
(The H4-Index of Sustainability is 106. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Its Mitigation Strategies: A Review644
Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during the Coronavirus Pandemic: Students’ Perspective537
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) as Green Bioinoculants: Recent Developments, Constraints, and Prospects519
A Global Assessment: Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050?481
A Review of Deep-Learning-Based Medical Image Segmentation Methods423
Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Development Goals, and Need to Focus on Circular Economy and Policy Interventions419
The Role of Green and Blue Hydrogen in the Energy Transition—A Technological and Geopolitical Perspective350
Digital Transformation and Environmental Sustainability: A Review and Research Agenda291
ESG: Research Progress and Future Prospects257
City Digital Twin Potentials: A Review and Research Agenda241
15-Minute City: Decomposing the New Urban Planning Eutopia230
The Effect of Blockchain Technology on Supply Chain Sustainability Performances213
Digital Economy, Technological Innovation and High-Quality Economic Development: Based on Spatial Effect and Mediation Effect212
Between Level Up and Game Over: A Systematic Literature Review of Gamification in Education202
Online Shopping Motives during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Lessons from the Crisis200
Chatbots in Education and Research: A Critical Examination of Ethical Implications and Solutions197
Microbes as Biofertilizers, a Potential Approach for Sustainable Crop Production196
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)194
Artificial Intelligence in the Industry 4.0, and Its Impact on Poverty, Innovation, Infrastructure Development, and the Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons from Emerging Economies?192
Components of Education 4.0 in 21st Century Skills Frameworks: Systematic Review192
Mobility Behaviour in View of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic—Public Transport Users in Gdansk Case Study179
Eco-Anxiety and Environmental Education168
Does the Digital Economy Promote Industrial Structural Upgrading?—A Test of Mediating Effects Based on Heterogeneous Technological Innovation168
Modeling and Prediction of Land Use Land Cover Change Dynamics Based on Land Change Modeler (LCM) in Nashe Watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia168
Blockchain-Based Securing of Data Exchange in a Power Transmission System Considering Congestion Management and Social Welfare161
The Role of 5G Technologies in a Smart City: The Case for Intelligent Transportation System161
Development of the Circular Bioeconomy: Drivers and Indicators161
Current Progress and Future Prospects of Agriculture Technology: Gateway to Sustainable Agriculture160
A Review of Energy Storage Technologies’ Application Potentials in Renewable Energy Sources Grid Integration160
Bacterial Plant Biostimulants: A Sustainable Way towards Improving Growth, Productivity, and Health of Crops158
Circular Digital Built Environment: An Emerging Framework155
Can Green Finance Development Reduce Carbon Emissions? Empirical Evidence from 30 Chinese Provinces154
Fintech and Sustainability: Do They Affect Each Other?153
Understanding the Impact of ESG Practices in Corporate Finance151
Insights from Circular Economy Literature: A Review of Extant Definitions and Unravelling Paths to Future Research150
A Review on Global E-Waste Management: Urban Mining towards a Sustainable Future and Circular Economy146
Compressive Strength of Sustainable Geopolymer Concrete Composites: A State-of-the-Art Review145
Bill Hillier’s Legacy: Space Syntax—A Synopsis of Basic Concepts, Measures, and Empirical Application145
Technology-Enhanced Education through VR-Making and Metaverse-Linking to Foster Teacher Readiness and Sustainable Learning142
Thriving, Not Just Surviving in Changing Times: How Sustainability, Agility and Digitalization Intertwine with Organizational Resilience142
A Review of Applications and Communication Technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Based Sustainable Smart Farming140
Identifying World Types to Deliver Gameful Experiences for Sustainable Learning in the Metaverse138
Can Digital Transformation Promote Green Technology Innovation?137
Students’ Perception towards E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: An Empirical Study137
Transforming Education: A Comprehensive Review of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Educational Settings through Bibliometric and Content Analysis135
E-Learning vs. Face-To-Face Learning: Analyzing Students’ Preferences and Behaviors135
Artificial Intelligence and Reflections from Educational Landscape: A Review of AI Studies in Half a Century135
Teacher Digital Literacy: The Indisputable Challenge after COVID-19132
The Impact of Financial Development and FDI on Renewable Energy in the UAE: A Path towards Sustainable Development132
The Effects of Digital Transformation on Firm Performance: Evidence from China’s Manufacturing Sector131
Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Battery Swapping Considering Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions131
Contributions of Smart City Solutions and Technologies to Resilience against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review130
Environmental Sustainability of Digitalization in Manufacturing: A Review130
Post-Pandemic Office Work: Perceived Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Work Environment130
Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Higher Education Institutions129
COVID-19 and Higher Education: First-Year Students’ Expectations toward Distance Learning128
Applications of Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review127
A Review on Battery Modelling Techniques126
Biomass Waste as Sustainable Raw Material for Energy and Fuels126
Design of Multi-Information Fusion Based Intelligent Electrical Fire Detection System for Green Buildings125
Renewable Energy Use and Ecological Footprints Mitigation: Evidence from Selected South Asian Economies124
Society 5.0: A Japanese Concept for a Superintelligent Society124
The Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Business Models in SMEs124
Customer Behavior as an Outcome of Social Media Marketing: The Role of Social Media Marketing Activity and Customer Experience123
Real-Time Vehicle Detection Based on Improved YOLO v5122
Agroforestry Systems for Soil Health Improvement and Maintenance122
Sustainability in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review122
Chromium Stress in Plants: Toxicity, Tolerance and Phytoremediation122
The Limits of Green Finance: A Survey of Literature in the Context of Green Bonds and Green Loans122
The Mediating Role of Innovation Capability on the Relationship between Strategic Agility and Organizational Performance122
The Impact of the Digital Economy on CO2 Emissions: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis121
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Big Data Analytics in the Digital Transformation Era: Case Study of Jordanian SMEs121
Agrivoltaic Systems Design and Assessment: A Critical Review, and a Descriptive Model towards a Sustainable Landscape Vision (Three-Dimensional Agrivoltaic Patterns)121
Fruit Image Classification Model Based on MobileNetV2 with Deep Transfer Learning Technique121
Urban Resilience for Urban Sustainability: Concepts, Dimensions, and Perspectives120
Has Digital Financial Inclusion Narrowed the Urban-Rural Income Gap: The Role of Entrepreneurship in China119
Cycling in the Era of COVID-19: Lessons Learnt and Best Practice Policy Recommendations for a More Bike-Centric Future119
Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy towards Digital Transformation: A Research Agenda118
Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on University Students’ Learning Life: An Integrated Conceptual Motivational Model for Sustainable and Healthy Online Learning117
Sustainability of the Moderating Role of Financial Development in the Determinants of Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Turkey117
Quality 4.0: The EFQM 2020 Model and Industry 4.0 Relationships and Implications117
A Study of CNN and Transfer Learning in Medical Imaging: Advantages, Challenges, Future Scope116
Transformation of Solid Waste Management in China: Moving towards Sustainability through Digitalization-Based Circular Economy116
Modelling and Prediction of Water Quality by Using Artificial Intelligence115
A Bibliometric Analysis of Sustainability and Risk Management115
A Low-Cost Platform for Environmental Smart Farming Monitoring System Based on IoT and UAVs115
A Comprehensive Review on the Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in Concrete Production114
Digital Economy and Environmental Quality: Evidence from 217 Cities in China114
Plastic Pollution, Waste Management Issues, and Circular Economy Opportunities in Rural Communities113
Nitrogen Losses and Potential Mitigation Strategies for a Sustainable Agroecosystem113
Circular Economy Models in Agro-Food Systems: A Review113
Electronic Waste, an Environmental Problem Exported to Developing Countries: The GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY113
Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Energy Systems: A Review111
The Emergence of Service Robots at Restaurants: Integrating Trust, Perceived Risk, and Satisfaction111
Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Networks’ Response to Various Carbon Policies during COVID-19110
New Era of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Towards a Sustainable Multifaceted Revolution110
Plant Protein and Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Consumer and Nutrition Professional Attitudes and Perceptions110
A Review of Optimal Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles under Dynamic Pricing Schemes in the Distribution Charging Network109
Green Packaging from Consumer and Business Perspectives109
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse for Sustainable Water Resources Management: A Systematic Literature Review108
Role of Government to Enhance Digital Transformation in Small Service Business108
Ammonium Utilization in Microalgae: A Sustainable Method for Wastewater Treatment108
CSR, Co-Creation and Green Consumer Loyalty: Are Green Banking Initiatives Important? A Moderated Mediation Approach from an Emerging Economy107
Green Artificial Intelligence: Towards an Efficient, Sustainable and Equitable Technology for Smart Cities and Futures107
Post-COVID 19 Tourism: Will Digital Tourism Replace Mass Tourism?107
Urban Air Pollution, Urban Heat Island and Human Health: A Review of the Literature107
FDI, Green Innovation and Environmental Quality Nexus: New Insights from BRICS Economies106
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. A Bibliometric Analysis of Their Interrelations106
Digitalization for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Potential, Status, and Risks for the MENA Region106
A Literature Review of Drone-Based Package Delivery Logistics Systems and Their Implementation Feasibility106