Visual & Performing Arts

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Technological Forecasting and Social Change ca. 12.9
2 Cement and Concrete Research ca. 10.9
3 Cement & Concrete Composites ca. 10.8
4 Sustainable Cities and Society ca. 10.5
5 Sustainable Development ca. 9.9
6 Automation in Construction ca. 9.6
7 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering ca. 8.5
8 Landscape and Urban Planning ca. 7.9
9 Construction and Building Materials ca. 7.4
10 Building and Environment ca. 7.1
- Computers Environment and Urban Systems ca. 7.1
12 Journal of Building Engineering ca. 6.7
- Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology ca. 6.7
14 Energy and Buildings ca. 6.6
15 Case Studies in Construction Materials ca. 6.5
- Habitat International ca. 6.5
17 Communication Methods and Measures ca. 6.3
18 Journal of Communication ca. 6.1
- Building Simulation ca. 6.1
20 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ca. 6
- Cities ca. 6
22 Telecommunications Policy ca. 5.9
23 Journal of Urban Economics ca. 5.7
24 Social Media + Society ca. 5.5
25 Journal of Advertising ca. 5.4
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication ca. 5.4
27 International Journal of Advertising ca. 5.3
28 Digital Journalism ca. 5.2
29 Comunicar ca. 5.1
- Journal of Rural Studies ca. 5.1
31 Communication Research ca. 4.9
32 Communication Theory ca. 4.7
- Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials ca. 4.7
34 Political Communication ca. 4.6
- Journal of Urban Technology ca. 4.6
- Science Communication ca. 4.6
- Structural Control & Health Monitoring ca. 4.6
38 New Media & Society ca. 4.5
39 Human Communication Research ca. 4.4
- Journal of Environmental Planning and Management ca. 4.4
- Regional Studies ca. 4.4
42 Indoor Air ca. 4.3
43 Information Communication & Society ca. 4.2
- Urban Studies ca. 4.2
45 Policy and Internet ca. 4.1
- Public Relations Review ca. 4.1
- International Journal of Press-Politics ca. 4.1
- Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ca. 4.1
49 Journal of Constructional Steel Research ca. 4
- Journal of Planning Literature ca. 4
51 Building Research and Information ca. 3.7
- Journal of Structural Engineering ca. 3.7
53 International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials ca. 3.6
54 Public Understanding of Science ca. 3.5
- Journal of Cultural Heritage ca. 3.5
- Regional Science and Urban Economics ca. 3.5
57 Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly ca. 3.4
- Planning Theory & Practice ca. 3.4
- International Journal of Pavement Engineering ca. 3.4
- Road Materials and Pavement Design ca. 3.4
- Media Psychology ca. 3.4
- Planning Theory ca. 3.4
- Materials and Structures ca. 3.4
64 Journal of the American Planning Association ca. 3.3
65 Journal of Regional Science ca. 3.2
- Communication & Sport ca. 3.2
- Indoor and Built Environment ca. 3.2
68 Mobile Media & Communication ca. 3.1
- Communication Monographs ca. 3.1
- Buildings ca. 3.1
- Journal of Health Communication ca. 3.1
- Frontiers of Architectural Research ca. 3.1
- International Journal of Business Communication ca. 3.1
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ca. 3.1
75 Research on Language and Social Interaction ca. 3
- Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture ca. 3
- Structural Concrete ca. 3
- Health Communication ca. 3
- Information Society ca. 3
- Futures ca. 3
81 Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning ca. 2.9
- International Journal of Urban Sciences ca. 2.9
- Urban Geography ca. 2.9
- Public Opinion Quarterly ca. 2.9
- Growth and Change ca. 2.9
86 Journalism Studies ca. 2.8
- Housing Policy Debate ca. 2.8
- European Urban and Regional Studies ca. 2.8
- Journal of Planning Education and Research ca. 2.8
90 Media and Communication ca. 2.7
- International Journal of Conflict Management ca. 2.7
- Journalism ca. 2.7
- Mass Communication and Society ca. 2.7
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research ca. 2.7
- Architectural Engineering and Design Management ca. 2.7
96 Profesional de la Informacion ca. 2.6
- Leukos ca. 2.6
- Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science ca. 2.6
- Journal of Information Technology & Politics ca. 2.6
- European Planning Studies ca. 2.6
101 Housing Theory & Society ca. 2.5
102 Games and Culture ca. 2.4
- Cyberpsychology-Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace ca. 2.4
- Papers in Regional Science ca. 2.4
- International Journal of Housing Policy ca. 2.4
- Housing Studies ca. 2.4
- Television & New Media ca. 2.4
- Convergence-The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies ca. 2.4
- Discourse & Society ca. 2.4
- Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space ca. 2.4
- Local Environment ca. 2.4
- City & Community ca. 2.4
- Urban Affairs Review ca. 2.4
114 Media Culture & Society ca. 2.3
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships ca. 2.3
- International Journal of Architectural Heritage ca. 2.3
- Journal of Environment & Development ca. 2.3
- Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities ca. 2.3
- Discourse Context & Media ca. 2.3
120 Musicae Scientiae ca. 2.2
- Journalism Practice ca. 2.2
- Society & Natural Resources ca. 2.2
- Annals of Regional Science ca. 2.2
- Journal of Building Performance Simulation ca. 2.2
125 Journal of Children and Media ca. 2.1
- Chinese Journal of Communication ca. 2.1
- Journal of Advertising Research ca. 2.1
- Advances in Structural Engineering ca. 2.1
- Psychology of Popular Media ca. 2.1
- Discourse & Communication ca. 2.1
- Local Government Studies ca. 2.1
132 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media ca. 2
- Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy ca. 2
- Journal of Language and Social Psychology ca. 2
- Codesign-International Journal of Cocreation in Design and the Arts ca. 2
- Real Estate Economics ca. 2
- Environment and Urbanization ca. 2
138 Written Communication ca. 1.9
- Management Communication Quarterly ca. 1.9
- Journal of Urban Affairs ca. 1.9
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research ca. 1.9
- ACI Materials Journal ca. 1.9
143 Music Education Research ca. 1.8
- Personal Relationships ca. 1.8
- Architectural Science Review ca. 1.8
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication ca. 1.8
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment ca. 1.8
- Magazine of Concrete Research ca. 1.8
- Journal of Building Physics ca. 1.8
- European Journal of Communication ca. 1.8
- Archnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural Research ca. 1.8
- Urban Design International ca. 1.8
- International Regional Science Review ca. 1.8
- Urban Research & Practice ca. 1.8
- Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings ca. 1.8
156 Javnost-The Public ca. 1.7
- Economic Development Quarterly ca. 1.7
- Journal of Urban Planning and Development ca. 1.7
- Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications ca. 1.7
- Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics ca. 1.7
- Urban Education ca. 1.7
- Science and Technology for the Built Environment ca. 1.7
163 Psychology of Music ca. 1.6
- Feminist Media Studies ca. 1.6
- IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication ca. 1.6
- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography ca. 1.6
- Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology ca. 1.6
- Music Theory Spectrum ca. 1.6
- Social Semiotics ca. 1.6
- Journal of Applied Communication Research ca. 1.6
- Urban Policy and Research ca. 1.6
172 Asian Journal of Communication ca. 1.5
- Critical Discourse Studies ca. 1.5
- Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering ca. 1.5
- Building Services Engineering Research & Technology ca. 1.5
- Media International Australia ca. 1.5
- Communication Culture & Critique ca. 1.5
- Communications-European Journal of Communication Research ca. 1.5
- Open House International ca. 1.5
- International Development Planning Review ca. 1.5
- Advances in Civil Engineering ca. 1.5
182 Discourse Studies ca. 1.4
- Journal of Housing Economics ca. 1.4
- Revista de la Construccion ca. 1.4
- Advances in Cement Research ca. 1.4
186 International Journal of Music Education ca. 1.3
- Digital Creativity ca. 1.3
- International Communication Gazette ca. 1.3
- Music Perception ca. 1.3
- Popular Music and Society ca. 1.3
- Language & Communication ca. 1.3
- Quarterly Journal of Speech ca. 1.3
- ACI Structural Journal ca. 1.3
194 Journal of Research in Music Education ca. 1.2
- Journal of Interior Design ca. 1.2
- Visual Communication ca. 1.2
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings ca. 1.2
198 Journal of the American Musicological Society ca. 1.1
- Critical Studies in Media Communication ca. 1.1
- International Journal of Steel Structures ca. 1.1
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)