Environmental Fluid Mechanics

(The TQCC of Environmental Fluid Mechanics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Effect of crossflow on trapping depths of particle plumes: laboratory experiments and application to the PLUMEX field experiment27
Ecological fluid mechanics: interaction between living organisms and environments25
RANS model predictions for desalination discharges implemented with a dynamic turbulent Schmidt number approach17
Unbalanced exchange flow and its implications for the night cooling of buildings by displacement ventilation16
The WATERMAN system for daily beach water quality forecasting: a ten-year retrospective15
Simulation of flow and shear stress distribution on the Oceano Dunes, implications for saltation and dust emissions14
Reply to "Comments on modeling stratified suspension concentration distribution in turbulent flow using fractional advection-diffusion equation" by R. Absi13
Mixing rates in stably stratified flows with respect to the turbulent froude number and turbulent scales12
Modelling of spatial variabilities in the flow structure of a heterogeneous mangrove patch through laboratory scale models12
A high-order well-balanced weighted compact nonlinear scheme for solving the pollutant transport model12
Analysis of the details of total mechanical energy balance and turbulent flow characteristics in irregular open-channels11
Influence of velocity field on driftwood accumulation at a bridge with a single pier11
Uncertainty of propagation and entrainment characteristics of lock-exchange gravity current11
The entire lifetime of a distinct double-diffusive staircase in crater Lake Nyos, Cameroon11
Stokes drift through corals11
The characterization of turbulent heat and moisture transport during a gust-front event over the Indian peninsula10
Investigation of the flow structures through heterogeneous vegetation of varying patch configurations in an open channel10
Bedload transport through emergent vegetation: current status and its future prospect9
Dynamics of fingering convection: a numerical study9
Numerical experiments of partial-depth colliding gravity currents using LES8
A new pH-based tracing method for flow mixing studies in closed-loop experimental flumes: evaluation in an open-channel confluence8
Self aeration and energy dissipation on a steep stepped chute: how does physical modelling compare to prototype observations?8
Effect of density maximum of water on the stability of gravitactic convective motions in biothermal convection7
Numerical simulation of flow field characteristics and pollutant transport under different ventilation modes7
Flow depth, velocity, and sediment motions in a straight widened channel with vegetated floodplains7
On the depth-averaged models of ice-covered flows7
Convective structures of salt fingers at a neutrally buoyant density interface7
Vortical structures, entrainment and mixing process in the lateral discharge of the gravity current7
Discussion of “Abbas, F. M., & Tanaka, N. (2022). Investigation of flow structure with moat acting as a water cushion at the toe of an overflowing levee. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 22(4), 865–6
Quadrant analysis of turbulence over a degraded channel-bed of bimodal sediment, with a definition framework for averaging methods6
Predicting velocity and turbulent kinetic energy inside an emergent Phragmites australis canopy with real morphology6
A computationally efficient and fully coupled model for sediment-borne contaminant transport6
Wavelet analysis of atmospheric turbulent data6
Shear layer over floodplain vegetation with a view on bending and streamlining effects5
Aerodynamics of ancient egyptian Obelisks and their structural response to Boundary Layer wind5
Dynamics of oil slicks on wavy water surfaces5
Variation in sediment delivery ratios of grouped sediment in a braided reach owing to channel adjustments5
Large eddy simulation of thermal stratification effect on natural ventilation performance in a corridor fire with a ceiling-duct5
Effects of fluvial instability on the bed morphology in vegetated channels5
Experimental study of the effects of riverbank vegetation conditions on riverbank erosion processes5
Structure of dense plumes from a finite-height cylinder in laminar crossflow5
Local flushing timescales in the flow separation zone of a T-shaped open-channel confluence5
Special Issue in Environmental Fluid Mechanics on Jets/Plumes/Thermals5
Fine stock dynamics along an engineered Alpine river system5
Hydrodynamic forces on emergent cylinders in non-uniform flow5
In Appreciation: Don L. Boyer (1938–2020)4
Dense pulses formed from fissioning internal waves4
Preface: special issue on turbulence and mixing in stratified flows4
Asymmetry in the spin-up of a stratified fluid in a sliced, square cylinder4
Effect of rotational ambient, discharge and inflow density on the formation and evolution of a density-driven current over a steep slope4
Penthouses’ impact on the wind flow structure and pollution distribution in the street canyons with or without balconies on building facades4
A semi-coupled model for determining the distribution of two-dimensional coherent structures in open channel flow4
Two-dimensional distribution of stream-wise mean velocity in turbulent flow with effect of suspended sediment concentration4
Discussion of “Mahmodinia, S., & Javan, M. (2021). Vortical structures, entrainment and mixing process in the lateral discharge of the gravity current. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 21(5), 1035–14
Preface: special issue on the hydrodynamic and fluvial instabilities4
Shear instability in mode-2 internal Kelvin waves4
Competing feedback in an idealized tide-influenced delta network4
Topographic effects on buoyancy driven flows along the slope4
On the role of the viscosity ratio on buoyant miscible jet flows3
A fully coupled two-dimensional flow—vegetation routing model in open channel flow3
Countergradient turbulent transport in a plume with a crossflow3
Explaining multiple patches of aquatic vegetation through linear stability analysis3
On the rotation of melting ice disks3
Effect of numerical schemes on advection terms for large eddy simulation of inclined dense jets3
Scavenging processes in multicomponent medium with first-order reaction kinetics: Lagrangian and Eulerian modeling3
Peculiarities of the confluence of rivers in hydrodynamic backwater from the dam3
Dispersion of ultrafine particles in the wake of a square back Ahmed body3
Effects of bedform migration on nutrient fluxes at the sediment–water interface: a theoretical analysis3
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) investigation of two-dimensional dam break flows3
The coalescence of adjacent turbulent plumes in a stratified and unstratified environment3
Dispersion coefficients analysis by ADCP measurements, tracer test and numerical simulations3
Hydraulic jumps with low inflow Froude numbers: air–water surface patterns and transverse distributions of two-phase flow properties3
The effect of neglecting spatial variations of the parameters in pollutant transport modeling in rivers3
Correction: Oceanic bottom mixed layer in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone: potential influence on deep-seabed mining plume dispersal3
A dry deposition scheme for particulate matter coupled with a well-known Lagrangian Stochastic model for pollutant dispersion3
A forecasting and warning system of storm surge events along the Norwegian coast3
Characteristics of planar buoyant jets and plumes in a turbulent channel crossflow from direct numerical simulations3
Numerical simulation of local scour around the pier with and without airfoil collar (AFC) using FLOW-3D3
Large eddy simulation of flow around semi-conical piers vertically mounted on the bed3
Acknowledgement of Reviewers for 20233
Density destratification by a single bubble plume in long horizontal fluid layers and in a dam lake3
River confluences: a review of recent field and numerical studies3