
(The H4-Index of Carbon is 101. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Observation of room-temperature ferromagnetism in copper-based graphene induced by stress engineering508
Accelerating water dissociation at hierarchical nanostructured electrocatalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution456
0D/2D Bi2MoO6 quantum dots /rGO heterojunction boosting full solar spectrum-driven photothermal catalytic CO2 reduction to solar fuels437
Unveiling the hidden intrinsic porosity of marine biomass-derived carbon: Eliminating pore-blocking minerals420
Synthesis of N-doped carbon with a high concentration of pyridinic N using a zeolite template method with pyridine as the deposition source393
Effects of chemical modification using Au or I ion beam irradiation on the carrier transport properties of graphene279
Ultralight anisotropic Ti3C2Tx MXene/Carbon nanotube hybrid aerogel for highly efficient solar steam generation253
Formation of amorphous and quasi-two-dimensional microcrystalline structures of CO2 in activated carbon pores at low temperatures242
Carbon-based metal-free nanomaterials for the electrosynthesis of small-molecule chemicals: a review237
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Collective radial breathing modes in homogeneous nanotube bundles225
Recent progress in thermoelectric materials based on single-wall carbon nanotubes221
The preparation of super lightweight magnetic Fe3O4/graphene/carbon aerogels and their use in electromagnetic interference shielding217
Mechanical properties of unidirectional carbon fiber composites based on domestic T800H carbon fiber, M40J graphite fiber and their mixtures214
Editorial Board208
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Automated processing of environmental transmission electron microscopy images for quantification of thin film dewetting and carbon nanotube nucleation dynamics202
Substrate effect on doping and degradation of graphene192
Tellurium-assisted and space-confined growth of graphene single crystals189
Carbon materials for water desalination by capacitive deionization187
A bimetallic sulfide Co9S8/MoS2/C heterojunction in a three-dimensional carbon structure for increasing sodium ion storage181
Editorial Board180
pH-controlled construction of 2D and 3D micro-nano hybrid carbon architectures with fluorescence/phosphorescence dual-mode emission for white-emitting diodes179
Recent advances in carbon-supported iron group electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction179
Raising lithium-ion storage capacity by order-to-disorder transformation in MAX-derived carbon anode during cycling173
Monolithic carbon electrodes: Synthesis, pore control and electrochemistry172
Solar irradiated construction of coordinatively unsaturated Znx+ (0<X<2) sites on biomass-derived carbon for enhanced lithium ions storage158
Editorial Board157
Carbonization of hydrothermally pre-treated algae using terephthalaldehyde and Mg salts157
Pressure-dependent thermal conductivity transient measurement of graphene157
NMR spectral parameters of open- and closed-shell graphene nanoflakes: Orbital and hyperfine contributions155
Fabrication and characterization of a microreactor made of Pd-loaded carbonized tracheids thin plates (CTP)154
Thermal conductance of twisted-layer graphite nanofibers153
Soft X-ray absorption near-edge structures of B/C and B/C/N materials and the analysis of their electronic state using first-principles calculations153
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High-performance Zn microbattteries based on a NiCo-LDH@ITO nanowire/carbon cloth composite152
Studies on the functionalization of carbon materials by pore development and metal inclusion152
Chemical analysis of carbonaceous particles inside Cu wire molten by electrical arcing148
Chemical functionalization and characterization of carbon nanotubes148
Continuous intercalation compound fibers of bromine wires and aligned CNTs for high-performance conductors147
Interfacial lithium-ion transfer between the graphite negative electrode and the electrolyte solution145
High temperature electrical resistivity of rigid thermal insulation fabricated from carbon fiber felt143
Splitting Mode-I fracture toughness of carbon fibers using nanoindentation142
Phonon-limited mobility and quantum transport in fluorinated diamane MOSFETs from the first-principles calculations141
Electrochemical evaluation of Sn/C composites as high-performance anodes for sodium-ion batteries140
Editorial Board139
Two-color laser driven enhanced electron emission from carbon nanotubes with long carrier lifetime137
Covalent functionalization of graphene oxide135
Carbonization of hydrothermally pre-treated algae using terephthalaldehyde and Mg salts134
Pore-size control of soft mesoporous carbon by hot pressing133
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The influence of carboxyl group on nitrogen doping for defective carbon nanotubes toward oxygen reduction reaction130
Electrochemical oxidation of 2D B-N co-doped carbon nanosheets to improve their pseudo-capacitance127
Pore structure and chemical composition of activated carbon derived from composted spent coffee grounds125
Effect of surface functionalization on the surface and interfacial properties of thermoplastic-coated carbon fibers125
The use of graphene oxide as a lubricating additive124
Energy band and hall resistivity, longitudinal resistivity and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation in graphenes (I)122
Effect of the amount of iodine introduced and the Na content of carbon precursors on the preparation of porous carbons from iodine-treated carboxymethylcellulose121
Electrochemical behavior of carbonaceous materials in alkaline aqueous solutions121
Redox activity of graphene oxide analogues in organic reactions121
Recent advances in carbon materials for flexible zinc ion batteries120
Thermoelectric power of graphite intercalation compounds with iodine monobromide119
Nanostructure analysis in pan-based carbon fibers focused on amorphous carbon119
Local electronic structure and activity of nitrogen-doped carbon119
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Chemical composition and structure of carbon surfaces and their influence on the activities of carbon catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction118
Research progress on carbon-based materials for electromagnetic wave absorption and the related mechanisms118
Spatial distribution of greenish blue phosporescence in HPHT synthetic diamond: The dual role of boron117
Stabilization of reactive sp carbon chains117
Research progress on tantalum carbide coatings on carbon materials117
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Nanometer-level temperature mapping of Joule-heated carbon nanotubes by plasmon spectroscopy115
Two extreme crystal size scales of diamonds, large single crystal and nanocrystal diamonds: Synthesis, properties and their mutual transformation115
Carbon-dot-based solid-state luminescent materials: Synthesis and applications in white light emitting diodes and optical sensors113
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Synthesis of Co―N―C catalysts from a glucose hydrochar and their efficient hydrogenation of nitrobenzene113
On the stability of Li intercalated fine-grained graphitic material113
In-situ growth of Fe nanoparticles encapsulated by carbon onions with controllable thickness on graphene nanoribbon-reinforced graphene113
Characterization of the fullerene derivative [60]PCBM, by high-field carbon, and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, coupled with DFT simulations112
The role, formation and characterization of LiC6 in composite lithium anodes111
Editorial Board111
Insights into the auxetic behavior of graphene: A study on the temperature dependence of Poisson's ratio and in-plane moduli110
γ-graphynes with extended polyyne chains for efficient photoinduced electron transfer in complexes with fullerenes110
Microstructure of high thermal conductivity mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers110
Laser-induced glassy carbon nanofiber trees109
Promise of dual carbon batteries with graphene-like graphite as both electrodes108
Editorial Board107
Gene F. Dresselhaus (1929–2021) - A Tribute from the Carbon journal105
Back interface management by multifunctional composite carbon nanospheres electrode for efficient and stable HTL-free carbon-based perovskite solar cells105
Continuous structural deformation of graphene oxide liquid crystal colloids under shear for hydrogel films105
Editorial Board105
Organic chemistry for nanodiamond: Controlled functionalization, quantitative characterization and structure-property relationships104
A review of aligned carbon nanotube arrays and carbon/carbon composites: Fabrication, thermal conduction properties and applications in thermal management104
Editorial Board104
Effect of carbon nanotubes on the interfacial properties of a carbon fiber / polycarbonate composite103
Atomic-scale investigation of carbon-based materials by transmission electron microscopy102
DNA and RNA detection using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride based nanosensor102
Polarization as a new parameter determining the laser-induced dynamics of carbon nanotubes studied by ab initio simulations102
Influence of phosphorus-doped bilayer graphene configuration on the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic solution102
Interaction of individual Ag atoms with graphene on Rh(111): Adsorption, migration, and cluster formation101
A high-energy density hybrid capacitor derived from a graphite-oxide lithium primary battery101
Self-assembled macroscopic structures of graphene oxide fibers through a wet-fusing strategy101