Journal of Children and Media

(The H4-Index of Journal of Children and Media is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Introducing the Social Media Literacy (SMILE) model with the case of the positivity bias on social media63
How educational are “educational” apps for young children? App store content analysis using the Four Pillars of Learning framework53
In-home video chat for young children and their incarcerated parents30
“Snaps”, “screenshots”, and self-blame: A qualitative study of image-based sexual abuse victimization among adolescent Danish girls29
“Where are you?” An observational exploration of parental technoference in public places in the US and Israel23
Front liners fighting fake news: global perspectives on mobilising young people as media literacy advocates21
Who’s modeling STEM for kids? A character analysis of children’s STEM-focused television in the US20
Developing evaluation tools for assessing the educational potential of apps for preschool children in the UK18
Kidfluencer exposure, materialism, and U.S. tweens’ purchase of sponsored products14
A randomized controlled trial of an educational app to improve preschoolers’ emergent literacy skills13
Online and offline victimisation: a cluster analysis of adolescent victims of bullying and cyber-bullying in Chile13
Review of feedback in edutainment games for preschoolers in the USA12
Picture perfect during a pandemic? Body image concerns and depressive symptoms in U.S. adolescent girls during the COVID-19 lockdown12