Child Abuse & Neglect

(The TQCC of Child Abuse & Neglect is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The mental functioning of school-age children in Poland since the outbreak of war in Ukraine and during the subsequent refugee crisis118
Life-course trajectories of children through the U. S foster care system95
Neglecting the impact of childhood neglect: A scoping review of the relation between child neglect and emotion regulation in adulthood95
Violence Exposure and Trauma Screener for Youth (VETSY)84
Adverse childhood experiences and trajectories of internalizing, externalizing, and prosocial behaviors from childhood to adolescence79
Characteristics that predict exposure to and subsequent intentional viewing of child sexual abuse material among a community sample of Internet users75
Exploring the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and HPV vaccination in a national sample of adults72
Underlying mechanisms of change in the effects of cognitive behavior therapy on posttraumatic stress disorders among Chinese children: Results from a randomized controlled trial61
Does mental contamination mediate the association between childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in adults?59
Longitudinal associations between childhood victimization and neuroticism from middle childhood to early adolescence58
“Instead of just taking my baby, they could've actually given me a chance”: Experiences with plans of safe care among birth parents impacted by perinatal substance use58
Facilitators and barriers to Children's Advocacy Center-based multidisciplinary teamwork56
“Who maltreats? Distinct pathways of intergenerational (dis)continuity of child maltreatment”52
Research on the trajectory and influential factors of poly-victimization: A longitudinal study of Chinese adolescents50
Childhood maltreatment, parenting style and anxiety in Chinese youths: A case-control study48
Cyberbullying involvement, parental support, and cannabis use among adolescents46
Effect sizes and effect size benchmarks in family violence research46
What drives change in children receiving telephone-delivered Common Elements Treatment Approach (t-CETA)? A multiple n = 1 study with Syrian refugee children and adolescents in Lebanon44
Deviations in criminal filings of child abuse and neglect during COVID-19 from forecasted models: An analysis of the state of Oklahoma, USA43
Adverse childhood experiences and sleep disorders among Tunisian adolescents: The mediating role of internet addiction38
Hospitalization for physical child abuse: Associated medical factors and medical history since birth38
Psychological resilience and daily stress mediate the effect of childhood trauma on depression37
Examining relationships between positive and adverse childhood experiences with physical and mental health indicators in a low-income adult sample37
The effect of parental emotional abuse on the severity and treatment of PTSD symptoms in children and adolescents36
Associations between childhood maltreatment and educational, health and economic outcomes among middle-aged Chinese: The moderating role of relative poverty36
Educational strengths and functional resilience at the start of primary school following child maltreatment35
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and substance use: A meta-analysis34
Adverse childhood experiences and positive psychotic symptoms: A nationally representative study in Singapore34
Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients34
Does screening for maternal ACEs in prenatal care predict pregnancy health risk above and beyond demographic and routine mental health screening?33
Comparisons of violence exposure within and across contexts in predicting depression among Chinese children and adolescents33
Cooperative guardian offenders and sentencing outcomes: Evidence from criminal sentencing documents of child trafficking crime in China33
So close yet so different: Neighborhood inequality and child maltreatment33
Psychological maltreatment: Definition and reporting barriers among American professionals in the field of child abuse33
Adverse childhood experiences and all-cause mortality risk in adulthood33
Prevalence and associated factors of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in a sample of Brazilian university students32
A commentary32
Social and demographic characteristics of child maltreatment fatalities among children ages 5–17 years32
Abuse and neglect correlates of poor mental health among 15-year-old schoolchildren in a southeast European country32
Skeletal survey yields in low vs. high risk pediatric patients with skull fractures32
“Stigmatization and perceived dangerousness for intrafamilial child sexual abuse of fathers with a history of sexual offenses and paraphilic interests: Results from a survey of legal psychological exp31
Highlights from the first-ever violence against children and youth survey conducted exclusively in a humanitarian setting31
Childhood trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms in adolescents and young adults: The mediating role of mentalizing and emotion regulation strategies30
Educators' experiences of coping with cases of child abuse and neglect: Challenges and supports30
Risk and protective factors for children's psychopathology in the context of domestic violence – A study using nationally representative longitudinal survey data29
Longitudinal impacts of adverse childhood experiences on multidimensional health outcomes: Predicting trajectories in mental, physical, and behavioral health29
A pilot study of the adverse childhood experiences-dimensions questionnaire (ACE-DQ): Associations with depression29
How do young people who have experienced parental intimate partner abuse make sense of romantic relationships? A qualitative analysis29
Trauma behind the keyboard: Exploring disparities in child sexual abuse materials exposure and mental health factors among investigators and forensic examiners – A network analysis29
Understanding female adolescent ‘runaways’ and the implications of their decisions in Tigray, northern Ethiopia28
Childhood victimization and poly-victimization of online sexual offenders: A developmental psychopathology perspective28
Association between maternal adverse childhood experiences and child resilience and self-esteem: Results from the K-CHILD study28
Nothing About Us Without Us: Using Participatory Action Research (PAR) and arts-based methods as empowerment and social justice tools in doing research with youth ‘aging out’ of care28
“Not understanding but feeling guilty at the same time”: The peritraumatic responses of CSA survivors from the Muslim Arab community in Israel27
Parathyroid hormone changes in infants investigated for inflicted injury; an observational retrospective single centre cohort study27
An integrated review of social information processing as a mechanism in the association between maltreatment and depression among youth of color27
Applying Socio-Emotional Information Processing theory to explain child abuse risk: Emerging patterns from the COVID-19 pandemic27
Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their association with suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-injury among incarcerated methamphetamine users in Japan27
Addressing challenges at the intersection of early intervention and child welfare26
Corporal punishment bans and adolescent suicide rates: An international ecological study26
The characteristics of children referred to a child protection team in Japan and factors associated with decision-making: A retrospective study using a medical database26
Child maltreatment, parent-child relationship quality, and parental monitoring in relation to adolescent behavior problems: Disaggregating between and within person effects26
The impacts of COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ foster youth alumni26
The experience of childhood sexual abuse: An exploratory description of psychological and adaptive functioning in Canadian men25
Abusive head trauma in infants: An observational single centre study comparing developmental and functional outcome between 18 months and 5 years25
From entertainment to extortion: Tunisian children's online experiences25
Association between rumination and drug craving in Chinese male methamphetamine use disorder patients with childhood trauma25
A pathway analysis of the impact of childhood domestic violence on depression in middle-aged and elderly people from the perspective of life course25
The monthly incidence of abusive head trauma, inflicted skeletal trauma, and unexplained skin lesion in children in six French university hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic24
In memoriam: Dr. Fred Rogosch24
Longitudinal associations between cyber victimization and problematic mobile phone use in adolescents: Disentangling between-person effects from within-person effects24
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board24
Nuances in the effect of types of intimate partner violence on aspects of child development: Evidence from the Philippines24
Prospective effects of peer support and gender roles on the mental health and work functioning of child protection workers exposed to potentially traumatic events24
Effects of a Nurturing Care Group behavior change program on child protection outcomes in Ghana: A controlled before and after trial24
The prevalence of emotional abuse in children living in Sub-Saharan Africa – A systematic review24
A social network analysis of perpetrators of child maltreatment reported by youth in foster care24
Human capital and child protection: A research framework in the CRC context24
“We were there all alone”: Sexual abuse within the peer group in boarding schools in Israel – Retrospective perceptions of adult survivors24
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and contraceptive use among young adults in Honduras23
A study on the subjectivity of South Korean parents regarding corporal punishment in early childhood23
Overcoming the soul wound: Reflecting on experiences and resilience of intergenerational residential school survivors23
Exploring the health burden of cumulative and specific adverse childhood experiences in New Zealand: Results from a population-based study23
Effect of therapeutic competence, adherence, and alliance on treatment outcome in youth with PTSD treated with developmentally adapted cognitive processing therapy23
Addressing the overrepresentation of Black children in Ontario's child welfare system: insights from child welfare workers and community service providers22
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board22
A response to Evangelist et al., 202322
“Invisible” children: A multiple case study on the experiences and protection of hospital-stranded children22
Letter to the Editor re: Narang et al. on overturned abusive head trauma and shaken baby syndrome convictions22
“There are talibés and talibés”: Exploring the boundaries of the category of talibés who beg22
Predictive model for intra-familial child maltreatment re-reports and recurrence in South Korea: Analysis of national child protection services case records22
Racial sensitivity training: An inadequate solution to systemic racial disparities in child protection systems22
Generation of innocents become enduring victims of a terrible war: Vulnerabilities of children and adolescents in Syria22
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board22
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board21
The deinstitutionalization of children and adolescents in El Salvador's child protection system21
Learning from child welfare staff experiences during the pandemic: Practices to maintain and discontinue21
A gap in the data: Defining, identifying, and tracking children with medical complexity in the child welfare system21
‘Cold feet’: The attrition of historic child sexual abuse cases reported to the police in a Northern Canadian Territory21
Early adverse childhood experiences and adolescent sleep outcomes21
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board20
Female teachers' child abuse reporting role in Oman: Results from focus groups20
Severity of post-traumatic stress disorder and childhood abuse in adult crime victims as mediated by low resilience and dysfunctional coping strategies20
Growing up unequal: Objective and subjective economic disparities and authoritarian parenting20
Child torture victimization: Review of criminal statutes and medico-legal issues20
A systematic review of factors associated with disclosure of child sexual abuse20
Childhood psychiatric outcomes in the context of suspected neglect and abuse reports related and unrelated to parental substance use20
The management of childhood sexual abuse by midwifery, nursing and medical providers in Tanzania19
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board19
Pocket ACE: Child sexual abuse survivors missed by the ACEs Study Questionnaire19
Developmental factors associated with inappropriate coping strategies among sexual aggressors of children19
Indigenous youth wellbeing: Risk and resilience19
Building police capability in child protection in Kenya19
Risk and protective factors of mental health in children in residential care: A nationwide study from Luxembourg19
Mother-child reporting discrepancies of child physical abuse: Associations with internalizing and externalizing symptoms19
The role of fellowship experience in decreasing burnout for child abuse pediatricians19
Changing the paradigm: Using strategic communications to promote recognition of child sexual abuse as a preventable public health problem19
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board18
Retinal hemorrhages due to intracranial hypertension, is it possible to differentiate them from those associated with abuse?18
Pathways to Adolescent Emotional and Behavioral Problems: An Examination of Maternal Depression and Harsh Parenting18
Sexual aggression against males: Differences between acts by males and females – Results from the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)18
Virtual education can perpetuate anti-black racism18
Dimensions of family stress and repetitive nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescence: Examining the interactive effects of impulsivity and emotion dysregulation18
Caregiver adverse childhood experiences and preschool externalizing problems: The role of factors that contribute to caregiver resilience18
Child maltreatment and emergency department visits: a longitudinal birth cohort study from infancy to early adulthood18
Changes in Attachment Disorder symptoms in children internationally adopted and in residential care18
Foster care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of caregiver and professional experiences17
Factor structure and internal consistency of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool Parent Version (ICAST-P) in a cross-country pooled data set in nine Balkan countries17
“They are your sub-group”: The experience of siblinghood in out-of-home placements as conveyed by adults who aged out of family group homes in Israel17
Factors related to medical neglect recurrence and foster care and adoption services17
Applying shared decision-making to screening for trauma and adversity in youth17
Childhood sexual abuse and suicide attempts in patients with substance use disorders: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation17
Childcare subsidy receipt and reduced emotional neglect: Examining parents' enhanced self-efficacy as a mediator17
Child exposure to violence and self-regulation in South African preschool-age children from low-income settings17
Individual, family, and social correlates of flourishing outcomes among youth: Findings from the 2016–2017 National Survey of Children's Health17
An updated examination of the predictors of running away from foster care in the United States and trends over ten years (2010–2019)17
The impact of childhood sexual abuse and paternal rejection on economic marginalization in adulthood: A prospective population-based study of women in Sweden17
Intergenerational transmission of physical abuse, probability of conviction, and laws against abuse in Tunisia16
Parental absence as an adverse childhood experience among young adults in sub-Saharan Africa16
Executive functioning in child victims of sexual abuse: A multi-informant comparative study16
Editorial: Letter from Christine Wekerle, the outgoing editor-in-chief of child abuse & neglect16
Child safety decisions and parental mental health problems: A new analysis of mediating factors16
A review on clotting disorders and retinal hemorrhages: Can they mimic abuse?16
Supporting resilience among young people at risk of child abuse in Ethiopia: The role of social system alignment16
An introduction to twenty-five years of adverse childhood experiences: A special issue16
Child disciplinary practices, abuse, and neglect: Findings from a formative study in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe16
Professional and informal help-seeking among low-income adolescents exposed to violence in the community and at school16
Child maltreatment investigations: Comparing children, families, and reasons for referral in three European countries15
The use of corporal punishment against children in Myanmar: An analysis of data from the 2015–2016 Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey15
Chest CT in the evaluation of child abuse – When is it useful?15
How do physical and emotional abuse affect depression and problematic behaviors in adolescents? The roles of emotional regulation and anger15
Estimating the incidence of substance exposed newborns with child welfare system involvement15
Cyberbullying victimization and nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents: The role of maladaptive schemas and dispositional mindfulness15
A quasi-experimental study of the Multi-Agency Investigation & Support Team (MIST): A collaborative response to child sexual abuse15
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown: Domestic and child abuse in Bridgend15
Child maltreatment and substances use throughout adolescence and adulthood: Data from a Brazilian Birth Cohort15
Mediating effects of parent-child relationship on the association between childhood maltreatment and depressive symptoms among adolescents15
A contemporary case file analysis of child sexual abuse in institutional settings in England and Wales15
From parental issues of job and finance to child well-being and maltreatment: A systematic review of the pandemic-related spillover effect15
Exposure to violence, polyvictimization and youth's mental health and alcohol use in El Salvador15
Positive reading achievement outcomes in children who experience out-of-home care: Characteristics and predictors15
Dimensionality and measurement invariance of the Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale in adolescents from community and residential youth care14
Childhood maltreatment and mentalizing capacity: A meta-analysis14
Engaging community voices to assess Kenya’s strengths and limitations to support a child maltreatment prevention program14
Contact with mothers for children in out-of-home-care: Group-based trajectory modelling from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS)14
Swedish child homicide investigations: A population-based study 1998 to 201714
Characteristics of child abuse fatalities: Insights from a statewide violent death reporting system14
Understanding healthcare services response to technology - assisted child sexual abuse: A freedom of information study14
Child maltreatment in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: A proposed global framework on research, policy and practice14
Impact of paternal psychiatric disorders on parents-baby separation after mother-baby unit care14
Reasons for admission to service and overrepresentation of Black youth in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada: Does race matter?14
How to prepare for conversations with children about suspicions of sexual abuse? Evaluation of an interactive virtual reality training for student teachers14
Trajectories of homelessness and association with mental health and substance use disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia14
Childhood trauma and factors influencing primary school teachers' reporting of child abuse: Insights from Italy14
Subdural hemorrhage in a cohort with cerebral sinovenous thrombosis: Application to abusive head trauma14
Comparison of ACE-IQ and CTQ-SF for child maltreatment assessment: Reliability, prevalence, and risk prediction14
The continuation of non-physical abuse from childhood to adulthood in eating disorder patients: An interpretative phenomenological analysis14
Sexual abuse and disclosure concerns of youth in foster care14
Trajectories for children and young people who experience out of home care: Examining the influences of pre-care characteristics on later wellbeing and placement stability14
Left behind? Educational disadvantage, child protection, and foster care14
The longitudinal relationship between childhood trauma and adolescents' externalizing problems: A moderated mediation model14
The influence of sexual violence on suicide risk among runaway youth in South Korea: The multiple additive moderating effect of peer attachment and parental attachment14
Verbal, physical and sexual dating violence among a population-based sample of teens: Does exposure to intimate partner violence in the home account for the association between dating violence and men13
Adverse childhood experiences and associations with mental health, substance use, and violence perpetration among young adults in sub-Saharan Africa13
Innovations from the launch of the child sexual abuse reduction research network13
Executive functions as a mediator of childhood maltreatment on adult psychopathology: A longitudinal mediation analysis comparing maltreatment factor models13
Emerging adult college students' descriptions of exposure to childhood emotional abuse and associated factors: A qualitative exploration13
Noticing the unutilized resource of siblinghood: Key conclusions from a scoping review about siblings in out-of-home placements13
The relationship between bullying victimization and problematic behaviors: A focus on the intrapersonal emotional competence and interpersonal social competence13
Disclosing the abuse: The effect of ethnoreligious identity on CSA disclosure in forensic interviews13
The prevalence of child sexual abuse perpetrated by leaders or other adults in religious organizations in Australia13
Domestic violence in families in the Netherlands during the coronavirus crisis: A mixed method study13
Youth engagement in child maltreatment research: Gaps, barriers, and approaches13
Childhood trauma exposure, age and self-compassion as predictors of later-life symptoms of depression and anxiety in American Indian adults13
The dimensionality of adverse childhood experiences: A scoping review of ACE dimensions measurement13
Longitudinal associations between traditional and cyberbullying victimization and depressive symptoms among young Chinese: A mediation analysis13
Linking childhood emotional neglect to adolescents' parent-related loneliness: Self-other differentiation and emotional detachment from parents as mediators13
Understanding factors associated with re-referral of youth for commercial sexual exploitation13
Direct and indirect factors associated with child marriage: Evidence from India using NFHS-4 data13
Effects of a behavioral intervention with foster families: A randomized controlled trial13
Let it go, let it go: Stop measuring child maltreatment as a binary yes/no13
The association of subcortical brain injury and abusive head trauma13
Prevalence and factors related to dating violence victimization and perpetration among a representative sample of adolescents and young adults in Haiti13
Racial/ethnic disproportionality in reunification across U.S. child welfare systems12
A collective impact approach to supporting youth transitioning out of government care12
Growing stronger together: Implementing the Strengthening Families Program with Indigenous communities12
Understanding the overrepresentation of Black children in Ontario's child welfare system: Perspectives from child welfare workers and community service providers12
Violence and abuse experiences and associated risk factors during the COVID-19 outbreak in a population-based sample of Norwegian adolescents12
Readiness assessment for implementation of a large scale child maltreatment prevention program in Qatar12
Child maltreatment and adolescent externalizing behavior: Examining the indirect and cross-lagged pathways of prosocial peer activities12
Understanding how peers respond to online child maltreatment disclosures: A qualitative content analysis of family violence discussions on social media12
Associations between childhood maltreatment and suicidal ideation in depressed adolescents: The mediating effect of alexithymia and insomnia12
Longitudinal links among paternal and maternal harsh parenting, adolescent emotional dysregulation and short-form video addiction12
Exploring youth voices in a pre-college program: Implications for policy, practice & research12
School-based prevention education for children and youth with intellectual developmental disabilities12
When a house is never a home: Housing instability among youth affected by parental drug abuse12
Australian foster carers' views of supporting maternal breastfeeding and attachment in out-of-home care12
Association of harsh parenting and maltreatment with internet addiction, and the mediating role of bullying and social support12
Effectiveness of the caregiver support intervention on child psychosocial wellbeing among Syrian refugees in Lebanon: Mediation and secondary analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial12
Modelling the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent discipline against children11
Health, stress, and well-being in Swiss adult survivors of child welfare practices and child labor: Investigating the mediating role of socio-economic factors11
Peer victimization, environmental and psychological distress, and academic performance among children in China: A serial mediation model moderated by migrant status11
Maternal childhood abuse and neglect predicts offspring development in early childhood: The roles of reflective functioning and child sex11
Maternal adverse childhood experiences, executive function & emotional availability in mother-child dyads11
Interprofessional perspectives on ACEs: Results from a statewide interprofessional training program11
Primary emotional systems, childhood trauma, and suicidal ideation in youths with bipolar disorders11
A systematic review of positive childhood experiences and adult outcomes: Promotive and protective processes for resilience in the context of childhood adversity11
Child maltreatment, lifetime trauma, and mental health in Swiss older survivors of enforced child welfare practices: Investigating the mediating role of self-esteem and self-compassion11
The influence of adverse and positive childhood experiences on young people's mental health and experiences of self-harm and suicidal ideation11
Violence among adolescents: A study of overlapping of bullying, cyberbullying, sexual harassment, dating violence and cyberdating violence11
Explaining child maltreatment and aggression among Chinese drug user: The mediating and moderating roles of drug craving and impulsivity11
Caseload factors predictive of family abuse and neglect treatment outcomes11
A community-based study of the impact of trauma exposure on school-aged children's self-concept and improvements following TF-CBT11
Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their cumulative impact associated lifetime health outcomes in the Emirate of Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates11
Increased proportion of physical child abuse injuries at a level I pediatric trauma center during the Covid-19 pandemic11
The intergenerational transmission of executive function: The mediating effect of parental harsh discipline11
In their own words: Child and adolescent perceptions of caregiver stress during early COVID-1911
Sexual orientation differences in childhood sexual abuse, suicide attempts, and DSM-5 alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, and mental health disorders in the US11
Posttraumatic growth, spiritual damage, and psychosocial and mental health problems in survivors of clergy-perpetrated child sexual abuse: A mixed methods approach11
Maternal adverse childhood experiences, child resilience factors, and child mental health problems: A multi-wave study11
A qualitative study on the implementation of a transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for children in a child welfare residential treatment program11
Response to query regarding: Hymel KP, Boos SC, Armijo-Garcia V, Musick M, Weeks K, Haney SB, Marinello M, Herman BE, Frazier TN, Carroll CL, Even K, and Wang M. An analysis of physicians' diagnostic 11
Adverse childhood experiences and adult outcomes using a causal framework perspective: Challenges and opportunities10
The consequences of childhood maltreatment on dual-diagnosis psychiatric conditions and clinical outcomes in substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis10
Violence and sexual abuse rates before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: A prospective population-based study on Norwegian youth10
Childhood emotional maltreatment and psychological richness among Chinese adolescents: The mediating effect of gratitude10
Parenting-related abuse among women survivors of attempted intimate partner homicide10
Sexual exploitation of children: Barriers for boys in accessing social supports for victimization10
State-level structural sexism and adolescent sexual violence victimization in the US10
Adverse childhood experiences and multimorbidity among middle-aged and older adults: Evidence from China10