IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

(The H4-Index of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing is 89. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Graph Convolutional Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification1075
More Diverse Means Better: Multimodal Deep Learning Meets Remote-Sensing Imagery Classification861
SpectralFormer: Rethinking Hyperspectral Image Classification With Transformers505
Remote Sensing Image Change Detection With Transformers369
Residual Spectral–Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification302
Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection268
Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection265
Attention-Based Adaptive Spectral–Spatial Kernel ResNet for Hyperspectral Image Classification255
Hyperspectral Image Classification With Convolutional Neural Network and Active Learning237
TEMDnet: A Novel Deep Denoising Network for Transient Electromagnetic Signal With Signal-to-Image Transformation236
Spectral–Spatial Feature Tokenization Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification226
Hyperspectral Image Classification With Attention-Aided CNNs224
Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Coupled CNNs221
LANet: Local Attention Embedding to Improve the Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images217
A Deeply Supervised Attention Metric-Based Network and an Open Aerial Image Dataset for Remote Sensing Change Detection213
Optical Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Attention Mechanism and Image Difference204
Dimensionality Reduction With Enhanced Hybrid-Graph Discriminant Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification190
Multisource Data Reconstruction-Based Deep Unsupervised Hashing for Unisource Remote Sensing Image Retrieval189
CNN-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network With Pixel- and Superpixel-Level Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification189
Nonlocal Graph Convolutional Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification184
A Feature Difference Convolutional Neural Network-Based Change Detection Method184
SemiCDNet: A Semisupervised Convolutional Neural Network for Change Detection in High Resolution Remote-Sensing Images178
Nonoverflow Representation of Electromagnetic Field From Dipole Source in Cylindrical Media With Uniaxial Anisotropy176
An Anchor-Free Method Based on Feature Balancing and Refinement Network for Multiscale Ship Detection in SAR Images175
Ship Detection in Large-Scale SAR Images Via Spatial Shuffle-Group Enhance Attention173
Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification With Unknown Classes Using Multitask Deep Learning171
Swin Transformer Embedding UNet for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation170
Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Tensor Low-Rank Prior and Unsupervised Deep Spatial–Spectral Prior162
MAP-Net: Multiple Attending Path Neural Network for Building Footprint Extraction From Remote Sensed Imagery159
Learning Center Probability Map for Detecting Objects in Aerial Images154
An Effective Evaluation Tool for Hyperspectral Target Detection: 3D Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Analysis153
Joint Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Hierarchical Random Walk and Deep CNN Architecture151
Detail Injection-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Pansharpening145
Convolutional Autoencoder for Spectral–Spatial Hyperspectral Unmixing144
Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Remote Sensing Data Classification143
Super-Resolution Mapping Based on Spatial–Spectral Correlation for Spectral Imagery137
Distributed Acoustic Sensing Vertical Seismic Profile Data Denoiser Based on Convolutional Neural Network136
FPGA: Fast Patch-Free Global Learning Framework for Fully End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification135
Relation Matters: Relational Context-Aware Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Aerial Images134
Polarization Estimation With Vector Sensor Array in the Underdetermined Case133
Multiattention Network for Semantic Segmentation of Fine-Resolution Remote Sensing Images132
PSGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Pan-Sharpening129
Hyperspectral Image Classification With Context-Aware Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network129
An Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method Towards Multi-Level Features and Decision Boundaries for Cross-Scene Hyperspectral Image Classification128
Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data127
Spectral Superresolution of Multispectral Imagery With Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Learning126
Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using a 3-D Attention Denoising Network125
Anchor-Free Oriented Proposal Generator for Object Detection125
Automatic Weakly Supervised Object Detection From High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Dynamic Curriculum Learning123
DLA-MatchNet for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification121
Discriminative Reconstruction Constrained Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection121
Coupled Convolutional Neural Network With Adaptive Response Function Learning for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Super Resolution121
Local Similarity-Based Spatial–Spectral Fusion Hyperspectral Image Classification With Deep CNN and Gabor Filtering118
Building Change Detection in VHR SAR Images via Unsupervised Deep Transcoding117
Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Image via Multistructure Unified Discriminative Embedding117
SSR-NET: Spatial–Spectral Reconstruction Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion111
DABNet: Deformable Contextual and Boundary-Weighted Network for Cloud Detection in Remote Sensing Images111
Scene-Driven Multitask Parallel Attention Network for Building Extraction in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images109
SwinSUNet: Pure Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection109
CFC-Net: A Critical Feature Capturing Network for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Remote-Sensing Images108
A Novel Pattern for Infrared Small Target Detection With Generative Adversarial Network106
Hyperspectral Image Denoising and Anomaly Detection Based on Low-Rank and Sparse Representations103
Deep Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification103
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on 3-D Octave Convolution With Spatial–Spectral Attention Network103
Classification of Hyperspectral Images via Multitask Generative Adversarial Networks102
Semantic Segmentation of Large-Size VHR Remote Sensing Images Using a Two-Stage Multiscale Training Architecture101
Fusion of Dual Spatial Information for Hyperspectral Image Classification99
Spectral–Spatial Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Factorized Architecture Search Framework99
New Observations From the SWIM Radar On-Board CFOSAT: Instrument Validation and Ocean Wave Measurement Assessment97
Extended Vision Transformer (ExViT) for Land Use and Land Cover Classification: A Multimodal Deep Learning Framework96
Transformer and CNN Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery96
Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Mixed High-Order Attention Network96
RSVQA: Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data95
Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection via Multiple Subspace Learning and Spatial-Temporal Patch-Tensor Model95
Study of Systematic Bias in Measuring Surface Deformation With SAR Interferometry94
FEC: A Feature Fusion Framework for SAR Target Recognition Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Features and Deep CNN Features93
Infrared Small Target Detection via Nonconvex Tensor Fibered Rank Approximation93
Simultaneous Road Surface and Centerline Extraction From Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images Using CNN-Based Segmentation and Tracing93
BockNet: Blind-Block Reconstruction Network With a Guard Window for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection92
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Mixed Convolutions and Covariance Pooling92
Exploring the Relationship Between 2D/3D Convolution for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution92
Hybrid Multiple Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images90
ColorMapGAN: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Using Color Mapping Generative Adversarial Networks90
A Fast Neighborhood Grouping Method for Hyperspectral Band Selection90
Assessing the Threat of Adversarial Examples on Deep Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Classification: Attacks and Defenses90
Hyperspectral Pansharpening Using Deep Prior and Dual Attention Residual Network89
Road Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images Using Adversarial Spatial Pyramid Networks89
Progressive Contextual Instance Refinement for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images89
Dense Dilated Convolutions’ Merging Network for Land Cover Classification89