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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Personality and Social Psychology Review21
2 Journal of Social Issues13
3 European Journal of Personality10
- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes10
5 Personality and Individual Differences9
6 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations8
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology8
- Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking8
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior8
10 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology7
- Social Psychological and Personality Science7
- Child Abuse & Neglect7
13 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin6
- British Journal of Social Psychology6
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology6
- Political Psychology6
- Research on Language and Social Interaction6
- International Journal of Intercultural Relations6
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education6
- Journal of Research in Personality6
21 Psychology of Men & Masculinities5
- Motivation and Emotion5
- Sex Roles5
- Journal of Language and Social Psychology5
- Journal of Personality5
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships5
- Journal of Social Psychology5
28 Self and Identity4
- Small Group Research4
- Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology4
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology4
- Journal of Latinx Psychology4
- Journal of Nonverbal Behavior4
- Journal of Psychosocial Oncology4
- Social Psychology Quarterly4
- Emerging Adulthood4
- European Journal of Social Psychology4
- Journal of Personality Assessment4
- Personality and Mental Health4
40 Personal Relationships3
- Social Psychology3
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology3
- Journal of Individual Differences3
- Social and Personality Psychology Compass3
- Social Cognition3
- Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy3
- Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice3
- Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour3
- Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology3
- Journal of Loss & Trauma3
- Law and Human Behavior3
52 Social Behavior and Personality2
- Social Justice Research2
- Deviant Behavior2
- International Journal of Social Psychology2
- Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology2
- Kolner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie2
- Basic and Applied Social Psychology2
59 Gedrag & Organisatie0