Nano Research

(The H4-Index of Nano Research is 80. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
High dielectric composite polymer electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries450
Mn, N co-doped Co nanoparticles/porous carbon as air cathode for highly efficient rechargeable Zn-air batteries448
Atomic-resolution characterization on the structure of strontium doped barium titanate nanoparticles320
Amorphous carbon-based materials as platform for advanced high-performance anodes in lithium secondary batteries304
Enriching the surface oxygen as efficient anchoring site of highly dispersed Ru for enhanced hydrogenolysis activity246
Carbon nanosheets derived from reconstructed lignin for potassium and sodium storage with low voltage hysteresis232
3D urchin like V-doped CoP in situ grown on nickel foam as bifunctional electrocatalyst for efficient overall water-splitting193
A dual-active Co-CoO heterojunction coupled with Ti3C2-MXene for highly-performance overall water splitting185
A step-by-step multiple stimuli-responsive metal-phenolic network prodrug nanoparticles for chemotherapy184
Ultrathin lead-free double perovskite cesium silver bismuth bromide nanosheets164
Erratum to: Dual-stimuli responsive near-infrared emissive carbon dots/hollow mesoporous silica-based integrated theranostics platform for real-time visualized drug delivery154
Few-layered organic single-crystalline heterojunctions for high-performance phototransistors150
Strain-sensitive ferromagnetic two-dimensional Cr2Te3144
The quantized chemical reaction resonantly driven by multiple MIR-photons: From nature to the artificial138
Graphdiyene enables ultrafine Cu nanoparticles to selectively reduce CO2 to C2+ products135
Co-delivery of TRAIL and paclitaxel by fibronectin-targeting liposomal nanodisk for effective lung melanoma metastasis treatment133
Room temperature preparation of highly stable cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by ligand modification for white light-emitting diodes132
Deciphering of advantageous electrocatalytic water oxidation behavior of metal-organic framework in alkaline media132
Hydrophobic 1-octadecanethiol functionalized copper catalyst promotes robust high-current CO2 gas-diffusion electrolysis131
Enhanced efficiency of top-emission InP-based green quantum dot light-emitting diodes with optimized angular distribution131
Flexible aqueous Ca-ion full battery with super-flat discharge voltage plateau129
Efficient and simple synthesis of B 2O 3-Al 2O 3nanocomposites assisted by deep eutectic solvent for product128
Microneedle-delivered biomimetic nanodecoys target type IV collagen and scavenge multiple cytokines to alleviate psoriatic inflammation128
Plasmon-induced local electric field improved hydrogen evolution reaction on Ag/Mo 2C nanosheets127
A review on monolithic 3D integration: From bulk semiconductors to low-dimensional materials125
Regulation of graphdiyne-based nanozymes with enhanced oxidase-like activity by cobalt and nitrogen codoping123
Modification strategies on nickel-based electrocatalysts for energy-efficient anodic reactions122
Cascade degradation and electrocatalytic upcycling of waste poly(ethylene terephthalate) to valued products121
2D S-doped g-C 3N 4 and V 2CT x nanocomposites for ultra-sensitive electr119
Enabling room-temperature ferromagnetism and p-type conductance in MoS 2 monolayers by substitutional doping of vanadium119
Carrier funnel switch in quasi-two-dimensional perovskites116
Carbon nanotube incorporation and framework protonation-regulated energy band for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production of COF116
Tunable zero-field superconducting diode effect in two-dimensional ferromagnetic/superconducting Fe 3GeTe 2/NbSe 2 heterostructure115
Hyperpolarizing photoreceptor inspired biomimetic energy-saving sensor for dynamic machine vision115
Low-thermal budget fabrication of two-dimensional Schottky diodes for broadband convolutional processing115
Water-bearable nacre-inspired composite via matrix-induced rapid mineralization as potential compact bone repair material114
Preparation and characterization of a new magnetic fluid with good low temperature resistance113
Laser direct writing of flexible multifunctional airflow sensors on the Kevlar fabric112
A cellulose-based lithium-ion battery separator with regulated ionic transport and high thermal stability for extreme environments112
Ultrafast electrochemical selenium doping strategy and the role of selenium in nickel-cobalt sulfide for enhanced overall water splitting111
Graphene: A promising candidate for charge regulation in high-performance lithium-ion batteries107
Electrospinning nanofibers to 1D, 2D, and 3D scaffolds and their biomedical applications105
The atlas of ferroicity in two-dimensional MGeX3 family: Room-temperature ferromagnetic half metals and unexpected ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity104
Surfing the nano-wave: Emerging trends in cancer diagnostics and therapy103
Largely enhanced out-of-plane electromechanical coupling effects in two-dimensional molybdenum-disulfide/boron-nitride heterostructures102
Catalysis stability enhancement of Fe/Co dual-atom site via phosphorus coordination for proton exchange membrane fuel cell100
In situ grown Fe3O4 particle on stainless steel: A highly efficient electrocatalyst for nitrate reduction to ammonia98
Establishing a theoretical insight for penta-coordinated iron-nitrogen-carbon catalysts toward oxygen reaction98
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes-supported porous silicon microparticles in low-temperature molten salt for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes98
Electrostatic self-assembly of 2D/2D CoWO4/g-C3N4 p—n heterojunction for improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution: Built-in electric field modulated charge separation and mechanism unveiling97
Platelet membrane-coated C-TiO2 hollow nanospheres for combined sonodynamic and alkyl-radical cancer therapy96
Rational design multi-color-emissive chemiluminescent carbon nanodots in a single solvothermal reaction96
Memristive structure of Nb/HfOx/Pd with controllable switching mechanisms to perform featured actions in neuromorphic networks96
Heterointerface engineering of assembled CoP2 on N-modified carbon as efficient trifunctional electrocatalysts for Zn-Air batteries and overall water splitting96
Pt single atoms coupled with Ru nanoclusters enable robust hydrogen oxidation for high-performance anion exchange membrane fuel cells95
Observation of memristive behavior in PDMS-glass nanofluidic chip94
Soft multifunctional neurological electronic skin through intrinsically stretchable synaptic transistor94
Low-dimensional cobalt doped carbon composite towards wideband electromagnetic dissipation92
In-situ construction of a thermodynamically stabilized interface on the surface of single crystalline Ni-rich cathode materials via a one-step molten-salt route91
Competitive hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions-mediated alternating nanoparticles copolymerization91
Enhanced methanol production from photothermal CO 2 reduction via multilevel interface design91
Engineered spidroin-derived high-performance fibers for diverse applications90
Dynamic apertures with diffusion-regulatory functionality in soft porous crystals: A key to solving the century puzzle on isotopologues separation89
Recent progress in MOFs-based nanozymes for biosensing89
In-situ embedding CoTe catalyst into 1D–2D nitrogen-doped carbon to didirectionally regulate lithium-sulfur batteries88
X-Ray imager of 26-µm resolution achieved by perovskite assembly87
mRNA-based modalities for infectious disease management87
Layer-by-layer alloying of NIR-II emissive M50 (Au/Ag/Cu) superatomic nanocluster87
Review: Development of SARS-CoV-2 immuno-enhanced COVID-19 vaccines with nano-platform86
Indocyanine green assembled free oxygen-nanobubbles towards enhanced near-infrared induced photodynamic therapy86
Nitrogen-doped carbon dots as photocatalysts for organic synthesis: Effect of nitrogen content on catalytic activity85
Stretchable on-skin touchless screen sensor enabled by ionic hydrogel84
Atomic interface regulation of rare-marth metal single atom catalysts for energy conversion84
Fire-retardant, anti-dripping, biodegradable and biobased polyurethane elastomers enabled by hydrogen-bonding with cellulose nanocrystals83
Donor–acceptor covalent organic frameworks-confined ultrafine bimetallic Pt-based nanoclusters for enhanced photocatalytic H2 generation83
Dual-filler reinforced PVDF-HFP based polymer electrolyte enabling high-safety design of lithium metal batteries83
Recent advances in breathable electronics82
An enzyme-gated bioorthogonal catalytic nanoreactor for tumor-specific prodrug activation81
Biomass-derived 2D Pb 0/Pb 2+ dual-center-site catalysts for efficient 5-hydroxymethylfurfural electroreduction80
Engineered built-in electric Fields in Cu 0/CuO x nanozyme-decorated silicon nanodisks for the degradation of phenols80
Microdroplet splitting and mixing by portable triboelectric nanogenerator80
Targeted tilianin lipid nanoparticles for the treatment of atherosclerosis through remodeling lesional macrophage phenotype80
Highly efficient layered Ir sub-nanoclusters for antibacterial application80
PIN quantum-dot LEDs with enhanced efficiency and stability enabled by bulk-heterojunction hole transport layer80
Complete protection of NIR-luminescent molecular rubies from oxygen quenching in air by L-arginine-mediated silica nanoparticles80