Journal of Biological Education

(The H4-Index of Journal of Biological Education is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Adapting Undergraduate Biology to Include Science Practices by Teaching Students to Generate Scientific Explanations24
Difficult topics in the revised biology curriculum for advanced level secondary schools in Rwanda: teachers’ perceptions of causes and remedies21
Evidencing microbial communication through Quorum Sensing systems in the environment: a practical approach for undergraduate students16
A study of the interactions and conversations of families visiting the museum of microbiology of the Butantan institute, São Paulo, Brazil12
Pre-service teachers’ ideas about the path of water through the body and their intentions about explaining it to preschool children12
A three-pronged method to analyse pre-service teachers’ understanding and epistemic reasoning about soil11
Use of concept cartoons within the conceptual change model to address students’ misconceptions in biology: a case study10
What is ‘powerful knowledge’ in school biology?10
Not all Bloom and gloom: assessing constructive alignment, higher order cognitive skills, and their influence on students’ perceived learning within the practical components of an undergraduate biolog10
Students’ perceptions of the presence of feral exotic pets and influencing factors9
Using a social media project as a way to get students to communicate conservation messages to the general public9
Policy responses to the decline in the number of students choosing biology beyond compulsory school level in Mauritius9
Using lessons from a comparative study of chemistry & bioscience pre-lab activities to design effective pre-lab interventions : a case study9