Journal of Health and Social Behavior

(The TQCC of Journal of Health and Social Behavior is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Structural Intersectionality as a New Direction for Health Disparities Research153
Health and Health Care of Sexual and Gender Minorities58
Gender and Social Isolation across the Life Course51
Structural Racism and Quantitative Causal Inference: A Life Course Mediation Framework for Decomposing Racial Health Disparities48
Sociology of Chronic Pain43
“We’re a Little Biased”: Medicine and the Management of Bias through the Case of Contraception40
Is John Henryism a Health Risk or Resource?: Exploring the Role of Culturally Relevant Coping for Physical and Mental Health among Black Americans36
Colorism and Physical Health: Evidence from a National Survey33
The Resurgence of Medical Education in Sociology: A Return to Our Roots and an Agenda for the Future32
Social Estrangement and Psychological Distress before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Patterns of Change in Canadian Workers31
Stigma, Perceived Discrimination, and Mental Health during China’s COVID-19 Outbreak: A Mixed-Methods Investigation31
Health Power Resources Theory: A Relational Approach to the Study of Health Inequalities30
Missing Pieces: Engaging Sociology of Disability in Medical Sociology29
Do Racial Differences in Coping Resources Explain the Black–White Paradox in Mental Health? A Test of Multiple Mechanisms29
Social Cost and Health: The Downside of Social Relationships and Social Networks29
They Drive Me Crazy: Difficult Social Ties and Subjective Well-Being26
Diversions: How the Underrepresentation of Research on Advantaged Groups Leaves Explanations for Health Inequalities Incomplete25
Ongoing Remote Work, Returning to Working at Work, or in between during COVID-19: What Promotes Subjective Well-Being?25
Contributions and Challenges in Health Lifestyles Research24
State–Level Sexism and Gender Disparities in Health Care Access and Quality in the United States24
Stigma Resistance and Well-Being in the Context of the Mental Illness Identity23
“Following Your Gut” or “Questioning the Scientific Evidence”: Understanding Vaccine Skepticism among More-Educated Dutch Parents22
Physical Disability at Work: How Functional Limitation Affects Perceived Discrimination and Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace22
Trends in U.S. Population Health: The Central Role of Policies, Politics, and Profits21
The Long Arm of Social Integration: Gender, Adolescent Social Networks, and Adult Depressive Symptom Trajectories20
Religious Attendance and Physical Health in Later Life: A Life Course Approach20
Losing Years Doing Time: Incarceration Exposure and Accelerated Biological Aging among African American Adults20
Occupations and Sickness-Related Absences during the COVID-19 Pandemic18
Sexual Identity and Birth Outcomes: A Focus on the Moderating Role of Race-ethnicity18
Reconstructing Sociogenomics Research: Dismantling Biological Race and Genetic Essentialism Narratives14
Stressful Life Events, Differential Vulnerability, and Depressive Symptoms: Critique and New Evidence14
Gaining Faith, Losing Faith: How Education Shapes the Relationship between Religious Transitions and Later Depression13
(Re)Setting Epigenetic Clocks: An Important Avenue Whereby Social Conditions Become Biologically Embedded across the Life Course13
Neighborhood Disorder and Distress in Real Time: Evidence from a Smartphone-Based Study of Older Adults13
COVID-19 as Eco-Pandemic Injustice: Opportunities for Collective and Antiracist Approaches to Environmental Health12
The Association between Multiple Chronic Conditions and Depressive Symptoms: Intersectional Distinctions by Race, Nativity, and Gender12
From Medicine to Health: The Proliferation and Diversification of Cultural Authority12
Parental Death and Mid-adulthood Depressive Symptoms: The Importance of Life Course Stage and Parent’s Gender11
Early Social Origins of Biological Risks for Men and Women in Later Life11
Changes in Mental Health and Treatment, 1997–201711
Evaluating the Continued Integration of Genetics into Medical Sociology10
Crossover Effects of Education on Health within Married Couples10
Structural Racism and Health Stratification: Connecting Theory to Measurement10
Triage in Times of COVID-19: A Moral Dilemma10
Whose Good Death? Valuation and Standardization as Mechanisms of Inequality in Hospitals10
Time for Physical Activity: Different, Unequal, Gendered10
Precarious Work in Midlife: Long-Term Implications for the Health and Mortality of Women and Men10