Korean Journal of Orthodontics

(The TQCC of Korean Journal of Orthodontics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Comparison of dimensional accuracy between direct-printed and thermoformed aligners32
Complications reported with the use of orthodontic miniscrews: A systematic review31
Full-arch accuracy of five intraoral scanners: In vivo analysis of trueness and precision27
Micro-computed tomography evaluation of general trends in aligner thickness and gap width after thermoforming procedures involving six commercial clear aligners: Anin vitrostudy25
Deep learning for the classification of cervical maturation degree and pubertal growth spurts: A pilot study24
Use of automated artificial intelligence to predict the need for orthodontic extractions24
Mandibular skeletal posterior anatomic limit for molar distalization in patients with Class III malocclusion with different vertical facial patterns21
Innovative customized CAD/CAM nickel-titanium lingual retainer versus standard stainless-steel lingual retainer: A randomized controlled trial21
Miniscrew insertion sites of infrazygomatic crest and mandibular buccal shelf in different vertical craniofacial patterns: A cone-beam computed tomography study20
Evaluation of a multi-stage convolutional neural network-based fully automated landmark identification system using cone-beam computed tomographysynthesized posteroanterior cephalometric images17
Effect of extraction treatment on upper airway dimensions in patients with bimaxillary skeletal protrusion relative to their vertical skeletal pattern16
Treatment of anterior open bites using non-extraction clear aligner therapy in adult patients15
Force changes associated with differential activation of en-masse retraction and/or intrusion with clear aligners15
Incidence and management of condylar resorption after orthognathic surgery: An overview15
Reasons influencing the preferences of prospective patients and orthodontists for different orthodontic appliances15
Differences in mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa morphology in relation to vertical and sagittal skeletal patterns: A cone-beam computed tomography study14
Three-dimensional evaluation of the transfer accuracy of a bracket jig fabricated using computer-aided design and manufacturing to the anterior dentition: An in vitro study14
Effect and stability of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion: A systematic review and meta-analysis13
Effectiveness of low-level laser therapy and chewing gum in reducing orthodontic pain: A randomized controlled trial12
Evaluation of the cell viability and antimicrobial effects of orthodontic bands coated with silver or zinc oxide nanoparticles: An in vitro study12
Accuracy of artificial intelligence-assisted landmark identification in serial lateral cephalograms of Class III patients who underwent orthodontic treatment and two-jaw orthognathic surgery11
Effectiveness of medical coating materials in decreasing friction between orthodontic brackets and archwires11
Effect of micro-osteoperforations on external apical root resorption: A randomized controlled trial10
Proposed parameters of optimal central incisor positioning in orthodontic treatment planning: A systematic review10
Remote digital monitoring during the retention phase of orthodontic treatment: A prospective feasibility study10
Midfacial soft tissue changes after maxillary expansion using micro-implant-supported maxillary skeletal expanders in young adults: A retrospective study10
Chewing gum as a non-pharmacological alternative for orthodontic pain relief: A randomized clinical trial using an intention-to-treat analysis9
The effect of different micro-osteoperforation depths on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement: A single-center, single-blind, randomized clinical trial9
Nonsurgical maxillary expansion in a 60-year-old patient with gingival recession and crowding9
Clinical effectiveness of different types of bone-anchored maxillary protraction devices for skeletal Class III malocclusion: Systematic review and network meta-analysis8
External apical root resorption 6 months after initiation of orthodontic treatment: A randomized clinical trial comparing fixed appliances and orthodontic aligners8
Part II. What drives Korean adults to seek orthodontic treatment: Factors contributing to orthodontic treatment decisions8
Does mini-implant-supported rapid maxillary expansion cause less root resorption than traditional approaches? A micro-computed tomography study7
Quantitative cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of hard and soft tissue thicknesses in the midpalatal suture region to facilitate orthodontic mini-implant placement7
Maxillary space closure using a digital manufactured Mesialslider in a single appointment workflow7
Characterization of facial asymmetry phenotypes in adult patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion using three-dimensional computed tomography and cluster analysis7
Comparison of soft tissue changes between incisor tipping and translation after premolar extraction7
Accuracy of one-step automated orthodontic diagnosis model using a convolutional neural network and lateral cephalogram images with different qualities obtained from nationwide multi-hospitals6
Projected lifetime cancer risk from cone-beam computed tomography for orthodontic treatment6
Accurate transfer of bimaxillary orthognathic surgical plans using computer-aided intraoperative navigation6
Which anchorage device is the best during retraction of anterior teeth? An overview of systematic reviews6
Relationship between rotational disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint and the dentoskeletal morphology6
Effectiveness of Invisalign® aligners in the treatment of severe gingival recession: A case report6
Effect of lower facial height and anteroposterior lip position on esthetic preference for Korean silhouette profiles6
Evaluation of mandibular buccal shelf characteristics in the Colombian population: A cone-beam computed tomography study6
Effectiveness of miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion using cone beam computed tomography: A systematic review and meta-analysis6