Journal of Mixed Methods Research

(The H4-Index of Journal of Mixed Methods Research is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Inductive/Deductive Hybrid Thematic Analysis in Mixed Methods Research145
Applying Core Quality Criteria of Mixed Methods Research to an Empirical Study40
Retroductive Theorizing: A Contribution of Critical Realism to Mixed Methods Research38
Accelerating Mixed Methods Research With Natural Language Processing of Big Text Data32
He awa whiria—A “Braided River”: An Indigenous Māori Approach to Mixed Methods Research25
Virtual Special Issue on “Quality in Mixed Methods Research”23
Integrating Without Quantitizing: Two Examples of Deductive Analysis Strategies Within Qualitatively Driven Mixed Methods Research20
Qualitative Vignette Experiments: A Mixed Methods Design18
Fa’afaletui: A Pacific Research Framework18
Methodological Bricolage and COVID-19: An Illustration From Innovative, Novel, and Adaptive Environmental Behavior Change Research17
Reported Methodological Challenges in Empirical Mixed Methods Articles: A Review on JMMR and IJMRA16
Conducting Mixed Methods Research Systematic Methodological Reviews: A Review of Practice and Recommendations14
Advancing Quality Standards in Mixed Methods Research: Extending the Legitimation Typology13
Weight of Evidence: Participatory Methods and Bayesian Updating to Contextualize Evidence Synthesis in Stakeholders’ Knowledge13