Journal of Nonverbal Behavior

(The TQCC of Journal of Nonverbal Behavior is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Paralinguistic Features Communicated through Voice can Affect Appraisals of Confidence and Evaluative Judgments21
Movement Synchrony in the Mirror Game16
Emoji Alter the Perception of Emotion in Affectively Neutral Text messages11
The Role of Ethnic Prejudice in the Modulation of Cradling Lateralization10
Emotion Expression in Context: Full Body Postures of Christian Prayer Orientations Compared to Specific Emotions9
Exploring Emotion Recognition and the Understanding of Others’ Unspoken Thoughts and Feelings when Narrating Self-Experienced Emotional Events9
Beauty Goes Down to the Core: Attractiveness Biases Moral Character Attributions8
Can Children Recognize Bodily Expressions of Emotion?8
A Longitudinal Characterization of Typical Laughter Development in Mother–Child Interaction from 12 to 36 Months: Formal Features and Reciprocal Responsiveness8
Paraverbal Expression of Verbal Irony: Vocal Cues Matter and Facial Cues Even More8
The Association of Embracing with Daily Mood and General Life Satisfaction: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study7
How Weeping Influences the Perception of Facial Expressions: The Signal Value of Tears7
Superior Communication of Positive Emotions Through Nonverbal Vocalisations Compared to Speech Prosody7
The Expression of Success: Are Thin-Slices of Pre-performance Nonverbal Behavior Prior to Throwing Darts Predictive of Performance in Professional Darts?7
Motion Increases Recognition of Naturalistic Postures but not Facial Expressions6
In the Eye of the Beholder: A Comprehensive Analysis of Stimulus Type, Perceiver, and Target in Physical Attractiveness Perceptions6
Does Self-Reported Childhood Trauma Relate to Vocal Acoustic Measures? Preliminary Findings at Trauma Recall6
Identifying Signatures of Perceived Interpersonal Synchrony5
Nonverbal Auditory Cues Allow Relationship Quality to be Inferred During Conversations5
Discriminative and Affective Processing of Touch: Associations with Severity of Skin-picking5
Nonverbal Synchrony in Technology-Mediated Interviews: A Cross-Cultural Study5
Can Gestures Give us Access to Thought? A Systematic Literature Review on the Role of Co-thought and Co-speech Gestures in Children with Intellectual Disabilities4
More than Face Value: Context and Age Differences in Negative Emotion Discrimination4
Predictive Validity of Thin Slices of Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors: Comparison of Slice Lengths and Rating Methodologies4
May I Speak Freely? The Difficulty in Vocal Identity Processing Across Free and Scripted Speech4
Smile Back at Me, But Only Once: Social Norms of Appropriate Nonverbal Intensity and Reciprocity Apply to Emoji Use4
Do People Agree on How Positive Emotions Are Expressed? A Survey of Four Emotions and Five Modalities Across 11 Cultures4
Parental Speech and Gesture Input to Girls Versus Boys in Singletons and Twins4
How to Detect Altruists: Experiments Using a Zero-Acquaintance Video Presentation Paradigm4
Behavioral Mimicry and Interaction Expectations Influence Affect in Interracial Interactions4
Acting Surprised: Comparing Perceptions of Different Dynamic Deliberate Expressions4