Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

(The TQCC of Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial board71
Four decades of treatment for actinic cheilitis: Outcomes, challenges, and the introduction of a new clinical index39
Ocular injuries among oral and maxillofacial surgeons: Have high risk or not? An overview of a two-centered experience38
Asymptomatic palatine swelling with rapid worsening of young children34
Level IIB dissection in early stages cT1-T2 oral squamous cell carcinomas: pros and cons33
Combined mentalis weakening and periosteal flaps in mandibular anterior alveolar corticotomy-assisted orthodontics with bone grafting25
Non-coding RNAs transcribed from ultra-conserved regions (T-UCRs) are differentially expressed in dental follicle tissues of impacted mandibular third molars25
Is panoramic radiography adequate for diagnosing coronoid process hyperplasia? A case series23
Mandibular revascularization using a humeral periosteal free flap: A technical note23
Epidemiology of facial skin cancers managed in a French ambulatory surgical center23
Novel role of CD34+ stromal cells/telocytes in oral submucous fibrosis development and its malignant transformation21
A distraction assembly system with fully-customized fixation plate unit and factory-manufactured distraction unit: Overview and accuracy validation for mandibular distraction osteogenesis20
Stem cell therapy: A new path in tackling oral cancer19
Intra-arterial chemoradiotherapy for oral cancer: Superiority of intensity-modulated radiation therapy over three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy18
Correlation between the three-dimensional hyoid bone parameters and pharyngeal airway dimensions in different sagittal and vertical malocclusions18
Comparison of the biomechanical properties of internal fixation materials for zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures, A finite element analysis18
Prediction of postoperative dysphagia in patients with oral cancer: A prospective cohort study18
Introducing article numbering and article-based publishing to the Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery17
Protocols in the management of cleft lip and palate: A systematic review17
Coming Events17
Association between chewing side preference and MRI characteristics in patients with anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint17
Severe oligodontia: Towards fully planned pre-prosthetic surgery17
A novel post stamp technique for conservative management of OKC: Rai Technique16
Engineered Dex: A promising therapeutic strategy for oral squamous cell carcinoma16
A viable method to replace the metal trocar drill guide in the inaccessibility of the long sagittal drill for mandibular fixation in BSSO15
Editorial board15
Accidental displacement of mandibular Third molars into the submandibular space – Two case reports, a suggested surgical approach and management algorithm14
Endoscopic Temporalis Tendon Extension (ETTE)14
A fatty reaction to hypofunction14
Effectiveness of tranexamic acid in orthognathic surgery: A systematic review of systematic reviews14
Patient-related and anesthesia-dependent determinants for postoperative delirium after oral and maxillofacial surgery. Results from a register-based case-control study14
Comparative evaluation of the trabecular structure of the mandibular condyle, the levels of salivary cortisol, MMP-3, TNF-α, IL-1β in individuals with and without temporomandibular joint disorder14
Comparison of locking and non-locking reconstruction plate-screw system in lateral mandibular defects by finite element analysis14
From precise surgery to precision surgery: The multiple dimensions of therapeutic precision for head and neck cancer13
Incidence and risk factors associated to Medication-Related Osteo Necrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) in patients with osteoporosis after tooth extractions. A 12-months observational cohort study13
Which sports have a higher risk of maxillofacial injuries?13
Editorial board13
A novel classification of alar retraction based on nostril exposure in Asian rhinoplasty13
Ultrasonographic evaluation of changes in the thickness, width, elasticity index and echogenic pattern of the masseter muscle after mandibular set-back surgery12
Retrospective analysis of 50,333 implants on implant failure and associated patient-related factors12
Frontal lesion after brachytherapy: What is your diagnosis?11
Comments on Dinnoo et al., 2021: ‘‘18F-FDG PET/CT for early response assessment of jaw osteoradionecrosis after the PENTOCLO protocol: A promising imaging modality’’11
Identification of copy number alternation profiles in metastatic oral squamous carcinoma patients by using microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization: A study on Turkish patients11
Efficacy and safety of NAHAO® hydrogel in amelioration of chemoradiotherapy-induced oral mucositis: An preliminary clinical study (ChiCTR2200064766)11
Injection of sodium hypochlorite into soft tissues of the oral cavity: A literature review with clinical preventive recommendations11
Finite element analysis of different internal fixation methods for the treatment of atrophic mandible fractures11
Factors affecting duration of post-surgical orthodontics in the Surgery First/Early Approach: A retrospective study11
Editorial board10
Brucea javanica oil inhibits tongue squamous cell invasion and metastasis by regulating miR-138-EZH2 pathway10
Radiological evaluation of inferior alveolar nerve displacement after removal of impacted mandibular third molars prior to sagittal split osteotomy10
Comparison of alternative N-staging models in patients with oral cancer. Is nodal yield or burden the most critical parameter?10
Do zirconia dental implants present better clinical results than titanium dental implants? A systematic review and meta-analysis10
Management of postoperative outcomes of polytetrafluoroethylene membranes in alveolar ridge reconstruction: a systematic review10
Three-dimensional radiographic assessment of immediate implant placement in the posterior mandible: A novel parameter-based classification10
Assessment of pulp volume changes after surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion9
Replantation of a lip thrown in the bin9
Editorial board9
The TSAR-osteotomy, a total subapical and ramus osteotomy: A technical note9
Could treatment with botulinum toxin protect against subsequent infection with COVID-19?9
Nasal cavity shape in unilateral choanal atresia and the role of fetal ventilation in facial growth9
Maxillary sinus volume and facial asymmetry after unilateral zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture reduction with 2, 3, and 4 fixation points: CBCT-based investigation9
Can natural language processing serve as a consultant in oral surgery?9
Hirudin enhances perforator flap survival: Clinical application report and mechanistic exploration9
Role of elective neck dissection in prognosis of N0M0 maxillary sinus squamous cell carcinoma: Insights from SEER database analysis9
Cytotoxicity evaluation of Chlorhexidine and Blue®M applied to a human gingival fibroblast (HGF-1) and keratinocytes (NOK-SI): In vitro study9
Letter to the Editor: Can ChatGPT be used in oral and maxillofacial surgery?9
Strip pharyngoplasty as a secondary functional surgery for persistent velopharyngeal insufficiency in cleft palate9
Prophylaxis of microvascular thrombosis using direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) in microvascular free tissue transplantation – a pilot study9
Facial visual attention to menton deviation: An objective evaluation by laypeople8
Ossifying fasciitis of the chin: A case report8
Paradoxical bulging after botulinum toxin injection8
Comment on: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, a risk to reassess in osteoporotic patients8
Secondary healing property using Neoveil®, a polyglycolic acid bioabsorbable sheet on the oral mucosal defects8
Transmucosal posterior segmentation in the context of minimally invasive Le Fort I osteotomy: Technical note8
Application of an assembled surgical guide for lateral approach sinus augmentation and sinus septum management: A technical note8
Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome with AIRE mutation: A case report8
Re: Khattak YR, et al. Extended total temporomandibular joint reconstruction prosthesis: A comprehensive analysis8
Need for randomized clinical Trials on the management of pain, inflammation and trismus in surgery of impacted third molars8
Evaluation of the relationship between temporomandibular joint disorders and tinnitus with computed tomography8
Combination of a surgical template and a collagen strip for guiding sinus floor elevation in the oblique sinus floor: A technical note8
Quantitative analysis of soft tissue sagging after lateral midface fractures: A 10-year retrospective study8
Reconstruction of parotid duct defect with autologous vein graft and vascular coupler after buccal mucosa cancer resection7
Superficial temporal artery perforator flap for reconstruction of periorbital and eyelid defects, a variant of the classic flaps dissected in perforator flap7
A German AWMF’s S2e/realist synthesis and meta-narrative snapshot of craniomaxillofacial manifestations in COVID-19 patients: Rapid living update on 1 January 20217
Possible association of methotrexate use with osteonecrosis of the jaw: Systematic review7
Oral and maxillofacial manifestations of human immunodefficiency virus infection7
Comparison of sedative effects of intramuscular and intranasal midazolam for pediatric laceration repair in dental emergency department: A randomized controlled study7
Optimizing drug regimens and supplementation in orthognathic surgery: A comprehensive and practical guide7
Classification of pedicle ossification after maxillofacial reconstruction with bony free flap: An observational study7
Comparison of bicortical, miniplate and hybrid fixation techniques in mandibular advancement and counterclockwise rotation: A finite element analysis study7
Accuracy of orthognathic surgery with customized titanium plates – Systematic review7
Use of alternative drugs to penicillins as a possible risk factor in dental implant treatment7
In reply to Chatzopoulos et. al (
Knowledge and attitudes of French dentists on bone resorption inhibitors (bisphosphonates and denosumab): A cross-sectional study7
Evaluation of the effect of changes in cephalometric values after orthognathic surgery on estimated age and facial aesthetics7
Secondary thrombocytopenia after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: Report of a case of hemorrhage and hematoma after minor oral surgery7
Association of gut microbiome and oral cavity cancer: A two sample mendelian randomization and case-control study7
Editorial board7
Assessing the role of Osteopontin in prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma- A systematic review7
Oral carcinoma cuniculatum, a rare variant of squamous cell carcinoma6
Correlations with clinical and radiologic findings and prevalence of osteopenia/osteoporosis in the patients with bilateral temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis6
Nintedanib-induced osteomyelitis of the jaw against the background of COVID-19 infection6
Accuracy of mandibular anterior subapical osteotomy by virtual planning in orthognathic surgery using patient-specific implants6
A reliable and reproducible method for repositioning 3D images to calculate changes in facial volume after orthognathic surgery6
A detailed radiomorphometric analysis of the mandibular foramen, lingula and anti-lingula with a special emphasis on mandibular prognathism6
Immediate implant placement with simultaneous bone augmentation versus delayed implant placement following alveolar ridge preservation: A clinical and radiographic study6
Indications and complications regarding titanium osteosynthesis in pediatric maxillofacial trauma: A scoping review and critical appraisal6
Managing the severely atrophic maxilla: Farewell to zygomatic implants and extensive augmentations?6
A comprehensive consolidation of data on the relationship between IRF6 polymorphisms and non-syndromic cleft lip/palate susceptibility: From 79 case-control studies6
A robust deep learning model for the classification of dental implant brands6
Editorial board6
Intentional craniofacial remodelling in Europe in the XIXth century: Quantitative evidence of soft tissue modifications from Toulouse, France6
Evaluation of the efficacy of a custom-made monoblock mandibular advancement device in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome6
Metastatic parotid gland malignancy: A preliminary study in an eastern Chinese population6
Long-term vertical stability of horseshoe osteotomy for the correction of large vertical excess of the maxilla, a retrospective assessment in 15 patients6
Ulcers on the bilateral palate mucosa following mRNA-based vaccination for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A case report6
Top 100 cited publications in the field of third molar surgery: A bibliometric analysis6
Impact of bone levels on stress distribution around all-on-four concept: A 3-D finite element analysis6
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: Evaluation of a therapeutic strategy in oral surgery6
Three-dimensional comprehensive evaluation of unilateral alveolar cleft bone grafting with iliac bone and chin bone blocks6
The relationship between the articular disc in magnetic resonance imaging and the condyle in cone beam computed tomography: A retrospective study6
3D-printed contact-free devices designed and dispatched against the COVID-19 pandemic: The 3D COVID initiative6
Influence of differences in mandibular incisor inclination on skeletal stability after orthognathic surgery in patients with skeletal class III malocclusion6
Research on the role of cellular autophagy in the sensitivity of human tongue cancer cells to radiotherapy and chemotherapy6
Risk factors for postoperative facial swelling at 1 week after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery in Class III patients6
Monkeypox oral lesions6
Synergistic effect of platelet rich plasma with hyaluronic acid injection following arthrocentesis to reduce pain and improve function in TMJ osteoarthritis6
Clinical study of immediate implant placement in posterior maxillary region assisted by dynamic real-time navigation: A randomized controlled trial6
WITHDRAWN: A comparison of ear amputations replantation techniques5
Comparison of the accuracy of dental implant placement using static and dynamic computer-assisted systems: an in vitro study5
Impact of histological tumor grade on the behavior and prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity5
Prospective cohort study on short-term evaluation of septoplasty as early management of naso-septal fractures - A correlation of clinical outcomes with computational fluid dynamic parameters5
“Comparison of the efficacy of Erich arch bars, IMF screws and SMART Lock Hybrid arch bars in the management of mandibular fractures- A Randomized clinical study”5
Science mapping analysis of maxillofacial reconstruction over the last four decades5
What is the current state of artificial intelligence applications in dentistry and orthodontics?5
Effectiveness of treatment by coronoidectomy and active rehabilitation in Langenbeck or Jacob diseases. A retrospective study of 20 cases5
Surgical management of stage-2 medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw with transplantation of human amniotic membrane: Preliminary results5
Is medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw around implants a rare entity? A case series with a focus on etiopathophysiology5
Bridging the knowledge–Practice gap: Insights from a survey of Belgian dental professionals on diagnosis and supportive oral cancer treatment in comparison with international guidelines5
Utilization of harmonic scalpel for the bloodless surgical management of a vascular lesion of the tongue and review of the literature5
Throat packing via nasopharyngeal airway for severe trismus cases requiring surgical intervention under general anesthesia: A simplified and innovative approach5
MRI investigation of TMJ disc and articular eminence morphology in patients with disc displacement5
The extra-osseous odontogenic keratocyst: An anachronism?5
Digitalized healthcare for head and neck cancer patients5
Is Supraclavicular Artery Island flap (SAI) a viable alternative to Free Tissue Transfer (FTT) in head and neck reconstruction? A systematic review and meta-analysis.5
The "HAT-TRICK" technique: A modification of soft tissue grafting using volume stable collagen matrix and cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Part A: The pontic site5
Three-dimensional evaluation of upper pharyngeal airway, hyoid bone, and craniocervical changes following stabilization splint therapy in adult patients with temporomandibular joint disorders and mand5
Clinical evaluation of bone quality of particulate cancellous bone and marrow, and implant prosthetic rehabilitation5
Nasal profile changes after orthodontic tooth extraction in Class II, Division 1 malocclusion patients: A retrospective study5
Potentially Lethal But Rarely Considered. Risk of Developing Refeeding Syndrome in Primary Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma5
Radiological findings associated with postoperative wound infection after extraction of impacted mandibular third molar: A retrospective study5
“Comparison of activated Platelet Rich Fibrin and Platelet Rich Fibrin in osseous regeneration of freshly extracted socket- A double blinded randomized clinical study”5
Risk factors for post-extraction infection of mandibular third molar: A retrospective clinical study5
A clinicopathologic analysis of 135 cases of cemento-osseous dysplasia: To operate or not to operate?5
Toward a standardized educational framework in burning mouth syndrome: Implications for clinical practice5
Treatment of pediatric bilateral condylar fractures: A comprehensive analysis5
Will artificial intelligence chatbots revolutionize the way patients with oral diseases access information?5
Effect of COL11A1 on oral squamous cell carcinoma5
Bone density and proximal support effects on dental implant stability – Finite element analysis and in vitro experiments5
A new pattern of cranial nerve injuries caused by unfavorable fractures during Le Fort I osteotomy5
Patient-specific PEEK implant for treatment of temporal myositis ossificans (five years follow-up): A case report5
Accuracy of static digital surgical guides for dental implants based on the guide system: A systematic review5
Surface topography of resorbable porcine collagen membranes, and their effect on early osteogenesis: An in vitro study5
Artificial intelligence transforms the future of oncology care5
Neck dissection of cN0 maxillary oral squamous cell carcinoma: A study based on SEER database5
Lipofilling of the lower eyelids: A craniofacial tool to postpone the facial advancement in craniofacial syndromes4
Delto-acromial artery perforator flap combined with a radial forearm free flap as a “vascular bridge” for nasal reconstruction4
Digital evaluation of the zygomatic buttress intra-oral donor site dimensions in different vertical facial growth types4
Creation of a free online atlas of surgical reconstruction of facial skin cdefects4
Vaso-occlusive crisis of the temporo-mandibular joint: An unusual finding in sickle cell disease4
Contribution of 3D printing for the surgical management of jaws cysts and benign tumors: A systematic review of the literature4
A meta-analysis on the presentation of Unicystic Ameloblastoma in the jaws and the consequences for their treatment4
Exploring the therapeutic implications of inducing ferroptosis in oral carcinoma4
Disabling hearing loss after Lefort I osteotomies in patients with history of Eustachian tube dysfunction: An unknown complication4
Comparison of postoperative analgesia in children following ropivacaine and lidocaine surgical field infiltration with epinephrine for cleft palate repair: A double-blinded, randomized controlled tria4
The effect of the guide hole height on the accuracy of implant placement: An in-vitro study4
Application of bilateral condylectomy as an alternative surgical treatment for Class III malocclusion with posterior vertical excess, a technical note4
A calcified epithelial odontogenic tumor with extension to the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses4
Clinical and imaging analysis of 22 cases of supernumerary teeth in the mandibular region4
Evaluation of the sense of taste and smell in patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 14
An alternative way for fronto-orbito-zygomatic reconstruction in congenital malformations: A case report with 4-year follow-up4
Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles in the immune microenvironment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Foe or future?4
Editorial board4
Ramal bone graft for management of infra-orbital rim fractures with defects – Technical note and a series of 16 cases4
The Role of Professional Oral Hygiene in Enhancing Outcomes of Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery4
Hematological parameters, obesity, stress and oxidant - antioxidant indicators in patients with or without recurrent aphthous stomatitis: A case control study4
Comparison of different surgical procedures on the stability of dental implants in posterior maxilla: A randomized clinical study4
Reply to “Open reduction and internal fixation obtains favorable clinical and radiographic outcomes for pediatric mandibular condylar fractures”4
Ischemic preconditioning in arterialized venous flap: Temperature effects and monitoring4
Oral lesions in monkeypox- A definite consideration!4
Clinical characteristics, management, and malignancy rate of oral lichen planus: A European multicenter study4
Characterization of upper airway and analysis of potential risk factor associated with OSA in patients with unilateral temporomandibular ankylosis and micrognathia deformities4
Preparation of anterolateral thigh flap from polio-affected lower limb: A safe surgical option that preserves patient's motor function4
Feasibility of augmented reality combine patient-specific implants (PSI) applied to navigation in mandibular genioplasty: A phantom experiment4
Dental anomalies in craniofacial microsomia and condylo-mandibular dysplasia: A retrospective study of 103 patients4
A retrospective cohort study on predictors associated with skull base invasion of maxillary ameloblastomas4
“Trans-zygomatic approach” for reduction & internal fixation of a malunited, medially dislocated condyle fracture in a geriatric patient with cervical spine injury4
Reconsideration of hyoid bone syndrome—A case series with a review of the literature4
Intratumoral ligation for the large venous malformation of the tongue4
Insights into the use of DNA content in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma as a method for patient stratification and targeted therapy: Revisiting old concepts and exploring new possibilities4
Extended total temporomandibular joint reconstruction prosthesis: A comprehensive analysis4
Complications on maxilar impaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis4
Coming Events4
A maxillary tumor with an atypical radiological presentation4
The therapeutic effect of bovine colostrum on 5-Fluorouracil-Induced oral mucositis in rats4
High-grade osteosarcoma arising in dcia flap reconstruction after a prior resection of maxillar cemento-ossifying fibroma4
Editorial board4
Implant presence-triggered osteonecrosis: A scoping review4
After 4 years of survival, patients treated for an oral or oropharyngeal cancer have more neurosensorial disorders than chronic pain and a better quality of life4
A case report of condyle metastasis and a review of the literature4
An updated overview of orthognathic surgery practices in France4
Call for standardized research on cleft lip and palate prevalence in Iran4
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor revisited from a single institution in China with focus on adenoid ameloblastoma-like features4
Clinical outcomes of reconstruction on tissue defects with thin anterolateral thigh flap versus commonly used free soft flaps: A meta-analysis4
Increasingly frequent palatal perforation, what is your diagnosis?4
DYNC1I1 acts as a promising prognostic biomarker and is correlated with immune infiltration in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma4
Bone metastases in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A real-world retrospective study based on the SEER database3
Could pharyngeal fat injection be a first-line treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency?3
Diagnosis of common intraosseous lesions of the dentomaxillofacial region by chemometry-assisted FT-IR spectroscopy in dental tissue samples3
Maxillary protrusion in a black female, what is your diagnosis?3
Factors influencing different types of malocclusion and arch form – A review3
Maxillary transverse deficiency, with closed intermaxillary suture, does bone-anchored appliance during SARPE cause predictable, and stable maxillary expansion compared to the tooth-borne appliance du3
Application of delayed extubation for the free-flap reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial defects in patient with oral diseases3
Use of intraoperative 3D imaging in the maxillofacial operating room: A French national survey3
Can Loupe magnification be a viable alternative to Operative Microscope magnification for vascular anastomosis in reconstructive surgery? A systematic review and meta-analysis3
On the feasibility of minimally invasive Le Fort I with patient-specific implants: Proof of concept3
Finite element analysis of different titanium miniplates: Evaluation of three-dimensional designs applied on condylar neck fractures3
Piezoelectric versus conventional techniques for orthognathic surgery: Systematic review and meta-analysis3
Accurate and cost-effective mandibular biomodels: a standardized evaluation of 3D-Printing via fused layer deposition modeling on soluble support structures3
Comment on “Involvement of Submandibular gland in oral squamous cell carcinoma”3
Autism spectrum disorder and dentoalveolar trauma: A systematic review and meta-analysis3
Intermittent bilateral facial swelling in a 30-year-old healthy woman: What is your diagnosis?3
Buccal plate preservation with immediate post-extraction implant placement and provisionalization in anterior maxillary tooth: Preliminary results of a new technique using Teruplug collagen3
Evaluation of prevalence of temporomandibular disorders based on DC / TMD Axis I diagnosis in Turkish population and correlation with Axis II3
A new concept for mandible reconstruction after oncological resection: Multisegment virtual surgical planning3
Assessment of maxillary canting on cone beam computed tomography and digital models: A retrospective study and proposal of a method3
Endoscopically assisted malarplasty: L-rotation technique3
Dental implants in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases: A systematic critical review3
Patient-specific implants for reconstruction of orbit and skull following resection of spheno-orbital meningiomas: A two-implant concept3
Cervico-thoracic cellulitis at the Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital: About 50 cases3
Dental and maxillofacial manifestations of Steinert's myotonic dystrophy: A retrospective case series and therapeutic investigation3
The pressure in the temporomandibular joint in the patients with maxillofacial deformities3
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon patients with burning mouth syndrome3
Pre-chemoradiotherapy high platelet counts predict jaw osteoradionecrosis in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients3
Shaping the 4D frontier in maxillofacial surgery with faceMesh evolution3