European Journal of Social Psychology

(The TQCC of European Journal of Social Psychology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Social norms (not threat) mediate willingness to sacrifice in individuals fused with the nation: Insights from the COVID‐19 pandemic245
On the use of gender categories and emotion categories in threat‐based person impressions58
Issue Information46
Ambition‐driven aggression in response to significance‐threatening frustration33
Expectation violation and cognitive dissonance theory: Proposal for an epistemic inconsistency management model31
Tethered humanity: Humanizing self and others in response to interpersonal harm26
Examining the Antecedents, Prevalence and Trajectories of Reactionary Collective Action Intentions Among Europeans Over Time24
Issue Information23
Changing perceptions of people wearing masks: Two years of living in a pandemic23
Dark Triad and the attitude toward military violence against civilians: The role of moral disengagement20
Behind the makeup: The effects of cosmetics on women's self‐objectification, and their objectification by others16
Episodic master narratives through time: Exploring the temporal dynamism of 2016 election night stories15
Commensality constitutes communalism: Producing emergent bonds in experimental small groups by sharing food and drink15
A chip off the (im)moral block? Lay beliefs about genetic heritability predicts whether family members’ actions affect self‐judgments15
Conflict, what conflict? Evidence that playing down “conflict” can be a weapon of choice for high‐status groups14
Issue Information14
Pushing too far? Negotiations of non‐compliance and resistance to the COVID‐19 cabin ban in Norway14
The habituation fallacy: Disaster victims who are repeatedly victimised are assumed to suffer less, and they are helped less14
Testing predictors of attitude strength as determinants of attitude stability and attitude–behaviour relationships: A multi‐behaviour study14
Issue Information13
Strength‐is‐Weakness: The (ir)relevant relation between resources and payoffs in coalition formation13
Valuing diversity: An undervalued mediator of intergroup contact12
Hypocrisy judgements are affected by target attitude strength and attitude moralization12
Ostracizers’ mark of disgrace: Social exclusion increases the actor–observer difference12
Locational citizenship, exclusion and inclusion. The case of street children in Ethiopia12
The added value of perceived values: Partner's perceived values predict own behaviour in interdependent interactions12
Researching Attitude–Identity Dynamics to Understand Social Conflict and Change11
Perception of helper's autonomous motivation increases recipient's prosocial behaviour intentions via feelings of gratitude11
Ideologically‐based contact avoidance during a pandemic: Blunt or selective distancing from ‘others’?11
What is agentic about the Spatial Agency Bias? How pragmatic relevance contributes to the spatial representations of actions10
Issue Information10
Can redistributive policies promote reconciliation beyond its scope? The impact of inequality reduction programs on peacebuilding in Colombia10
The multiple meanings of the gender‐inclusive pronoun hen: Predicting attitudes and use10
Protesting for stability or change? Definitional and conceptual issues in the study of reactionary, conservative, and progressive collective actions10
Why cannot reasons change your moral decisions? Because they are not persuasive enough: A comment on Stanley et al. (2018)10
Gay = STIs? Exploring gay and lesbian sexual health stereotypes and their implications for prejudice and discrimination10
The impact of hope and hopelessness on evaluation: A meta‐cognitive approach10
Women who challenge or defend the status quo: Ingroup identities as predictors of progressive and reactionary collective action9
Out‐group help in the time of Covid‐19 and intergroup reconciliation in the Western Balkans9
Attachment and perceptual accuracy of hard and flat partner emotions in everyday life9
Do reconciliation events serve as a conciliatory signal?9
Age of the examiner and older people's memory performances: A test of the stereotype threat theory using variations on negative age stereotypes across 18 European countries9
Self‐objectification and sexual dysfunction among women: Testing and extending objectification theory9
Partner support and goal outcomes during COVID‐19: A mixed methods study9
The social amplification of illusory correlations9
Issue Information9
Friendship With Immigrants and Inclusive Policies Correspond to More Positive Perceptions of Immigrants: A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis Across North America and Europe8
Perceived social mobility and system justification predict greater well‐being, but less prosocial behaviour8
Issue Information8
Multinational data show that conspiracy beliefs are associated with the perception (and reality) of poor national economic performance8
Updating stereotypical attributions in light of new information: The attractiveness halo effect changes when attractiveness changes8
To what extent are conspiracy theorists concerned for self versus others? A COVID‐19 test case8
Perceptions of a sexual advance from gay men leads to negative affect and compensatory acts of masculinity8
Putting the past into action: How historical narratives shape participation in collective action8
“Communities Change When Individuals Change”: The sustainability of system‐challenging collective action8
Reporting racism in broadcast interview8
What drives the perceived prejudice asymmetry among advantaged group members? The mediating role of social group power and moral obligations8
The fear of confession? High Catholic collective narcissism and low secure identification with Catholics predict increased pedophilia myth acceptance8
(Not so) powerful allies? Decision makers’ reactions to advantaged group allies in collective action8
Empathy as a predictor of high‐quality interpersonal apologies7
Does anchoring vary across cultures? Expanding the Many Labs analysis7
A power‐challenging theory of society, or a conservative mindset? Upward and downward conspiracy theories as ideologically distinct beliefs7
Victim empowerment and satisfaction: The potential of imagery rescripting7
Correction to ‘Examining beliefs about reconciliation and social integration in Kosovo: Testing effects of interethnic contact and differences in perspective among ethnic Albanians and Serbs’7
Examining change in social dominance and authoritarianism during New Zealand's nationwide COVID‐19 lockdown7
Body posture and interpersonal perception in a dyadic interaction: A Big Two analysis6
Social movement strategy (nonviolent vs. violent) and the garnering of third‐party support: A meta‐analysis6
Negative contexts as catalyzers: Belief in a just world enhances political trust via perceived procedural justice, and contextual procedural injustice boosts it6
The mindset of birth predicts birth outcomes: Evidence from a prospective longitudinal study6
Is the uncertain self good at detecting lies? The influence of personal uncertainty on deception detection6
“I knew I needed to live what I realised was faith in me”: Enacting and transcending religious identity through food aid volunteering6
The role of comparative victim beliefs in predicting support for hostile versus prosocial intergroup outcomes6
The effect of rank‐ordering strategy on creative idea selection performance6
High‐status people are more individualistic and analytic‐thinking in the west and wheat‐farming areas, but not rice‐farming areas6
Emotional, motivational and attitudinal consequences of autonomous prosocial behaviour6
The excluded ordinary? A theory of populist radical right supporters’ position in society5
Food scarcity and disease concern reduce interdependence when people eat together5
Team resilience emergence: Perspectives and experiences of military personnel selected for elite military training5
How opposing ideological groups use online interactions to justify and mobilise collective action5
The impact of better‐ Versus worse‐than‐average comparisons on beliefs about how life satisfaction is unfolding over time, affect, and motivation5
Schadenfreude in the context of opposing vaccination statuses5
Issue Information5
Humans tend to share food more generously than money and other objects: Preliminary evidence5
Issue Information5
Partner Support and Goal Outcomes: A Multilevel Meta‐Analysis and a Methodological Critique5
Working with a sleep‐deprived or a cognitively enhanced team member compromises motivation to contribute to group performance5
The anticipated social cost of disclosing a rejection experience5
Lay theories about collective power in the context of racial oppression5
Issue Information5
Explaining immigrant threat perceptions and pro‐immigrant collective action intentions through issue‐specific moral conviction and general need for closure: The case of the US–Mexico border wall5
‘You are a useful person’: Economic inequality leads people to approach others in an instrumental way5
Support (and rejection) of meritocracy as a self‐enhancement identity strategy: A qualitative study of university students’ perceptions about meritocracy in higher education5
Religious costly signal induces more trustworthiness than secular costly signal: A study of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela5
Polarization in attitudes towards refugees and migrants in the Netherlands4
Fostering Social Cohesion in Post‐Conflict Societies: The Power of Normative Apologies in Reducing Competitive Victimhood and Enhancing Reconciliation and Intergroup Negotiation4
Why do women support socio‐economic systems that favour men more? A registered test of system justification‐ and social identity‐inspired hope explanations4
Information Regarding Shared Genes Between Humans Improves Attitudes Towards World Members4
Social identity emergence in attitude interactions and the identity strengthening effects of cumulative attitude agreement4
Intergroup relations affect depressive symptoms of Indigenous people: Longitudinal evidence4
‘Don't forget Tibet’: Understanding the discursive construction of Tibetan national identity through the identity entrepreneurship of the Dalai Lama4
The help that hinders? A meta‐analysis of reactions to affirmative action4
Russians’ Attitudes Towards the War in Ukraine4
Cultural group norms for harmony explain the puzzling negative association between objective status and system justification in Asia4
Boosted by closure! Regulatory focus predicts motivation and task persistence in the aftermath of task‐unrelated goal closure4
The limits of gender and regional diversity in the European Association of Social Psychology4
Motivational underpinnings of support for radical political leaders4
‘Dutch’ according to children and mothers: Nationality stereotypes and citizenship representation4
The Elite Global Citizen: How Wealth Shapes Cosmopolitan Identity and Charitable Intentions4
Bisexual erasure: Perceived attraction patterns of bisexual women and men4
Beliefs in inevitable justice curb revenge behaviours: Cultural perspectives on karma4
Do mindsets shape intentions to help those in need? Unravelling the paradoxical effects of mindsets of poverty on helping intentions4
Race‐based shifting standards of SES: Potential moderators and implications4
Understanding prosocial and antisocial behaviours: The roles of self‐focused and other‐focused motivational orientations4