1 |
Journal of Financial Economics | 38 |
2 |
Review of Financial Studies | 24 |
- |
Journal of Finance | 24 |
4 |
Journal of Corporate Finance | 19 |
5 |
Journal of Accounting Research | 18 |
6 |
Review of Finance | 14 |
7 |
Research in International Business and Finance | 13 |
- |
Journal of Accounting & Economics | 13 |
- |
Journal of Monetary Economics | 13 |
- |
Financial Innovation | 13 |
- |
International Review of Financial Analysis | 13 |
12 |
Contemporary Accounting Research | 12 |
13 |
Review of Accounting Studies | 11 |
- |
Accounting Organizations and Society | 11 |
- |
Borsa Istanbul Review | 11 |
16 |
Accounting Review | 10 |
- |
Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money | 10 |
- |
Critical Perspectives on Accounting | 10 |
- |
Journal of Financial Stability | 10 |
20 |
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal | 9 |
- |
Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal | 9 |
- |
Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal | 9 |
- |
Emerging Markets Review | 9 |
- |
Global Finance Journal | 9 |
- |
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | 9 |
- |
Journal of Banking & Finance | 9 |
- |
North American Journal of Economics and Finance | 9 |
- |
Finance Research Letters | 9 |
- |
Journal of Financial Intermediation | 9 |
30 |
British Accounting Review | 8 |
- |
International Review of Economics & Finance | 8 |
- |
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance | 8 |
- |
Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics | 8 |
34 |
Journal of Commodity Markets | 7 |
- |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | 7 |
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Journal of Multinational Financial Management | 7 |
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Managerial Auditing Journal | 7 |
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Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting | 7 |
- |
Journal of International Money and Finance | 7 |
40 |
Management Accounting Research | 6 |
- |
Australian Accounting Review | 6 |
- |
International Journal of Finance & Economics | 6 |
- |
Journal of Empirical Finance | 6 |
- |
Accounting Forum | 6 |
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European Accounting Review | 6 |
- |
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | 6 |
47 |
Mathematical Finance | 5 |
- |
Corporate Governance-An International Review | 5 |
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Financial Management | 5 |
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International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management | 5 |