Mountain Research and Development

(The TQCC of Mountain Research and Development is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Conceptual Model for Rehabilitation of Puna Grassland Social–Ecological Systems29
Challenges for Governing Mountains Sustainably: Insights From a Global Survey25
Revitalizing Collective Resources in Mountain Areas Through Community Engagement and Knowledge Cocreation16
Publisher Information14
Intersections of Conservation, Cattle, and Culture in Ecuador's Páramo Grasslands13
Publisher Information12
Focus Issue: Weaving Together Knowledges—Collaborations in Support of the Wellbeing of Mountain Peoples and Regions11
Nature-Based Tourism in Asia's Mountainous Protected Areas: A Trans-regional Review of Peaks and Parks. Edited by Thomas E. Jones, Huong T. Bui, and Michal Apollo11
Transforming Degraded Rangelands and Pastoralists' Livelihoods in Eastern Bhutan10
Africa's First Alpine and Transboundary Long-Term Socioecological Research Platform9
The Development of Rural Residents' Sense of Place in an Ecological Restoration Area: A Case Study From Huajiang Gorge, China9
Publisher Information9
Against the Tide: The Future of Transhumant Herders in the Kailash Sacred Landscape of Nepal9
Alpine Plant Life: Functional Plant Ecology of High Mountain Ecosystems. By Christian Körner8
Provisioning Ecosystem Services of Wild Plants Collected From Seminatural Habitats: A Basis for Sustainable Livelihood and Multifunctional Landscape Conservation8
Publisher Information7
Who Is Vulnerable and Where Do They Live? Case Study of Three Districts in the Uttarakhand Region of India Himalaya7
Tackling Inter- and Transdisciplinary Challenges: A New Research Approach for the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research6
The Afromontane Research Unit: Driving Connections and Capacity Building for the Sustainable Development of Southern African Mountains6
ROSA: An Andean Network of Social–Ecological Observatories6
The Contribution of Local Food Products in Fostering Tourism for Marginal Mountain Areas: An Exploratory Study on Northwestern Italian Alps5
Determinants of Livelihood Strategy Choice Among Herder Households: Implications for Poverty Alleviation in Southwestern Iran5
Publisher Information5
Climate Change and Utah Ski Resorts: Impacts, Perceptions, and Adaptation Strategies5
Two Close-to-Nature Lifestyles, One Benefit for the Cultural Landscape: Comparing Lifestyle Movers and Lifestyle Farmers in the Remote European Eastern Alps5
Three Recent and Lesser-Known Glacier-Related Flood Mechanisms in High Mountain Environments5
Water Resource Management in Central Asia and Afghanistan: Current and Future Environmental and Water Issues. Edited by Zheenbek E. Kulenbekov and Baktyiar D. Asanov4
Publisher Information4
Social Innovations and the Mountain Economy: The Case of 100% Valposchiavo and Its Influence on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises4
Mountain Resilience: A Tool for Mudflow Risk Management in the Ile Alatau Mountains, Kazakhstan4
Indigenous-Driven Sustainability Initiatives in Mountainous Regions: The Shuar in the Tropical Andes of Ecuador4
Focus Issue: Pastoralism and Rangelands in Mountains4
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability. Edited by Dan Smyer Yü and Erik de Maaker4
Community-Based Institutions Shape Cheese Co-Production in a French Alpine Valley3
A Future for Mountain Terraces: Experiences from Mediterranean Wineries3
Long-Term Environmental and Social Monitoring in the Andes: State of the Art, Knowledge Gaps, and Priorities for an Integrated Agenda3
Earth Observation Science and Applications for Risk Reduction and Enhanced Resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region: A Decade of Experience From SERVIR. Edited by Birendra Bajracharya, Rajesh Bahadur 3
Boost in Visitor Numbers Post COVID-19 Shutdown: Consequences for an Alpine National Park3