Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Testing prospective effects in longitudinal research: Comparing seven competing cross-lagged models.332
The link between self-esteem and social relationships: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.210
Is well-being associated with the quantity and quality of social interactions?140
Clarifying the structure and nature of left-wing authoritarianism.103
Access is not enough: Cultural mismatch persists to limit first-generation students’ opportunities for achievement throughout college.90
The activist’s dilemma: Extreme protest actions reduce popular support for social movements.89
A three-dimensional taxonomy of achievement emotions.80
Merged minds: Generalized shared reality in dyadic relationships.76
A dimensional taxonomy of perceived characteristics of major life events.72
When every day is a high school reunion: Social media comparisons and self-esteem.69
Using 26,000 diary entries to show ovulatory changes in sexual desire and behavior.64
Resistance in repressive contexts: A comprehensive test of psychological predictors.63
When trust goes wrong: A social identity model of risk taking.62
Life lacks meaning without acceptance: Ostracism triggers suicidal thoughts.62
Through the looking glass: A lens-based account of intersectional stereotyping.58
Reasoning supports utilitarian resolutions to moral dilemmas across diverse measures.54
Awe motivates authentic-self pursuit via self-transcendence: Implications for prosociality.49
Awe, daily stress, and elevated life satisfaction.47
On the relation of boredom and sadistic aggression.47
Evaluating the Big Five as an organizing framework for commonly used psychological trait scales.45
Human status criteria: Sex differences and similarities across 14 nations.45
Identifying robust correlates of risk preference: A systematic approach using specification curve analysis.45
Morality beyond the WEIRD: How the nomological network of morality varies across cultures.45
The business case for diversity backfires: Detrimental effects of organizations’ instrumental diversity rhetoric for underrepresented group members’ sense of belonging.45
A motivational framework of social comparison.42
A direct comparison of the day reconstruction method (DRM) and the experience sampling method (ESM).42
Interdependence and cooperation in daily life.41
A mega-analysis of personality prediction: Robustness and boundary conditions.41
Race–status associations: Distinct effects of three novel measures among White and Black perceivers.41
Trust in everyday life.41
Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities.40
The relationship between adult attachment and mental health: A meta-analysis.40
Development is in the details: Age differences in the Big Five domains, facets, and nuances.40
Fluctuations in grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic states: A momentary perspective.38
An integrative framework for conceptualizing and assessing social, emotional, and behavioral skills: The BESSI.38
Overly shallow?: Miscalibrated expectations create a barrier to deeper conversation.37
I ain’t no fortunate one: On the motivated denial of class privilege.37
Do life events lead to enduring changes in adult attachment styles? A naturalistic longitudinal investigation.37
Equality for (almost) all: Egalitarian advocacy predicts lower endorsement of sexism and racism, but not ageism.36
Human “resources”? Objectification at work.36
What is the structure of perceiver effects? On the importance of global positivity and trait-specificity across personality domains and judgment contexts.35
Longitudinal coupling of momentary stress reactivity and trait neuroticism: Specificity of states, traits, and age period.35
Disrupting the system constructively: Testing the effectiveness of nonnormative nonviolent collective action.35
(Un)happiness and voting in U.S. presidential elections.35
Religious residue: Cross-cultural evidence that religious psychology and behavior persist following deidentification.35
Mindfulness meditation reduces guilt and prosocial reparation.34
Mobilized or marginalized? Understanding low-status groups’ responses to social justice efforts led by high-status groups.34
A propensity-score matched study of changes in loneliness surrounding major life events.33
Smile pretty and watch your back: Personal safety anxiety and vigilance in objectification theory.33
Unveiling an exclusive link: Predicting behavior with personality, situation perception, and affect in a preregistered experience sampling study.31
Life satisfaction trajectories during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth.31
Narrow prototypes and neglected victims: Understanding perceptions of sexual harassment.30
Political differences in free will belief are associated with differences in moralization.30
Who wants to change and how? On the trait-specificity of personality change goals.30
Personality–place transactions: Mapping the relationships between Big Five personality traits, states, and daily places.30
Personality, intelligence, and counterproductive academic behaviors: A meta-analysis.30
Disentangling stereotypes from social reality: Astrological stereotypes and discrimination in China.30
The dynamic relationship between contact opportunities, positive and negative intergroup contact, and prejudice: A longitudinal investigation.30
Personality structure in east and west Africa: Lexical studies of personality in Maa and Supyire-Senufo.29
Out of place: Socioeconomic status, use of public space, and belonging in higher education.29
Counterfeit diversity: How strategically misrepresenting gender diversity dampens organizations’ perceived sincerity and elevates women’s identity threat concerns.28
God as a White man: A psychological barrier to conceptualizing Black people and women as leadership worthy.27
Breaking the glass ceiling: For one and all?27
Trajectories of life satisfaction before, upon, and after divorce: Evidence from a new matching approach.26
Physiological linkage during shared positive and shared negative emotion.26
Spending reflects not only who we are but also who we are around: The joint effects of individual and geographic personality on consumption.26
Friendship jealousy: One tool for maintaining friendships in the face of third-party threats?26
Personal echo chambers: Openness-to-experience is linked to higher levels of psychological interest diversity in large-scale behavioral data.26
Neither Eastern nor Western: Patterns of independence and interdependence in Mediterranean societies.26
Normative appeals motivate people to contribute to collective action problems more when they invite people to work together toward a common goal.26
When the ones we love misbehave: Exploring moral processes within intimate bonds.25
Having too little or too much time is linked to lower subjective well-being.25
The behavioral ecology of moral dilemmas: Childhood unpredictability, but not harshness, predicts less deontological and utilitarian responding.25
Development of domain-specific self-evaluations: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.25
Need satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multinational study of pathways toward social change.24
Daily life processes predict long-term development in explicit and implicit representations of Big Five traits: Testing predictions from the TESSERA (Triggering situations, Expectancies, States and St23
Regulatory effectiveness of social support.23
Universals and variations in musical preferences: A study of preferential reactions to Western music in 53 countries.23
Partisan ideological attitudes: Liberals are tolerant; the intelligent are intolerant.23
Nonlinear effect of social interaction quantity on psychological well-being: Diminishing returns or inverted U?22
The roles of social–emotional skills in students’ academic and life success: A multi-informant and multicohort perspective.22
Refining the maturity principle of personality development by examining facets, close others, and comaturation.22
Facet-level personality development in the transition to adolescence: Maturity, disruption, and gender differences.22
Rehumanizing the self after victimization: The roles of forgiveness versus revenge.21
A meta-analysis of the dark side of the American dream: Evidence for the universal wellness costs of prioritizing extrinsic over intrinsic goals.21
Insufficiently complimentary?: Underestimating the positive impact of compliments creates a barrier to expressing them.21
Two large-scale global studies on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy over time: Culture, uncertainty avoidance, and vaccine side-effect concerns.21
The thin blue waveform: Racial disparities in officer prosody undermine institutional trust in the police.21
Is LGBT progress seen as an attack on Christians?: Examining Christian/sexual orientation zero-sum beliefs.21
The new identity theft: Perceptions of cultural appropriation in intergroup contexts.20
How individuals react emotionally to others’ (mis)fortunes: A social comparison framework.20
Policies and prejudice: Integration policies moderate the link between immigrant presence and anti-immigrant prejudice.20
Choice changes preferences, not merely reflects them: A meta-analysis of the artifact-free free-choice paradigm.20
Majority members misperceive even “win-win” diversity policies as unbeneficial to them.20
Are work activities related to interest change over time? A 22-year longitudinal study.20
Well-being in social interactions: Examining personality-situation dynamics in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication.20
Big Five facets and religiosity: Three large-scale, cross-cultural, theory-driven, and process-attentive tests.20
Jumping to conclusions: Implications for reasoning errors, false belief, knowledge corruption, and impeded learning.20
Positivity resonance in long-term married couples: Multimodal characteristics and consequences for health and longevity.20
The misjudgment of men: Does pluralistic ignorance inhibit allyship?20
Moderators of intergroup evaluation in disadvantaged groups: A comprehensive test of predictions from system justification theory.20
High-dimensionality personality structure in the natural language: Further analyses of classic sets of English-language trait-adjectives.20
Internal motivation to respond without prejudice fosters respectful responses in interracial interactions.19
Because excellencism is more than good enough: On the need to distinguish the pursuit of excellence from the pursuit of perfection.19
Meta-humanization reduces prejudice, even under high intergroup threat.19
Individual differences in contingencies between situation characteristics and personality states.19
Understanding responses to an organizational takeover: Introducing the social identity model of organizational change.19
Behavioral variability reduces the harmful longitudinal effects of partners’ negative-direct behavior on relationship problems.19
More threatening and more diagnostic: How moral comparisons differ from social comparisons.19
Unraveling the complex relationship between work transitions and self-esteem and life satisfaction.18
A spontaneous stereotype content model: Taxonomy, properties, and prediction.18
Hiding success.18
Is diversity enough? Cross-race and cross-class interactions in college occur less often than expected, but benefit members of lower status groups when they occur.17
“Mostly White, heterosexual couples”: Examining demographic diversity and reporting practices in relationship science research samples.17
Psychological affordances help explain where a self-transcendent purpose intervention improves performance.17
Age and gender differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants.17
Self-esteem and satisfaction with social relationships across time.17
A threatening opportunity: The prospect of conversations about race-related experiences between Black and White friends.17
Social media users produce more affect that supports cultural values, but are more influenced by affect that violates cultural values.17
A social network perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling: Ethnic homophily explains why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership in multiethnic environments.17
Illusory gender-equality paradox, math self-concept, and frame-of-reference effects: New integrative explanations for multiple paradoxes.17
Does parental education influence child educational outcomes? A developmental analysis in a full-population sample and adoptee design.17
The social-safety system: Fortifying relationships in the face of the unforeseeable.17
Who in the world is trying to change their personality traits? Volitional personality change among college students in six continents.17
What does it mean to be (seen as) human? The importance of gender in humanization.17
The relevance appraisal matrix: Evaluating others’ relevance.16
ǂŪsigu: A mixed-method lexical study of character description in Khoekhoegowab.16
Fact or artifact? Demand characteristics and participants’ beliefs can moderate, but do not fully account for, the effects of facial feedback on emotional experience.16
Growing desire or growing apart? Consequences of personal self-expansion for romantic passion.16
Envy and help giving.16
Cross-cultural variation in cooperation: A meta-analysis.16
Between-person methods provide limited insight about within-person belief systems.16
New parental positivity: The role of positive emotions in promoting relational adjustment during the transition to parenthood.16
Trading in search of structure: Market relationships as a compensatory control tool.16
Theories of power: Perceived strategies for gaining and maintaining power.15
Gain- but not loss-related self-perceptions of aging predict mortality over a period of 23 years: A multidimensional approach.15
Category salience and racial bias in weapon identification: A diffusion modeling approach.15
Stability and change in the Big Five personality traits: Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin adults.15
A matter of flexibility: Changing outgroup attitudes through messages with negations.15
Mapping the self: A network approach for understanding psychological and neural representations of self-concept structure.15
Adherence to emotion norms is greater in individualist cultures than in collectivist cultures.15
Identifying the dimensions of secrets to reduce their harms.15
I’m up here! Sexual objectification leads to feeling ostracized.15
Seeing meaning even when none may exist: Collectivism increases belief in empty claims.15
Minimal but not meaningless: Seemingly arbitrary category labels can imply more than group membership.15
The self-congruity effect of music.15
Social anxiety and liking: Towards understanding the role of metaperceptions in first impressions.15
The mutual constitution of culture and psyche: The bidirectional relationship between individuals’ perceived control and cultural tightness–looseness.14
A configural approach to aspirations: The social breadth of aspiration profiles predicts well-being over and above the intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations that comprise the profiles.14
Reducing implicit racial preferences: III. A process-level examination of changes in implicit preferences.14
The psychology of asymmetric zero-sum beliefs.14
Top down or bottom up? Evidence from the longitudinal development of global and domain-specific self-esteem in adulthood.14
Better to give than reciprocate? Status and reciprocity in prosocial exchange.14
“A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition”: Correction to Fiske et al. (2002).14
Documenting individual differences in the propensity to hold attitudes with certainty.14
The straight categorization bias: A motivated and altruistic reasoning account.14
How genetic and environmental variance in personality traits shift across the life span: Evidence from a cross-national twin study.14
The role of temperament in the onset of suicidal ideation and behaviors across adolescence: Findings from a 10-year longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth.14
When and why we ostracize others: Motivated social exclusion in group contexts.14
Stability and change in vocational interests after graduation from high school: A six-wave longitudinal study.14
Revisiting the rigidity-of-the-right hypothesis: A meta-analytic review.13
Why benefiting from discrimination is less recognized as discrimination.13
Personality traits, cognitive states, and mortality in older adulthood.13
A sociocultural norm perspective on Big Five prediction.13
Slow lies: Response delays promote perceptions of insincerity.13
Mapping principal dimensions of prejudice in the United States.13
Do people realize how their partners make them feel? Relationship enhancement motives and stress determine the link between implicitly assessed partner attitudes and relationship satisfaction.13
The impact of having children on domain-specific life satisfaction: A quasi-experimental longitudinal investigation using the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) data.13
People judge others to have more voluntary control over beliefs than they themselves do.13
Why connect? Moral consequences of networking with a promotion or prevention focus.13
Meta-analysis of the “ironic” effects of intergroup contact.13
Six dimensions describe action understanding: The ACT-FASTaxonomy.13
Gendered racial boundary maintenance: Social penalties for White women in interracial relationships.13
Seeing your life story as a Hero’s Journey increases meaning in life.12
On the value of modesty: How signals of status undermine cooperation.12
The effects of a personality intervention on satisfaction in 10 domains of life: Evidence for increases and correlated change with personality traits.12
The detriments of unmet sexual ideals and buffering effect of sexual communal strength.12
Disentangling contact and socialization effects on outgroup attitudes in diverse friendship networks.12
Stability and change of perceived characteristics of major life events.12
The political is personal: The costs of daily politics.12
The effect of gender and male distinctiveness threat on prejudice against homosexuals.12
The affective harm account (AHA) of moral judgment: Reconciling cognition and affect, dyadic morality and disgust, harm and purity.12
Mastery-approach goals: A large-scale cross-cultural analysis of antecedents and consequences.12
Danger or dislike: Distinguishing threat from negative valence as sources of automatic anti-Black bias.11
Accuracy and bias in perceptions of racial attitudes: Implications for interracial relationships.11
Evaluations of empathizers depend on the target of empathy.11
The development of the rank-order stability of the Big Five across the life span.11
Keep talking: (Mis)understanding the hedonic trajectory of conversation.11
The sex premium in religiously motivated moral judgment.11
Relational versus structural goals prioritize different social information.11
Revisiting extraversion and leadership emergence: A social network churn perspective.11
Personality and health: Disentangling their between-person and within-person relationship in three longitudinal studies.11
Growing old and being old: Emotional well-being across adulthood.11
The causal effect of testosterone on men’s competitive behavior is moderated by basal cortisol and cues to an opponent’s status: Evidence for a context-dependent dual-hormone hypothesis.11
It might become true: How prefactual thinking licenses dishonesty.11
Does shared positivity make life more meaningful? Perceived positivity resonance is uniquely associated with perceived meaning in life.11
Social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism across the adult lifespan: An examination of aging and cohort effects.11
Beautiful seems good, but perhaps not in every way: Linking attractiveness to moral evaluation through perceived vanity.10
Attachment anxiety and the curvilinear effects of expressive suppression on individuals’ and partners’ outcomes.10
Dynamic contact effects: Individuals’ positive and negative contact history influences intergroup contact effects in a behavioral game.10
Who has different-race friends, and does it depend on context? Openness (to other), but not agreeableness, predicts lower racial homophily in friendship networks.10
Deep lexical hypothesis: Identifying personality structure in natural language.10
Instrumental use erodes sacred values.10
People attribute humanness to men and women differently based on their facial appearance.10
Creative thinking facilitates perspective taking.10
Spontaneous interpersonal complementarity in the lab: A multilevel approach to modeling the antecedents and consequences of people’s interpersonal behaviors and their dynamic interplay.10
Does social psychology persist over half a century? A direct replication of Cialdini et al.’s (1975) classic door-in-the-face technique.10
Testing the bottom-up and top-down models of self-esteem: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.10
Understanding Whites’ perceptions of multicultural policies: A (non)zero-sum framework?10
Interpersonal supports for basic psychological needs and their relations with motivation, well-being, and performance: A meta-analysis.9
The surprise of reaching out: Appreciated more than we think.9
Measuring the belief system of a person.9
The precautious nature of prestige: When leaders are hypervigilant to subtle signs of social disapproval.9
Relative power and interpersonal trust.9
Connect or protect? Social class and self-protection in romantic relationships.9
Intersectional implicit bias: Evidence for asymmetrically compounding bias and the predominance of target gender.9
Positivity in peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change.9
Lightening the load: Perceived partner responsiveness fosters more positive appraisals of relational sacrifices.9
Status of immigrants’ country of origin and Americans’ assimilation expectations.9
What social lives do single people want? A person-centered approach to identifying profiles of social motives among singles.9
Robust evidence for moderation of ovulatory shifts by partner attractiveness in Arslan et al.’s (2020) data.9
Affective contingencies of narcissism.8
Predicting educational and social–emotional outcomes in emerging adulthood from intelligence, personality, and socioeconomic status.8
Longitudinal associations between negative life events and depressive symptoms—A 9-year longitudinal study on between-person and within-person effects and the role of family history.8
Instrumental goal activation increases online petition support across languages.8
Disentangling self-concept clarity and self-esteem in young adults.8
When “enemies” become close: Relationship formation among Palestinians and Jewish Israelis at a youth camp.8
Snapshots of daily life: Situations investigated through the lens of smartphone sensing.8
Morality, punishment, and revealing other people’s secrets.8
The impact of unemployment on cognitive, affective, and eudaimonic well-being facets: Investigating immediate effects and short-term adaptation.8
Investigating the within-person structure and correlates of emotional experiences in everyday life using an emotion family approach.8
Antecedents and consequences of LGBT individuals’ perceptions of straight allyship.8
“Just letting you know … ” Underestimating others’ desire for constructive feedback.8
The impact of communal learning contexts on adolescent self-concept and achievement: Similarities and differences across race and gender.8
Extraversion but not depression predicts reward sensitivity: Revisiting the measurement of anhedonic phenotypes.8
Need some help, honey? Dependency-oriented helping relations between women and men in the domestic sphere.8
How do explicit and implicit evaluations shift? A preregistered meta-analysis of the effects of co-occurrence and relational information.8
Dampening affect via expectations: The case of ambivalence.8
Communal expectations conflict with autonomy motives: The western drive for autonomy shapes women’s negative responses to positive gender stereotypes.8
Regional personality differences predict variation in early COVID-19 infections and mobility patterns indicative of social distancing.8