Multimedia Tools and Applications

(The H4-Index of Multimedia Tools and Applications is 56. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Natural language processing: state of the art, current trends and challenges542
Object detection using YOLO: challenges, architectural successors, datasets and applications452
PSNR vs SSIM: imperceptibility quality assessment for image steganography338
FakeBERT: Fake news detection in social media with a BERT-based deep learning approach320
A review on extreme learning machine225
Face mask detection using YOLOv3 and faster R-CNN models: COVID-19 environment183
Automatic speech recognition: a survey159
2D object recognition: a comparative analysis of SIFT, SURF and ORB feature descriptors150
A data aggregation based approach to exploit dynamic spatio-temporal correlations for citywide crowd flows prediction in fog computing142
Multi-class brain tumor classification using residual network and global average pooling142
Medical image analysis based on deep learning approach141
Spoofing detection system for e-health digital twin using EfficientNet Convolution Neural Network101
Diabetic retinopathy detection and stage classification in eye fundus images using active deep learning99
Apple leaf disease recognition method with improved residual network96
VGG-ICNN: A Lightweight CNN model for crop disease identification96
CE-FPN: enhancing channel information for object detection92
Traffic sign recognition based on deep learning90
Image encryption based on a combination of multiple chaotic maps88
RNN / LSTM with modified Adam optimizer in deep learning approach for automobile spare parts demand forecasting86
ASL-3DCNN: American sign language recognition technique using 3-D convolutional neural networks85
Machine learning-based EEG signals classification model for epileptic seizure detection82
Tools, techniques, datasets and application areas for object detection in an image: a review81
A color image encryption technique using block scrambling and chaos79
The effect of choosing optimizer algorithms to improve computer vision tasks: a comparative study78
TARDB-Net: triple-attention guided residual dense and BiLSTM networks for hyperspectral image classification78
Deep convolutional neural network for enhancing traffic sign recognition developed on Yolo V477
Automatic human posture estimation for sport activity recognition with robust body parts detection and entropy markov model77
Constructing dynamic strong S-Box using 3D chaotic map and application to image encryption75
An improved cuckoo search optimization algorithm with genetic algorithm for community detection in complex networks74
Opposition grasshopper optimizer based multimedia data distribution using user evaluation strategy73
Machine learning and deep learning approach for medical image analysis: diagnosis to detection72
Deep learning in wheat diseases classification: A systematic review71
A comprehensive survey of image segmentation: clustering methods, performance parameters, and benchmark datasets71
CB-Fake: A multimodal deep learning framework for automatic fake news detection using capsule neural network and BERT70
Machine learning models for mathematical symbol recognition: A stem to stern literature analysis69
An intensive healthcare monitoring paradigm by using IoT based machine learning strategies69
A hybrid GA and PSO optimized approach for heart-disease prediction based on random forest69
Deep reinforcement learning based control for Autonomous Vehicles in CARLA66
CNN and LSTM based ensemble learning for human emotion recognition using EEG recordings66
Inception inspired CNN-GRU hybrid network for human activity recognition65
A critical review on diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy using machine learning and deep learning64
A survey: object detection methods from CNN to transformer63
Otsu’s thresholding technique for MRI image brain tumor segmentation62
COVID-CXNet: Detecting COVID-19 in frontal chest X-ray images using deep learning61
Predicting the COVID-19 infection with fourteen clinical features using machine learning classification algorithms61
An hybrid deep learning approach for depression prediction from user tweets using feature-rich CNN and bi-directional LSTM61
Automatic prediction of COVID− 19 from chest images using modified ResNet5061
A comprehensive review on soil classification using deep learning and computer vision techniques61
Facial emotion recognition based real-time learner engagement detection system in online learning context using deep learning models60
Robust graph regularization nonnegative matrix factorization for link prediction in attributed networks60
A novel color image encryption algorithm based on image hashing, 6D hyperchaotic and DNA coding60
Deep transfer learning for alzheimer neurological disorder detection59
Image encryption scheme with bit-level scrambling and multiplication diffusion59
A survey of pre-processing techniques to improve short-text quality: a case study on hate speech detection on twitter58
Skin cancer disease images classification using deep learning solutions58
A leader Harris hawks optimization for 2-D Masi entropy-based multilevel image thresholding57
Deepfake generation and detection, a survey56
Particle swarm optimization performance improvement using deep learning techniques56
Face detection in still images under occlusion and non-uniform illumination56
The face image super-resolution algorithm based on combined representation learning56
DeepNetDevanagari: a deep learning model for Devanagari ancient character recognition56