Field of Research: Clinical Medicine » Category: Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine

Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The TQCC is the top quartile citation count: if all publications of a journal are sorted by citation count in descending order, then the TQCC is the citation count of the publication residing at the end of the top quartile; for example, given 100 publications, the TQCC is the citation count of the 25th ranked paper. The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01)
Rank Journal TQCC
1 International Journal of Oral Science27
2 Periodontology 200020
3 Japanese Dental Science Review14
4 Journal of Dental Research13
5 Clinical Oral Investigations12
6 International Endodontic Journal9
- Journal of Clinical Periodontology9
8 Progress in Orthodontics8
- Dental Materials8
- International Journal of Implant Dentistry8
11 Journal of Dentistry7
- Dentomaxillofacial Radiology7
13 Journal of Periodontal Research6
- Clinical Oral Implants Research6
- Journal of Endodontics6
- Journal of Periodontology6
- Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research6
18 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry5
- Korean Journal of Orthodontics5
- Angle Orthodontist5
- European Journal of Orthodontics5
- Head & Face Medicine5
- Journal of Prosthodontic Research5
- Archives of Oral Biology5
25 Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics4
- Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry4
- Journal of Oral Rehabilitation4
- Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry4
- BMC Oral Health4
- Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology4
- Dental Traumatology4
- Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine4
- Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science4
- Dental Materials Journal4
- European Journal of Oral Sciences4
36 International Journal of Prosthodontics3
- Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery3
- Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics-Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie3
- Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery3
- Molecular Oral Microbiology3
- Operative Dentistry3
- Oral Diseases3
- Oral Radiology3
- Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research3
- Acta Odontologica Scandinavica3
- Australian Dental Journal3
- Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal3
- European Journal of Dental Education3
- International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants3
- Journal of Applied Oral Science3
- Journal of Dental Sciences3
- Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice3
- Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache3
- Odontology3
- Oral Oncology3
- American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics3
- Australian Endodontic Journal3
- Cranio-The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice3
- Gerodontology3
60 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery2
- International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry2
- Journal of Oral Science2
- Journal of Public Health Dentistry2
- Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal2
- Seminars in Orthodontics2
- Caries Research2
- International Journal of Dental Hygiene2
- International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery2
- International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry2
70 Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry1
- Journal of Oral Implantology1
- British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery1
- Journal of Dental Education1
- Journal of the American Dental Association1
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America1
76 Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology0
- British Dental Journal0
- International Dental Journal0