Education, Scientific Disciplines

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(A journal has H4-Index of h when h of its past four year's publications has h citations, whereby h is the highest possible number that renders the former statement true. The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal H4-Index
1 Academic Medicine46
2 BMC Medical Education44
3 Nurse Education Today37
4 Journal of Chemical Education36
5 Medical Education33
6 Journal of Surgical Education32
- Medical Teacher32
8 International Journal of Stem Education30
9 Anatomical Sciences Education28
10 Computer Applications in Engineering Education24
11 CBE-Life Sciences Education23
12 Journal of Science Education and Technology22
13 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education21
- Hematology-American Society of Hematology Education Program21
15 Physical Review Physics Education Research20
16 Advances in Health Sciences Education19
- Education for Chemical Engineers19
18 IEEE Transactions on Education18
- Journal of Engineering Education18
- Advances in Physiology Education18
- Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior18
22 Journal of School Health17
- European Journal of Dental Education17
24 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education16
25 Teaching and Learning in Medicine15
26 ACM Transactions on Computing Education14
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice14
- Journal of Cancer Education14
29 Physics Teacher13
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education13
31 American Journal of Physics12
- Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research12
33 European Journal of Physics11
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Education11
35 Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions9
36 Engineering Studies8
- Journal of Biological Education8
38 American Biology Teacher6