International Journal of Biometeorology

(The TQCC of International Journal of Biometeorology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Skin transcriptomic analysis reveals candidate genes and pathways associated with thermotolerance in hair sheep91
Association between thermal stress and cardiovascular mortality in the subtropics61
Effect of short-term exposure to high-altitude hypoxic climate on feed-intake, blood glucose level and physiological responses of native and non-native goat61
Urban thermal perception and self-reported health effects in Ibadan, south west Nigeria52
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief, Scott C. Sheridan44
Association between sleep quality and serum biomarkers among long-term hot spring bathers: a cross-sectional study40
Heat abatement during the pre-weaning period: effects on lying behavior and disbudding-related responses of male Holstein calves34
Tree-ring-based seasonal temperature reconstructions and ecological implications of recent warming on oak forest health in the Zagros Mountains, Iran34
Associations between residential greenness and air pollution and the incident metabolic syndrome in a Thai worker cohort33
Association between meteorological variables and semen quality: a retrospective study28
Analysis of the impact of climate change on grapevines in Turkey using heat unit accumulation–based indices28
Comparative analysis of different Karnal bunt disease prediction models developed by machine learning techniques for Punjab conditions27
Calibration, testing and application of the AquaCrop model for bean crop under irrigation regimes25
Effect of environmental exposome and influenza infection on febrile seizure in children over 22 years: a time series analysis24
Skeletal muscle transcriptomics of sheep acclimated to cold desert and tropical regions identifies genes and pathways accentuating their diversity24
Advancing biometeorological insights: a third special issue from the students and new professionals of the ISB22
Thermoregulation of the bovine scrotum 2: simulated acute and chronic heat waves reduces the scrotal thermoregulatory capability of Wagyu bulls22
Defining a new perspective in Environmental Health: the healing environment20
Summer heat waves and their mortality risk over a 14-year period in a western region of Iran19
Association of transient mitochondrial functional impairment with acute heat exposure in children from Muzaffarpur region of Bihar, India19
Investigating the impacts of shaded outdoor spaces on thermal adaptation and cognitive performance of university students in classroom environments19
Exploration of sub-field microclimates and winter temperatures: Implications for precision agriculture19
Spatial modeling via geostatistics of the bed in a compost barn system: thermal performance assessments18
The effect of weather conditions on scores at the United States Masters golf tournament18
Modification effects of seasonal and temperature variation on the association between exposure to nitrogen dioxide and ischemic stroke onset in Shenzhen, China18
Adapting to a changing climate: indigenous biotic rainfall forecasting in Western Zambia17
Universal thermal climate index in the Arctic in an era of climate change: Alaska and Chukotka as a case study17
Estimating the seasonally varying effect of meteorological factors on the district-level incidence of acute watery diarrhea among under-five children of Iran, 2014–2018: a Bayesian hierarchical spatio17
Pollen production of downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) along an altitudinal gradient in the European Alps16
YouTube as a source of information for water treatments16
Space weather phenomena on heart rate: a study in the Greek region16
Thermal comfort thresholds for Japanese quails based on performance and egg quality15
Implications of exposing mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) plant to higher CO2 concentration on seed quality15
Cross-cultural adaptation of the spa therapy checklist (SPAC) in Greek15
How outdoor horticultural activities affect elderly adults’ thermal, physiological and psychological responses: a field study14
Developing a simple and efficient modeling solution for predicting key phenological stages of table grapes in a non-traditional viticulture zone in south Asia14
Failure to advance migratory phenology in response to climate change may pose a significant threat to a declining Nearctic-Neotropical songbird14
Global Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease burden attributable to air pollution from 1990 to 201914
A study of the effect of half-day climatotherapy on changes in salivary cortisol levels14
Comparison of the efficacy of low intensity laser and peloid therapy in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome14
Is short-term exposure to primary gaseous air pollutants associated with AIDS-related deaths? Evidence from a time-stratified case-crossover study14
Variation in the timing and duration of autumn leaf phenology among temperate deciduous trees, native shrubs and non-native shrubs14
A variety-specific analysis of climate change effects on California winegrapes14
Morphological spatial clustering of high-density central areas and their coupling relationship with thermal environment——a case study of the wuyi road hatchback in changsha14
Subjective perceived risk factors of exertional heat exhaustion-related symptoms in female collegiate athletes in Japan14
Effect of heat stress mitigations on physiological, behavioural, and hormonal responses of Buffalo calves13
Is higher ambient temperature associated with acute appendicitis hospitalizations? A case-crossover study in Tongling, China13
The effect of short, long, natural, and intermittent short photoperiods on meat-type Japanese quails13
Clothing and Outdoor Thermal Comfort (OTC) in tourist environments: a case study from Porto (Portugal)13
Mechanisms underlying reproductive responses of Japanese quails to heat stress conditions13
Climate sensitivity of seasonal radial growth in young stands of Mexican conifers13
Effect of access to natural shade on scrotal thermoregulatory capacity, integrity of the testicular parenchyma and sperm morphology of Nelore (Bos indicus) and Canchim (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) bulls13
Impacts of climate change on dogsledding recreation and tourism in Arctic Sweden12
Seasonal variations in water flux compositions controlled by leaf development: isotopic insights at the canopy–atmosphere interface12
The impact of wind speed measurement method on MRT and PET values in limited air flow conditions on warm, sunny days12
Thermal comfort provided by different shading structures in free-range systems in Brazilian savanna12
Development of summer skiing days in Austrian glacier ski areas in the first two decades of the twenty-first century12
Effects of circulation weather types on influenza hospital admissions in Spain12
Phenological advance in the South African Namaqualand Daisy First and Peak Bloom: 1935–201812
Nutrient allocation patterns of Picea crassifolia on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau11
The effectiveness of balneotherapy and thermal aquatic exercise in postoperative persistent lumbar pain syndrome11
Reconstruction of April temperatures in Kyoto, Japan, since the fifteenth century using the floral phenology of herbaceous peony and rabbit-ear iris11
Warming/cooling effect of cropland expansion during the 1900s ~ 2010s in the Heilongjiang Province, Northeast of China11
The Diamond League athletic series: does the air quality sparkle?11
Investigating city bike rental usage and wet-bulb globe temperature11
Spatial influence on the distribution of downhill skiers in Sweden11
Blood hematology and biochemical of four laying hen strains exposed to acute heat stress11
Analysis of the correlation mechanism between geometric parameters and the thermal environment of Xi’an’s summer outdoor commercial pedestrian streets10
Quantifying the potential of evidence-based planting-pattern for reducing the outdoor thermal stress from a bio-meteorological perspective in tropical conditions of Indian cities10
Heat Shock Proteins expression in malaria and dengue vector10
Chronic heat stress upregulates pyruvate metabolic process and gluconeogenesis but downregulates immune responses in Sahiwal cattle10
Beyond the sine wave: unveiling climate-driven baseline mortality cycles10
Orthopaedic patients’ emergency department attendance behavior in relation to weather conditions: temperature, rain, day and time, and regional thursday effect10
Influence of climate change on flowering phenology of Yoshino cherry at its southern distribution limit10
Malaria metrics distribution under global warming: assessment of the VECTRI malaria model over Cameroon10
Comparative physiological and biochemical assessment of the heat tolerance of dwarf Vechur, Kasaragod, and standard-size crossbred cattle under humid, hot conditions10
Evaluating tree-ring proxies for representing the ecosystem productivity in India10
Parallel prediction of dengue cases with different risks in Mexico using an artificial neural network model considering meteorological data10
An advanced empirical model for quantifying the impact of heat and climate change on human physical work capacity9
Optimizing sowing window, cultivar choice, and plant density to boost maize yield under RCP8.5 climate scenario of CMIP59
Interactive effect of elevated tropospheric ozone and carbon dioxide on radiation utilisation, growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)9
Ambient temperature exposure and risk of outpatient visits for dermatologic diseases in Xinxiang, China: a time-series analysis9
Investigating the potential of integrated urban greening strategies for reducing outdoor thermal stresses: a case of asymmetrical configuration in the tropical city of Bhopal9
Quantifying the impact of heat on human physical work capacity; part II: the observed interaction of air velocity with temperature, humidity, sweat rate, and clothing is not captured by most heat stre9
Molecular epidemiology on seasonal variation of yellow mosaic disease incidence in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) with its vector Bemisia tabaci9
Estimating the magnitude and risk associated with heat exposure among Ghanaian mining workers9
Variations of wet-bulb globe temperature across high school athletics in South Carolina9
Heat ameliorative measures in Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifers during summer: effect on microclimate, thermal comfort, and behavior8
High-resolution wind speed forecast system coupling numerical weather prediction and machine learning for agricultural studies — a case study from South Korea8
Exploring the risk of heat stress in high school pre-season sports training, Johannesburg, South Africa8
Clothing color effect as a target of the smallest scale climate change adaptation8
Physiological mechanisms of the impact of heat during pregnancy and the clinical implications: review of the evidence from an expert group meeting8
Impact of temperature on hospital admission for acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) among pre-school children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam8
Impact of windbreak design on microclimate in hot regions during cold waves: Numerical investigation8
Long-term microclimate study of a peatland in Central Europe to understand microrefugia8
Characterization of thermo-physiological, hematological, and molecular changes in response to seasonal variations in two tropically adapted native cattle breeds of Bos indicus lineage in hot arid ambi8
Effectiveness of balneotherapy in reducing pain, disability, and depression in patients with Fibromyalgia syndrome: a systematic review with meta-analysis8
Ecological niche modeling of two Microtheca Stål, 1860 species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) in the Americas: insights from Brassicaceae occurrence8
Annual variation in waterbird clutch initiation date in relation to spring thaw in Arctic Russia8
Microclimate of grass canopies and biomass accumulation are influenced by the use of caged exclosures in grazing research8
A numerical tool for assessing human thermal safety and thermal comfort in cold-weather activities8
Clinical efficacy of medical hydrology: an umbrella review8
Heat, heatwaves, and ambulance service use: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological evidence8
The influence of virtual environment on thermal perception: physical reaction and subjective thermal perception on outdoor scenarios in virtual reality8
Pollen effects in a changing climate: Ragweed pollen exposure and sleepiness in immunotherapy patients of a Southeastern Michigan allergy clinic8
Calibration and validation of solar radiation-based equations to estimate crop evapotranspiration in a semi-arid climate8
Effect of climatic oscillations on small pelagic fisheries and its economic profit in the Gulf of Cadiz8
Physiological, blood-biochemical and behavioural changes of Ghoongroo pigs in seasonal heat stress of a hot-humid tropical environment8
Climate change impacts on thermal stress in four climatically diverse European cities8
Wearable ultraviolet radiation sensors for research and personal use8
Balneotherapy using thermal mineral water baths and dermatological diseases: a systematic review8
Exploring the comprehensive link between climatic factors and vegetation productivity in China7
Differences in phenological term changes in field crops and wild plants – do they have the same response to climate change in Central Europe?7
Gross primary productivity estimation through remote sensing and machine learning techniques in the high Andean Region of Ecuador7
Spatiotemporal shifts in humidification zones: assessing climate impact on bioclimatic landscapes7
Heat stress morbidity among US military personnel: Daily exposure and lagged response (1998–2019)7
Exploring the relationships between ground observations and remotely sensed hazelnut spring phenology7
Correction to: The association between weather and emergency department visitation for diabetes in Roanoke, Virginia7
Health resort medicine: a new model for promoting longevity and healthy aging7
Effect of Temperature and Precipitation on Acute Appendicitis Incidence in Seoul: A Time Series Regression Analysis7
Unraveling the ameliorative potentials of native lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., during COVID 19 phase7
Effects of environmental conditions and leaf area index changes on seasonal variations in carbon fluxes over a wheat–maize cropland rotation7
Correction to: Environmental temperature and relative humidity differently affect the sperm characteristics in Brown Swiss and Belgian Blue bulls7
Elucidating the effect of heat stress on milk production and composition in Jersey crossbred cows using test day records integrated with NASA POWER satellite data7
Wood anatomy and tree-ring stable isotopes indicate a recent decline in water-use efficiency in the desert tree Moringa peregrina6
Biophysical effects of a natural peloid on normal skin6
Forecasting daily emergency ambulance service demand using biometeorological indexes6
Volatile organic compounds and cancer risk assessment in an intensive care unit6
Spatial and interdecadal differences in climatic suitability for winter wheat in China from 1985 to 20146
Investigating the long-term response of plateau vegetation productivity to extreme climate: insights from a case study in Qinghai Province, China6
Temperature–humidity index monitoring during two summer seasons in dairy cow sheds in Mugello (Tuscany)6
Developing of a model to predict lying behavior of dairy cows on silvopastoral system during the winter season6
Impact of human body shape on forced convection heat transfer6
Geographical distribution of reference values of fibrinogen degradation products in healthy adults in China6
Implications of variable environments on phenology of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) in Northwestern Himalayan region6
High aerospora levels and associated atmospheric circulation patterns: Pretoria, South Africa6
Photosynthetic sensitivity to historic meteorological variability for conifers in the eastern Sierra Nevada6
Establishing the twig method for investigations on pollen characteristics of allergenic tree species6
Thermal performance of a low-profile cross-ventilated freestall dairy barn with evaporative cooling pads in a hot and humid climate6
Sustained exercise load by young adult females while wearing surgical mask raises core body temperature measured with zero-heat-flux thermometer6
Daily timings of sap production in sugar maple in Quebec, Canada6
Seasonal differences in the intensity of acute phase response in dogs infected with Babesia canis6
Hydrothermal regime of the urban soils in the cold period of the hydrological year of Western Siberia (Russia)6
The effects of intrinsic water-use efficiency and climate on wood anatomy6
Optimizing evapotranspiration and crop irrigation requirements of tropical forages cropping systems in Southern Brazil6
Mortality and diurnal temperature range in Virginia6
Environmental variables responsible for Zebu cattle thermal comfort acquisition6
Heat wave exposure impairs reproductive performance in primiparous sows and gilts in a tropical environment6
Ambient NO2 is associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced pneumonia in children and increases the minimum inhibitory concentration of penicillin6
Modelling Fagus sylvatica stem growth along a wide thermal gradient in Italy by incorporating dendroclimatic classification and land surface phenology metrics6
Prediction of leptospirosis outbreaks by hydroclimatic covariates: a comparative study of statistical models6
Impacts on two dairy breeds of adding a third (night) cooling event under extreme ambient heat6
Updates to standardized plant and animal observation protocols of the USA National Phenology Network5
Physiological changes and behavioral responses in heat-stressed goats under humid tropical environment5
Comparing the responses of grain fed feedlot cattle under moderate heat load and during subsequent recovery with those of feed restricted thermoneutral counterparts: metabolic hormones5
Association between atmospheric PM2.5 and daily outpatient visits for children’s respiratory diseases in Lanzhou5
A bibliometric analysis of the literature on crop yield prediction: insights from previous findings and prospects for future research5
Temperature might increase the hospital admission risk for rheumatoid arthritis patients in Anqing, China: a time-series study5
Relationships of frequencies of extreme low temperatures with grain yield of some Australian commercial chickpea cultivars5
Spatiotemporal assessment of aeromycoflora under differing urban green space, sampling height, and meteorological regimes: the atmospheric fungiscape of Thessaloniki, Greece5
Leptospirosis modelling using hydrometeorological indices and random forest machine learning5
Evaluation of environmental and physiological indicators in lactating dairy cows exposed to heat stress5
Identifying heat thresholds for South Africa towards the development of a heat-health warning system5
Correction to: Utility of the Heat Index in defining the upper limits of thermal balance during light physical activity (PSU HEAT Project)5
A news update from the students and new professionals group5
The effects of summer ambient temperature on total mortality in Serbia5
Barley vulnerability to climate change: perspectives for cultivation in South America5
Study on correlation between shadow patterns and human behaviour in hot, arid cities: a case study of Biskra, Algeria5
Psychosomatic states and their correlation with letting-go: two newly evaluated core factors for investigating the therapeutic effect of spa treatment5
Assessing evidence for seasonality of hospital admissions for schizophrenia in Queensland, Australia: a time series observational study5
Evolving heat waves characteristics challenge heat warning systems and prevention plans5
Evaluating the long-term impact of projected climate on rice-lentil-groundnut cropping system in Lower Gangetic Plain of India using crop simulation modelling5
Seasonal and climatic factors have a significant influence on fertility associated sperm phenomic attributes in crossbred breeding bulls (Bos taurus × Bos indicus)5
Interaction between air pollutants and meteorological factors on pulmonary tuberculosis in northwest China: A case study of eight districts in Urumqi5
The impact of extreme temperatures on human mortality in the most populated cities of Romania5
Investigation the relationship between causes of death and thermal comfort conditions: the sample of Amasya Province5
Years of life lost attributable to air pollution, a health risk-based air quality index approach in Ningbo, China5
Mining plant phenology records from Kanazawa, Japan in the 1807–1838 Kakuson Diary5
The effect of heatwave and cold spell on cardiovascular disease mortality in central China, 2018–20225
Correction to: Machine learning ensembles, neural network, hybrid and sparse regression approaches for weather based rainfed cotton yield forecast5
The influence of ambient temperature and polyphenols from plant leaves on growth and the response to oxidative and nitrosative stress in African nightcrawler earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg, 1865
Exploring vulnerabilities of inland fisheries in Indian context with special reference to climate change and their mitigation and adaptation: a review5
Applied nucleation under high biodiversity silvopastoral system as an adaptive strategy against microclimate extremes in pasture areas5
Impacts of meteorological variables and machine learning algorithms on rice yield prediction in Korea5
A regression-based three-phase approach to assess outdoor thermal comfort in informal micro-entrepreneurial settings in tropical Mumbai5
PM2.5 exposure deteriorates Th1/Th2 balance in pediatric asthma by downregulating ALKBH5 and enhancing SRSF1 m6A methylation5
Rubber latex yield is affected by interactions between antecedent temperature, rubber phenology, and powdery mildew disease5
Public perceptions of air pollution and its impacts on fertility desire: a nationwide study in China5
Maximum limit of sensible heat dissipation in Japanese quail5
How aerial insectivore bats of different sizes respond to nightly temperature shifts5
Overnight heat in sleep spaces of housed and unhoused residents: results and recommendations from a Knoxville, Tennessee, case study5
Metatranscriptomic insight into the possible role of clay microbiome in skin disease management5
Impact of drought on mental and behavioral disorders, contributions of research in a climate change context. A narrative review5
Influence of monsoon anomalies on intra-annual density fluctuations of Chinese pine in the Loess Plateau5