Emerging Adulthood

(The TQCC of Emerging Adulthood is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Increased Stress, Declining Mental Health: Emerging Adults’ Experiences in College During COVID-1964
Changes in College Student Anxiety and Depression From Pre- to During-COVID-19: Perceived Stress, Academic Challenges, Loneliness, and Positive Perceptions47
The Psychological, Academic, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 on College Students in the Epicenter of the Pandemic47
Changes in College Student Alcohol Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Are Perceived Drinking Norms Still Relevant?46
Longitudinal Changes in Life Satisfaction and Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Risk and Protective Factors43
“I Hate It Here”: Mental Health Changes of College Students Living With Parents During the COVID-19 Quarantine41
A Qualitative Study of COVID-19 Distress in University Students39
The Influence of COVID-19 on Stress, Substance Use, and Mental Health Among Postsecondary Students39
Overparenting and Emerging Adult Development: A Systematic Review32
“He was like, my ride or die”: Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults’ Perspectives on Living With Pets During the Transition to Adulthood27
“Emotional Distancing”: Change and Strain in U.S. Young Adult College Students’ Relationships During COVID-1926
Emerging Adults’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Longitudinal Study on the Importance of Social Support26
The Associations Between Internalized Racism, Racial Identity, and Psychological Distress22
Young Adults’ Physical Distancing Behaviors During the Initial Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adherence to Guidelines and Associations With Alcohol Use Behavior20
Helicopter Parenting Versus Autonomy Supportive Parenting? A Latent Class Analysis of Parenting Among Emerging Adults and Their Psychological and Relational Well-Being18
First-Year University Students’ Mental Health Trajectories Were Disrupted at the Onset of COVID-19, but Disruptions Were Not Linked to Housing and Financial Vulnerabilities: A Registered Report18
“With Politics, It’s Easier to Talk to Them About It”: Peer Racial Socialization and Sociopolitical Development Among Black College Students17
A Cross-National Study of COVID-19 Impact and Future Possibilities Among Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty15
COVID-19 Racism, Depressive Symptoms, Drinking to Cope Motives, and Alcohol Use Severity Among Asian American Emerging Adults13
Empowering, Pragmatic, or Disappointing: Appraisals of Singlehood During Emerging and Established Adulthood12
“Normalizing” Everyday Life in the State of Emergency: Experiences, Well-Being and Coping Strategies of Emerging Adults in Serbia during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic12
Demographic, Health and Pandemic-Related Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccination Intention Among Filipino Emerging Adults12
Overparenting and Emerging Adults’ Insecure Attachment With Parents and Romantic Partners12
A Qualitative Investigation of the Positive and Negative Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Post-Secondary Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being12
The Relationships Between Self-Control and Distress Among Emerging Adults: A Serial Mediating Roles of Fear of Missing Out and Social Media Addiction11
Understanding Motives, Usage Patterns and Effects of Instagram Use in Youths: A Qualitative Study11
Dedicado a Mi Familia”: The Role of Familismo on Academic Outcomes Among Latinx College Students11
College, Interrupted: Profiles in First-Year College Students Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Across One Year11
Changes in Depressive Symptoms, Physical Symptoms, and Sleep-Wake Problems From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Emerging Adults: Inequalities by Gender, Socioeconomic Position, and Race11
Student Loan Debt, Family Support, and Reciprocity in the Transition to Adulthood11
The Features of Emerging Adulthood and Individuation: Relations and Differences by College-Going Status, Age, and Living Situation10
Introduction to the Special Issue: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives of Emerging Adults10
Suicidal Mental Imagery: Investigating a Novel Marker of Suicide Risk10
The Psychological Affordances of Solitude in Emerging Adulthood10
Zoom Memes for Self-Quaranteens: Generational Humor, Identity, and Conflict During the Pandemic10
Changes in Attachment to Parents and Peers and Relations With Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic9
College Women’s Memorable Sexual Messages From Mothers, Fathers, Friends/Peers, and Online Media: A Mixed-Methods Latent Class Analysis9
Sociopolitical Influences in Early Emerging Adult College Students’ Pandemic-Related Civic Engagement9
Binge Eating and Binge Drinking in Emerging Adults During COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: An Examination of Protective and Risk Factors9
Individualism, Collectivism, and Well-being Among a Sample of Emerging Adults in the United States9
Exploring Young Men’s Experience of Resistance to Masculine Norms9
The Examination of the Mediator Role of Optimism, Self-Compassion, Altruism and Gratitude in the Relationship Between Cognitive Distortions and Forgiveness of Emerging Adults8
Experiences of College Students With Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic8
On Becoming an Emerging Adult Parent in South Africa: Processes of Commitment, Exploration and Reconsideration of a Parental Identity8
Religious Socialization and Self-Definition Among Black Undergraduate Women Attending Predominantly White Institutions8
A Cross-Country Network Analysis of Resilience Systems in Young Adults7
Self-Esteem and Real Self and False Self Presentation on Facebook Among Emerging Adults: The Moderating Role of Social Anxiety7
LGBTQ+ College Students’ Engagement in COVID-Protective and COVID-Risk Behaviors7
Bystander Intoxication and Appraisal of Sexual Assault Risk: A Field Study of Emerging Adult Bargoers7
Less Than Fully Honest: Financial Deception in Emerging Adult Romantic Relationships7
Exploration of Emerging Adult Virgins’ Difficulties7
Identity Development and Major Choice Among Underrepresented Students Interested in STEM Majors: A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis7
Depressive Symptoms, Perceived Stress, Self-Compassion and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Emerging Adults: An Examination of the Between and Within-Person Associations Over Time7
“I Can be Unapologetically Who I Am”: A Study of Friendship Among Black Undergraduate Women at PWIs6
Age Matters? The Moderating Effect of Age on the Longitudinal Relationship between Upward and Downward Comparisons on Instagram and Identity Processes During Emerging Adulthood6
Examining the Direction of Effects Between COVID-19 Experiences, General Well-Being, Social Media Engagement, and Insomnia Symptoms Among University Students6
Detrimental Associations of Cumulative Trauma, COVID-19 Infection Indicators, Avoidance, and Loneliness With Sleep and Negative Emotionality in Emerging Adulthood During the Pandemic6
“Squeezing the Life Out of Each Day”: Emerging Adult Women’s Work-Family Expectations in STEM6
Finances and Fate: Parent Financial Socialization, Locus of Control, and Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood6
Challenges in Emerging Adulthood Related to the Impact of Childhood Bullying Victimization5
Masculinity and Silence in the Academic Struggles of American Male College Students5
Popularity According to Emerging Adults: What is it, and How to Acquire it5
Finding Silver Linings: A Mixed Methods Analysis of COVID-19’s Challenges and Opportunities for College Students’ Functioning and Outlook5
“This is Real, This is the Way that Things are”: Hooking up as a Pathway for Sexual Identity Development Among SGM Emerging Adults5
Exploring the Roles of Career Adaptability, Self-Esteem, and Work Values in Life Satisfaction Among Emerging Adults During their Career Transition5
Bringing Covid to College: Incoming First-Year College Students’ Making Meaning of the Pandemic5
“When did I Stop being a Child?” The Subjective Feeling of Adulthood of Mexican and Central American Unaccompanied 1.25 Generation Immigrants5
It’s is Time to Make More Goals So I Can Keep Pushing: Hope, Growth, and Well-Being Among Young Black Women5
Exploring Loneliness in Emerging Adulthood: A Qualitative Study5
Emerging Adults’ Self-Efficacy as a Resource for Coping With the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Unpacking the Benefits of Bicultural Competence: Latina/x/o College Students’ Academic and Psychosocial Adjustment5
Romantic Relationships from Adolescence to Established Adulthood5
Exploring Relationships Between Grit, Belonging, Institutional Compassion, Pandemic Stress, and Goal Progress Among Emerging Adult Post-Secondary Students5
Emerging Adulthood Uses and Gratifications of Social Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study Among Filipino College Students5
Applying a Health-Risk Behavior Lens to Understand Individual Differences in COVID-19 Containment Behavior Among Young Adults4
The Impact of COVID-19 Disruptions and Perceived Discrimination on Well-Being and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: Testing the Moderating Role of Exercise Among African American and Asian Ameri4
Social Connectedness and Negative Emotion Modulation: Social Media Use for Coping Among College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Evidence on Resilient Initial Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Among Youth: Findings From the Prospective Study of Mental Health in Two European Countries4
Closing Commentary, Opening Conversations: Liminal Reflections on Decent Work, Emerging Adulthood, and Social Justice4
Contextual Navigation: Towards a Holistic Conceptualization of Negotiating Sexual Identity in Context4
Exploring Romantic Relationship Patterns among Turkish Emerging Adults: A Grounded Theory Study4
Dietary Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Reported Role Models Among Emerging and Young Adults With Overweight and Obesity4
Does the Gender of Your Friends Matter for Sexist Attitudes About Women?4
Is Belonging Stable Over Time?: A Four-Year Longitudinal Examination of University Belonging Differences Among Students4
Emerging Adults and Social Distancing During COVID-19: Who Was More Likely to Follow Guidelines and What Were the Correlates With Well-Being and Weight-Related Behaviors?4
Toward Many Emerging Adulthoods: A Theory-Based Examination of the Features of Emerging Adulthood for Cross-Systems Youth4