Information Processing & Management

(The H4-Index of Information Processing & Management is 60. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A Survey on Blockchain for Information Systems Management and Security356
Blockchain-based authentication and authorization for smart city applications291
From information seeking to information avoidance: Understanding the health information behavior during a global health crisis283
Improved Breast Cancer Classification Through Combining Graph Convolutional Network and Convolutional Neural Network228
Social media overload, exhaustion, and use discontinuance: Examining the effects of information overload, system feature overload, and social overload200
Federated learning review: Fundamentals, enabling technologies, and future applications196
Ensemble unsupervised autoencoders and Gaussian mixture model for cyberattack detection178
Co-LSTM: Convolutional LSTM model for sentiment analysis in social big data177
A Deep Look into neural ranking models for information retrieval158
Blockchain-based public auditing for big data in cloud storage155
What motivates Chinese consumers to avoid information about the COVID-19 pandemic?: The perspective of the stimulus-organism-response model153
EtherTwin: Blockchain-based Secure Digital Twin Information Management140
Latency performance modeling and analysis for hyperledger fabric blockchain network140
Transaction-based classification and detection approach for Ethereum smart contract135
hOCBS: A privacy-preserving blockchain framework for healthcare data leveraging an on-chain and off-chain system design135
Blockchain-based privacy-preserving remote data integrity checking scheme for IoT information systems132
A multimodal fake news detection model based on crossmodal attention residual and multichannel convolutional neural networks128
An incentive-aware blockchain-based solution for internet of fake media things123
Quantum-Inspired Blockchain-Based Cybersecurity: Securing Smart Edge Utilities in IoT-Based Smart Cities120
Detecting health misinformation in online health communities: Incorporating behavioral features into machine learning based approaches118
Human vs. AI: Understanding the impact of anthropomorphism on consumer response to chatbots from the perspective of trust and relationship norms115
Stance detection on social media: State of the art and trends113
The causes, impacts and countermeasures of COVID-19 “Infodemic”: A systematic review using narrative synthesis113
A machine learning-based sentiment analysis of online product reviews with a novel term weighting and feature selection approach113
Organizational business intelligence and decision making using big data analytics111
B-FERL: Blockchain based framework for securing smart vehicles100
Detecting fake news by exploring the consistency of multimodal data100
Business Innovation based on artificial intelligence and Blockchain technology99
Combat COVID-19 infodemic using explainable natural language processing models94
Temporally evolving graph neural network for fake news detection92
A collaborative filtering recommender system using genetic algorithm87
Super efficiency SBM-DEA and neural network for performance evaluation87
Convolutional neural network with margin loss for fake news detection87
Characterizing the dissemination of misinformation on social media in health emergencies: An empirical study based on COVID-1983
A comparative study of automated legal text classification using random forests and deep learning81
Connecting user and item perspectives in popularity debiasing for collaborative recommendation77
Investigating gender fairness of recommendation algorithms in the music domain76
Application of cognitive computing in healthcare, cybersecurity, big data and IoT: A literature review75
PF-BTS: A Privacy-Aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain-assisted task scheduling75
A blockchain-based code copyright management system75
Social media rumor refutation effectiveness: Evaluation, modelling and enhancement74
Social media analytics and business intelligence research: A systematic review74
An ensemble model for classifying idioms and literal texts using BERT and RoBERTa73
IoT data visualization for business intelligence in corporate finance70
Customized blockchain-based architecture for secure smart home for lightweight IoT69
Big data-assisted social media analytics for business model for business decision making system competitive analysis69
Propagation2Vec: Embedding partial propagation networks for explainable fake news early detection69
A sentiment-aware deep learning approach for personality detection from text69
SPChain: Blockchain-based medical data sharing and privacy-preserving eHealth system67
Misogyny Detection in Twitter: a Multilingual and Cross-Domain Study67
Mining product innovation ideas from online reviews67
Proof-of-Contribution consensus mechanism for blockchain and its application in intellectual property protection66
HKGB: An Inclusive, Extensible, Intelligent, Semi-auto-constructed Knowledge Graph Framework for Healthcare with Clinicians’ Expertise Incorporated65
An Intelligent Cognitive-Inspired Computing with Big Data Analytics Framework for Sentiment Analysis and Classification63
Lightweight blockchain consensus mechanism and storage optimization for resource-constrained IoT devices63
Multimodal fake news detection via progressive fusion networks63
Social media data analytics for business decision making system to competitive analysis62
An influence maximization method based on crowd emotion under an emotion-based attribute social network62
Converting readers to patients? From free to paid knowledge-sharing in online health communities62
Machine Learning and feature engineering-based study into sarcasm and irony classification with application to cyberbullying detection61
CGNet: A graph-knowledge embedded convolutional neural network for detection of pneumonia60
A blockchain based incentive provisioning scheme for traffic event validation and information storage in VANETs60
Machine learning based customer meta-combination brand equity analysis for marketing behavior evaluation60
E-word of mouth sentiment analysis for user behavior studies60
Linguistic characteristics and the dissemination of misinformation in social media: The moderating effect of information richness60