Visual & Performing Arts

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Construction and Building Materials17649
2 Buildings9972
3 Journal of Building Engineering9665
4 Building and Environment4105
5 Energy and Buildings3908
6 Case Studies in Construction Materials3671
7 Sustainable Cities and Society3444
8 Technological Forecasting and Social Change3146
9 Advances in Civil Engineering2568
10 Journal of Constructional Steel Research2393
11 Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering2357
12 Cities2238
13 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology2167
14 Automation in Construction2162
15 Cement & Concrete Composites1673
16 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening1391
17 Journal of Structural Engineering1226
18 Journal of Rural Studies1169
19 Sustainable Development1159
20 Cement and Concrete Research1143
21 Health Communication980
22 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management960
23 International Journal of Pavement Engineering937
24 Materials and Structures933
25 Landscape and Urban Planning899
26 Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering850
27 Journal of Urban Affairs842
28 Advances in Structural Engineering816
29 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering795
30 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau777
31 Structural Control & Health Monitoring775
32 Journal of Cultural Heritage753
33 Regional Studies752
34 Urban Studies751
35 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships711
36 Feminist Media Studies699
37 Leonardo698
38 Stahlbau678
39 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science658
40 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management654
41 Information Communication & Society643
42 Habitat International627
43 Futures621
44 Road Materials and Pavement Design619
45 Social Media + Society609
46 Media and Communication583
47 Journalism Practice566
48 Performance Research534
49 Journal of Urban Planning and Development529
50 Indoor Air527
51 European Planning Studies525
52 Profesional de la Informacion506
53 Architectural Design503
54 International Journal of Steel Structures483
55 ACI Structural Journal479
56 Convergence-The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies467
57 Telecommunications Policy464
58 Building Simulation463
59 Housing Studies452
60 Bauingenieur448
61 Indoor and Built Environment447
62 Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings441
- Computers Environment and Urban Systems441
- Tempo441
65 Digital Journalism436
66 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities435
67 Magazine of Concrete Research427
68 Urban Geography423
69 Local Environment420
70 Music & Letters414
71 Media Culture & Society408
- Public Relations Review408
73 International Journal of Architectural Heritage399
74 Structural Engineering International395
75 Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly384
76 Journal of the American Planning Association375
- European Journal of Communication375
78 ACI Materials Journal373
79 Psychology of Popular Media371
80 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings370
81 Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space368
82 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment364
83 Society & Natural Resources362
84 Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television361
85 Planning Perspectives358
86 Frontiers of Architectural Research357
87 Journal of Health Communication352
88 JCMS-Journal of Cinema and Media Studies347
- Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians347
90 Science and Technology for the Built Environment337
91 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research334
92 Psychology of Music333
93 Bauphysik329
94 Journal of Urban History327
95 Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture326
96 Public Understanding of Science321
- TDR-The Drama Review-The Journal of Performance Studies321
98 Arte Individuo y Sociedad317
99 International Journal of Mobile Communications316
100 Growth and Change315
101 Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials305
- Canadian Theatre Review305
103 Film Quarterly303
104 Regional Science and Urban Economics300
105 Papers in Regional Science298
106 Annals of Regional Science294
107 Journal of Planning Education and Research290
108 Studies in Conservation289
109 Theatre Dance and Performance Training287
110 Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies282
111 Journal of Urban Economics279
112 Art History278
113 Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology276
114 Media International Australia275
- Games and Culture275
116 Early Music274
117 Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism272
118 International Journal of Advertising271
119 Nexus Network Journal264
120 Public Opinion Quarterly263
- Popular Music263
122 Housing Policy Debate260
- International Journal of Music Education260
124 British Journal of Aesthetics256
125 Journal of Regional Science255
126 Language & Communication254
127 Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy251
- Lighting Research & Technology251
129 Historia y Comunicacion Social245
130 Art Journal243
- Mass Communication and Society243
- Urban Education243
133 Shakespeare241
- Journal of Architectural Education241
135 Local Government Studies240
136 Personal Relationships239
137 International Journal of Press-Politics237
138 Discourse & Society234
139 Advances in Cement Research233
140 Archnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural Research232
141 Urban Affairs Review231
- Discourse & Communication231
143 International Journal of Art & Design Education227
- Architectural Engineering and Design Management227
145 Art Bulletin224
- Journal of Architecture224
147 IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication223
148 EGA-Revista de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica222
149 Communication & Sport219
- Building Research and Information219
151 Modern Drama216
152 Television & New Media215
- Journal of Design History215
154 Informes de la Construccion214
155 Journal of Green Building211
156 Communication Culture & Critique210
- RIDE-The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance210
158 African Arts209
159 Rhetoric Society Quarterly207
- Journal of Advertising207
- Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning207
162 Journal of Building Performance Simulation206
- Critical Studies in Television206
164 Social Semiotics203
165 Screen202
166 Real Estate Economics201
167 Discourse Context & Media200
- Journal of Communication200
169 PAJ-A Journal of Performance and Art199
- Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media199
171 Quarterly Journal of Speech198
172 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics197
- Journal of British Cinema and Television197
- Critical Discourse Studies197
175 Journal of Children and Media195
- Visual Communication195
177 Organised Sound194
178 Policy and Internet193
- Ethnomusicology193
180 Text & Talk191
181 arq190
- Eighteenth-Century Music190
- Building Services Engineering Research & Technology190
184 Nineteenth-Century Music Review188
- Open House International188
186 Theatre Research International187
- International Journal of Housing Policy187
188 Journal of Planning Literature186
- Communications-European Journal of Communication Research186
190 Shakespeare Quarterly185
191 Journal of the Society for American Music184
192 New Review of Film and Television Studies183
- Archivo Espanol de Arte183
194 Theatre Survey180
195 Critical Studies in Media Communication179
196 Popular Music and Society178
197 Urban Morphology177
198 Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications176
199 Political Communication175
200 Communication Research174
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)