1 |
World Development | 1335 |
2 |
Sustainable Development | 1159 |
3 |
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | 654 |
4 |
Habitat International | 627 |
5 |
Journal of Development Studies | 612 |
6 |
Third World Quarterly | 584 |
7 |
Journal of International Development | 482 |
8 |
Social Policy & Administration | 465 |
9 |
Review of Development Economics | 453 |
10 |
Journal of Peasant Studies | 378 |
11 |
Society & Natural Resources | 362 |
12 |
Development Policy Review | 332 |
13 |
European Journal of Development Research | 331 |
14 |
Growth and Change | 315 |
15 |
Climate and Development | 299 |
- |
African Development Review-Revue Africaine de Developpement | 299 |
17 |
Long Range Planning | 261 |
- |
Development and Change | 261 |
19 |
Housing Policy Debate | 260 |
20 |
Economic Development and Cultural Change | 247 |
21 |
Development Southern Africa | 245 |
22 |
Journal of Agrarian Change | 227 |
23 |
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | 220 |
24 |
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning | 207 |
25 |
Community Development Journal | 200 |
26 |
Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society | 176 |
- |
Developing Economies | 176 |
28 |
Public Administration and Development | 171 |
29 |
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | 165 |
30 |
World Bank Economic Review | 161 |
31 |
Information Technology for Development | 157 |
32 |
IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies | 145 |
33 |
Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Developpement | 134 |
34 |
Studies in Comparative International Development | 129 |
35 |
Economic Development Quarterly | 124 |
36 |
Journal of Development Effectiveness | 110 |
37 |
International Development Planning Review | 105 |
38 |
Journal of Environment & Development | 102 |
- |
Journal of South Asian Development | 102 |
40 |
Journal of Economic Policy Reform | 72 |