Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

(The TQCC of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Performance-based wind engineering assessment of a telecommunication mast utilizing Bayesian extreme wind velocity model77
Comparative assessment of reference crop evapotranspiration models and its sensitivity to meteorological variables in Peninsular Malaysia70
Multiple scenarios-based on a hybrid economy–environment–ecology model for land-use structural and spatial optimization under uncertainty: a case study in Wuhan, China68
A new interpretable prediction framework for step-like landslide displacement68
Informational predictability, and an application to the intensity of high-resolution temporal rainfall61
Examining the evolution and influential factors of regional ecological security patterns: a case study of Jiangsu Province, China56
WaveTransTimesNet: an enhanced deep learning monthly runoff prediction model based on wavelet transform and transformer architecture49
Crime risk assessment through Cox and self-exciting spatio-temporal point processes48
Application of the Global Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis to assess the importance of deadwood characteristics for forest biodiversity47
A Bayesian machine learning approach for spatio-temporal prediction of COVID-19 cases46
Using the SARIMA model to predict the trends of evapotranspiration and runoff in the Muringato river basin, Kenya40
A review on the scaling properties in maximum rainfall marginal distributions: theoretical background, probabilistic modeling, and recent developments40
Identifying groundwater contamination sources based on the hybrid grey wolf gradient algorithm and deep belief neural network39
Contextual contact tracing based on stochastic compartment modeling and spatial risk assessment37
Non-linear granger causality approach for non-stationary modelling of extreme precipitation36
Saharan dust contributions to high hourly PM10 concentrations at a background station in Southwestern Europe35
Streamflow forecasting method with a hybrid physical process-mathematical statistic33
Application of uncertain hurricane climate change projections to catastrophe risk models33
A two-stage joint chance-constrained programming considering compound uncertainty of interval, random and fuzzy: a case study for agricultural water planning in an arid area32
Transfer entropy coupled directed–weighted complex network analysis of rainfall dynamics32
Investigating early warning signs of gully propagation in southeastern Nigeria using erosion prediction potential models32
Uncertainty reduction in flood areas by probabilistic analyses of land use/cover in models of two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of dam-break31
Influence of reclamation on the water exchange in Bohai Bay using trajectory clustering30
New spatio-temporal complex covariance functions for vectorial data through positive mixtures30
Integrated watershed modeling using interval valued fuzzy computations to enhance watershed restoration and protection at field-scale28
Using Harris hawk optimization towards support vector regression to ozone prediction28
An automatic quality evaluation procedure for third-party daily rainfall observations and its application over Australia28
Temporal and spatial pattern analysis and susceptibility assessment of geological hazards in Hunan Province of China from 2015 to 202227
Landslide hazard, susceptibility and risk assessment (HSRA) based on remote sensing and GIS data models: a case study of Muzaffarabad Pakistan27
Developing an algorithm for urban flood management with the aim of reducing damage and costs using the concept of conditional value at risk27
Master equation model for solute transport in river basins: part II basin fluvial scale27
A method for predicting water quality of river basin based on OVMD-GAT-GRU27
Quantifying aquifer contamination risk from casing rupture using support vector machine: a comprehensive assessment27
Bayesian probabilistic characterization of the shear-wave velocity combining the cone penetration test and standard penetration test24
A new integrated prediction method of river level based on spatiotemporal correlation24
Sensitivity analysis in the wavelet domain: a comparison study23
Assessment of regional drought risk coupled with drought response capacity considering water supply systems23
Deep hybridnet for drought prediction based on large-scale climate indices and local meteorological conditions22
Improving the performance of random forest for estimating monthly reservoir inflow via complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition and wavelet analysis22
Improving deep learning-based streamflow forecasting under trend varying conditions through evaluation of new wavelet preprocessing technique21
Displacement prediction for landslide with step-like behavior based on stacking ensemble learning strategy21
Comparative analysis of joint distribution models for tropical cyclone atmospheric parameters in probabilistic coastal hazard analysis21
Evaluating changes in flood frequency due to climate change in the Western Cape, South Africa21
Sediment load forecasting from a biomimetic optimization perspective: Firefly and Artificial Bee Colony algorithms empowered neural network modeling in Çoruh River21
Stochastic smoothing of point processes for wildlife-vehicle collisions on road networks20
Hourly rainfall-runoff modelling by combining the conceptual model with machine learning models in mostly karst Ljubljanica River catchment in Slovenia20
A new methodology is outlined and demonstrated on the improvement of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis based on the random sampling method20
Estimation of a hybrid slip model and its application to stochastic simulation of the Mw 6.6 earthquake on September 5, 2022, in Luding, China20
Semi-supervised deep learning based on label propagation algorithm for debris flow susceptibility assessment in few-label scenarios20
Sustainability in shaky times: analysing the resilience of green bonds amid economic policy uncertainty19
Informational assessment of large scale self-similarity in nonlinear random field models18
Predicting the price of crude oil based on the stochastic dynamics learning from prior data18
Urbanization vs. climate drivers: investigating changes in fluvial floods in Poland18
Modelling multidecadal variability in flood frequency using the Two-Component Extreme Value distribution18
Breakdown coefficient statistics in binary multiplicative cascades18
An ensemble convolutional reinforcement learning gate network for metro station PM2.5 forecasting18
An innovative approach for predicting pandemic hotspots in complex wastewater networks using graph theory coupled with fuzzy logic18
An integrated approach for agricultural water resources management under drought with consideration of multiple uncertainties17
Assessing climate change risks using multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques in Raichur Taluk, Karnataka, India17
Dynamic Bayesian networks for spatiotemporal modeling and its uncertainty in tradeoffs and synergies of ecosystem services: a case study in the Tarim River Basin, China17
How enterprise climate risk perception affects organizational resilience: a green technology innovation perspective17
A novel swarm intelligence: cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA) and SailFish optimizer (SFO) in landslide susceptibility assessment17
Comparison of data-driven methods for linking extreme precipitation events to local and large-scale meteorological variables17
Coupled hydrogeophysical inversion through ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation and convolutional neural network for contaminant plume reconstruction17
Optimal decision rules for marked point process models16
Hybrid deep learning method for a week-ahead evapotranspiration forecasting16
Advancements in weather forecasting for precision agriculture: From statistical modeling to transformer-based architectures16
Assessment of loss of life caused by dam failure based on fuzzy theory and hybrid random forest model16
Using data-driven algorithms for semi-automated geomorphological mapping16
Joint identification of contaminant source and dispersion coefficients based on multi-observed reconstruction and ensemble Kalman filtering16
Modeling and predicting mean indoor radon concentrations in Austria by generalized additive mixed models16
Hydrometeorological-modeling-based analysis and risk assessment of a torrential rainfall flash flood in a data deficient area in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China16
Partially linear models based on heavy-tailed and asymmetrical distributions15
Short-term effects of multiple ozone metrics on outpatient visits for urticaria in Lanzhou, China15
An optimal integration of multiple machine learning techniques to real-time reservoir inflow forecasting15
Predicting hydrological alterations to quantitative and localized climate change in plateau regions: A case study of the Lake Dianchi Basin, China15
Statistical Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Ambient Air Pollution in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia15
Simulation of earthquake ground motion via stochastic finite-fault modeling considering the effect of rupture velocity15
Landslide susceptibility mapping in Three Gorges Reservoir area based on GIS and boosting decision tree model15
Inhalable particulate (PM10) emission externalities from overburden dumps and associated health risk assessment in densely populated coalfield15
A two-step hybrid system towards optimized wave height forecasts15
Improving short-term streamflow forecasting by flow mode clustering15
Image classification for sub-surface crack identification in concrete dam based on borehole CCTV images using deep dense hybrid model14
An assessment of snow-glacier melt runoff under climate change scenarios in the Himalayan basin14
An analytical approach to evaluate the impact of age demographics in a pandemic14
Assessment of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) in groundwater: Integrating experimental data with cutting-edge swarm intelligence approaches14
A multi-state Markov chain model to assess drought risks in rainfed agriculture: a case study in the Nineveh Plains of Northern Iraq14
The increasing risk of future simultaneous droughts over the Yangtze River basin based on CMIP6 models14
A decision-making framework for COVID-19 infodemic management strategies evaluation in spherical fuzzy environment13
A hybrid heuristic-driven technique to study the dynamics of savanna ecosystem13
Predicting discharge from a complex karst system using the ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation13
Experimental study of drag coefficient in non-darcy steady and unsteady flow conditions in rockfill13
Evaluating extreme precipitation in gridded datasets with a novel station database in Morocco13
Exploring spatiotemporal chaos in hydrological data: evidence from Ceará, Brazil13
Spatio-temporal analysis of land use/land cover change detection in small regions using self-supervised lightweight deep learning13
Utilizing artificial intelligence techniques for soil depth prediction and its influences in landslide hazard modeling13
Have any effect of COVID-19 lockdown on environmental sustainability? A study from most polluted metropolitan area of India13
Upscaling bimolecular reactive transport in highly heterogeneous porous media with the LAgrangian Transport Eulerian Reaction Spatial (LATERS) Markov model12
A copula-based multisite rainfall frequency analysis: a case study on the Lanyang watershed in Taiwan12
Quantifying the sampling error on burn counts in Monte-Carlo wildfire simulations using Poisson and Gamma distributions12
Assessment of climate change impacts on the construction of homogeneous climate zones and climate projections during the twenty first century over Pakistan12
Simulation of inundation caused by typhoon-induced probable maximum storm surge based on numerical modeling and observational data12
Geochemical characteristics, influencing factors and health risk assessment of groundwater fluoride in a drinking water source area in North Anhui Plain, Eastern China12
Underdetection in a stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic12
Monitoring the risk of a tailings dam collapse through spectral analysis of satellite InSAR time-series data12
Application of deep learning to large scale riverine flow velocity estimation12
Addressing the relevance of COVID–19 pandemic in nature and human socio-economic fate12
Connectedness of green financing, green energy and technological progress towards energy transition and climate goal: exposition of the best practise to achieve sustainable environmental development12
Changes in monthly streamflow in the Hindukush–Karakoram–Himalaya Region of Pakistan using innovative polygon trend analysis12
Assessment of long-term spatio-temporal variability of hot extremes and associated physical mechanism over India12
Quantifying the weekly cycle effect of air pollution in cities of China12
Nonparametric extrapolation of extreme quantiles: a comparison study12
Probabilistic seasonal precipitation forecasts using quantiles of ensemble forecasts11
A conditional machine learning classification approach for spatio-temporal risk assessment of crime data11
Bayesian joint longitudinal models for assessing the exploitation rates of sardine stock in the Mediterranean Sea11
Application of novel ensemble models and k-fold CV approaches for Land subsidence susceptibility modelling11
Spatio temporal hydrological extreme forecasting framework using LSTM deep learning model11
Integrated geospatial approach for adaptive rainwater harvesting site selection under the impact of climate change11
A new method for detecting abrupt changes in the dependence among multivariate hydrological series based on moving cut total correlation11
Dispersivity variations of solute transport in heterogeneous sediments: numerical and experimental study11
From scenario-based seismic hazard to scenario-based landslide hazard: fast-forwarding to the future via statistical simulations11
How do financial institutions and markets impact the ecological footprint in Saudi Arabia? A nonlinear cointegration approach11
Data analysis and preprocessing techniques for air quality prediction: a survey11
Monthly inflow forecasting utilizing advanced artificial intelligence methods: a case study of Haditha Dam in Iraq10
A hybrid mathematical model for estimation of runoff uncertainty influenced by climate drivers10
Daily precipitation performances of regression-based statistical downscaling models in a basin with mountain and semi-arid climates10
A comparative study of mutual information-based input variable selection strategies for the displacement prediction of seepage-driven landslides using optimized support vector regression10
The impact of COVID-19 on economy, air pollution and income: evidence from China10
Two-stage deep learning hybrid framework based on multi-factor multi-scale and intelligent optimization for air pollutant prediction and early warning10
Pollution levels, sources and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in farmland soil and crops near Urumqi Industrial Park, Xinjiang, China10
Oxygen-18 prediction using machine learning in the Baltic Artesian Basin groundwater10
Robust local bootstrap for weakly stationary time series in the presence of additive outliers10
Assessment of adaptation scenarios for agriculture water allocation under climate change impact10
Research on performance evaluation and obstacle diagnosis for urban water ecological civilization construction based on GFAHP-cloud-FSE model: the case of Shizuishan, China10
Multivariate stochastic Vasicek diffusion process: computational estimation and application to the analysis of $$CO_2$$ and $$N_2O$$ concentrations10
New design of water-energy-food-environment nexus for sustainable agricultural management10
Characterizing compound flooding potential and the corresponding driving mechanisms across coastal environments10
Agricultural drought risk assessment based on crop simulation, risk curves, and risk maps in Huaibei Plain of Anhui Province, China10
Security assessment and obstacle factors diagnosis of water-energy-food nexus based on pressure-state-response framework in Northwest China10
Multimodel classification and regression technique for the statistical downscaling of temperature10
Are current tsunami evacuation approaches safe enough?10
Ecological risk assessment and multi-scenario dynamic prediction of the arid oasis cities in northwest China from 1990 to 203010
Modelling bivariate failure time data via bivariate extended Chen distribution10
Semi-quantitative landslide risk assessment of district Muzaffarabad, northwestern Himalayas, Pakistan10
Implementation of free and open-source semi-automatic feature engineering tool in landslide susceptibility mapping using the machine-learning algorithms RF, SVM, and XGBoost10
Quantifying uncertainty in future sea level projections downscaled from CMIP5 global climate models10
Empirical mode decomposition for improved radar wind estimation during rainy conditions10
Modelling can reduce contamination from mosquito population control10
Assessment of the effects of natural and anthropogenic drivers on extreme flood events in coastal regions9
Flood vulnerability of a few areas in the foothills of the Western Ghats: a comparison of AHP and F-AHP models9
Daily multistep soil moisture forecasting by combining linear and nonlinear causality and attention-based encoder-decoder model9
A novel interpretable hybrid model for multi-step ahead dissolved oxygen forecasting in the Mississippi River basin9
Adaptive LASSO estimation for functional hidden dynamic geostatistical models9
Ambient PM2.5 and O3 pollution and health impacts in Iranian megacity9
A novel hybrid dragonfly optimization algorithm for agricultural drought prediction9
Novel MCDA methods for flood hazard mapping: a case study in Hamadan, Iran9
Multi-model streamflow prediction using conditional bias-penalized multiple linear regression9
Comparison of feature importance measures and variance-based indices for sensitivity analysis: case study of radioactive waste disposal flow and transport model9
Correction to: Deep learning algorithms to develop Flood susceptibility map in Data-Scarce and Ungauged River Basin in India9
Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) machine learning algorithm for assessing environmental and socio-economic vulnerability to drought: a study in Godavari middle sub-basin, India9
Reliability of the prediction model for landslide displacement with step-like behavior9
Evaluation of the significance of spatial trends for geostatistical simulation9
Multilayer perceptron-based predictive model using wavelet transform for the reconstruction of missing rainfall data9
Reliability analysis of three-dimensional reinforced slope considering the spatial variability in soil parameters8
Mortality burden caused by diurnal temperature range: a nationwide time-series study in 364 Chinese locations8
Optimal design of air quality monitoring networks: A systematic review8
Mixed statistical and data mining analysis of river flow and catchment properties at regional scale8
Assessment and driving factor analysis of total nitrogen loads: a case study of counties from 2000 to 2020 in Henan Province, China8
Simultaneous identification of groundwater contamination source information, model parameters, and boundary conditions under an unknown boundary mode8
Uncertainty analysis for streamflow modeling using multiple optimization algorithms at a data-scarce semi-arid region: Altınapa Reservoir Watershed, Turkey8
Modelling hydrometeorological extremes associated to the moisture transport driven by the Great Plains low-level jet8
Predictive modeling of water quality index (WQI) classes in Indian rivers: Insights from the application of multiple Machine Learning (ML) models on a decennial dataset8
Non-stationary modelling framework for regionalization of extreme precipitation using non-uniform lagged teleconnections over monsoon Asia8
LSTM-CM: a hybrid approach for natural drought prediction based on deep learning and climate models8
Contamination and health risk assessment of potentially harmful elements associated with roadside dust in Dhanbad India8
River discharge prediction using wavelet-based artificial neural network and long short-term memory models: a case study of Teesta River Basin, India8
Prediction of flood routing results in the Central Anatolian region of Türkiye with various machine learning models8
Sensitivity analysis of factors controlling earth fissures due to excessive groundwater pumping8
Estimating critical level of $$\hbox {PM}_{{10}}$$ to affect hospital infant admissions in Vitória, Brazil8
Physics-based Residual Kriging for dynamically evolving functional random fields8
Reliability analysis of cutting slopes under rainfall conditions considering copula dependence between shear strengths8
Stationary and non-stationary temperature-duration-frequency curves for Australia8
Development of a new hybrid ensemble method for accurate characterization of future drought using multiple global climate models8
Catchment natural driving factors and prediction of baseflow index for Continental United States based on Random Forest technique8
The generative adversarial neural network with multi-layers stack ensemble hybrid model for landslide prediction in case of training sample imbalance8
On the evolution of turbulent characteristics of an eroding cohesive riverbank8
An innovative framework for real-time monitoring of pollutant point sources in river networks8
A new simulation algorithm for more precise estimates of change in catastrophe risk models, with application to hurricanes and climate change8
Decoding trend of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using multimethod approach8
Characterization of annual urban air temperature changes with special reference to the city of Modena: a comparison between regression models and a proposal for a new index to evaluate relationships b8
Spatio-temporal variation of hydro-climatic variables and extreme indices over Iran based on reanalysis data8
Modeling spatial dependencies of natural hazards in coastal regions: a nonstationary approach with barriers8
Testing tests before testing data: an untold tale of compound events and binary dependence8
Investigating seasonal drought severity-area-frequency (SAF) curve over Indian region: incorporating GCM and scenario uncertainties8
Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity from particle size distributions using machine learning7
Threshold-based inventory for flood susceptibility assessment of the world’s largest river island using multi-temporal SAR data and ensemble machine learning algorithms7
Assessing the stage-period-discharge framework for modeling highly unstable rating curves: a case study at the UHE Peti Carrapato streamflow Gauging Station, Brazil7
Research on urban water security based on water poverty theory: a case study of lower yellow river cities7
Developing an earthquake damaged-based multi-severity casualty method by using Monte Carlo simulation and fuzzy logic; case study: Mosha fault seismic scenario, Tehran, Iran7
The analysis of spatial–temporal effects of relevant factors on carbon intensity in China7
Contamination and risk assessment of heavy metals in coastal sediments from the Mid-Black Sea, Turkey7
Projections of future fire risk under climate change over the South African savanna7
Correction to: Linear combinations of order statistics to estimate the position and scale parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution7
The assessment of potential observability for joint chemical states and emissions in atmospheric modelings7
Assessing climate vulnerability and nonlinear rainfall dynamics in complex networks7
Quantifying multivariate spatio-temporal dynamics of malaria risk by multiple Plasmodium species using graph-based optimization in Southern Ethiopia7
Investigating the changing spatiotemporal urban heat island and its impact on thunderstorm patterns by Hilbert Huang transform7
Landslide susceptibility mapping using CNN models based on factor visualization and transfer learning7
Downscaling long lead time daily rainfall ensemble forecasts through deep learning7
Simulated annealing coupled with a Naïve Bayes model and base flow separation for streamflow simulation in a snow dominated basin7
Spatiotemporal evolution in water use structures of large-sized irrigation district, China7
Estimation of particulate matter concentrations in Türkiye using a random forest model based on satellite AOD retrievals7
Integration of rotation forest and multiboost ensemble methods with forest by penalizing attributes for spatial prediction of landslide susceptible areas7
Revised and wider classes of isotropic space-time covariance functions7
Ecological risks assessment of heavy metal coupled inorganic sulfur characteristics in the sediments of the Qinjiang River, Beibu Gulf, China7
A nature-inspired and noise-assisted feature extraction integrating spatiotemporal attention-based sequence2sequence for multivariate wind speed prediction7
Trivariate frequency analysis of droughts using copulas under future climate change over Vidarbha region in India7
Deep learning application for disaggregation of rainfall with emphasis on preservation of extreme rainfall characteristics for Indian monsoon conditions7
Spatio-temporal analysis of heating and cooling degree-days over Iran7
Exploring Bayesian model averaging with multiple ANNs for meteorological drought forecasts7
A multi-type branching process model for epidemics with application to COVID-197
Forecasting duration characteristics of near fault pulse-like ground motions using machine learning algorithms7
Time–frequency characterization of seasonal temperature in India and teleconnection of temperature with atmospheric oscillation indices6
Uncertainty analysis of simplified 1D and 2D shallow water equations via the Karhunen–Loéve expansion and Monte Carlo simulations6
Modeling eutrophication risks in Tanes reservoir by using a hybrid WOA optimized SVR-relied technique along with feature selection based on the MARS approximation6
Integration of machine learning and particle filter approaches for forecasting soil moisture6
Spatiotemporal data science: theoretical advances and applications6
One-hour ahead wind speed forecasting using deep learning approach6
Landslide susceptibility assessment for the Darjeeling Toy Train route: a GIS and machine learning approach6
Daily scale evapotranspiration prediction over the coastal region of southwest Bangladesh: new development of artificial intelligence model6
The effectiveness of data pre-processing methods on the performance of machine learning techniques using RF, SVR, Cubist and SGB: a study on undrained shear strength prediction6
Some combinatorics of data leakage induced by clusters6
Statistical inference for the binomial Ar(1) model with missing data6
Predict water quality using an improved deep learning method based on spatiotemporal feature correlated: a case study of the Tanghe Reservoir in China6
Artificial Intelligence models for prediction of the tide level in Venice6
Data mining technology for the identification and threshold of governing factors of landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir area6
Comparative evaluation of performances of algae indices, pixel- and object-based machine learning algorithms in mapping floating algal blooms using Sentinel-2 imagery6
Assessing pollution and water resources suitability for multiple uses under extended drought and climate change conditions: the case of the Grombalia aquifer in Tunisia6
Assessing local and spatial uncertainty with nonparametric geostatistics6
Fuzzy radon hazard index assessment for stochastic environmental health risk evaluation of urban scale building6
Application of the fractional entropy for one-dimensional velocity distribution with dip-phenomenon in open-channel turbulent flows6
Comparison of meteorological, hydrological and agricultural droughts for developing a composite drought index over semi-arid Banas River Basin of India6
Assessing the generalization of forecasting ability of machine learning and probabilistic models for complex climate characteristics6
Stochastic investigation of daily air temperature extremes from a global ground station network6
Multi-GCM ensemble model for reduction of uncertainty in runoff projections6
Changes in climatic patterns and tourism and their concomitant effect on drinking water transfers into the region of South Aegean, Greece6
Markovian descriptors based stochastic analysis of large-scale climate indices6
Bootstrapped ensemble and reliability ensemble averaging approaches for integrated uncertainty analysis of streamflow projections6
Performance evaluation of a multi-site weather generator coupling maximum entropy resampling for estimating the probability distribution of annual maximum daily rainfall in the Loess Plateau6
COVID-19 transmission risk in Surabaya and Sidoarjo: an inhomogeneous marked Poisson point process approach6