Health Physics

(The TQCC of Health Physics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ultra-low to Moderate Radiation Level Neutron Dosimetry Measurements with H*10-TMFD vs. ROSPEC, Eberline, and Ludlum Detector Systems53
Pilot Study of Thoron Concentration in an Underground Thorium Mine26
Modification in Applying Appendix D of 40 CFR Part 61 to Heated Solid Radionuclide Materials With High Melting and Boiling Points17
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as a Model Organism for Retrospective Impedance Biodosimetry14
HPS Mid-year Abstracts14
Feasibility of Liver Transplantation after 90Y Radioembolization: Lessons from a Radiation Protection Incident14
Aligning Exposure Limits for Contact Currents with Exposure Limits for Electric Fields13
Radiation Exposure Characteristics among Healthcare Workers: Before and After Japan's Ordinance Revision12
Modeling Fallout from Nuclear Weapon Detonations: Efficient Activity and Dose Calculation of Radionuclides and Their Progeny11
Radiation Protection Abstracts11
Response C. Bouvier-Capely and G. Phan9
Application of Resuspension Data of Respirable Particles for Early Phase Inhalation Following Deposition Contamination in Radiological Emergencies9
Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism: Their Science, Effects, Prevention, and Recovery9
The Discovery of Radiocesium-bearing Microparticles Directly Delivered to a Person in Tokyo as a Result of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster9
An Evaluation Method for Meeting the Requirement of IEC 60825-1 Laser Safety Standard for Viewing Temporally-varied Radiant Power8
Comments on “World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions” by Skrable et al. (2022)8
Abstracts: Tuesday Posters7
The Health Physics Society7
Effects of a Modified Chitosan Compound Combined with Lung Lavage after Inhalation of Depleted Uranium Dust7
HPS Annual Author Index7
Research on Detection Efficiency of Imaging Plates for Alpha Particles Using Two Types of Imaging Plate6
Physiological Effects of Co-exposure to Ionizing Radiation and Noise within Occupational Exposure Limits6
Encapsulated Gamma Source Contact Dose Conversion Factors: Updating NCRP-40 Guidance6
HPS Comments to NRC on Extravasations6
Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields above 100 MHz on Fauna and Flora: Workshop Report6
Investigating the Effects of Tube Current and Tube Voltage on Patient Dose in Computed Tomography Examinations with Principial Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis: Phantom Study6
A Risk Comparison between Lifestyle, Socioeconomic Status, and Radiation: A Cohort Study of Cancer Mortality among Japanese Nuclear Workers (J-EPISODE)6
2022 National Student Science Award5
Radiation Protection Abstracts5
Feasibility of Treatment Agents in Radioactive Iodine Separation from Waste Liquids5
Response to letter of Drs. Andrews and Tans5
Health Physics Society Affiliate Members5
Society and Nuclear Energy: What Is the Role for Radiological Protection?5
The Nuclear Medicine Patient as a Line Source: The Source Length Is Certainly Not the Patient Height, But It Is a Reasonable Approximation5
Anisotropy of the Radiation Field Following Canine Sn-117m Treatment5
Acute Proteomic Changes in Lung after Radiation: Toward Identifying Initiating Events of Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure in Non-human Primate after Partial Body Irradiation with Minimal Bo5
Rat Models of Partial-body Irradiation with Bone Marrow-sparing (Leg-out PBI) Designed for FDA Approval of Countermeasures for Mitigation of Acute and Delayed Injuries by Radiation5
Response to Letters from Andrews and Tans, Edwards, and Musolino commenting on Skrable et al.—“World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, a5
Exploratory Data Analysis of the Groundwater Contaminants at the Former Panna Maria Uranium Recovery Facility5
Health Physics Society Prospectus4
Health Physics Society Prospectus4
Radiobiology of Select Radionuclides in Hanford Site Tank Waste4
Radiation and the Skeptical Public: Tips and Tools for Communicating Effectively4
Influence of Body Posture on Internal Organ Dosimetry: Radiocesium Exposure Modeling Using Novel Posture-dependent Mesh Computational Phantoms4
Temporal Attenuation of Gamma Dose Rate in Air Due to Radiocesium Downward Mobility in Soil4
Evaluation of Radiation Protection Methods for Assistant Staff during CT Imaging in High-energy Trauma: Lens Dosimetry with a Phantom Study4
Has Health Physics Contributed to an 80-Y False Narrative about the Trinity Nuclear Test?4
Safety for Particle Accelerators, by Thomas Otto, 2020, 148 pp. (hardcover, downloadable pdf); hardcover 27.40€, pdf open access; Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerl4
The Dose Spiking Technique for Measuring Low Doses in Deciduous Teeth Enamel Using EPR Spectroscopy for Retrospective and Accident Dosimetry4
Evaluation of the Performance of Different Types of Radiation Protection Gloves: A Cross-sectional Study4
Intraoperative Fluoroscopy Radiation Using OEC 9900 Elite C-arm: Risk and Method for Decreasing Exposure4
Assessment of Radiation Doses to the General Public around Nuclear Power Plants Based on Representative Person Concept4
Lutetium-177 Radiopharmeceutical Therapy Extravasation Lessons Learned4
Prenatal X-ray Exposure and the Risk of Developing Pediatric Cancer—A Systematic Review of Risk Markers and a Comparison of International Guidelines3
Peak Efficiency of NaI Detector and Coincidence Summing Factor for Different Cylindrical Sources Using Geant4 Simulation3
Considerations for Radiation Safety Professionals to Prepare and Respond to the Next Pandemic3
2021 Military Health Physics Section Civilian Superior Service Award3
Adsorption of Plutonium onto Several Natural Sediments3
The Health Physics Society3
2021 Founders Award3
Health Physics Society Affiliate Members3
Organ Dose Reconstruction Applicable for a Japanese Nuclear Worker Cohort: J-EPISODE3
Editors’ Recognition of Reviewers in 20213
A Review of the Effect of the Intermediate Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Female Reproduction3
The Health Physics Society3
A Comparison of Current Methods for the Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-228 in Water by a Modified Georgia Tech Gamma Method Vs. US Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Methodologies3
Pacemakers, Implantable Defibrillators and 5G Technology: What We Need to Know3
Infant Mortality Downwind of the Trinity Detonation?3
Study of Low-Dose Radiation Workers Ionizing Radiation Sensitivity Index and Radiation Dose-Effect Relationship3
Excretion of Pu-238 during Long-term Chelation Therapy by Repeated DTPA Inhalation3
Testing the NASA BioSentinel Pixel Dosimeter Using Gamma-ray and Neutron Sources at the LLNL Calibration Lab3
Radon Flux Measurement System3
How the Science of Radiation Biology Can Help Reduce the Crippling Fear of Low-level Radiation2
Preliminary Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Glow Curve Analysis with Automated Glow Peak Identification for LiF:Mg,Ti2
Lutetium-177 Therapy in Italy: Environmental Impact Assessment in Anticipation of Its Widespread Use in Prostate Cancer Treatment2
Canadian Radiation Protection: Papers and Conference Abstracts2
Health Physics Society Prospectus2
SEED: An Operational Numerical Tool for Dosimetric Reconstruction in Case of External Radiological Overexposure2
Effect of Protective Eyewear on Physicians’ Lens Exposure during Fluoroscopy2
Assessing Radiation Fallout in Public Zones near the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS): A Recent Study2
Radon-222 and Leukemia2
Ethical Issues in the US 1956 National Academy of Sciences BEAR I Genetics Panel Report to the Public2
Particle Size-dependent Dissolution of Uranium Aerosols in Simulated Lung Fluid: A Case Study in a Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Plant2
Cosmic Radiation Exposure: A Review of Recent Research on the Incidence and Prevention of Cancer in Aircrews2
Gaps in Knowledge Relevant to the “ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz TO 300 GHz)”2
Naomi Hallden Harley, 1932–20232
Response to Fisher2
Compensatory Considerations for Radiological Emergency Response and Public Protective Actions during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Knowledge and Adherence to Radiation Protection among Non-radiation Health Care Workers at Two Operating Theatres in Windhoek, Namibia2
Policy Surveillance Methods Applied to NORM and TENORM Regulation in the Southeast United States2
Influence of Mental Model-derived Themes on the Quality of Radiological Emergency Response by HAZMAT Technicians: Insights from a Case Study2
The Effects of Abnormal Exposure on Individual Dose Monitoring with TLD Dosimeters2
Radio-adaptive Response Induced by Low-dose Ionizing Radiation in Innate Immunity for Radiotherapy2
Absolute Method for Measuring Environmental Radioactive Materials Using Imaging Plates2
Study on the Effect of Adipose Tissue on Neutron Dose Evaluation for the Human Body Using Voxel Phantoms with Different Weight2
Characterization of a Thermoacoustic-based Pulsed High Power Microwave Detector Chain2
2024 Student Travel Grant Recipients Presented by the Health Physics Society, July 20242
Development of a Nuclear Safety and Security Integration Assessment Tool for Research Reactors and Associated Facilities2
Estimate of the Deterministic Neutron RBE for Radiation-induced Pseudo-Pelger Huët Cell Formation2
Overt Scientific Bias and Clandestine Acts by Trusted Scientists: The Flawed Application of the Linear No-threshold Model2
Validation of Virtual Monochromatic Images and Effect of Body Size Obtained Using a Rapid kVp-switching Dual-energy Computed Tomography System: A Phantom Study2
Basic Cyber Security Considerations for Licensees of Radioactive Materials and Registrants of Radiation Producing Devices in an Era of Remote or Hybrid Compliance Inspections1
Study on the Performance of an Alpha Energy Spectrum Radon Measuring Instrument Based on CdZnTe Detector1
2021 Young Military Health Physicist of the Year Award1
Radiation Protection Abstracts1
DynamicMC: An Open-source GUI Program Coupled with MCNP for Modeling Relative Dynamic Movement of Radioactive Source and ORNL Phantom in a 3-dimensional Radiation Field1
Use of Nasal Swab Activity to Estimate Intake in Internal Dosimetry1
2021 Health Physics Society Fellows1
Dose Measurements at Provision Proton Therapy Center1
Modeling a Lossy Dieletric Polymer-based Thermoacoustic High Power Microwave Directed Energy Exposure Detection System1
Assessment of Radiological Hazard of Radioactive Waste Using Effective or Organ Doses: How This May Affect Final Waste Disposal1
Investigation of the Ocular Response and Corneal Damage Threshold of Exposure to 28 GHz Quasi-millimeter Wave Exposure1
Enhancing Precision in L-band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Tooth Dosimetry: Incorporating Digital Image Processing and Radiation Therapy Plans for Geometric Correction1
Methods to Account for CAP-88 PC-Omitted Nuclides in Radioactive Air Emissions From DOE Facilities1
Krista Kay Wenzel (1964–2021)1
Radiation Exposure from the Patient Perspective: An Argument for the Inclusion of Dose History1
Influence of the Method of Calculating the Effective Atomic Number on the Estimate of Fluorescence Yield for Metal Alloys of Biomedical Interest1
2021 Distinguished Public Service Award1
High-rate Gamma Spectrometry Using a LaBr3(Ce) Scintillator with a Fast Pulse Shaping1
Surveillance of Depleted Uranium-exposed Gulf War Veterans: More Evidence for Bone Effects1
Local Dose Coefficients for Radionuclide Contamination in Wounds1
Radon-222 Brain Dosimetry1
Determining Average Linear Dimension and Volume of Korean Lungs for Lung Phantom Construction1
Health Physics Society Affiliate Members1
Comparative Study of Radiation-induced Lung Injury Model in Two Strains of Mice1
Assessment of the Impact of Low-dose Ionizing Radiation Exposure on Health Care Workers: A Study of Methods Used from a Scoping Review1
Contamination Resulting From a Broken 125I Seed During a Brachytherapy Procedure1
Editors’ Recognition of Reviewers in 20221
The Development and Validation of a Psychometric Tool to Assess Behavioral Factors Impacting Personal Dosimeter Use among Medical Radiation Workers1
Patient Release and Instructions for Lutetium Dotatate Radiopharmaceutical Therapy1
Database of Families of Workers Chronically Exposed to Radiation: Data and Biospecimen Resources1
Response to Lebel et al.1
World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018)1
Radon Re-entrainment Study—An Initial Investigation1
Analysis of the Status of Radiation-generating Medical Devices in Mainland China1
Radiation Protection Abstracts1
Risk Estimation of Carcinogenic and Noncarcinogenic Diseases from Radiation for Medical X-ray Workers1
Consequences of Violating Conditions of Counting Statistics Are Not Severe when Measuring Radon Progeny Concentrations with the Thomas and Kusnetz Methods1
Occupational Radon Assessment in Underground Storage Facilities in Saudi Arabia1
Understanding the Radiation Soaking Effect in Neutron Survey Instruments1
OLINDA/EXM 2—The Next-generation Personal Computer Software for Internal Dose Assessment in Nuclear Medicine1
2021 Military Health Physics Section John C. Taschner Leadership Award1
Testing Decision Level (DL) and Minimum Detectable Amount (MDA) for Hanford In Vivo Counting Systems1
Health Physics Society • 2021 Affiliate Members1
A Review of the Resuspension of Radioactively Contaminated Particles by Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic—Current Theory, Practice, Gaps, and Needs1
2022 Military Health Physics Section Civilian Superior Service Award1
Radiation Protection Abstracts1
3D Printed Lung Phantom for Individual Monitoring1
Particle Size Dependent Dissolution of Uranium Aerosols in Simulated Gastrointestinal Fluids1
Health Physics Society Abstracts: 68th Annual Meeting1
Maximum Possible Doses for a Cohort of Individuals with Intakes Possibly Containing a Component of a Ceramic-type Material1
Health Physics Society Prospectus1
Health Physics Society Affiliate Members1
Development of a Fission Neutron Spectrum from a D-T Neutron Generator by Spectrum Subtraction Technique1
Evaluation of Radiation-induced Pleural Effusions after Radiotherapy to Support Development of Animal Models of Radiation Pneumonitis1
2020 William A. McAdams Outstanding Service Award1
Radon Concentrations in a Nuclear Reactor Center in Brazil1
Fetal and Maternal Atomic Bomb Survivor Dosimetry Using the J45 Pregnant Female Phantom Series: Considerations of the Kneeling and Lying Posture with Comparisons to the DS02 System1
Response to Stephen Schwartz et al.1
Health Physics Society Prospectus1
Analysis Method of 131I Activity in Carbon Cartridge and Internal Dose Assessment for Nuclear Medicine Workers1
DTPA Treatment of Wound Contamination in Rats with Americium: Evaluation of Urinary Profiles Using STATBIODIS Shows Importance of Prompt Administration1
Evaluation of Radiation Shielding Requirements and Self-shielding Characteristics for a Novel Radiosurgery System1
The Anthropogenic Impact on Indoor Radon Concentrations for Secunda, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa1
Health Physics Society • 2021 Affiliate Members1
Evaluation of Deuterium Oxide Deposition Velocity Over a Forest Environment1
Comments on Pet Care and Dose Limits1
Applying ALARA Principles in the Design of New Radiological Facilities1
A Review of Recent Low-dose Research and Recommendations for Moving Forward1
Health Physics Society • 2021 Affiliate Members1
Assessment of the Blue Light Ocular Hazard by Solar Measurements and the Impact of Selected Sunglasses Based upon the Limits of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Guidel1
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Measurements of Lifetime Doses in Teeth of Durham Region Residents, Ontario1
Time-temperature Thresholds and Safety Factors for Thermal Hazards from Radiofrequency Energy above 6 GHz1