Journal of Flood Risk Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Flood Risk Management is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Transposing flood risk from extreme rainfall events: A case study of Hurricane Harvey62
Improving flash flood risk assessment using a simple approach for extreme rainfall scaling and storms transposition60
Urban Flood Exposure and Vulnerability: Insights From Pendik District of Istanbul48
Improving the Accuracy of Flood Damage Assessments to Residential Structures via the Use of Experimental Data32
Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment for Multiple Flood and Levee Breaching Scenarios: A Case Study of Etobicoke Creek, Canada28
Monitoring flood and drought risks in arid and semi‐arid regions using remote sensing data and standardized precipitation index: A case study of Syria27
Flood risk research for improving flood risk outcomes27
Effect of vertical velocity profile approximations on estimates of dam breach discharge using surface velocities26
Identifying and testing the probability distribution of earthfill dam breach parameters for probabilistic dam breach modeling24
WEJ's Table of Contents22
Issue Information21
Assessment of at‐site design flood estimation methods using an improved event‐based design flood estimation tool19
Experimental and numerical modelling of water waves in sewer networks during sewer/surface flow interaction using a coupled ODE‐SWE solver19
Analyzing uncertainty in probable maximum precipitation estimation with large ensemble climate simulation data19
Issue Information19
Identifying and mapping the spatial distribution of regions prone to snowmelt flood hazards in the arid region of Central Asia: A case study in Xinjiang, China19
Managing a road as a river to mitigate the impact of urban flash floods18
WEJ's Table of Contents18
Beavers and flood alleviation: Human perspectives from downstream communities18
Assessing the risk of vehicle instability due to flooding18
A comparison of the cost effectiveness of property‐level adaptation and community‐scale flood defences in reducing flood risk17
Exploring the role of the long short‐term memory model in improving multi‐step ahead reservoir inflow forecasting17
Toward an improved estimation of flood frequency statistics from simulated flows16
Qualitative investigations into floodways under extreme flood loading16
A first assessment of the effect of storm climate trends and uncertainties on Dutch levee design16
Flood vulnerability and risk assessment of historic urban areas: Vulnerability evaluation, derivation of depth‐damage curves and cost–benefit analysis of flood adaptation measures applied to the histo16
From flood impact modelling to flood impact forecasts16
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Issue Information15
WEJ's Table of Contents15
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Issue Information13
Modelling the effectiveness of land‐based natural flood management in a large, permeable catchment12
Motorists' willingness to drive through flooded roads: Evidence from a stated preference experiment12
Relationship between urban planning and flooding in Port Harcourt city, Nigeria; insights from planning professionals12
Comparison of different objective weighting methods in a multi‐criteria model for watershed prioritization for flood risk assessment using morphometric analysis12
How should river embankments be spatially developed, from the upstream section or the downstream section?12
Assessing compound flooding potential with multivariate statistical models in a complex estuarine system under data constraints12
Preparing for severe flooding: Flood risk management research leading to better flood preparedness12
Towards new design rainfall profiles for the United Kingdom11
Using multi‐criteria decision‐making methods in prioritizing structural flood control solutions: A case study from Iran11
A framework for modelling the probability of flooding under levee breaching11
Joint flood control scheduling strategy of large cascade reservoirs: A case study of the cascade reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China11
Groundwater rebound and flooding in the Naples' periurban area (Italy)10
Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP‐Flood10
Assessing future urban flood hazard: A comprehensive approach to estimating the implications of future rainfall scenarios10
Real‐time prediction and ponding process early warning method at urban flood points based on different deep learning methods10
Doing flood risk modelling differently: Evaluating the potential for participatory techniques to broaden flood risk management decision‐making10
A multilayer soil approach for seepage process analysis in earthen levees10
Reconstructing the peak flow of historical flood events using a hydraulic model: The city of Bath, United Kingdom9
REFLEX—A novel method for the rapid estimation of flood extent9
Quantifying hydraulic roughness in a riparian forest using a drag force‐based method9
Urban road waterlogging risk assessment based on the source–pathway–receptor concept in Shenzhen, China9
Spatial targeting of nature‐based solutions for flood risk management within river catchments9
Climate change allowances, non‐stationarity and flood frequency analyses9
Riverine flood potential assessment using metaheuristic hybrid machine learning algorithms9
Assessing Greek small and medium‐sized enterprises' flood resilience capacity: Index development and application8
Morphometric analysis and prioritisation of watersheds for flood risk management in Wadi Easal Basin (WEB), Jordan, using geospatial technologies8
Application of a fuzzy, indicator‐based methodology for investigating the functional vulnerability of critical infrastructures to flood hazards8
Intersecting crises: A comparative analysis of global conflicts and the risk of flooding8
Impact of hydraulic model resolution and loss of life model modification on flood fatality risk estimation: Case study of the Bommelerwaard, The Netherlands8
Flood risk in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: A consideration of flood defences in a broadscale hydraulic model8
A numerical approach to understand the responses of passenger vehicles moving through floodwaters7
A historical flash flood chronology for Britain7
A decision‐led evaluation approach for flood forecasting system developments: An application to the Global Flood Awareness System in Bangladesh7
The benefits of coastal adaptation through conservation of foreshore vegetation7
Comprehensive performance evaluation of stormwater management measures for sponge city construction: A case study in Gui'an New District, China7
Social innovations and drivers in flood early warning systems: A community‐based transboundary perspective from Elegu flood plain in Northern Uganda7
Effect of river cleaning on lowland drainage in South‐Eastern Sumatra7
Simulation of Poyang Lake water levels and outflow under historical extreme hydrological scenarios7
Correction to “The predictability of daily rainfall during rainy season over East Asia by a Bayesian nonhomogeneous hidden Markov model”7
Recognising floods, recognising people? Flood risk management in riverfront urban kampongs of Indonesia7
Assessment and significance of the frequency domain for trends in annual peak streamflow6
Structural damage, clogging, collapsing: Analysis of the bridge damage at the rivers Ahr, Inde and Vicht caused by the flood of 20216
Aggregating flood damage functions: The peril of Jensen's gap6
Analysis of air‐inflated rubber dam for flood‐fighting at the subway entrance6
Identifying tree characteristics to determine the blocking effects of water conveyance for natural flood management in urban rivers6
Recommendations to improve the interpretation of global flood forecasts to support international humanitarian operations for tropical cyclones6
Investigating the Condition and Flood Effects of Undocumented Levees, A Case Study Within the Waimea Floodplain6
Issue Information6
A rainfall threshold‐based approach to early warnings in urban data‐scarce regions: A case study of pluvial flooding in Alexandria, Egypt6
The utility of impact data in flood forecast verification for anticipatory actions: Case studies from Uganda and Kenya6
Issue Information6
RESCUE: A geomorphology‐based, hydrologic‐hydraulic model for large‐scale inundation mapping6
A GIS‐based tool for dynamic assessment of community susceptibility to flash flooding5
A novel hybrid GIS‐based multi‐criteria decision‐making approach for flood susceptibility analysis in large ungauged watersheds5
Issue Information5
Protecting the Rhine‐Meuse delta against sea level rise: What to do with the river's discharge?5
The effect of heterogeneities and small cavities on levee failures: The case study of the Panaro levee breach (Italy) on 6 December 20205
The role of the courts in conflict resolution in UK flood risk management5
Understanding influence and action in Learning and Action Alliances: Experience from the Newcastle Blue‐Green vision5
Issue Information5
Issue Information5
Social network analysis of EU flood risk management plans: Case Finland5
Issue Information5
Simultaneous compound disasters from COVID‐19 and catastrophic flooding5
Sensitivity analysis of the flash flood hazard by coupling variable fuzzy method and mutual entropy5
Managed diversion lead time effects on flood response in a tidal freshwater river5
From warm seas to flooded streets: The impact of sea surface temperature on cutoff low and extreme rainfall in Valencia, Spain5
Macroscale impact assessment of flood damage reduction from climate change adaptation policies5
Model‐based estimation of long‐duration design precipitation for basins with large storage volumes of reservoirs and snowpacks5
Improving hydrological climate impact assessments using multirealizations from a global climate model5
Managing flood risks in a changing climate5
A coupled hydrodynamic (HEC‐RAS 2D) and water quality model (WASP) for simulating flood‐induced soil, sediment, and contaminant transport5
Cumulative sedimentation hazard map of urban areas subject to hyperconcentrated flash flood: A case study of Suide County in the Wuding River basin, China5