Development Studies

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Long Range Planning13.483
2 World Development13.336
3 Sustainable Development11.745
4 Habitat International10.211
5 Information Technology for Development8.540
6 Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society6.855
7 Journal of Peasant Studies6.832
8 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management6.574
9 Climate and Development5.780
10 Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning5.777
11 Growth and Change5.707
12 European Journal of Development Research5.275
13 African Development Review-Revue Africaine de Developpement5.032
14 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development4.947
15 Housing Policy Debate4.740
16 Development and Change4.132
17 Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Developpement3.947
18 Social Policy & Administration3.852
19 Development Southern Africa3.816
20 Third World Quarterly3.739
21 Journal of Environment & Development3.716
22 Studies in Comparative International Development3.484
23 Economic Development and Cultural Change3.395
24 World Bank Economic Review3.177
25 Review of Development Economics3.139
26 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities2.871
27 Journal of Agrarian Change2.791
28 Society & Natural Resources2.784
29 Journal of Economic Policy Reform2.770
30 Journal of Development Studies2.698
31 Public Administration and Development2.548
32 Development Policy Review2.531
33 Journal of International Development2.293
34 Economic Development Quarterly2.119
35 International Development Planning Review2.099
36 Progress in Development Studies1.734
37 Journal of Development Effectiveness1.589
38 Community Development Journal1.491
39 Journal of South Asian Development1.421
40 Developing Economies0.915
41 IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies0.714