
(The TQCC of Radioprotection is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Pas de renouveau du nucléaire sans une radioprotection forte !18
Assessment of high school textbooks addressing radiations16
Analysis for external exposure of nurses engaged in nuclear medicine using a personal dosimeter with a trend function15
Rejets de tritium dans l’environnement et impact : évolutions récentes et perspectives15
Annual whole-body occupational radiation exposure in the medical and industrial fields in Saudi Arabia12
Comparative study of nuclear post-accident management doctrines in Europe and North America10
The existence of permanent facilities for nuclear disaster medicine progresses the development of manuals regardless of the years of designation elapsed10
Assessment of entrance skin dose for adult patients undergoing diagnostic X-ray examinations in the Souss-Massa region of Morocco9
Radiation risk during thoracic CT scan for diagnostic and radiotherapy planning procedures in Hassan II, Hospital, Agadir Morocco8
Occupational radiation doses among nurses working in several medical departments in Saudi Arabia: a five-year national study8
The potential effect of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) as a radioprotective agent against 6 Gy total body irradiation in rats8
Cumulative effective dose from imaging in infants with esophageal atresia: How low can we go?8
Rapid assessment of dose for large-scale individual: a feasibility study8
Effects of high ambient temperature on the accuracy of thermoluminescent dosimeters for environmental monitoring7
COVID-19 pandemic impact on the Spanish radiation protection professionals7
MEDIRAD formulation of science-based recommendations for medical radiation protection: a stakeholder forum survey7
Evaluating the Overall Quality of Online Information on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents in Japanese7
Evaluation of neutron spectra and dose equivalent from a Varian 2100C/D Medical Linear Accelerator: Monte Carlo simulation and a literature review6
Optimization of secure workstation for manipulation of 35S-labelled molecules: a case of in vitro cell metabolic labelling6
Would lead shielding the eye lenses during a head CT be beneficial?6
Lifetime attributable risk of cancer incidence in whole-body 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT scans via 3rd order polynomial approach6
Radiological protection challenges facing business activities affected by a nuclear accident: some lessons from the management of the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant5
Assessing optical radiation exposure to opaque incandescent materials by picture analysis – Part 1: from pixel color to radiance5
La rationalisation de la radioprotection à l’époque des pionniers du nucléaire5
Assessment of environmental radioactivity concentration and effective dose rates from radon gas exposure from water samples in Gezira State, Sudan5
Pour ou contre l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour écrire les articles scientifiques soumis à Radioprotection5
Hommage au Pr Gabriel Kalifa4
Evaluation of radiation protection knowledge and practices among Moroccan operating room nurses4
Estimating occupational exposure in interventional radiology through Air Kerma Area Product - calculation of Effective Dose conversion factors4
Assessment of maternal and fetal radiation exposure during CT pelvimetry in two radiology departments in Morocco4
Assessing optical radiation exposure to opaque incandescent materials by picture analysis − Part 2: from pixel radiance to eye irradiance4
Evaluation of the knowledge and observance of radiation protection for pregnant radiology technologists and pregnant patients in radiology and CT scan departments of Arak4
Maintenir les recommandations de la CIPR adaptées aux besoins4
Dose measurement study of the chest during a CT scan using a fabricated phantom3
Effect of new radioprotective equipment on reducing radiation exposure of participants in percutaneous coronary intervention3
Post-accident changes in the interests of residents of a municipality near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Text analysis of residents’ town meeting minutes3
Analyse de la justification des tomodensitométries crânio-encéphaliques au Togo3
Analysis and consideration of radiation dose distribution in cardiac catheterization interventions3
Paediatric cancer risks associated with chest computed tomography (CT) scans: comparison of routine chest and COVID-19 diagnosis CT protocols3
Evaluation of the radiological risk in cargo scanning by comparison with known biological consequences3
Enhanced natural radioactivity in leachate and groundwater of Belgian landfills3
La personne compétente en radioprotection / le conseiller en radioprotection : historique, constats et enjeux3
Comparaison de la dosimétrie et de la qualité d’image des équipements de radiologie conventionnelle utilisés pour les radiographies du Thorax et de l’ASP au niveau d’un GHT (Groupement Hospitalier de 3
Radiation dose assessment for nuclear medicine workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia3
Patient dose assessment in computed tomography in a Moroccan imaging department2
Proposal of a quantitative approach integrating radioactive and chemical risks2
Assessment of radiation protection awareness and safety practices among nurses in nuclear medicine departments in Saudi Arabia2
Une dialectique récurrente : des dangers aux risques des expositions aux rayonnements ionisants2
Artificial intelligence and radiation protection. A game changer or an update?2
Evaluation of barium sulfate-copper breast radiation shield for use in thoracic computed tomography examinations2
Comparative analysis of gender and prefecture-based attitudes toward future parenthood following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident2
Career burnout and psychological consistency among radiation workers in China: a cross section study2
Risk communication in the recovery phase after a nuclear accident: the contribution of the “co-expertise process”2
Assessment of dental students’ knowledge towards ionizing radiation in dentistry: a cross-sectional study2
Occupational eye lens dose among nuclear medicine workers in a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia2
Évaluation des risques professionnels pour les dispositifs électroniques cardiaques implantables à cause de l'exposition aux champs électriques du courant industriel dans le cadre des normes européenn2
Establishing Diagnostic Reference Levels for Scintigraphy Examinations at the Mohammed VI University Hospital Centre in Marrakech-Morocco2
La radioprotection est une attitude...2
Vers de nouvelles recommandations en radioprotection : la CIPR en marche / Towards new recommendations in radiological protection: ICRP on the move2
The Round-Table project in Kashiwa: a dialogue to reconcile consumers and farmers in the Tokyo suburbs after the Fukushima accident2
Natural radioactivity and radiological hazards assessment in soil samples of Hassan district, Karnataka State, India2
Evaluation of knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding the justification of radiological examinations among general practitioners in Morocco2
Radiation dose typical values per procedure complexity for transcatheter ventricular septal defect closure in pediatrics2