
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(A journal has H4-Index of h when h of its past four year's publications has h citations, whereby h is the highest possible number that renders the former statement true. The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal H4-Index
1 Nature296
2 Science265
3 Nature Communications234
4 Advanced Materials199
5 Science of the Total Environment189
6 Angewandte Chemie-International Edition182
7 Chemical Reviews176
8 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America159
9 Journal of Cleaner Production157
10 Advanced Functional Materials154
- ACS Nano154
12 Journal of the American Chemical Society152
13 Journal of Hazardous Materials147
14 Science Advances145
15 Advanced Energy Materials141
16 International Journal of Molecular Sciences139
17 Chemical Society Reviews137
18 PLoS ONE134
19 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health132
20 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews131
21 Nano Energy126
- Scientific Reports126
- Energy & Environmental Science126
24 Chemosphere123
25 Environmental Science & Technology118
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal118
- Nature Materials118
28 Joule115
29 Nature Energy114
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces114
31 ACS Energy Letters113
- Energy Storage Materials113
33 Journal of Environmental Management112
34 Advanced Science111
- Water Research111
36 Nature Nanotechnology110
37 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics108
- Molecules108
- Sustainability108
40 Environmental Science and Pollution Research107
41 Renewable Energy105
42 Carbon103
- Physical Review Letters103
- Environmental Pollution103
45 Small102
46 IEEE Access101
47 Nano Letters99
48 Biosensors & Bioelectronics98
- Construction and Building Materials98
- Nano-Micro Letters98
51 Nature Reviews Materials97
52 Environmental Research95
53 Composites Part B-Engineering94
- Accounts of Chemical Research94
55 Journal of Materials Science & Technology93
- Journal of Materials Chemistry A93
- Sustainable Cities and Society93
58 Frontiers in Psychology92
59 Environment International91
60 Chaos Solitons & Fractals90
61 Nature Climate Change89
62 Nature Sustainability88
63 Journal of Alloys and Compounds87
- Resources Conservation and Recycling87
65 Chem86
- Applied Sciences-Basel86
- Remote Sensing86
- Journal of Controlled Release86
- Nanomaterials86
70 Journal of Power Sources85
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing85
- Materials Today85
73 Remote Sensing of Environment84
- Matter84
- Applied Soft Computing84
- Applied Surface Science84
77 International Journal of Information Management83
78 Resources Policy82
- Nature Photonics82
80 Information Sciences81
- Acta Materialia81
82 Nature Physics79
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering79
- Ecological Indicators79
85 Materials78
- Chemistry of Materials78
- Nature Chemistry78
- Progress in Materials Science78
- Computers in Biology and Medicine78
90 Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T77
- Nano Research77
92 Global Change Biology76
- Energy Policy76
94 Heliyon74
- Chemical Science74
- Materials & Design74
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety74
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture74
- Journal of Hydrology74
- Measurement74
- Nano Today74
- Environmental Chemistry Letters74
103 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging73
- Computers in Human Behavior73
- Business Strategy and the Environment73
106 Science Bulletin72
- iScience72
- Chinese Chemical Letters72
109 Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials71
- IEEE Sensors Journal71
- Medical Image Analysis71
- ACS Omega71
113 Nature Machine Intelligence70
- Alexandria Engineering Journal70
- ACS Central Science70
- Earth-Science Reviews70
- Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology70
- Nature Human Behaviour70
- Sustainable Production and Consumption70
120 Cement and Concrete Research69
- Green Chemistry69
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters69
- Technology in Society69
- Advanced Optical Materials69
125 Corrosion Science68
- Nature Reviews Chemistry68
- Advanced Healthcare Materials68
- Scientific Data68
- Electronics68
130 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials67
- Nanoscale67
- Geophysical Research Letters67
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing67
- Environmental Research Letters67
135 Land Use Policy66
136 Computers & Industrial Engineering65
- ChemSusChem65
- ACS Sensors65
139 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence64
- Ultrasonics Sonochemistry64
- Waste Management64
- Energy Research & Social Science64
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering64
144 Frontiers in Chemistry63
- Tourism Management63
- Marine Pollution Bulletin63
- Water63
148 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics62
- Chemistry-A European Journal62
- National Science Review62
- International Journal of Nanomedicine62
152 Lancet Planetary Health61
- Environmental Technology & Innovation61
- Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine61
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering61
156 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia60
- Materials Horizons60
- Nature Geoscience60
- ACS Applied Energy Materials60
- ACS Applied Nano Materials60
- Small Methods60
- RSC Advances60
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters60
- Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters60
- Computers & Education60
- Physical Review X60
167 Nature Reviews Physics59
- Symmetry-Basel59
- ACS Materials Letters59
170 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy58
- Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing58
172 Information Processing & Management57
- npj Computational Materials57
- Multimedia Tools and Applications57
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing57
- Results in Physics57
178 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling56
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications56
- Journal of Materials Chemistry C56
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics56
- InfoMat56
- Journal of Nanobiotechnology56
- One Earth56
- Sustainable Development56
- Earth System Science Data56
- Scripta Materialia56
188 Laser & Photonics Reviews55
- Computer Communications55
- Journal of Applied Physics55
- Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry55
- Journal of Advanced Research55
- Social Science & Medicine55
- Optics and Laser Technology55
195 Journal of CO2 Utilization54
- IEEE Network54
- Environment Development and Sustainability54
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing54
199 Landscape and Urban Planning53
- IEEE Systems Journal53
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)