Journal of Great Lakes Research

(The TQCC of Journal of Great Lakes Research is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Microplastic and other anthropogenic microparticles in water and sediments of Lake Simcoe53
The relationship between thermal physiology and lampricide sensitivity in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)48
Management of anadromous lampreys: Common threats, different approaches45
Consequences of calamities and their management: The case of COVID-19 pandemic and flooding on inland capture fisheries in Kenya41
A systematic review of the literature on plastic pollution in the Laurentian Great Lakes and its effects on freshwater biota37
A renewed philosophy about supplemental sea lamprey controls32
Lamprey fisheries: History, trends and management32
Quantifying Great Lakes sea lamprey populations using an index of adults32
Emerging conservation initiatives for lampreys: Research challenges and opportunities32
Redox-related release of phosphorus from sediments in large and shallow Lake Peipsi: Evidence from sediment studies and long-term monitoring data31
Widespread prevalence of hypoxia and the classification of hypoxic conditions in the Laurentian Great Lakes30
Occurrence of residues of veterinary antibiotics in water, sediment and trout tissue (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the southern area of Lake Titicaca, Peru29
Using decision analysis to collaboratively respond to invasive species threats: A case study of Lake Erie grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)28
Progress towards integrating an understanding of chemical ecology into sea lamprey control27
Tributary use and large-scale movements of grass carp in Lake Erie27
Status of the major aquaculture carps of China in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin27
Wetland vegetation response to record-high Lake Ontario water levels26
Advances in the use of lampricides to control sea lampreys in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2000–201926
Desiccation of the Transboundary Hamun Lakes between Iran and Afghanistan in Response to Hydro-climatic Droughts and Anthropogenic Activities25
Passage and freshwater habitat requirements of anadromous lampreys: Considerations for conservation and control24
At-sea feeding ecology of parasitic lampreys24
Controls on the geomorphic response of beach-dune systems to water level rise24
Dreissena in Lake Ontario 30 years post-invasion24
Managing native and non-native sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) through anthropogenic change: A prospective assessment of key threats and uncertainties22
Large lakes in climate models: A Great Lakes case study on the usability of CMIP522
Lake Urmia restoration success story: A natural trend or a planned remedy?21
Identifying sources and year classes contributing to invasive grass carp in the Laurentian Great Lakes21
Rapid water level rise drives unprecedented coastal habitat loss along the Great Lakes of North America21
An adaptive management approach for implementing multi-jurisdictional response to grass carp in Lake Erie20
A review of osmoregulation in lamprey20
Impacts of a changing climate on native lamprey species: From physiology to ecosystem services20
Where you trap matters: Implications for integrated sea lamprey management20
Why a Great Lakes Fishery Commission? The seven-decade pursuit of a Canada-U.S. fishery treaty20
Three-dimensional modeling of sediment resuspension in a large shallow lake20
Then and now: Revisiting nutrient export in agricultural watersheds within southern Ontario’s lower Great Lakes basin20
Impacts of climate change on groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin: A review20
Evolution of the sea lamprey control barrier program: The importance of lowermost barriers19
Chloride trends in Ontario’s surface and groundwaters19
Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes19
Groundwater as a source and pathway for road salt contamination of surface water in the Lake Ontario Basin: A review19
Persistent contaminants of emerging concern in a great lakes urban-dominant watershed19
Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances in a Lake Ontario food web19
A matrix population model to aid agency response to grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Great Lakes Basin - Lake Erie18
Environmental exposure of freshwater mussels to contaminants of emerging concern: Implications for species conservation18
Setting and tracking suppression targets for sea lampreys in the Great Lakes18
Phosphorus retention and transformation in a dammed reservoir of the Thames River, Ontario: Impacts on phosphorus load and speciation18
Three-dimensional bluff evolution in response to seasonal fluctuations in Great Lakes water levels18
Considering aquatic connectivity trade-offs in Great Lakes barrier removal decisions17
Microbial source tracking to identify fecal sources contaminating the Toronto Harbour and Don River watershed in wet and dry weather17
Lamprey aquaculture successes and failures: A path to production for control and conservation17
Application of dynamic contributing area for modelling the hydrologic response of the Assiniboine River Basin to a changing climate17
Advances in fish passage in the Great Lakes basin17
Evidence of host switching: Sea lampreys disproportionately attack Chinook salmon when lake trout abundance is low in Lake Ontario17
Targeted lampricide treatment strategies for sea lamprey suppression in the Great Lakes: 2008–201817
Shifting baselines and social license to operate: Challenges in communicating sea lamprey control16
Methane and nitrous oxide measured throughout Lake Erie over all seasons indicate highest emissions from the eutrophic Western Basin16
Prioritizing lampricide treatments in Great Lakes tributaries and lentic areas during 2000–201716
Variations in water level, area and volume of Hongze Lake, China from 2003 to 201816
A case study of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control and ecology in a microcosm of the Great Lakes16
Influence of lake levels on water extent, interspersion, and marsh birds in Great Lakes coastal wetlands15
Changes in native lamprey populations in the Great Lakes since the onset of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control15
Population structure in anadromous lampreys: Patterns and processes15
Fish living near two wastewater treatment plants have unaltered thermal tolerance but show changes in organ and tissue traits15
Validation of the model-predicted spawning area of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella in the Sandusky River15
Estimating age and growth of invasive sea lamprey: A review of approaches and investigation of a new method15
Contemporary spatial extent and environmental drivers of larval coregonine distributions across Lake Ontario15
Interannual variability of water quality conditions in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya15
Genetic control of invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes15
Six decades of Lake Ontario ecological history according to benthos14
Depth drives growth dynamics of dreissenid mussels in Lake Ontario14
Understanding sea lamprey abundances in the Great Lakes prior to broad implementation of sea lamprey control14
Synergizing basic and applied scientific approaches to help understand lamprey biology and support management actions14
Characterizing spatial and temporal distributions of turbulent mixing and dissipation in Lake Erie14
Applying functional genomics to the study of lamprey development and sea lamprey population control14
Distribution, abundance and spatial variability of microplastic pollution on the surface of Lake Superior14
Trends and biological effects of environmental contaminants in lamprey13
Assessment of nitrogen fixation rates in the Laurentian Great Lakes13
Developing habitat associations for fishes in Lake Winnipeg by linking large scale bathymetric and substrate data with fish telemetry detections13
A seasonal electric barrier blocks invasive adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and reduces production of larvae13
Dolichospermum blooms in Lake Superior: DNA-based approach provides insight to the past, present and future of blooms13
Evaluating diffuse and point source phosphorus inputs to streams in a cold climate region using a load apportionment model12
Empirical modeling of chlorophyll a from MODIS satellite imagery for trophic status monitoring of Lake Victoria in East Africa12
Before the first meal: The elusive pre-feeding juvenile stage of the sea lamprey12
The distribution, density, and biomass of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on natural substrates in Lake Winnipeg 2017–201912
An adaptive management implementation framework for evaluating supplemental sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) controls in the Laurentian Great Lakes12
Incorporation of non-native species in the diets of cisco (Coregonus artedi) from eastern Lake Ontario12
Diets of the benthic amphipod Diporeia in southern Lake Michigan before and after the dreissenid invasion12
Reporting on the status, trends, and drivers of algal blooms on Lake of the Woods using satellite-derived bloom indices (2002–2021)12
Retrieval of ice/water observations from synthetic aperture radar imagery for use in lake ice data assimilation12
Spatial ecology of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Winnipeg and its potential for management actions12
Broad screening of toxic and bioactive metabolites in cyanobacterial and harmful algal blooms in Lake of the Woods (Canada and USA), 2016–201912
Telemetry evaluation of carbon dioxide as a behavioral deterrent for invasive carps12
Results of the collaborative Lake Ontario bloater restoration stocking and assessment, 2012–202012
Seasonality and physical drivers of deep chlorophyll layers in Lake Superior, with implications for a rapidly warming lake12
A review of sea lamprey control in Lake Erie, 2000–201911
Episodic nearshore-offshore exchanges of hypoxic waters along the north shore of Lake Erie11
Concentrations and loads of nutrients and major ions in the Niagara River, 1975–201811
Characterizing the cultural ecosystem services of coastal sand dunes11
Implications of the sea lamprey control program for lake sturgeon conservation and rehabilitation efforts11
Using simulation to understand annual sea lamprey marking rates on lake trout11
Long-term dynamics of Lake Erie benthos: One lake, three distinct communities11
Asian carp spawning success: Predictions from a 3-D hydrodynamic model for a Laurentian Great Lake tributary11
Evidence of spawning by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush on substrates at the base of large boulders in northern Lake Huron11
High nutrient loading and climatic parameters influence the dominance and dissimilarity of toxigenic cyanobacteria in northern bays of Lake Victoria11
Seasonal offshore/inshore migration of round gobies10
Testing for hybridization between Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and blue spotted tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus) in the Lake Edward system10
A case history of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) abundance and control in Lake Huron: 2000–201910
Lampricide bioavailability and toxicity to invasive sea lamprey and non-target fishes: The importance of alkalinity, pH, and the gill microenvironment10
Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved CO2, CH4 and N2O in Lakes Edward and George (East Africa)10
Declines in lake whitefish larval densities after dreissenid mussel establishment in Lake Huron10
An investigation into Saugeen Ojibway Nation-based ecological knowledge on the ciscoes (Coregonus spp.) of Lake Huron10
The role of wind-wave related processes in redistributing river-derived terrigenous sediments in Lake Turkana: A modelling study10
What can commercial fishery data in the Great Lakes reveal about juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ecology and management?10
Molecular sexing of lake sturgeon10
Recolonization of lake whitefish river spawning ecotypes and estimates of riverine larval production in Green Bay, Lake Michigan10
Evaluating the spatial distribution and source of phthalate esters in the surface water of Xingkai Lake, China during summer10
Psychrotrophic violacein-producing bacteria isolated from Lake Winnipeg, Canada10
Sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes: A Tribal/First Nations Representative’s perspective10
Groundwater-surface water interactions and agricultural nutrient transport in a Great Lakes clay plain system10
Exploiting the physiology of lampreys to refine methods of control and conservation10
Depth and temperature selection of lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush) ecotypes in Lake Superior revealed by popup satellite archival tags10
Environmental predictors of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a in Great Lakes coastal wetlands10
Local perceptions on the state of the pelagic fisheries and fisheries management in Uvira, Lake Tanganyika, DR Congo10
Vertical oscillations of the thermocline caused by internal waves modify coldwater pelagic fish distribution: Results from a large stratified lake10
DNA metabarcoding of the phytoplankton of Great Salt Lake’s Gilbert Bay: Spatiotemporal assemblage changes and comparisons to microscopy10
Spatial and temporal variability in lake trout diets in Lake Ontario as revealed by stomach contents and stable isotopes10
Delineating spatial distribution and thickness of unconsolidated sand along the southwest Lake Michigan shoreline using TEM and ERT geophysical methods10
Genomics reveals identity, phenology and population demographics of larval ciscoes (Coregonus artedi, C. hoyi, and C. kiyi) in the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior10
Snowpack response in the Assiniboine-Red River basin associated with projected global warming of 1.0 °C to 3.0 °C10
Spatiotemporal trends of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface and suspended sediments from the Lake Ontario Canadian nearshore 1994–2018: A fish consumption advisory perspective9
An ecosystem health assessment of the Detroit River and western Lake Erie9
Importance of long-term intensive monitoring programs for understanding multiple drivers influencing Lake Ontario zooplankton communities9
Spatial and temporal distributions of Dreissena spp. veligers in Lake Huron: Does calcium limit settling success?9
Loading and lake circulation structures recurrent patterns of water quality on the Toronto – Mississauga waterfront of Lake Ontario9
Microplastic pollutants in the coastal dunes of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario9
Acoustic tag retention and tagging mortality of juvenile cisco Coregonus artedi9
Diet, trophic position of upper St. Lawrence River round goby giants reveals greater dependence on dreissenids with increasing body size9
Updated census in the Laurentian Great Lakes Watershed: A framework for determining the relationship between the population and this aquatic resource9
Predicting physical and geomorphic habitat associated with historical lake whitefish and cisco spawning locations in Lakes Erie and Ontario9
Eradication of sea lampreys from the Laurentian Great Lakes is possible9
Initial insights into the development and implementation of a citizen-science drone-based coastal change monitoring program in the Great Lakes region9
Lake Superior herring gulls benefit from anthropogenic food subsidies in a prey–impoverished aquatic environment8
Bridging Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge systems and practices for sustainable management of aquatic resources from East to West Africa8
Historical and contemporary movement and survival rates of walleye (Sander vitreus) in Lake Winnipeg, Canada8
Mitigating lake eutrophication through stakeholder-driven hydrologic modeling of agricultural conservation practices: A case study of Lake Macatawa, Michigan8
The evolution of sea lamprey control in the St. Marys River: 1997–20198
Modeling three-dimensional transport of microplastics and impacts of biofouling in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario8
Pedigree-based decadal estimates of lake sturgeon adult spawning numbers and genetic diversity of stream-side hatchery produced offspring8
Lake Erie hypoxia spatial and temporal dynamics present challenges for assessing progress toward water quality goals8
Association of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs and zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, within the littoral zone of Lake Winnipeg8
Revision of the needle-shaped Fragilaria species (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) in the Laurentian Great Lakes (United States of America, Canada)8
Heatwaves and storms contribute to degraded water quality conditions in the nearshore of Lake Ontario8
A review of sea lamprey dispersal and population structure in the Great Lakes and the implications for control8
An ecological causal assessment of tributaries draining the Red River Valley, Manitoba8
Validation of qPCR method for enterococci quantification at Toronto beaches: Application for rapid recreational water monitoring8
Nutrient and suspended-sediment concentrations in the Maumee River and tributaries during 2019 rain-induced fallow conditions8
Response of aquatic macroinvertebrate density and diversity to wetland management and structure in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex, New York8
Estimation of phosphorus loads from septic systems to tributaries in the Canadian Lake Erie Basin8
Diet differences between wild and stocked age-0 to age-3 lake trout indicate influence of early rearing environments8
Trade-offs between suppression and eradication of sea lampreys from the Great Lakes8
Lake Ontario’s nearshore zooplankton: Community composition changes and comparisons to the offshore8
Seventy years of food-web change in South Bay, Lake Huron8
Punctuated decadal morphodynamics and coupled vegetation succession along a nontidal, wave-dominated Great Lakes barrier spit, Gull Point, Lake Erie, U.S.A.8
Addressing the risk of lampricide exposure to three federally listed species in U.S. streams8
Two decades since first invasion: Revisiting round goby impacts on nearshore aquatic communities in the Upper St. Lawrence River8
Alkalinity, pH, and pCO2 in the Laurentian Great Lakes: An initial view of seasonal and inter-annual trends8
Life history evolution of sea lamprey is predicted to reduce the effectiveness of pesticide control8
Spatial and seasonal comparisons of growth of wild and stocked juvenile lake trout in Lake Champlain8
Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) annual adult survival estimated from acoustic telemetry8
Lake Victoria: Overview of research needs and the way forward8
Agricultural conservation practices could help offset climate change impacts on cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie7
Registration and application of sea lamprey pheromones for sea lamprey control in the United States and Canada7
Modelling streamflow and phosphorus fluxes in the Lake of the Woods watershed7
Mercury concentrations in commercial fish species from Lake Winnipeg, 1971–20197
Environmental factors influencing annual sucker (Catostomus sp.) migration into a Great Lakes tributary7
Determining habitat limitations of Maumee River walleye production to western Lake Erie fish stocks: documenting a spawning ground barrier7
Temporal variations in the pelagic fish community of Lake Winnipeg from 2002 to 20197
Assessing the assumptions of classification agreement, accuracy, and predictable healing time of sea lamprey wounds on lake trout7
At the intersection between toxicology and physiology: What we have learned about sea lampreys and bony fish physiology from studying the mode of action of lampricides7
Evidence of successful river spawning by lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the Lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario7
Assessing the ecological vulnerability of the shallow steppe Lake Neusiedl (Austria-Hungary) to climate-driven hydrological changes using a palaeolimnological approach7
Requirements for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for scientific data collection in the Laurentian Great Lakes: A questionnaire survey7
Condition of macroinvertebrate communities in the Buffalo River Area of Concern following sediment remediation7
Hydrodynamics of a large lake with complex geometry and topography: Lake of the Woods7
Prevalence and ecological features of deep chlorophyll layers in Lake of the Woods, a complex hydrological system with strong trophic, physical, and chemical gradients7
Temporal dynamics and drivers of lake ecosystem metabolism using high resolution observations in a shallow, tropical, eutrophic lake (Laguna Lake, Philippines)7
Ontogenetic habitat use and seasonal activity of Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) in the Lake Albert delta, East Africa7
Lake Turkana: Status, challenges, and opportunities for collaborative research7
Lake Tanganyika: Status, challenges, and opportunities for research collaborations7
Winter severity, fish community, and availability to traps explain most of the variability in estimates of adult sea lamprey in Lake Superior7
Cold and wet: Diatoms dominate the phytoplankton community during a year of anomalous weather in a Great Lakes estuary7
Enhancement of a global lake and reservoir database to aid climate studies and resource monitoring utilizing satellite radar altimetry7
Urban pocket-beach morphodynamics along the wave-dominated southwest coast of Lake Michigan: An analysis of shoreline and sand volumetric changes7
Incorporation of anthropogenic debris into double-crested cormorant nests, Toronto, Ontario7
Elevated methylmercury concentration and trophic position of the non-native bloody red shrimp (Hemimysis anomala) increase biomagnification risk in nearshore food webs7
Trophic transfer efficiency in the Lake Superior food web: Assessing the impacts of non-native species7
Seasonal changes predominant over manure application in driving dissolved organic matter shifts in agricultural runoff7