ISA Transactions

(The H4-Index of ISA Transactions is 52. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Exponential and robust position-constrained control of robot manipulators via diffeomorphisms343
The no-wait cyclic scheduling of delivery traffic in the grid distribution network171
Enhanced fractional-order PIλ151
Computational intelligence-enabled prediction and communication mechanism for IoT-based autonomous systems130
Editorial Board129
Editorial Board127
Editorial Board121
Editorial Board116
Energy-constraint output formation for swarm systems with dynamic output feedback control protocols115
Panoptic blind image inpainting113
Self-excited oscillations in an inverted cart–pendulum based on the two-relay approach109
Semi-global cluster synchronization for nonlinear systems under fixed and switching topologies104
A milk transportation problem with milk collection centers and vehicle routing101
Disturbance observer-based control with partially coupled inverse model for stable TITO processes with time delays100
Asymptotic stabilization of a transformed quadrotor model using energy-shaping method: Theory and experiments99
Robust Global stabilization of aerial continuum manipulation systems via hybrid feedback97
Operating performance assessment based on multi-source heterogeneous information with deep learning for smelting process of electro-fused magnesium furnace96
Optimal control for multistage uncertain random dynamic systems with multiple time delays94
Improved cascaded model-free predictive speed control for PMSM speed ripple minimization based on ultra-local model89
Set-membership-based distributed moving horizon estimation of large-scale systems85
Editorial Board84
An artificial delay based robust guidance strategy for an interceptor with input saturation81
Optimal averaging time for improving observer accuracy of stochastic dynamical systems80
COVERT: A classless approach to generating balanced datasets for process modelling79
Contact transition control with acceleration feedback enhancement for a quadrotor75
Output event triggered consensus control of nonlinear multi-agent systems with relative state constraints74
Adaptive sensorless control for interior permanent magnet synchronious motor based on sliding mode approach70
Optimization control of a 330 MW drum boiler unit based on DMC algorithm and DEB strategy69
3D generalized bias compensated pseudolinear Kalman filter for colored noisy bearings-only measurements67
High-precision dynamic torque control of high stiffness actuator for humanoids67
Linear-based gain-determining method for adaptive backstepping controller67
Hybrid triggering design for global attitude synchronization of networked rigid bodies66
Three dimensional stabilization controller based on improved quaternion transformation for fixed-wing UAVs65
Integrated thrust ripple identification and compensation for linear servo system using an MP algorithm65
A fault-tolerant control strategy to estimate and compensate the temperature sensor bias in supermarket refrigeration systems65
Making contract users safer: Towards building a Safe Browsing platform on Ethereum65
Double-layer event-triggered policy of passivity-based output regulation under deception attacks for switched systems62
Trajectory tracking control for a quadrotor helicopter in the presence of cyber attacks62
Nonlinear event-based state estimation using particle filter under packet loss62
Construction of response surface model for photoacoustic-based H2S measurement system and significance analysis of multiple influential factors62
Event-triggered surrounding adaptive control of nonlinear multi-agent systems60
Networked control strategy of dual linear switched reluctance motors based time delay tracking system60
Walking position commanded NAO robot using nonlinear disturbance observer-based fixed-time terminal sliding mode60
Predictive ESO-based control with guaranteed stability for uncertain MIMO constrained systems59
A robust finite–time model reference adaptive controller for arbitrary order disturbed LTI systems59
Globally fuzzy consensus of hybrid-order stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems59
SMC-based model-free tracking control of unknown autonomous surface vehicles58
Distributed robust group output synchronization control for heterogeneous uncertain linear multi-agent systems57
Uncertain texture features fusion based method for performance condition evaluation of complex electromechanical systems57
Atom selection strategy for signal compressed recovery based on sensing information entropy56
Two degree of freedom robust data-driven fixed-order controller synthesis using convex optimization53
A disturbance suppression micro-Newton force sensor based on shadow method53
New results on stability and H52
Editorial Board52
Unified gain formula for control diagrams with matrix-based transfer functions52
Stabilization for a class of delay systems via Z-type control52
Editorial Board52
Transient analysis and reliability modeling of fault-tolerant system operating under admission control policy with double retrial features and working vacation52