as a function of weather and soil: Application of vine copula modeling27
Property-based Sensitivity Analysis: An approach to identify model implementation and integration errors27
FIND: A Synthetic weather generator to control drought Frequency, Intensity, and Duration27
Modelling mangrove-mudflat dynamics with a coupled individual-based-hydro-morphodynamic model26
Assessment of deterministic and probabilistic precipitation nowcasting techniques over New York metropolitan area26
Editorial Board26
Extraction and classification of channels from LiDAR in plains by channel tracking25
Reformulating land-use regression method as sign-constrained regularized regressions: Advantages and improvements25
An integrated, mesh-independent geothermal modelling framework25
Crop modeling frameworks interoperability through bidirectional source code transformation25
Modeling in-stream biogeochemical processes at catchment scale: Coupling SWAT and RIVE models25
rTRIPLEXCWFlux: An R package for carbon–water coupling model to simulate net ecosystem productivity and evapotranspiration in forests25
Editorial Board25
Analysing landscape multi-functionality by integrated modelling24
Hydrodynamic modeling of floodplains with inundated trees and floating plants24
Editorial Board24
UIDS: A Matlab-based urban flood model considering rainfall-induced and surcharge-induced inundations24
Automated model integration at source code level: An approach to implementing models into the NASA Land Information System24
Spatio-temporal estimation of monthly groundwater levels from GPS-based land deformation23
Integrated hydro informatics tool to assess hydrological alteration on gauged sites: Hydra-Eflow23
Assessing the hillslope-channel contributions to the catchment sediment balance under climate change23
A systematic review and meta-analysis of groundwater level forecasting with machine learning techniques: Current status and future directions23
Investigation of effect of logjam series for varying channel and barrier physical properties using a sparse input data 1D network model23
PairwiseIHA: A python toolkit to detect flow regime alterations for headwater rivers23
A spatial machine learning model developed from noisy data requires multiscale performance evaluation: Predicting depth to bedrock in the Delaware river basin, USA23
Reconstructing long-term natural flows by ensemble machine learning22
Increasing the uptake of ecological model results in policy decisions to improve biodiversity outcomes22
Enhancing hydrological extremes prediction accuracy: Integrating diverse loss functions in Transformer models22
Farmer adoption-based prompt networking and modeling for targeting optimal agro-conservation practices21
TIPT: The Tracer Injection Planning Tool21
TOSSH: A Toolbox for Streamflow Signatures in Hydrology21
Early termination strategies with asynchronous parallel optimization in application to automatic calibration of groundwater PDE models21
A web-based analytical urban flood damage and loss estimation framework21
A new GPU-accelerated coupled discrete element and depth-averaged model for simulation of flow-like landslides21
GeoAPEX-P, A web-based, spatial modeling tool for pesticide related environmental assessment20
Impact of model structure on radionuclide transport in urban stormwater20
A regional hydrological model for arid and semi-arid river basins with consideration of irrigation20
Parallelization of a two-dimensional time-area watershed routing20
Beyond prediction: An integrated post-hoc approach to interpret complex model in hydrometeorology20
Editorial Board20
Fine-tuning the BFOLDS Fire Regime Module to support the assessment of fire-related functions and services in a changing Mediterranean mountain landscape20
Ten years of modeling the Deepwater Horizon oil spill20
Inversion and forward estimation with process-based models: An investigation into cost functions, uncertainty-based weights and model-data fusion20
A modified response matrix method to approximate SWAT for computationally intense applications20
Analysis and comparison of coupled and uncoupled simulations with the COAWST model during the Gloria Storm (January 2020) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea20
The effect of terrain-influenced winds on fire spread in QUIC-Fire19
Agricultural erosion modelling: Evaluating USLE and WEPP field-scale erosion estimates using UAV time-series data19
Hydrogeophysical model calibration and uncertainty analysis via full integration of PEST/PEST++ and COMSOL19
A dual-layer MPI continuous large-scale hydrological model including Human Systems19
Towards improved environmental modeling outcomes: Enabling low-cost access to high-dimensional, geostatistical-based decision-support analyses19
Near-real-time satellite precipitation data ingestion into peak runoff forecasting models19
Unsupervised deep learning of landscape typologies from remote sensing images and other continuous spatial data18
Using national hydrologic models to obtain regional climate change impacts on streamflow basins with unrepresented processes18
Editorial Board18
XR-based interactive visualization platform for real-time exploring dynamic earth science data18
A coordination attention residual U-Net model for enhanced short and mid-term sea surface temperature prediction18
Book review18
Interdisciplinary modeling and participatory simulation of forest management to foster adaptation to climate change18
Development of an inclusive, scalable, and flexible hydrologic modeling system: Establishing integrated flood simulation system at agricultural watersheds18
EcoCommons Australia virtual laboratories with cloud computing: Meeting diverse user needs for ecological modeling and decision-making18
The Global Least-cost user-friendly CLEWs Open-Source Exploratory model18
A physics-based model of thermodynamically varying fuel moisture content for fire behavior prediction17
A fractional land use change model for ecological applications17
TALKS: A systematic framework for resolving model-data discrepancies17
Development of a component-based integrated modeling framework for urban flood simulation17
Spatiotemporal assessment of urban flooding hazard using social media: A case study of Zhengzhou ‘7·20’17
A coupled hydrodynamic and particle-tracking model for full-process simulation of nonpoint source pollutants17
Regional forecasting of PM2.5 concentrations: A novel model based on the empirical orthogonal function analysis and Nadaraya–Watson kernel regression estimator17
Quantifying ‘realistic’ uncertainty bounds as a part of sound hydrological modelling practice in data scarce regions of southern Africa17
Assessing the power of non-parametric data-driven approaches to analyse the impact of drought measures17
A framework for the broad dissemination of hydrological models for non-expert users17
Groundwater-surface water interactions at wetland interface: Advancement in catchment system modeling16
Coupled data-driven and process-based model for fluorescent dissolved organic matter prediction in a shallow subtropical reservoir16
A method to include reservoir operations in catchment hydrological models using SHETRAN16
Integrated framework for rapid climate stress testing on a monthly timestep16
The Dynamic Temperate and Boreal Fire and Forest-Ecosystem Simulator (DYNAFFOREST): Development and evaluation16
Deterministic modelling of freshwater lakes and reservoirs: Current trends and recent progress16
Assessing the representational accuracy of data-driven models: The case of the effect of urban green infrastructure on temperature16
Rapid flood modelling using HAND-FFA-SRC coupled approach and social media-based geodata in a coastal Chinese watershed16
Deep fire topology: Understanding the role of landscape spatial patterns in wildfire occurrence using artificial intelligence15
Real-time sensor-based prediction of soil moisture in green infrastructure: A case study15
covXtreme : MATLAB software for non-stationary penalised piecewise constant marginal and conditional extreme value models15
PyApprox: A software package for sensitivity analysis, Bayesian inference, optimal experimental design, and multi-fidelity uncertainty quantification and surrogate modeling15
Implementation of spatially-varying wind adjustment factor for wildfire simulations15
An innovative approach to correct data from in-situ turbidity sensors for surface water monitoring15
Modelling one-dimensional reactive transport of toxic contaminants in natural rivers15
Automatic procedure for selecting flood events and identifying flood characteristics from daily streamflow data15
Novel hybrid coupling of ecohydrology and socioeconomy at river basin scale: A watershed system model for the Heihe River basin15
Coastal morphodynamic emulator for early warning short-term forecasts15
Advancing the SWAT model to simulate perennial bioenergy crops: A case study on switchgrass growth15
Developing best practice guidelines for lake modelling to inform quantitative microbial risk assessment15
Improving the simulation of soil temperature within the EPIC model15
Editorial Board15
Re-considering the status quo: Improving calibration of land use change models through validation of transition potential predictions14
Cloud-based system for monitoring event-based hydrological processes based on dense sensor network and NB-IoT connectivity14
Beyond engineering: A review of reservoir management through the lens of wickedness, competing objectives and uncertainty14
An interoperable software system to store, associate, visualize, and publish global open science data of earth surface system14
A novel ensemble-based conceptual-data-driven approach for improved streamflow simulations14
PLUME Dashboard: A free and open-source mobile air quality monitoring dashboard14
Implementation of heuristic search algorithms in the calibration of a river hydraulic model14
Ensemble and stochastic conceptual data-driven approaches for improving streamflow simulations: Exploring different hydrological and data-driven models and a diagnostic tool14
Introducing MapSWAT: An open source QGIS plugin integrated with google earth engine for efficiently generating ready-to-use SWAT+ input maps.14
Gaussian process machine learning and Kriging for groundwater salinity interpolation14
Coupling hydrological and sanitation datasets to simulate wastewater-derived contamination in European rivers: Model development and calibration14
Leveraging data driven approaches for enhanced tsunami damage modelling: Insights from the 2011 Great East Japan event14
Speech-recognition in landslide predictive modelling: A case for a next generation early warning system14
MitH: A framework for Mitigating Hygroscopicity in low-cost PM sensors14
stagg:: A data pre-processing R package for climate impacts analysis14
A review of machine learning methods for drought hazard monitoring and forecasting: Current research trends, challenges, and future research directions14
Estimation aboveground biomass in subtropical bamboo forests based on an interpretable machine learning framework14
Streamlined wildland-urban interface fire tracing (SWUIFT): Modeling wildfire spread in communities14
An integrated framework for improving sea level variation prediction based on the integration Wavelet-Artificial Intelligence approaches13
Sequential surface and subsurface flow modeling in a tropical aquifer under different rainfall scenarios13
Transformer neural networks for interpretable flood forecasting13
Towards a generic theoretical framework for pattern-based LUCC modeling13
ValueDecisions, a web app to support decisions with conflicting objectives, multiple stakeholders, and uncertainty13
India’s Maiden air quality forecasting framework for megacities of divergent environments: The SAFAR-project13
Replicating measured site-scale soil organic carbon dynamics in the U.S. Corn Belt using the SWAT-C model13
FlowDyn: A daily streamflow prediction pipeline for dynamical deep neural network applications13
Post-processing R tool for SWAT efficiently studying climate change impacts on hydrology, water quality, and crop growth13
An improved calibration technique to address high dimensionality and non-linearity in integrated groundwater and surface water models13
Which predictive uncertainty to resolve? Value of information sensitivity analysis for environmental decision models13
RODEO: An algorithm and Google Earth Engine application for river discharge retrieval from Landsat13
Modelling agricultural land abandonment in a fine spatial resolution multi-level land-use model: An application for the EU13
Estimating water quality through neural networks using Terra ASTER data, water depth, and temperature of Lake Hachiroko, Japan12
Real-time environmental forecasts of the Chesapeake Bay: Model setup, improvements, and online visualization12
The Future of Sensitivity Analysis: An essential discipline for systems modeling and policy support12
Challenges and opportunities when bringing machines onto the team: Human-AI teaming and flood evacuation decisions12
An integrated modeling approach to simulate human-crop-groundwater interactions in intensively irrigated regions12
Urban flood numerical simulation: Research, methods and future perspectives12
Precipitation reconstruction from climate-sensitive lithologies using Bayesian machine learning12
A secondary modal decomposition ensemble deep learning model for groundwater level prediction using multi-data12
Modernizing the US National Fire Danger Rating System (version 4): Simplified fuel models and improved live and dead fuel moisture calculations12
Development of a knowledge-sharing parallel computing approach for calibrating distributed watershed hydrologic models12
Network construction, evaluation and documentation: A guideline12
A novel concurrent approach for multiclass scenario discovery using Multivariate Regression Trees: Exploring spatial inequality patterns in the Vietnam Mekong Delta under uncertainty12
IMDLIB: An open-source library for retrieval, processing and spatiotemporal exploratory assessments of gridded meteorological observation datasets over India12
Modelling forests as social-ecological systems: A systematic comparison of agent-based approaches12
DeepGR4J: A deep learning hybridization approach for conceptual rainfall-runoff modelling12
BasinMaker 3.0: A GIS toolbox for distributed watershed delineation of complex lake-river routing networks11
Extreme precipitation-based vulnerability assessment of road-crossing drainage structures in forested watersheds using an integrated environmental modeling approach11
A Web API for weather generation and pest development simulation in North America11
Pywr-DRB: An open-source Python model for water availability and drought risk assessment in the Delaware River Basin11
Dealing with shallow groundwater contexts for the modelling of urban hydrology – A simplified approach to represent interactions between surface hydrology, groundwater and underground structures in hy11
A comprehensive framework for HSPF hydrological parameter sensitivity, optimization and uncertainty evaluation based on SVM surrogate model- A case study in Qinglong River watershed, China11
Multi-scale evaluation of a 3D lake model forced by an atmospheric model against standard monitoring data11
From hillslopes to watersheds: Variability in model outcomes with the USLE11
Segmentation of underwater fish in complex aquaculture environments using enhanced Soft Attention Mechanism11
A maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform integrated approach for rainfall forecasting – A case study in the Awash River Basin (Ethiopia)11
QUAL2K water quality model: A comprehensive review of its applications, and limitations11
Wikis as collaborative knowledge management tools in socio-environmental modelling studies11
Reservoir Assessment Tool 2.0: Stakeholder driven improvements to satellite remote sensing based reservoir monitoring11
Validating the effect of fuel moisture content by a multivalued operator in a simplified physical fire spread model11
Editorial Board11
Impacts of off-road vehicle tracks on runoff, erosion and sediment delivery – A combined field and modeling approach11
Sea surface heat flux helps predicting thermocline in the South China Sea11
A pattern recognition approach to identify biological clusters acquired by acoustic multi-beam in Kongsfjorden10
Multistep optimization of HyPix model for flexible vertical scaling of soil hydraulic parameters10
AIRS: A QGIS plugin for time series forecasting using deep learning models10
TATOO – Python Topographic Analysis Tool Library for semi-automated setup of high-resolution integrated hydrologic models10
A free web-based approach for rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility modeling: Case study of Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA10
arcgisbinding: An R package for integrating R and ArcGIS10
An open-source workflow for scaling burn severity metrics from drone to satellite to support post-fire watershed management10
Development, implementation and validation of Sediment Transport and Erosion Prediction (STEP) model10
Editorial Board10
A numerical tool in MATLAB used to adapt three-dimensional conceptual models from ArcMap to TOUGH310
Identifying optimal solutions between competing economic and conservation land use objectives for species that require widely distributed resources10
Research progress and prospects of urban flooding simulation: From traditional numerical models to deep learning approaches10
PyLandslide: A Python tool for landslide susceptibility mapping and uncertainty analysis10
Introducing LandScaleR: A novel method for spatial downscaling of land use projections10
Review of process-based nitrogen model for agricultural fields with implications for nitrogen simulations in stormwater BMPs10
A critical review of common pitfalls and guidelines to effectively infer parameters of agent-based models using Approximate Bayesian Computation10
Implementing generative adversarial network (GAN) as a data-driven multi-site stochastic weather generator for flood frequency estimation10
Reproducible construction of a high-resolution national variable-density groundwater salinity model for the Netherlands10
Inclusive simulation game development to enhance Florida research and management: Cedar Key oyster fishery10
Editorial Board10
Using Bayesian optimization to automate the calibration of complex hydrological models: Framework and application10
Insights on modelling of karstic aquifers: A new methodology for the integration of fracture data in groundwater flow modelling10
Agent decision-making: The Elephant in the Room - Enabling the justification of decision model fit in social-ecological models10
Editorial Board10
Shallow-water lee-side waves at obstacles: Experimental characterization and turbulent non-hydrostatic modeling using weighted-averaged residual equations10
PHyL v1.0: A parallel, flexible, and advanced software for hydrological and slope stability modeling at a regional scale10
A coupled approach for planning in vulnerable coastal landscapes10
An interoperable software ecosystem to store, visualize, and publish water resources systems modelling data10
Modelling quasi-three-dimensional distribution of solar irradiance on complex terrain9
Editorial Board9
Intelligent spatial interpolation-based frost prediction methodology using artificial neural networks with limited local data9
Modelling invasive alien plant distribution: A literature review of concepts and bibliometric analysis9
Introductory overview: Recommendations for approaching scientific visualization with large environmental datasets9
Towerpy: An open-source toolbox for processing polarimetric weather radar data9
SMETool: A web-based tool for soil moisture estimation based on Eo-Learn framework and Machine Learning methods9
An analytical and meshless model for 3D transient flow in a confined aquifer with nonuniform thickness: Application to stream depletion due to groundwater extraction9
CCdownscaling: A Python package for multivariable statistical climate model downscaling9