Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(A journal has H4-Index of h when h of its past four year's publications has h citations, whereby h is the highest possible number that renders the former statement true. The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal H4-Index
1 Technology in Society73
2 Accident Analysis and Prevention49
3 Patient Education and Counseling35
4 SAGE Open32
5 International Journal of Qualitative Methods29
- Journal of Safety Research29
7 Social Indicators Research27
- Big Data & Society27
9 Archives of Sexual Behavior24
10 Systems23
11 Human Relations22
12 International Journal of Intercultural Relations21
- Journal of Happiness Studies21
- Qualitative Health Research21
- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science21
16 American Behavioral Scientist19
- Applied Research in Quality of Life19
18 Journal of Sex Research18
- Sexuality Research and Social Policy18
- Social Science Computer Review18
- Globalizations18
- Journal of Homosexuality18
- Journal of Youth Studies18
24 Qualitative Research17
25 Journal of Risk Research16
- Policy Sciences16
- Disability & Society16
- Child Indicators Research16
29 International Journal of Sexual Health15
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology15
- Daedalus15
- Disasters15
33 Journal of Mixed Methods Research14
- Youth & Society14
- Journal of Gender Studies14
- Public Opinion Quarterly14
- Qualitative Inquiry14
- Adolescent Research Review14
- Cultural Trends14
40 Evaluation and Program Planning13
- Group Decision and Negotiation13
- Systems Research and Behavioral Science13
43 RSF-The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences12
- Social Inclusion12
- Emotion Space and Society12
- Young12
47 International Journal of Heritage Studies11
- Journal of Children and Media11
- Minerva11
- Social Epistemology11
- Social Science Journal11
52 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews10
- Crime Law and Social Change10
- JASSS-The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation10
- Race and Social Problems10
- American Journal of Evaluation10
- Critical Social Policy10
- Evaluation10
- Evidence & Policy10
60 Human Organization9
- Race & Class9
- Society9
- Time & Society9
- Adaptive Behavior9
- Clothing and Textiles Research Journal9
- Cross-Cultural Research9
67 Island Studies Journal8
- Longitudinal and Life Course Studies8
- New Perspectives on Turkey8
- Childhood-A Global Journal of Child Research8
- Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales8
- Space Policy8
73 Field Methods7
- GLQ-A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies7
- Journal of Black Studies7
- Journal of East Asian Studies7
- Social & Legal Studies7
- Journal of Poverty and Social Justice7
- Negotiation Journal7
- Semiotica7
81 Science & Society6
- Social Science Japan Journal6
- Action Research6
84 Travail Genre et Societes5
- Zeitschrift fuer Sexualforschung5
- Revista de Estudios Sociales5
- Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning5
88 Movimento-Porto Alegre4
- Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales4
- Dados-Revista de Ciencias Sociais4
- Trames-Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences4
92 Andamios3
- Social Philosophy & Policy3
- Zeitschrift fuer Evaluation3
- Continuity and Change3
96 Asian Journal of Social Science2