Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

(The TQCC of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Curvilinear Sexism and Its Links to Men’s Perceived Mate Value111
Managers Can Support Employees in Working-Class Contexts by Promoting Growth Mindsets78
Populism, Economic Distress, Cultural Backlash, and Identity Threat: Integrating Patterns and Testing Cross-National Validity65
Relationships on a Pedestal: The Associations Between Relationship Pedestal Beliefs, Fear of Being Single, and Life Satisfaction in Single and Coupled Individuals62
Falling Vocal Intonation Signals Speaker Confidence and Conditionally Boosts Persuasion35
Collectivism Impairs Team Performance When Relational Goals Conflict With Group Goals33
Let’s Enjoy an Evening on the Couch? A Daily Life Investigation of Shared Problematic Behaviors in Three Couple Studies32
How Do Invested Partners Become Invested? A Prospective Investigation of Fledgling Relationship Development31
Performing like a Learning Machine: The Emphasis on Performance Goals Results in Self-Objectification29
Economic Inequality Reduces Preferences for Competent Leaders28
The Impact of Awe on Existential Isolation: Evidence for Contrasting Pathways27
Motivated Knowledge Acquisition: Implicit Self-Theories and the Preference for Knowledge Breadth or Depth27
Life History Strategies, Prestige, and Dominance: An Evolutionary Developmental View of Social Hierarchy27
Is Men’s Heterosexuality Perceived as More Precarious Than Women’s? An Intersectional, Race-by-Gender Analysis27
Impacts of Unethical Behavior on Self-Esteem: A Contingent Dual-Process Model25
Legacies of Hate: The Psychological Legacy of the Ku Klux Klan24
Choice Set Size Shapes Self-Expression24
On the Disposition to Think Analytically: Four Distinct Intuitive-Analytic Thinking Styles23
Americans Misperceive Racial Disparities in Economic Mobility22
Low Self-Control: A Hidden Cause of Loneliness?22
Perceived Similarity of the Self to Animals, Creativity, and Anxiety—: A Terror Management Analysis22
Perceived Physical Vulnerability Promotes Prosocial Behavior22
The Role of Individual and Dyadic Planning in Couples’ Daily Goal Pursuits21
Difficulty-as-Improvement: The Courage to Keep Going in the Face of Life’s Difficulties20
Political Attitudes and Disease Threat: Regional Pathogen Stress Is Associated With Conservative Ideology Only for Older Individuals19
Unconstrained Descriptions of Facebook Profile Pictures Support High-Dimensional Models of Impression Formation19
Beyond the Dichotomy: Creation and Validation of a Continuous Statewide Index of U.S. Honor Culture19
“Cat Ladies” and “Mama’s Boys”: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Gendered Discrimination and Stereotypes of Single Women and Single Men19
The Spontaneous Counterfactual Inference Task: Misremembering What Might Have Been18
Do Good Citizens Look to the Future? The Link Between National Identification and Future Time Perspective and Their Role in Explaining Citizens’ Reactions to Conflicts Between Short-Term and Long-Term18
Home is Where the Heart is: Implications of Dyadic Acculturation for Migrant Couples’ Personal and Relational Well-Being18
A Closer Look on the Relation Between Nostalgia and Risk-Taking18
Online Signals of Extremist Mobilization17
Is Progressive Ideology on the Test? Education and Intelligence in the Development of Nontraditional Attitudes17
More Than a Momentary Blip in the Universe? Investigating the Link Between Religiousness and Perceived Meaning in Life16
Moral Future-Thinking: Does the Moral Circle Stand the Test of Time?16
Why Life Moves Fast: Exploring the Mechanisms Behind Autobiographical Time Perception16
Distributing Blame Among Multiple Entities When Autonomous Technologies Cause Harm15
More Than Meets the Eyes: Bringing Attention to the Eyes Increases First Impressions of Warmth and Competence15
Which Identities Are Concealable? Individual Differences in Concealability15
Volatility in Expectations While Awaiting Important News14
The Apple Doesn’t “Feel” Far From the Tree: Mother–Child Socialization of Intergroup Empathy14
Corrigendum to Positive Feedback as a Lever to Boost Students’ STEM Outcomes14
Thinking About Reasons for One’s Choices Increases Sensitivity to Moral Norms in Moral-Dilemma Judgments14
Is Discrimination Widespread or Concentrated? Evaluating the Distribution of Anti-Black Discrimination in Judicial, Hiring, and Housing Decisions14
It Is Belief in Dualism, and Not Free Will, That Best Predicts Helping: A Conceptual Replication and Extension of Baumeister et al. (2009)14
Categorizing a Face and Facing a Category: The Constructive Impacts of Ambiguity and Uncertainty in Racial Categorization14
Shorter Goals for the Faster Life: Childhood Unpredictability Is Associated With Shorter Motivational Time Horizons14
Attitude Formation in More- and Less-Complex Social Environments14
Taking Stock and Looking Forward to the Future of Pathogen Politics in Light of New Insights and Recommendations: COVID-19 Threat Was Meaningfully Associated With Support for Liberal Policies in the U14
Helpful or Harmful? The Role of Personality Traits in Student Experiences of the COVID-19 Crisis and School Closure14
Toward an Index of Adaptive Personality Regulation13
Collaborative Cheating in Hierarchical Teams: Effects of Incentive Structure and Leader Behavior on Subordinate Behavior and Perceptions of Leaders13
The Gap Between Us: Income Inequality Reduces Social Affiliation in Dyadic Interactions13
What Comes First, Acculturation or Adjustment? A Longitudinal Investigation of Integration Versus Mental Resources Hypotheses12
Two Ways to Stay at the Top: Prestige and Dominance Are Both Viable Strategies for Gaining and Maintaining Social Rank Over Time12
The Effects of Partner Extraversion and Agreeableness on Trust12
Is Your Accent Right for the Job? A Meta-Analysis on Accent Bias in Hiring Decisions12
Secrecy in Everyday Life12
Pitch as a Recipient, Channel, and Context Factor Affecting Thought Reliance and Persuasion12
On Creating Deeper Relationship Bonds: Felt Understanding Enhances Relationship Identification12
Speak Up! Mistaken Beliefs About How Much to Talk in Conversations12
Social Category Modulation of the Happy Face Advantage11
On the Defensive: Identity, Language, and Partisan Reactions to Political Scandal11
An Examination of the Conceptual Structure of Long-Term Goal Striving11
To Honor and Defend: State- and Individual-Level Analyses of the Relationship Between the U.S. Culture of Honor and Military Service11
In a Class on Their Own: Investigating the Role of Social Integration in the Association Between Social Class and Mental Well-Being11
The Equality Paradox: Gender Equality Intensifies Male Advantages in Adolescent Subjective Well-Being11
Attitudinal Effects of Stimulus Co-occurrence and Stimulus Relations: Paradoxical Effects of Cognitive Load11
Alluring or Alarming? The Polarizing Effect of Forbidden Knowledge in Political Discourse11
Restoring Honor by Slapping or Disowning the Daughter11
All You Nonconformists Are (Not) All Alike: Dissociable Social Stereotypes of Mavericks and Contrarians10
Funny Date, Creative Mate? Unpacking the Effect of Humor on Romantic Attraction10
Defensive Confidence and Certainty in Unchanged Attitudes: The Role of Affect–Cognition Matching10
Stepping Outside the Echo Chamber: Is Intellectual Humility Associated With Less Political Myside Bias?10
Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them: The Ambivalent Effects of Existential Outgroup Threat on Helping Behavior10
Putting Oneself Ahead of the Group: The Liability of Narcissistic Leadership10
On the Highway to Hell: Slippery Slope Perceptions in Judgments of Moral Character10
Volitional Change in Pathological Traits: Can People Change Their Maladaptive Traits?10
Narcissism and Wellbeing: A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis10
Mechanisms Linking Attachment Orientation to Sleep Quality in Married Couples10
Implicit Theories of Happiness: When Happiness Is Viewed as Changeable, Happy People Are Perceived Much More Positively Than Unhappy People9
Protected by the Emotions of the Group: Perceived Emotional Fit and Disadvantaged Group Members’ Activist Burnout9
Half Empty and Half Full? Biased Perceptions of Compassionate Love and Effects of Dyadic Complementarity9
Studying Daily Social Interaction Quantity and Quality in Relation to Depression Change: A Multi-Phase Experience Sampling Study9
Parsing the Mechanisms Underlying Ingroup Facial Resemblance9
Measuring Morality: An Examination of the Moral Foundation Questionnaire’s Factor Structure9
Need Support and Need Thwarting: A Meta-Analysis of Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness Supportive and Thwarting Behaviors in Student Populations9
Examining the Contribution of Physical Cues for Same- and Cross-Race Face Individuation9
On the Varieties of Diversity: Ideological Variations in Attitudes Toward, and Understandings of Diversity9
Rumors in Retweet: Ideological Asymmetry in the Failure to Correct Misinformation9
Nostalgia Promotes Parents’ Tradition Transfer to Children by Strengthening Parent-Child Relationship Closeness9
The Drunk Utilitarian Revisited: Does Alcohol Really Increase Utilitarianism in Moral Judgment?9
Psychology and the Threat of Contagion: Feeling Vulnerable to a Disease Moderates the Link Between Xenophobic Thoughts and Support for Ingroup-Protective Actions9
How Personality Relates to Attitudes Toward Diversity and Workplace Diversity Initiatives9
“I Think This News Is Accurate”: Endorsing Accuracy Decreases the Sharing of Fake News and Increases the Sharing of Real News8
Connecting Attitude Position and Function: The Role of Self-Esteem8
A Lower-Class Advantage in Face Memory8
Lonely and Self-Centered? A Meta-Analysis of the Link Between Prosociality and Loneliness8
The SAFE Model: State Authenticity as a Function of Three Types of Fit8
Powerful Effects of Diagnostic Information on Automatic and Self-Reported Evaluation: The Moderating Role of Memory Recall8
People Overestimate How Much Gossiping Encourages Listeners’ Self-Disclosure8
Politically Contaminated Clothes, Chocolates, and Charities: Distancing From Neutral Products Liked by Out-Group or In-Group Partisans8
Welcome to Be Like Us: Expectations of Outgroup Assimilation Shape Dominant Group Resistance to Diversity8
Do Agency and Communion Explain the Relationship Between Perceiver and Target Effects in Interpersonal Perception? A Meta-Analysis on Generalized Reciprocity8
Cultural Inertia: Framework of Change and Intergroup Relations8
Extreme Reactions to Globalization: Investigating Indirect, Longitudinal, and Experimental Effects of the Globalization–Radicalization Nexus7
Examining Automatic Stereotyping From a Propositional Perspective: Is Automatic Stereotyping Sensitive to Relational and Validity Information?7
Love Lost in Translation: Avoidant Individuals Inaccurately Perceive Their Partners’ Positive Emotions During Love Conversations7
Need Fulfillment During Intergroup Contact: Three Experience Sampling Studies7
Are Members of Political Out-Groups More Morally or Physically Disgusting?7
Praise Is for Actions That Are Neither Expected nor Required7
The Ups and Downs of Being Us: Cross-Relationship Comparisons in Daily Life7
Liking Predicts Judgments of Authenticity in Real-Time Interactions More Robustly Than Personality States or Affect7
Perceived Partner Responsiveness Forecasts Behavioral Intimacy as Measured by Affectionate Touch7
PSPB Editorial Philosophy, January 20217
Beliefs and Social Norms as Precursors of Environmental Support: The Joint Influence of Collectivism and Socioeconomic Status7
Give Me a Straight Answer: Response Ambiguity Diminishes Likability7
Thanks, but No Thanks: Unpacking the Relationship Between Relative Power and Gratitude7
Institutional Change Affects Perceived and Personal Intergroup Attitudes7
Shifts in Racial Inequalities and White Backlash in the 21st Century U.S.7
What Motives Do People Most Want to Know About When Meeting Another Person? An Investigation Into Prioritization of Information About Seven Fundamental Motives7
Is Seeing Believing? A Longitudinal Study of Vividness of the Future and Its Effects on Academic Self-Efficacy and Success in College7
Sacrificing Animals in the Name of Scientific Authority: The Relationship Between Pro-Scientific Mindset and the Lethal Use of Animals in Biomedical Experimentation7
Does Conceptual Abstraction Moderate Whether Past Moral Deeds Motivate Consistency or Compensatory Behavior? A Registered Replication and Extension of Conway and Peetz (2012)7
Strategic Mindsets and Support for Social Change: Impact Mindset Explains Support for Black Lives Matter Across Racial Groups7
Mobilize Is a Verb: The Use of Verbs and Concrete Language Is Associated With Authors’ and Readers’ Perceptions of a Text’s Action Orientation and Persuasiveness7
Personality Trait Change Across a Major Global Stressor6
Connection Heals Wounds: Feeling Listened to Reduces Speakers’ Loneliness Following a Social Rejection Disclosure6
Greed: What Is It Good for?6
Whose Words Hurt? Contextual Determinants of Offensive Speech6
Guns Are Not Faster to Enter Awareness After Seeing a Black Face: Absence of Race-Priming in a Gun/Tool Task During Continuous Flash Suppression6
Does Lower Psychological Need Satisfaction Foster Conspiracy Belief? Longitudinal Effects Over 3 Years in New Zealand6
Anxiety, Cognitive Availability, and the Talisman Effect of Insurance6
Stereotype Threat at Work: A Meta-Analysis6
Empathic Conservatives and Moralizing Liberals: Political Intergroup Empathy Varies by Political Ideology and Is Explained by Moral Judgment6
Misplaced Intuitions in Interventions to Reduce Attractiveness-Based Discrimination6
Values in Context: The (Dis)connections Between Moral Foundations and Moral Conviction6
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Motives and Barriers for Sustained Collective Action Toward Social Change6
Sociotropic and Personal Threats and Authoritarian Reactions During COVID-196
Essentializing Happiness Mitigates the Changes in Subjective Well-Being Following Negative Life Events6
When Does Competence Matter? Character as a Moderator in the Development of Trust6
Who Do We Turn to and What Do We Get? Cultural Differences in Attachment Structure and Function Among East Asian and Western Individuals6
Nostalgia and Health: A Longitudinal Network Analysis of Different Nostalgic Experiences6
Do Smarter People Have More Conservative Economic Attitudes? Assessing the Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Economic Ideology6
Closeness Discrepancies in Couple Relationships: A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis6