Journal of Individual Differences

(The TQCC of Journal of Individual Differences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Friends Know Us Even When They Are Different From Us21
Being Snoopy and Smart15
Incremental Validity of Decision-Making Styles in Predicting Real-Life and Work-Related Outcomes14
Measuring Individual Differences in Measures of Autism Spectrum Disorders10
Differential Relations Between Facets of Agreeableness and Ability-Based Measures of Strategic Emotional Intelligence10
Associations of Multiple Measures of Openness to Experience with a Brief Questionnaire of Positive, Negative, and Disorganized Schizotypy7
Conscientiousness Can Predict Academic Performance – Even in High-Stake Setting6
Separating the General and Content-Specific Components of Self-Reported Propensity for Mind-Wandering5
Temperament, Life Satisfaction, and the Role of Psychological Flexibility5
Is the General Factor of Personality Really Related to Frequency of Agreeable, Conscientious, Emotionally Stable, Extraverted, and Open Behavior?5
Individual Differences in Romantic Attachment4
(Just Thinking of) Uncertainty Increases Intolerance of Uncertainty4
Socially Desirable Responding in Experience Sampling4
Hostile Attribution Biases in Vulnerable Narcissists Depends on the Socio-Relational Context4
Basic Psychological Needs and Agency and Communion During the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Personality Traits Systematically Explain the Semantic Arrangement of Occupational Preferences4
Hire Ambitious People4
Personality Profile of the Self-Identified Highly Sensitive Person3
Five-Factor Model Personality Domains and Facets Associated With Markers of Cognitive Health3
Integrity and Moral Flexibility3
Predicting Stock Market Performance3
Differentiating Abnormal, Normal, and Ideal Personality Profiles in Multidimensional Spaces3
High Subset Homogeneity Impairs Structural Validity of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale3
Isolated But Not Necessarily Lonely3
Reviewers 20232
Impact of Different Genres of Background Music on a Memory Test2
Reviewers 20222
Correction to Michels, 20212
Too Mild, too Harsh, or Just About Right?2
Personality Associations With WhatsApp Usage and Usage of Alternative Messaging Applications to Protect One’s Own Data2
Lower Self‐Control Is Associated With More Standard, Reputation Management, and Maladaptive Facebook Use2
Fixed Intelligence Mindset Prospectively Predicts Students’ Self-Esteem2
Stability of Vocational Interests During University Studies2
Face Memory and Face Matching2
Correction to Leipold et al., 20232
A Bifactor Model of Trait Trust, Distrust, and Suspicion2
Validation of the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4) in Persian2
Heritability of Justice Sensitivity2
Empathy and the Dark Triad2