International Journal of Plasticity

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Plasticity is 48. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board140
Editorial Board119
An efficient and minimalist scheme for continuum dislocation dynamics108
Editorial Board96
Modeling the non-Schmid crystallographic slip in MAX phases93
A Combined Atomistic-Continuum Study on the Unfaulting of Single and Multi-layer Interstitial Dislocation Loops in Irradiated FCC and HCP Metals88
A ductile fracture criterion under warm-working conditions based on the multiscale model combining molecular dynamics with finite element methods86
Atomic-scale study of the {112¯83
Editorial Board79
An atomistically-informed phase-field model for quantifying the effect of hydrogen on the evolution of dislocations in FCC metals76
Editorial Board75
Lode-dependent second porosity in porous plasticity for shear-dominated loadings72
Crystal grain size effects and crystallinity dynamics during supersonic particle impacts69
A continuum model for dislocation climb69
Editorial Board69
Editorial Board66
New deformation mechanism and strength-ductility synergy in pure titanium with high density twin63
Investigation of failure mechanisms in dual-phase steels through cohesive zone modeling and crystal plasticity frameworks62
Modeling of creep in nickel-based superalloy based on microtwinning mechanism61
Hydride-enhanced strain localization in zirconium alloy: A study by crystal plasticity finite element method61
Relating stress/strain heterogeneity to lath martensite strength by experiments and dislocation density-based crystal plasticity60
Editorial Board60
Atomic irradiation defects induced hardening model in irradiated tungsten based on molecular dynamics and CPFEM60
Thermodynamic modeling framework with experimental investigation of the large-scale bonded area and local void in Cu-Cu bonding interface for advanced semiconductor packaging60
Counterexample-trained neural network model of rate and temperature dependent hardening with dynamic strain aging59
Mechanical, microstructural and in-situ neutron diffraction investigations of equi-biaxial Bauschinger effects in an interstitial-free DC06 steel57
A rational multiscale nonlinear constitutive model for freeze–thaw rocks under triaxial compression57
A temporal graph neural network for cross-scale modelling of polycrystals considering microstructure interaction55
An extended gradient damage model for anisotropic fracture54
Orientation-dependent deformation mechanisms of alpha-uranium single crystals under shock compression54
Unveiling the orientation sensitivity of creep life in near [001] oriented Ni-based single crystal superalloys at intermediate temperatures54
Parameter identification for the non-associated flow rules representing corner effects through the equivalent tangential shear modulus reduction after abrupt strain-path change54
Shear direction induced transition mechanism from grain boundary migration to sliding in a cylindrical copper bicrystal53
Creep anisotropy modeling and uncertainty quantification of an additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy53
A new failure criterion for predicting meso/micro-scale forming limit of composite metal foils53
Multi-scale modelling of rafting behaviour under complex stress states for Ni3Al superalloys52
On multiaxial creep–fatigue considering the non-proportional loading effect: Constitutive modeling, deformation mechanism, and life prediction51
Monotonic tensile and cyclic deformation of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy with anisotropic microstructural rafting patterns at high temperature: Experiment and constitutive modelling51
Effect of hydrogen accumulation on θ' precipitates on the shear strength of Al-Cu alloys51
Modeling and numerical simulation of thermo-electro-mechanical coupling behaviors of liquid crystal elastomers51
Micromechanical properties and deformation behavior of the constituent phases in 3rd generation complex phase AHSS: In-situ neutron experiment and crystal plasticity simulation51
A stochastic discrete slip approach to microplasticity: Application to submicron W pillars50
Two-dimensional evolution of temperature and deformation fields during dynamic shear banding: In-situ experiments and modeling50
Effect of printing direction and thickness on the mechanical behavior of SLM fabricated Hastelloy-X50
Computational modelling of poro-visco-hyperelastic effects on time-dependent fatigue crack growth of hydrogels50
Fatigue-resistant design in low-cycle regime by regulating the micro-structural gradient in a TWIP steel: Modelling and experiment48
Crystal plasticity model for single crystal Ni-based superalloys: Capturing orientation and temperature dependence of flow stress48
A critical dislocation velocity for serration mechanism transition in a nickel-chromium solid solution alloy48
An experimental study of the mechanical behavior of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy under combined axial-torsion loading48