Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

(The TQCC of Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Hydrological modeling of catchment specific runoff-response to variable land-use/climatic conditions and trend-based hypothetical scenario generation: a study on a large river basin in Eastern India95
Distance Learning Experience During Covid-19 Period in Higher Education for Space Application77
Assessment of Salinization Through ANN Learned with Remote Sensing and DEM Data in Soils of the Lower Cheliff Plain (Algeria)69
GIS Mapping of Marine Litter Along Recreational Beaches of Mumbai Coast, Maharashtra59
Simulations of Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar Super-resolution Algorithm58
Improving Least-Squares Stereo Matching by Using Different Reference Points42
Satellite Remote Sensing-based Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Study of Vanishing Dry Fluvial Channels in Parts of Foothills of North-Western Himalayas and Indo-Gangatic Flood Plains, India40
Surface Temperature Trends on the Central Siberian Plateau35
Assessing the Performance of NavIC with the Integration of GPS and Galileo Systems31
Study of Mesoscale Convective System and its Associated Cloud Structure over Indian Region Using Satellite Observations and Model Simulations30
Identification of Punjab’s Agricultural Burning Regions Affecting Delhi’s Air Quality30
Using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Data for Air Quality Assessment in the City of Oran, Western Algeria28
Assessment and Evaluation of Flood Vulnerability of Chhota Udepur District, Gujarat, India Using Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Case Study28
Spatial and Spectral Analysis of Resampling Algorithms in Image Fusion of Optical and Microwave Satellite Images: A Case Study Over Western Himalayas28
Promoting Agricultural Sustainability in Semi-arid Regions: An Integrated GIS–AHP Assessment of Land Suitability for Encouraging Crop Diversification27
Geospatial Analysis of Soil Erosion and Subsequent Geomorphic Hazards in the Eastern Himalayan Region, India24
Modified Hydro-Estimator: Pixel-Scale Instantaneous Measurement of Precipitation from Indian Geostationary Satellites23
Reflectance Spectroscopy of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Developed Around Auriferous Reefs Hosted in Hutti-Maski Greenstone Belt, India: A Tool for Exploring Precious Metals23
Wavelet-Based Identification of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Rolls22
Accuracy Assessment of Various Interpolation Techniques Used for Generation of Precise Geoidal Undulations in LiDAR Projects21
Oil Spill Identification based on Dual Attention UNet Model Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images20
Shoreline Extraction Using Image Processing of Satellite Imageries18
A New Spatiotemporal Model for Analyzing the Variations of Urban Heat Islands Using Remotely Sensed Multi Spectral Images: The Case of Mashhad City, Iran18
Identification of Built-Up Areas Based on the Consistently High Heat-Radiating Surface in the Kolkata Metropolitan Area17
Spatial Mapping of the Flood-Affected Regions of Northern Kerala: A Case Study of 2018 Kerala Floods16
Spectral Signature-Based Water Stress Characterization and Prediction of Wheat Yield under Varied Irrigation and Plant Bio-regulator Management Practices16
Land-Use Change and Driving Force Analysis of Wetland in Poyang Lake Based on Remote Sensing16
Assessment of Coastal Water Quality Parameters Along Mangaluru Region from AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data16
Estimation of Rape-Cultivated Area Based on Decision Tree and Mixed Pixel Decomposition16
Desertification and Land Degradation: Concept to Combating16
High-Precise True Digital Orthoimage Generation and Accuracy Assessment based on UAV Images15
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of XCO2 and SIF as Observed by OCO-2: A Case Study in the Midwest Region of Brazil15
Study on Land-Use Change and Prediction of Chongming Dongtan Wetland in Shanghai City15
A Machine Learning-Based Semantic Pattern Matching Model for Remote Sensing Data Registration14
Identifying Municipal Solid Waste Dumping Site Location Using AHP and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Coimbatore District, India14
A Comprehensive Assessment and Modeling of Land Use Changes in a Flood-Prone Watershed, Northeast of Iran14
Improving Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Performance Incorporating Remotely Sensed Data14
An Approach to Land Productivity Dynamics Assessment: A Case Study of Rajasthan Region, India14
A Study of Rocket Exhaust Plume in the Lower Atmosphere using Geo-Imaging High Resolution Camera (GHRC) On-board Indian Geostationary Satellite14
Satellite-Based Characterization of Phytoplankton Blooms in Coastal Waters of the Northwestern Bay of Bengal13
The Impacts of Urban Growth Drivers on the Spatial and Temporal Pattern of City Expansion13
Trend Analysis of Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Northern Part of India During Paddy Residue Burning Using a Contextual Approach12
The Utility of Gordon’s Standard NIR Empirical Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery12
Pan-sharpening Through Weighted Total Generalized Variation Driven Spatial Prior and Shearlet Transform Regularization12
Progress and Challenges in Earth Observation Data Applications for Agriculture at Field Scale in India and Small Farm Holdings Regions12
Uncertainty Analysis of SCATSAT-1 Brightness Temperatures: A Preliminary Study over Indian Ocean12
A Bio-optical Numerical Approach for Remote Retrieval of Total Suspended Matter from Turbid Waters12
The Study of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Dynamics and the Perception of Local People in Aykoleba, Northern Ethiopia12
Indicating Saturation Limits of Multi-sensor Satellite Data in Estimating Aboveground Biomass of a Mangrove Forest11
Utilization of Google Earth Engine for Assessment of Daily and Seasonal Variations of TRMM3B43-v7, GPM-v6 and PERSIANN-CDR Data Over the Coastline of Pahang State, Malaysia11
Spatial-Transformer and Cross-Scale Fusion Network (STCS-Net) for Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images11
Assessment of Water Quality and Modeling Trophic Level of Lake Manzala, Egypt Using Remotely Sensed Observations after Recent Enhancement Project11
Investigating the Effect of Relative Spectral Response on the Estimation of Atmospheric Parameters: A Case Study of Landsat 8 (OLI) and Sentinel 2 (MSI)11
Evaluating Urban Heat Islands Using the Urban Viability Index (Case Study: Karaj Metropolis)11
Monitoring of SO2 and NO2 Levels around a Gas Flow Station in the Sub-Saharan Region Using Sentinel 5P Satellite Data11
UAV-Borne Thermal Images Registration Using Optimal Gradient Filter11
Mapping the Potential Regions for the Construction of Cement Concrete Check Dams Using Remote Sensing and GIS11
Examining the Role of the Main Terrestrial Factors Won the Seasonal Distribution of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration over Iran11
Experimental Investigation on CNT-Enhanced Neopentyl glycol Solid–Solid PCM for Applications of Thermal Control in Spatial Remote Sensing Instruments10
Characterization of a Regional Dust Storm Using RAMAN Lidar Over the Western Indian Region10
A Combined Assessment of Sea Level Rise (SLR) Effect on Antalya Gulf (Türkiye) and Future Predictions on Land Loss10
Delineating the Influence of Erosion and Accretion to Identify the Vulnerable Zone of Embankment Breaching in Gosaba Island, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India10
Age-Based Stratification to Estimate Aboveground Biomass (AGB) and Carbon Stocks of Rubber Plantations in Tripura10
SD-Net: Spatial Dual Network for Aerial Object Detection10
Risk Assessment and Categorization of Flood Risk Zones Using Geospatial Data and Multi-Criteria Decision Model in a Low-Lying Deltaic Region, Kuttanad, India9
A Statistical Study on Cloud Base Height Behavior and Cloud Types During Southwest Monsoon over a High-Altitude Site in Western Ghats, India9
Gauging of Sedimentation in Idukki Reservoir, Kerala (1974–2019), and the Impact of 2018 Kerala Floods on the Reservoir9
Changing Trends of Aerosol Loadings Over Three Major Zones of Indian Region During the Last Seventeen Years (2005–2021)9
LG-3D-SSA: Local and Global Three Dimensional SSA to Achieve Efficient Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images9
Pansharpening Using IHS Method on Multi-sensor Data and Multiple Feature Extraction Using Modified Otsu Thresholding9
Retrieval of Paddy Crop Nutrient Content at Plot Scale Using Optimal Synthetic Bands of High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery9
Deep Learning for Remote Sensing-Based Earth and Environment Resources Management9
Google’s Cloud Computing Platform-Based Performance Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Precisely Maize Crop Mapping Using Integrated Satellite Data of Sentinel-2A/B and Planetscope9
Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variation of Agricultural and Meteorological Drought in Gujarat (India) Using Remote Sensing and GIS9
Novel Malaria Risk Prediction and Mapping of Integrated Tribal Development Agency, Paderu Region, India, Using SAMRR9
Potential of Multi-scale Completed Local Binary Pattern for Object Based Classification of Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery9
Assessment and Mapping of Soils Erosion and Crop Loss by Impact of Heavy Rainfall in Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India8
Glacier Volume Estimation Using Laminar-Flow and Volume–Area Scaling Techniques in the Chenab Basin8
Reservoirs Response to Climate Change Under Medium Emission Scenario in Upper Krishna Basin, India Using Geospatial Inputs8
Spatio-Temporal Variations in Night Lights, Economy and Night Light Emissions in States of India8
Delineation of Climate-Change Induced Flood Susceptible Zones: An Integrated Approach of Impact Assessment8
MCC’s First-Ever Observation of a High-Altitude Plume Cloud on Mars: Linkages with Space Weather?8
Changes in Benthic Habitat Under Climate Pressure in Western Papua, Indonesia: Remote Sensing-Based Approach8
Study on the Quantitative Relationship Among Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance, Vegetation Index and Cotton Leaf Nitrogen Content8
Denoising Hyperspectral Patches Between Manzius U & Boguslawsky M Lunar Craters from the Ch-1 M3 & Ch-2 IIRS Data8
GIS-Based Multi-criteria Decision-Making Techniques and Analytical Hierarchical Process for Flash Flood Risk Assessment Due to a Possible Dam Break in Urban Arid Environment: Case Study of Biskra City8
Multiple Signal Classification Algorithm Combined with Volume Reflectivity Models to Improve Accuracy of the Estimated Vegetation Height in Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography8
Remote Sensing Images Background Noise Processing Method for Ship Objects in Instance Segmentation8
Application of Spectral Analysis and Image Processing Methods to Discriminate Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals Around the Tutakdağı (Şebinkarahisar-Giresun) Lead–Zinc Deposits, Northeastern Turkey8
Determination of Optimal Locations of Shelterbelts in Southern Ukraine Using Remote Sensing Data8
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning Algorithm: A Case Study Along Karakoram Highway (KKH), Pakistan8
Spectral Analysis to Explore Gypsum Deposits and Its Association with Palaeochannels and Lithology Using PRISMA, Sentinel 2, and Dual-Polarimetric SAR Data in Bikaner, Rajasthan, Bharat8
Using Selective Principal Component Analysis (SPCA) for Lithologic Mapping of Different Granitic Phases in South Sinai, Egypt8
Band Selection Technique for Crop Classification Using Hyperspectral Data8
Thunderstorm Nowcasting Using Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Brightness Temperature Measurements8
Assessment of Landscape Ecological Connectivity for Sustainable Management of Digha–Shankarpur Coastal Tract, West Bengal, India8
Registration of Remote Sensing Images by the Combination of Complex Nonlinear Diffusion and Phase Congruency Attributes7
Modification of Land Use/Land Cover and Its Impact on Groundwater in Peshawar City, Pakistan7
Investigation of Meteorological Characteristics of Tropical Supercyclone Shaheen Insights from High-Resolution Satellite Observations7
Otsu-BRSG: An Effective Algorithm for River Bank Line Detection and Monitoring in the Challenging Terrains of Kaziranga National Park7
Structural Interpretation Over the Epicentre Zone of 1819 Allah-Bund Earthquake, North-Western India in An Intraplate Setup Using Global Gravity Data7
Mapping of Temporally Dynamic Tropical Forest and Plantations Canopy Height in Borneo Utilizing TanDEM-X InSAR and Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Data7
Risk Assessment of Alien Azolla filiculoides Lam in Anzali Lagoon Using Remote Sensing Imagery7
Assessment of Soil Erosion Susceptibility Based on Morphometric and Landcover Analysis: A Case Study of Netravati River Basin, India7
Cotton Yield Estimation Using Phenological Metrics Derived from Long-Term MODIS Data7
An Algorithm for the Retrieval of Ocean Surface Precipitation from SCATSAT-1 Measurements7
Integrated Use of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Geostatistics in Spatial Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Content7
Evaluating the Effect of External DEMs on the Accuracy of InSAR DEM Generation7
Surface Melt Onset on Antarctic Sea Ice from India’s Oceansat-Series Scatterometers7
Landslide Susceptibility Zonation With Special Emphasis on Tectonic Features for Occurrence of Landslides in Lower Indian Himalaya7
Towards a Unified Formalism of Multivariate Coefficients of Variation: Application to the Analysis of Polarimetric Speckle Time Series6
Analyzing and Predicting Spatiotemporal Urban Sprawl in Eskişehir Using Remote Sensing Data6
Prioritization and Regionalisation of Sub-watershed for Flash Flood Susceptibility in the Upper Teesta River Basin, North Sikkim, India6
Particulate Matter Concentration Mapping using MODIS Satellite Images and Regression Model6
Towards Developing the National Earth Observation System6
Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Tropical Forests: Insights from SAR Data—A Systematic Review6
Enhanced Hyperspectral Image Classification Through Dual-Path Channel-Attention Network6
NDBI Based Prediction of Land Use Land Cover Change6
Evaluating the Role of Area Exclosure on Soil Loss Reduction Using Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle: In Case of Guho Sub-Watershed, Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia6
Upper Ocean Response to The Passage of Cyclone Tauktae in The Eastern Arabian Sea Using In Situ and Multi-Platform Satellite Data6
Space-borne RADARs for Precipitation Measurement6
A New Method for Object-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification6
Correction to: Algorithm for the Estimation of Continental Scale Land-Surface Broadband Albedo from INSAT-3D Imager Data6
Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality and Source Identification During Lockdown in Andhra Pradesh, India6
Building Extraction for Urban Infrastructure Mapping Using Deep Neural Networks and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data6
Forecasting of Fine-Grained SIF of OCO-2 Using Multi-source Data and AI-Based Techniques6
Identification of Suitable Sites for Farm Ponds in Drought-Prone Areas for Sustainable Water Management: A Case Study on Lower Bindusara Watershed, Beed District, Maharashtra6
Road Centerline Extraction From VHR Images Using SVM and Multi-Scale Maximum Response Filter6
Exploration of Potential Zones of Groundwater in Jamuna Watershed, Assam, by Applying Multi-influencing Factor Technique6
Density Estimation of Nemopilema nomurai (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae) Using a Drone6
Development of Four Component Scattering Power Decomposition Technique for Dual Polarization SAR Data6
Water Quality Monitoring Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Data (2014–2020) in Timsah Lake, Ismailia, Suez Canal Region (Egypt)6
Predicting Spatial and Decadal LULC Changes in the Singrauli District of Madhya Pradesh Through Artificial Neural Network Models Using Geospatial Technology6
Future Responses of the Burdur Lake to Climate Change and Uncontrolled Exploitation6
Machine Learning-Driven Archaeological Site Prediction in the Central Part of Jharkhand, India Using Multi-parametric Geospatial Data6
Geo-Information Communication Technology (Geo-ICT) Framework to Prevent Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)6
Correction to: Evaluating the Influence of El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Patterns on the Spatio-Temporal Variations of Drought over Southern Peninsular Indian Region6
Geospatial Modeling of Soil Erosion in Some Part of Abia State (Isuochi Community)6
Impact of Lockdown on Air Quality During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of India6
Comparative Analysis and Implication of Hyperion Hyperspectral and Landsat-8 Multispectral Dataset in Land Classification6
Effect of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on GIS-Enabled Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Models for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping6
Semi-automated Workflow for Mapping the Extent and Elevation Profile of Intertidal Zone of Parts of Gulf of Kutch, India, Using Landsat Time Series Data5
Identification of Spectral Bands to Discriminate Wheat Spot Blotch using in Situ Hyperspectral Data5
Investigating the Effects of Armed and Political Conflicts on the Land Use/Cover Change and Surface Urban Heat Islands: A Case Study of Baghdad, Iraq5
Detecting Soil pH from Open-Source Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Angul and Balangir Districts, Odisha State5
Assessment of Bank Erosion, Accretion and Lateral Migration Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Study on the Sankosh River of Himalayan Foothills5
Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping of Xinji Island Based on Multispectral Satellite Image using Deep Learning5
Glacier Change Studies under Changing Climate Using Geospatial Tools and Techniques5
Urban Water Security: Geospatial Insights into the Water Scarcity of Bengaluru City during 2023–20245
Application and Evaluation of an Improved LSTM Model in the Soil Moisture Prediction of Southeast Chinese Tobacco-Producing Areas5
Experimental Study on Precise Recognition of Settlements in Mountainous Areas Based on UAV Image and LIDAR Point Cloud5
Identifying Rip Channels Along RK Beach, Visakhapatnam Using Video and Satellite Imagery Analysis5
Identifying Rip Channels Along RK Beach, Visakhapatnam Using Video and Satellite Imagery Analysis5
Python-Based Open-Source Tool for Automating Seleno-Referencing of Chandrayaan-2 Hyper-Spectral Data Cubes5
A Semi-Supervised Model for Fine-Grained Identification of Oil Emulsions on the Sea Surface Using Hyperspectral Imaging5
Application of Remote Sensing and Spatial Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Analysis to Identify Potential Dust Sources in Lake Urmia Basin, Northwest Iran5
Integrating Cellular Automata and Agent-Based Modeling for Predicting Urban Growth: A Case of Dehradun City5
Analyzing the Urban Sprawl-Form and Characteristics: A Case Study of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India5
Pixel Reduction of High-Resolution Image Using Principal Component Analysis5
Flood Hazard Zone Mapping of Kasari River Basin (Kolhapur, India), Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques5
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using a Hybrid RNN-CNN with Enhanced Attention Mechanisms5
Mapping the Spatiotemporal Variability of Particulate Matter Pollution in Delhi: Insights from Land Use Regression Modelling5
Drought Characterization Using the Grace Terrestrial Water Storage Deficit in Turkey5
Exploring the Relationship Between Spatio-temporal Land Cover Dynamics and Surface Temperature Over Dehradun Urban Agglomeration, India5
Applicability of Utilizing Remote Sensing Rainfall Products Data in Arid and Semi-Arid Poorly Gauged Catchments: Study of Wadi Ghoweiba Watershed, Egypt4
Dominant Expression of SAR Backscatter in Predicting Aboveground Biomass: Integrating Multi-Sensor Data and Machine Learning in Sikkim Himalaya4
Bamboo Mapping Using Earth Observation Data: A Systematic Review4
Assessment of WRF-CHEM Simulated Dust Using Reanalysis, Satellite Data and Ground-Based Observations4
Assessing Regional Precipitation Patterns Using Multiple Global Satellite-Based Datasets in the Upper Citarum Watershed, Indonesia4
On the Changes in Precipitation Spectrum Over India Using High-Resolution Precipitation Estimates from Remote Sensing Observations4
Estimation and Comparison Actual Evapotranspiration of Sugarcane Using Separate and Fusion Satellite Images and Lysimeteric Data with Approach of Determining Water Use Efficiency4
Entropy-Based Modelling for Flash Flood Hazard Mapping in Uttarakhand Himalaya4
Coastal Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Mapping: A Case Study Along the Coast of South 24 Parganas District, East Coast of India4
Changing Pattern of Land Use Land Cover Due to Sonepur–Bazari Open Cast Coal Mine and Its Impact on Surrounding Area, West Bengal, India4
Evaluation of Aboveground Biomass in Mangrove Biosphere Reserves from 1993 to 2023 Under the Influence of Landscape Fragmentation4
Accuracy of Unmanned Aerial Systems Photogrammetry and Structure from Motion in Surveying and Mapping: A Review4
Climate-Informed Planning through Mapping of Urban Thermal Load and Cooling Potential: Case of Tropical City of Bhopal4
Detection of Crevasses in Siachen Glacier Using Remote Sensing Satellite Imageries4
Forecasting and Evaluation of Impacts and Risk Due to Tidal Anomalies on a Coastal Island4
A Novel Image Compression Technique and Secured Transmission of Compressed Satellite Images Via Optical Fiber Using 6D Hyper Chaos4
A New Approach for Ground Filtering of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Using PointNet++4
Deep Learning for Automatic Extraction of Water Bodies Using Satellite Imagery4
Two-Stage Polsar Scattering Model-Based Classification Scheme for Improved Glacier Facies Mapping4
Estimation of Above Ground Biomass with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data in Lothian Island, Sundarbans, India4
Soil Moisture in a Vegetation-Covered Area Using the Improved Water Cloud Model Based on Remote Sensing4
A Study of Air Quality in the Coalfields of NSW, Australia and Telangana, India4
Environmental Impact of Lockdown Amid COVID-19 Over Agricultural Sites in Himalayan Foothills4
Assessment of Agricultural Relevance on Groundwater Indicator in a Command Area of Eastern India4
Monitoring Land Subsidence in North-central Henan Plain using the SBAS-InSAR Method with Sentinel-1 Imagery Data4
Volcanic Ash Modelling of Barren Island Volcano, India, Using Satellite Data4
Identification of Potential Urban Residential Area by Integrating AHP and WCL in RS and GIS Environment: A Case Study of Siliguri Municipal Corporation and Its Buffer of 7 km, West Bengal4
Investigating the Capability of DOVE Satellite Temporal Data for Mapping Harvest Dates of Sugarcane Crop Types Using Fuzzy Model4
Applications of Bistatic Mini-RF SAR Data for Characterization of the Erlanger Crater4
UAV/Drone-Based Identification of Geomorphic and Structural Anomalies as Probable Indicators of Economic Mineral Deposits in Girar Area of Lalitpur District, U.P., (India)4
Deep Learning-Based Glacial Lakes Extraction and Mapping in the Chandra–Bhaga Basin4
Accuracy Assessment of Relative GPS as a Function of Distance and Duration for CORS Network4
Quantifying the Ecological Stress of Urbanisation in a Million-plus City of Eastern India4
Multistage Optimized Site Suitability Modeling for Base Transceiver Station Placement in Pithoragarh District of Uttarakhand Using Spatial Analyst and Fuzzy Logic Toolbox4
Urban Forest Cover and LST Change Monitoring Through Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing Approach4
Fine Extraction of Cultivated Land Parcels in Chengdu Plain Area Based on CDUSU-Net Network Model of Gaofen-2 Imagery3
Geospatial Selection of Rainwater Harvesting in Wadi Sarkhar: An Analytical Hierarchy Process-Multi-Criteria Evaluation Approach3
Estimation of Walnut Structure Parameters Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry Based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM)3
Improved Change Detection in Remote Sensed Images by Artificial Intelligence Techniques3
TRI-SU-L ADWT-FCM: TRI-SU-L-Based Change Detection in SAR Images with ADWT and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering3
Drought Vulnerability Assessment Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques: A Case Study in Part of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India3
Deformation Characteristics of the Central South Segment of LFZ After Wenchuan Earthquake with SBAS-InSAR3
Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques: A Case Study in Areka Town, Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia3
Evaluation and Analysis of Ground Filtering Algorithms for Building Height Estimation on Satellite-Based High-Resolution DEM Data3
Diachronic Study of Land Cover of the Medjerda Watershed and Estimation of RUSLE-C Factor Using NDVI-Based Equation, Remote Sensing, and GIS3
Improving Open-Pit Mining Mapping Accuracy in the Tropics Using Enhanced Input Selection for Classification Process of Machine Learning3
Effects of Disturbance Regimes on Phytodiversity of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, India3
Agrometeorological Approach for Sugarcane Yield Estimation at Regional Scale Using Satellite Remote Sensing3
Three Decades of Indian Remote Sensing in Coastal Research3
Analysis of Driving Force and Driving Mechanism of the Spatial Change of LST Based on Landsat 83
S-D HFFM: A Network Shallow-Deep Improvement Mechanism for Ship Detection in Low-Light Navigational Channel Scenarios3
Spatial Simulation of Soil Conservation Services Flow in Arid Inland River Basins: A Case Study of the Shiyang River Basin, China3
Delineation of Flood Susceptibility Zone Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Frequency Ratio Methods: A Case Study of Dakshin Dinajpur District, India3
Environmental Impacts of Urban Sprawl in Surat, Gujarat: An Examination Using Landsat Data3
Investigation of New Integrated Drought Monitoring Model Taking into Account the Effects of Climate Anomalies3
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Improved Deep Learning Method for Real-Time Ship Detection and Localization From SAR Image3
Development of a Novel Sea Ice Drift Detection Algorithm (SIDDA) Using SAR Data3
Galileo–NavIC Hybrid Operation Towards Improved Performance and User Benefits3
A Spatial-Aware Neural Network for Inversion of Shallow Water Depth from WorldView-02 High-Spectral-Resolution Imagery3
Integration of Remotely Sensed Data and the Petrographic Analysis for Lithological Mapping of Neoproterozoic Basement Rocks at Um Had Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt3
Detection of Heterobasidion Root Rot on Pinus brutia Ten. Using Different Vegetation Indices Generated from Sentinel-2 A Satellite Imagery3
Investigating the Suitability for Rice Cultivation Using Multi-Criteria Land Evaluation in the Sundarban Region of South 24 Parganas District, West Bengal, India3
An Image Compensation Method for the Camera Onboard SDLT-1 Satellite of China3
Modelling the Spatial Variation of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emission from Rice Fields Using DNDC Model3
Geographically Weighted Method Integrated with Logistic Regression for Analyzing Spatially Varying Accuracy Measures of Remote Sensing Image Classification3
Spatial Prediction of Calcium Carbonate and Clay Content in Soils using Airborne Hyperspectral Data3
Utilization of Landsat-8 (OLI) Image Data for Geological Mapping of the Neo-Proterozoic Basement Rocks in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt3
Evaluating Machine Learning Classifiers for IRS High Resolution Satellite Images Using Object-Based and Pixel-Based Classification Techniques3
GCRNet: Global Context and Coordinate Attention-Based Double-Branch Residual Network for High Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Image Classification3
Analyzing Snow Parameters Dynamics in Arunachal Pradesh’s Glaciated River Basins Through Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Runoff Model (SDSRM): Dibang, Mago and Subansiri3
An Object-Based Image Analysis of WorldView-3 Image for Urban Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Dissemination Through ESRI Story Maps3
Two-Dimensional and 3D Change Detection in Urban Area Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Data and Impact of Urbanization over LST and NDVI3
Anthropogenic Land Use and Land Cover Changes—A Review on Its Environmental Consequences and Climate Change3
Assessment of the Ecological Footprint of Eskisehir Technical University–Iki Eylul Campus3
Estimates of Glaciers Mass Balance and Volume in Baspa Basin, Indian Himalaya3
Hydrological Analysis Using Observed and Satellite-Based Estimates: Case Study of a Lake Catchment in Raipur, India3
Implementation of Ensemble Deep Learning Coupled with Remote Sensing for the Quantitative Analysis of Changes in Arable Land Use in a Mining Area3
High Resolution Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Satellite Imagery in Monitoring Green Noctiluca scintillans Blooms in Complex Coastal Waters: A Case Study in Gulf of Mannar3
Development of Fog Detection Algorithm Using AWiFS Data: A Case Study Over Indo-Gangetic Plains3
Effect of Port Activities and Urban Discharge on Water Quality in the Port of Oran, Western Algeria3
Temporal Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Analysis in Kotla Sub-Watershed of Rupnagar District (Punjab) Using Remote Sensing and GIS3
Evolution of Supraglacial Lakes from 1990 to 2020 in the Himalaya–Karakoram Region Using Cloud-Based Google Earth Engine Platform3
Ecological Benefit Analysis of Urban Green Space Based on Three-Dimensional Green Quantity3
Assessing the Potentials of Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Paddy Yield Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network3
Advanced Polarimetric Radar Remote Sensing Techniques and Applications3
ParHybNet: Parallel Hybrid Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification3