Journal of Network and Computer Applications

(The H4-Index of Journal of Network and Computer Applications is 53. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Survey on blockchain based smart contracts: Applications, opportunities and challenges262
A systematic review of IoT in healthcare: Applications, techniques, and trends226
Deep learning methods in network intrusion detection: A survey and an objective comparison221
A survey on computation offloading modeling for edge computing198
Domain-specific knowledge graphs: A survey196
Blockchain for IoT-based smart cities: Recent advances, requirements, and future challenges174
IoT-based telemedicine for disease prevention and health promotion: State-of-the-Art162
A comprehensive survey and taxonomy of the SVM-based intrusion detection systems156
Review on cyber-physical and cyber-security system in smart grid: Standards, protocols, constraints, and recommendations140
Blockchain based solutions to secure IoT: Background, integration trends and a way forward140
A contemporary survey on free space optical communication: Potentials, technical challenges, recent advances and research direction139
A survey on the role of Internet of Things for adopting and promoting Agriculture 4.0132
A novel hybrid model for intrusion detection systems in SDNs based on CNN and a new regularization technique120
Computation offloading in mobile edge computing networks: A survey119
Survey on computation offloading in UAV-Enabled mobile edge computing116
Automated DDOS attack detection in software defined networking115
The convergence of IoT and distributed ledger technologies (DLT): Opportunities, challenges, and solutions114
A systematic review of blockchain scalability: Issues, solutions, analysis and future research110
IoMT amid COVID-19 pandemic: Application, architecture, technology, and security109
Detecting false data attacks using machine learning techniques in smart grid: A survey108
Context-aware scheduling in Fog computing: A survey, taxonomy, challenges and future directions100
A survey of consensus algorithms in public blockchain systems for crypto-currencies98
Applying machine learning techniques for caching in next-generation edge networks: A comprehensive survey97
Analysis of cryptocurrency transactions from a network perspective: An overview94
Blockchain and smart contract for access control in healthcare: A survey, issues and challenges, and open issues93
An autonomous computation offloading strategy in Mobile Edge Computing: A deep learning-based hybrid approach92
Network traffic classification using deep convolutional recurrent autoencoder neural networks for spatial–temporal features extraction91
A GRU deep learning system against attacks in software defined networks90
A survey on technologies and security protocols: Reference for future generation IoT90
A comprehensive survey of load balancing techniques in software-defined network85
Proxy re-encryption enabled secure and anonymous IoT data sharing platform based on blockchain82
Deadline-aware and energy-efficient IoT task scheduling in fog computing systems: A semi-greedy approach82
DISTILLER: Encrypted traffic classification via multimodal multitask deep learning80
UAV assisted 5G and beyond wireless networks: A survey77
A Systematic Review of Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Networks using Machine Learning: Recent Trend and Future Vision72
The rise of software vulnerability: Taxonomy of software vulnerabilities detection and machine learning approaches70
Adopting elitism-based Genetic Algorithm for minimizing multi-objective problems of IoT service placement in fog computing environment69
Towards secure intrusion detection systems using deep learning techniques: Comprehensive analysis and review69
A survey on Zero touch network and Service Management (ZSM) for 5G and beyond networks69
Privacy enhancing technologies for solving the privacy-personalization paradox: Taxonomy and survey68
Security and privacy of internet of medical things: A contemporary review in the age of surveillance, botnets, and adversarial ML68
Secure data aggregation methods and countermeasures against various attacks in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive review66
A survey on data plane programming with P4: Fundamentals, advances, and applied research66
Internet of Healthcare Things: A contemporary survey65
From smart parking towards autonomous valet parking: A survey, challenges and future Works64
Renewable energy powered sustainable 5G network infrastructure: Opportunities, challenges and perspectives63
Blockchain for IoT access control: Recent trends and future research directions63
DRL-R: Deep reinforcement learning approach for intelligent routing in software-defined data-center networks63
Application placement in Fog computing with AI approach: Taxonomy and a state of the art survey61
Machine learning (ML)-centric resource management in cloud computing: A review and future directions60
Security in product lifecycle of IoT devices: A survey59
Recent advances in energy management for Green-IoT: An up-to-date and comprehensive survey55
Virtual reality: A survey of enabling technologies and its applications in IoT55
The Blockchain Random Neural Network for cybersecure IoT and 5G infrastructure in Smart Cities53
MedHypChain: A patient-centered interoperability hyperledger-based medical healthcare system: Regulation in COVID-19 pandemic53
Blockchain for Internet of things applications: A review and open issues53